
Ratchet & Clank HD trilogy review - OPM

Find out if the lombax still has it with our Ratchet & Clank HD trilogy review.

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masa20094481d ago

What?? Did I read that well?
They have not added the option to use Ratchet 3's shooter controls to the first 2 games?

What a load of crap.

Lucreto4481d ago

I don't know what you were expecting but its not a remake its a HD re-release. They won't be making any huge changes to the game.

I am sure some of the original bugs will be there at well.

masa20094481d ago

Doesn't mean that I have to accept it.

ChronoJoe4481d ago

Well R1 and R2 probably don't even have a fluid animation set for strafing so that would probably be why...

Would require more than just controller changes to add it in. Lot of coding. This is just a HD rerelease, not a remake, and they are good games regardless.

MeteorPanda2607d ago

Dont starve
Dragon quest builders
Toukiden (map exploration mode)

Are some open world i enjoyed that weren't in the list


Remember, Last Generation Had Plenty of Ports, Too

Kotaku - The announcement of Darksiders II: Definitive Edition coming to PlayStation 4 later this year got Kotaku wondering if we're seeing way more direct ports this generation. While it sure feels that way, I've compiled a list of them from last generation, and it doesn't seem all that different.

yewles13508d ago

Funny how that pic highlights a port coming to 8th gen, a SECOND time from last gen. Face it, this gen is going to be WORSE, no matter how you spin it.

DualWielding3508d ago

People tend to forget the PSOne generation, every SNES classic was getting a PSOne port back then.... and they didn't even improve graphics it was the exact same SNES Games with an anime cutscene threw in as the opening


Top 5 HD Collections On PS Vita

If you own a Vita then you will know that the handheld has more ports than the American East Coast. Ports from next-gen systems, last-gen consoles and even games from the PS2 era have come to the Vita in an attempt to shift some units.

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Protagonist3636d ago

Persona 4: Golden may not be considered HD, but the fact that it is the ultimate enhanced version of the classic game, should be reason enough to make the list.

Yeah!... I promote the Persona series every chance I get ;)))

Th4Freak3636d ago

The list its about HD --->Collections<---, thats why P4G isn't on the list.

Th4Freak3636d ago

MGS HD Collection shouldn't be on the first place, not even on that list, we (PSV owners) paid $15 more in comparison to the PS3 version and yet we got 1 game less, not to count that MGS 2 has a lot of frame drops on VR Missions...