
Dead Space needs “around five million” fans to survive, according to EA

EA president Frank Gibeau says that Dead Space needs a number of players roughly equivalent to the entire population of Norway to justify its continued existence. “In general, we’re thinking about how we make this a more broadly appealing franchise, because ultimately you need to get to audience sizes of around five million to really continue to invest in an IP like Dead Space,” he told CVG in a recent interview.

shodan744424d ago

Ah, so THAT'S why we can look forward to cover-based shooting against human opponents, plus action-centric co-op...

Felinox4424d ago

Im getting sick of hearing these stories about how many million each game needs to sell to make money.
We are at end of console cycle where market has more consoles than ever but somehow bleed more money than ever. Seems as number of publishers has shrank thay must be taking a bigger cut from devs. Seems the market will correct itself (crash) before too long. Viva la indies!

MAJ0R4424d ago

Probably! I certainly won't be one of the 5 million.

I'll probably pick it up in the bargain bin based on the footage they've shown.

SeekDev4424d ago

Not only do the execs take a large portion of the profits when compared to the devs, but the devs are being treated horribly. Just look at Team Bondi and 38 Studios. I'm not even sure if the devs that worked with those studios have been payed yet. It's terrible.

Bimkoblerutso4424d ago

I took the comment to mean something closer to: "Dead Space 3 needs to make us enough money to buy those solid gold toilets for our office bathrooms, or we're shutting the franchise down."

STONEY44424d ago (Edited 4424d ago )

They don't need the 5 million to make a profit. It's all about "opportunity cost". EA said an in interview a while back that they base whether or not they keep IPs by opportunity cost, and what that team could be doing instead.

Say a team is making a game in what they consider a "niche genre" that's selling, say, 2 million. Why make that, when thr team could instead be making the next big dude-bro shooter that's more likely to sell 5 million? It's missed opportunity in EA's eyes.

This whole "broadening to wider audiences" and action-izing the game? Sadly, Visceral doing that is probably the only thing keeping EA from ending the Dead Space franchise and forcing Visceral to work on a full-on action game.

STONEY44424d ago

They don't even need 5 million to make a profit. EA said an in interview a while back that they base whether or not they keep IPs by opportunity cost, and what that team could be doing instead.

Say a team is making a game in what they consider a "niche genre" that's selling, say, 2 million. Why make that, when the team could instead be making the next big dude-bro shooter that's more likely to sell 5 million? It's missed opportunity in EA's eyes.

This whole "broadening to wider audiences" and action-izing the game? Sadly, Visceral doing that is probably the only thing keeping EA from ending the Dead Space franchise and forcing Visceral to work on a full-on action game. It has nothing to do with development costs. It has to do with EA wanting more money.

Mounce4424d ago

I won't support DS3 if they feel the need to me, to especially lie about what they need. If they think they need such a massive amount for this game, they're overestimating their franchises' worth and expecting too much. It'd be like them making a Kickstarter and asking fans to give them $50-60 MILLION DOLLARS before they make the game.

Only problem, they're making the game and expecting that or more instead of pre-emptive to gouge consumer interest.

Faulty it be.

ThanatosDMC4424d ago

Screw Dead Space 3... too many chest high walls. If i wanted to play Gears, i'd play Gears.

SilentNegotiator4424d ago (Edited 4424d ago )

Hint to EA:

Get rid of the awful multiplayer.

And if you're STILL operating at a "necessary 5 million customers" for your linear adventure, clearly you are not cost effective. Other studios do fine with 1 million and make much more impressive, expansive games.

nukeitall4424d ago


Agreed! I will just wait for the inevitable $5-10 price tag, just like Dead Space 2. I refuse to support EA and their Online Pass scheme and poor treatment of customers.

ThanatosDMC4424d ago

Not to mention they're gonna add same day dlc for either weapons or multiplayer.

papashango4424d ago

Dead Space 3 won't sell anywhere near 5 million. I hate when they start talking about how much it needs to sell.

Like we're sposed to care. If it's a good game it'll sell. this kind of marketing is gonna blow up in their face

thereapersson4423d ago

Well, that's awesome! Thanks a lot EA, for making my decision not to buy this game *this* much easier.

In-essence, EA is growing weary of this series.

MWH4423d ago

that's the corporate bullshit my friend. indeed long live independent devs.


You know the funny thing is I hated EA for a long time and I refused to buy any EA game at the time.

I didn't have a single game from EA in my collection till Dead Space 1 came out.

The looked soooo cool and different to all the normal crap that I just could not help but give it a try and it blew me away.

Till this day it's still my favorite new IP this gen. based of the back of that I then bought Mirrors edge, another great new IP.

Now they want to make it as generic as everything else out there.

Have they not cought onto the fact that it does not work like that?

How many games now have gone off in a different direction all in the hopes of doing Cod like numbers in sales and have fallen flat on their face?

How many fans do you think it will have once you have finished butchering it up and how much sales do you think you will get from it.

such a shame RIP Dead Space

4423d ago
pixelsword4423d ago (Edited 4423d ago )

Dear Dead Space/EZ (EA) Developers,

Don't hold your own game ransom, because what you're basically saying is that you've (read: EA) dug yourself into a hole with other bad games/decisions to the degree that you want other people to bail you out. If Dead Space needs 5 million buyers, then it's your responsibility to ensure the game and story should have interested five million people already.

On top of that, you're not going to get the Gears of War audience, so forget about it. Your loser game Army of Two should have taught you a lesson, but it basically taught us a lesson: that EA doesn't learn from lessons. Put it out there, and watch it fail... unless you pay the reviewers, of course; then only the people who depend on reviewers for their games will likely buy it.

Do it, EA; we love watching your IPs fail.

Next up: Activision's 3rd person CoD with cover shooting. Or whatever.


Well, not sincerely,



Goodbye, Dead Space...

Downtown boogey4423d ago

I just cannot comprehend the urge to say these things repeatedly! Video games PR truly sucks.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4423d ago
Kurylo3d4424d ago

I hope they realize that trying to go the action route actually gives them fewer sales. I say let them kill the franchise if they arent going to stay true to what its all about. Let them learn their lesson so they dont ever do it again.

Tachyon_Nova4424d ago

It's EA though, they never learn.

princejb1344424d ago

for those people who've seen the e3 gameplay of dead space 3
this game reminds me of gears of war smh
idk how they turned one of my favorite franchises to a gears clone

user54670074424d ago

I honestly hope they end the series after this

I'd rather see the franchise go out now since it's turned into something completely differen't then what made Dead Space so appealing. I would say maybe they could redeem themselfs with DS4 but I highly doubt it...I said that about Capcom and RE6 but that didn't happen, it just got worse.

joab7774424d ago

We r devolving. Unfortunately, too many people buy just a handful of games and now every game must b like one of those to try and b successful...or should I say maximize profits. If it isn't it won't exist. Its too bad too. Soon it will b CoD, GTA, Gears and Uncharted, AC & Sky rim with WoW, Diablo and star craft. And for a ports fifa, madden and forza. Oh the future is bright.

Its sad because I really enjoyed kingdom and I'm loving dragons dogma and we probably won't see sequels (one for sure) because 1-2 million isn't enough anymore. Oh, I forgot, we still have halo and all mobile games. I'm not sad anymore lol.

MrMister4423d ago

They'll be lucky if the sell even 1 million with this generic looking piece of crap. If people wanted that gameplay, then Resident Evil 6, Gears of War, Lost planet 2 & 3, will all be coming out soon--WHICH MEANS that there's already an oversaturation of these types of shooters...We wanted at least just one, true horror survival game. Now we get this crap. PLUS, it wont even have local (couch) co-op (if their gonna force co-op on us at all, at least be couch). Co-op in general is a dumb idea anyway. And the trailer was a joke. Mark my words, this series is done for if they keep this crap up.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4423d ago
OC_MurphysLaw4424d ago

So EA is basically saying their break even on this game is 300 million dollars.... I don't buy that for one moment. And is that 5 million user base including the inevitable "Dead Space 3 Premium" service for $50 a year too?

SeekDev4424d ago (Edited 4424d ago )

It's because the execs aren't making enough money to feed their greed.

And, what is this Dead Space 3 Premium thing? I can't find anything on it.

@below Well, if it did happen, it would bring in a lot of money for EA, so we should just assume that it will happen :P

OC_MurphysLaw4424d ago

@SeekDev... No official Dead Space 3 Premium, I was joking around...but lets be honest its probably not out of the realm of reality for EA.

Skate-AK4424d ago

They would never do a Dead Space Preminem. It doesnt have enough multiplayer and I think 3 doesn't have it at all. I do see them doing this with Medal of Honor.

SeekDev4424d ago

With the way they've changed the game mechanics to be action oriented, they'll definitely work in a good volume of competetive multiplayer so that they can sell DLC maps or game modes down the road.

Tachyon_Nova4424d ago

No I think they are saying that if they don't sell 5 million copies then it isn't worth their investment as they would rather use that developer and the funds on a product that will sell more.

DwightOwen4424d ago

In other words, good old-fashioned greed.

Megaton4424d ago

"In general, we’re thinking about how we make this a more broadly appealing franchise"

The death rattle of an EA franchise.

Rupee4424d ago

Yep that's the problem right there...

FinaLXiii4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )

red alert is pretty much dead now because of that.

WeskerChildReborned4424d ago (Edited 4424d ago )

I hope Dead Space doesn't die.

Show all comments (118)

EA May Add A Replay Editor To Its Games

EA has published a new patent that wants to add a replay editor to its games, allowing players to modify the captured gameplay content.

sammichosaurus19d ago

They should fix their games first.

Knightofelemia18d ago

Most likely comes with microtransactions and loot boxes.

Inverno18d ago

Nah you just gotta watch a short, unskipable, 30 seconds ad every time you use the feature. Those same ads will then be automatically edited into your captured gameplay before your video is stored online (no local saves), where they will have the right to use for promotional purposes.

Snookies1218d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Please don't give them ideas, lol! That definitely sounds like something they'd love to do.


EA Hiring Ex-Military Personnel to Help Build Next Battlefield Game via "Hiring Our Heroes" Program

EA has hired ex-military personnel in order to help shape the next Battlefield game as part of the Hiring Our Heroes (HOH) program.

OtterX41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Why don't you Hire Your Old Dev Team who brought us the brilliance of Battlefield Bad Company 2 while you're at it. It was more exciting than anything recent in the Battlefield series. It just needs to be updated to reach modern times, but it was so great at its core.

just_looken41d ago

This would be nice but that team has tossed out the finals and has arc raiders on the back burner

20 thousand still play the final's

Why get slapped around by ea when you already have something going on.

What the next battlefield needs is a step back simple functional not a live service and smaller player servers than 2042. Just make it like battlefiled 3 with bad company destruction just something simple

But they already killed off ridgeline games that had ex halo/cod devs so no singleplayer unless they make another dev team for it.

Rynxie41d ago

It's what made zipper and slant six awesome. They had military vets working for them, no just as consultants, but as developers as well. I wish Sony never closed them, MAG 2 or an update to MAG and a new socom is much needed.

just_looken41d ago

Older ps3 battlefield titles did the same even went to the range to get sound files.

But all these titles we are talking about were on the ps3 a console so powerful it offered free mp and games did not need 4 levels of payment plans even more crazy was the player size of mag's games.

TheColbertinator41d ago

A return to the golden age of Battlefield seems so far away now

Str8Chaos7441d ago

Sadly I think you are correct. They just don’t get it. They will do their live service game with its Battle Royale and fail at both.I hate being so negative, but I have little faith in EA at this point.


There are no "thoughtful" ads in video games, EA

There are no thoughtful ads in Video Games, EA. Leave them be.

Read Full Story >>
northpaws70d ago

I think the only type of games that can gets away with it would be sport games, having those sponsors ads on the side like on real life.

But don't put freaking Doritos ads in Star Wars or something, it breaks the immersion. If it is a pop-up ads, then big no.

Hofstaderman70d ago

EA can thoughtfully eff themselves.

Makersbreath270d ago

EA coming back for the crown of being perceived as the worst company in gaming.

Chocoburger69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

One of my favorite series is the THPS franchise, and it was packed with ads, but it didn't bother me. Posters for skateboard companies, JEEP, and Nokia phones. It did sort of fit in with the game world, but that was the past, these days ad would be intentionally intrusive or unskippable loading screen type of imagery. Ugh, I know EA would do it in a horrible fashion. Screw them.