
Pokémon Conquest Review | Slant Magazine

Pokémon Conquest is a rare spinoff: one that integrates reputable, fail-safe SRPG components into an established cash cow. It has its drawbacks (it's not nearly as refined as it could be), yet its resourcefulness and entertainment value has the potential to turn even lifelong Pokéhaters into closet enthusiasts.

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Pokémon Spin-Off Games That Should Return

From Cinelinx:

As we prepare to embark on a new Pokémon adventure, we’re taking a look back on the franchise’s spin-off titles and which ones should return!

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The Top 10 Most Underrated Pokémon Games

With the vast number of Pokémon games in existence there will undoubtedly be some that don’t get the recognition they deserve. So here are 10 Pokémon games that are underrated and that deserve your attention today!

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The 10 Best Spin-Off Games That Are Better than the Original

Xfire writes "It's not often that a video game franchise becomes successful enough that it gets a spin-off title or two. However, while most spin-offs help expand the base, some spin-off games end up being better than the original."

TallDarknWavy1208d ago

Zombie Army 4 was incredible, it just inches out Sniper Elite 4 which was also incredible.