
The 5 Best Uses of Cel-Shading in Video Games

In this writer's mind, there is nothing more beautiful in this world than a cel-shaded video game (I am guilty of purchasing games based entirely off of the inclusion of cel-shaded visuals). The vibrant colors and charming aesthetics bring a certain warmth to any video game world that is sadly not seen enough in a generation concerned first and foremost with gritty realism. It's sounds cliche and cranky, I know. But stereotypes don't appear out of thin air y'know. Here is a list of games that not only buck this trend, but do so using cel-shading in such a way as the visuals transform from just visuals into characters themselves.

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MultiConsoleGamer4422d ago

This author sums up my feelings perfectly.

My friends and I just had this headed discussion over the proper use of cell shading. One of my gamer pals HATES the cell shading in Borderlands 2, but he loves games like Jet Grind Radio and Zelda Wind Waker.

I personally prefer cell shading that looks cartoonish or like "living art," such as games like Okami.

ASTAROTH4422d ago

Have any of you played The Darkness 2?? It looks like a fukn comic... Also Gravity Rush, SSF4, MvsC 3 and some others looks very good. But I think the selection is spot on...


The much I hate cell shading in some games, I love it in others... And it has nothing to do with art-ish vs cartoon-ish settings for me.

What makes me mad is that some games seens like they can't get the same feeling to everything. For example, Prince of Persia had some great cell shading in characters but they simply didn't set well with the environment, I don't know what it is technically but I got the same feeling from SF4/MvC3 engine and Borderlands.

I think Okami is a great example not just because it set a great art style with cell shading, but because it's able to give the same feeling to every corner of its beautyful world. This makes the whole setting more believable.

One game I would love to see with cell chading (if done right) is Infamous. The comic book "cutscenes" are great, would love to see the whole game looking like that... But as they say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", it already looks good and changing the franchise look in the third game would probably be awkward, but would love to see some superhero game with a real comic book art style.

InTheZoneAC4422d ago

Hate the cel shading for Zelda.

Love it for Borderlands, Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Okami, Prince of Persia, Sly Cooper Trilogy, snd Rayman Origin's.

Lucretia4421d ago

same, absolutely ruined link when windwaker came out. made him look like an egyption drawing but uglier.

the cell shading was great, but the art style was hideous and still is.

i also hated borderlands cell shading. and im not sure if rayman is cell shading lol, i think they are just 2d sprites, i could be wrong though :P

and okami is gorgeous

ThanatosDMC4421d ago

Wind Waker had the best cell-shading back in the day.

Also, Budokai 3 isnt on here. Weird

InTheZoneAC4421d ago

24 disagrees?

what If I said I liked every zelda games except Link's Adventure and dislike every zelda for n64, gamecube, and wii?

I'll replay all the one's from nes, snes, gbc, gba, but don't give a damn about all the new one's.

I'm expecting 30 disagrees and 5 agrees, get to it.

schlanz4420d ago

Wind Waker is one of the best Zelda games and the art direction is timeless.

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joab7774422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

Borderlands look is great but I am sure that if it looked realistic it would be fine. Its the loot, classes and co op. That being said, the charm is there. Would the new ni no kuni be cell shaded or just cartoonish. It is gonna be gorgeous and great.

HammadTheBeast4422d ago

No Gravity Rush/Daze? Really surprising. It's art style is amazing...

ASTAROTH4422d ago

Im very anxious to see and play Ninokuni... that game could end up being something...

NukaCola4422d ago


I love toon-shading and Wind Waker mastered it like no other.

Skizelli4421d ago

Am I the only one who liked XIII?

hoolesy4421d ago

No you're not, you beat me to it! XIII (or "thirteen" if roman numerals don't tickle your fancy), was quite groundbreaking looks-wise if I remember rightly. It was of course back in the day - 2003. I blatted in on the Xbox. Let down a bit with gameplay but like Jet Set it was very unique. Ze French people at Ubisoft Paree did a good effort.

mcstorm4421d ago

Well said was just about to put this to. Amazing looking game for its time but imo JSRF and JSR are two of the best ever created for looks and game play.

AbyssGravelord4421d ago

God I loved XIII still have it for PS2. I used to rock the online on Xbox Live back in it's early days. So much fun.

Skizelli4421d ago

I wish they'd make a sequel. It had a really good cliffhanger.

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Information Minister4422d ago

You deserve another bubble just for mentioning that game. Fear Effect did cell shading before it was even called cell shading... and on the PS1!

Menashe4422d ago

That's the game with "the elevator scene", no?

christian hour4422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

@Mensahe Just to clarify, That was Fear Effect 2 ;)

I must have been around 11 or 12 when my brother bought the first fear effect game, I remember everytime I was playing it, i was half terrified by the games atmosphere, and the other half from fear my parents would walk in and catch me playing what was essentially gore porn :P

godzilla724422d ago

Fear Effect 3 was supposed to come out for the PS2, but was cancelled. Then they were heavily considering releasing it for the PS3, still no word. Love the first 2 games, still have Retro Helix!

Dark_Overlord4421d ago

lol Fear Effect, still have it somewhere, used to be able to speedrun it in less than 20mins :)

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Serjikal_Strike4422d ago

Im hoping for a new Fear Effect...

godzilla724422d ago

Fear Effect 3 was supposed to come out for the PS2, but was cancelled. Then they were heavily considering releasing it for the PS3, still no word. Love the first 2 games, still have Retro Helix!

SimpleSlave4422d ago

Sadly Fear Effect was not rendered using Cel-Shading, like Jet Grind Radio was. Hence why it probably wouldn't fit on this list.

It does, however, emulate the style through texture maps though. And it does a good job at it. But it's not the same as the games mention in the list.

And if we want to get technical then I'll bring Aladdin, Out of This World, and Flashback from the sega genesis days as among the first games to truly emulate cel-shading style.


guitarded774422d ago (Edited 4422d ago )

Don't know if those are indeed the 5 best cel-shaded games ever, but they are 5 kick ass games indeed. Should go ahead and make it a 6 list with Boarderlands.

@Skateboard (below)
Gravity Rush for sure.

AznGaara4422d ago

Agreed. The way objects fade into the background in that game is beautiful.

LiViNgLeGaCY4422d ago

Yep, I also agree. The way it's used in that game is absolutely amazing.

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vTuro24111d ago

Didn't expect to see Drakengard in a list like this, considering the awful gameplay. Still, it's the best terrible game I've ever played. 10/10 would recommend

Would love to see a remake one day, but only if they don't censor the fucked up story and characters. That and a Drakengard 3 remake, of course.

Vits111d ago

Drakengard made it onto the list mainly because Nier gave it a cult following later on. Honestly, it wouldn't have made the cut for any ACTION RPG list on its own. The characters are cool, the story is mess up in a good way, the lore is confusing and great, but the gameplay alone kill any chance of it being a recomended ACTION RPG.

Would love a remake of the series with updated gameplay. Drakengard 3 with Automata's hack and slash would be gold.

DarXyde111d ago

Some absolute gems on this list. Wholeheartedly agree with Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud 2, Radiata Stories, Odin Sphere, and Devil Summoner 2.

Some others, I can't comment on because I've never played or I didn't feel particularly strongly about them.

But hot take: I don't think Kingdom Hearts II really survives the test of time.

RavenWolfx111d ago

I cannot recommend Rogue Galaxy enough. It is on PSN+ as part of the subscription, so definitely check it out.


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Rebel_Scum265d ago

I'd put Street Fighter 2 over 3. 2 and all its different versions dominated the arcade scene back in the day in a way that 3 never did.

Abear21265d ago

Agreed, Same with Metal Gear Solid imo. Came for Bioshock and was not disappointed. Would easily put Burger Time or Space Taxi over tempest. Also, OG Sim City and Oregon Trail. Mario 64 as well. Just too many!

Abear21265d ago

Never played it I gotta get on this one

Double_O_Revan264d ago

Me too. I didn't have a GC until way later and never played it. I've been waiting on Nintendo to release the HD edition on the Switch for forever, but they just won't!

FinalFantasyFanatic264d ago

I never bought a Gamecube, I've always had an urge to play this game, maybe it'll get a remaster in the future.

LoveSpuds264d ago

I played it on WiiU for the first time and it remains my fave Zelda game to date. So much character and a real sense of exploration without the open world bloat.

Petebloodyonion264d ago

Ms Pacman?
SSF2 Turbo over 3 simply by the 10000000000's ports of the game we're still having
Castlevania SOTN?
Zelda Link to the Past over Wind Waker
Super Mario Bros 3?
Chrono Trigger?
Resident evil4?
COD MW2 (the original)?
Uncharted 2
Metal Gear Solid?

Here's my reasoning for all of them versus the list proposed in the article.
They are still quite enjoyable from start to finish on their original platform, unlike some Wind Waker or Okami that are fun when you play the remastered version (unless you call: forced to watch a 20-minute cutscene or have to blow for wind chance constantly fun).
Some of them are the pinnacle of what the console could do (MGS, Chrono, MGS)
Lots of them are still considered the go-to-go game for their genre.

Shane Kim264d ago

Said it before but Heart of Darkness is truly a timeless gem.

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