
Skyrim Dawnguard Quest Length Revealed

PopBucket reveals the 10-20 hour questline as part of the upcoming Dawnguard add-on. Though the new quest may not be as vast as The Shivering Isles in Oblivion, we still think this looks like a sizeable chunk of DLC and more importantly, MSPs well spent.

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claud34350d ago

Cool 20 hours... i might get the game for the duration of that time

Trenta274350d ago

This is the DLC. The game itself is 90+ hours. =D

solidboss4350d ago (Edited 4350d ago )

while im excited to play dawnguard i was hoping for more of an EXPANSION not dlc i want something massive i hope the next "dlc" as they are calling it will let you travel to an area out of skyrim

EDIT: id like to also add the fact that bethesda states its about the same length as a faction quest is quite bothering considering the companions was the shortest the mages guild was boring the only enjoyable one was the thieves guild (note i have yet to play as the brotherhood)

Skate-AK4350d ago

The Brotherhood quest line is alright. The annoying part is you have to keep finding contracts to kill and go back and forth a lot. The good thing is you get a bunch of gold by the time you finish the quest line.

Sino4350d ago

Wow 10-20 hours? thats like 6 times COD:MW3 main campaign legth

CaptCalvin4350d ago

You really shouldn't look at the two games in the same light.

InTheZoneAC4350d ago

one game tries to be perfect, while the other tries to lazily bring in millions by doing "just enough" to attract simple minded gamers.

Fast paced, aim assist, no thought process required and will buy every release because of the name. There's a certain kind of people that will play this game and luckily for Activision there's a whole lot of "those" people.

fossilfern4350d ago

Please give us a Disc release!

Gamerpeanuts4350d ago

Eh, i found Skyrim repetitive and boring... oh yay, moar repetitive and boring quests, lets waste our money on this, rather than good games like Dark Souls, or Castle crashers... I hope bethesda makes somthing cooler...like Fallout 4


Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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I'm Replaying Skyrim (again), and So Should You

Replaying Skyrim after 13 years is a reminder of the progress made in western RPGs over the last decade, but also what's been lost.

anast39d ago

I tried, but it's a poorly made game that insults its customers.

lucian22939d ago

nah, only mods make it decent, and even then it's bad, and this is after i modded for at least 3 years

Nittdarko39d ago

Funnily enough, I'm about to play it for the first time in VR with 1000 mods to make the game playable, as is the Bethesda way


The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

SimpleSlave39d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan39d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.
