
Super Mario Land 2 Review|Hard Reset Nintendo

Hard Reset Nintendo reviews retro game Super Mario Land 2.

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Top 20 Game Boy Games (10-1)

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "..perhaps the most impressive aspect of the system was how it was able to take 8 and 16-bit console experiences and shrink them down to a monochrome display and STILL have them be a blast to play, sometimes even being considered in higher regard than their flashier (and colored) counterparts."

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Celebrating the Bizarre Super Mario Land 30 Years Later

GameCrate: " Super Mario Land just celebrated its 30th anniversary. The title launched for the Game Boy in Japan on April 21, 1989, with August and September releases following in North American and European territories, respectively. It doesn't look like much these days, but the monochromatic platformer was quite groundbreaking in 1989 — it provided Game Boy adopters with a full-fledged Mario game. While somewhat clunky by today's standards, it had enough polish to make it a worthwhile buy. Add some really creative level design and charming weirdness, and you've got what's easily one of the most unique Mario titles ever."

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Who Is the Game Villain You Hate the Most and Why?

BY THE GROWNGAMING TEAM: Video game villains. With great writing, even the most battle-hardened gamer can come to understand the rationale behind their enemy’s actions and even begin to empathise with them. Then there are game villains that you just hate. It could be their atrocious actions but it could equally be because of their stupid smile or a bug that meant that you just couldn’t beat them.

It’s safe to say that this article will have spoilers, as some of these reasons are tied to the motives behind the villain’s actions.

Here are the video game villains that we hate the most.

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jcblade2019d ago

still haven't forgiven Glados.

FalconofLucis982019d ago

Albert Wesker was an awesome villain, dunno what the thumbnails about.

CorndogBurglar2019d ago (Edited 2019d ago )

The article isn't saying that they hate these villains because they are bad characters. It's just giving any reason to hate them. Whether it's based on the character's actions, how hard they were to beat, or even because they may have had a glitch.

The guy that mentions Wesker says he hates him because of all the despicable stuff he did in the games. That's pretty much the definition of a great villain. You SHOULD hate them.

But I agree. Wesker is probably my favorite video game villain of all time.

PhoenixUp2019d ago

Seymour in FFX cuz that bitch can be hard to kill at times and anytime you die you’re forced to rewatch those long cutscenes over and over

DarXyde2019d ago

Was I over powered? Surprisingly, I never had much issue with him at all. I have heard common complaints about him, but I never really understood the struggle to be so bad.

FalconofLucis982019d ago

Apart from his awful hair, Seymour is super underrated, this dude had an awesome back story for a villain.

CorndogBurglar2019d ago (Edited 2019d ago )

Seymour was tough, but he was far from the toughest enemy in FFX.

Moe-Gunz2019d ago

Lan Di. I been wanting to beat his arse for decades!

AK912019d ago (Edited 2019d ago )

Why is Wesker there? Dude is a badass.

If there was a gaming villain I legit hated it was Deathshead from Wolfenstein: The New Order the game devs fantastically made him a completely irredeemable character, so much so that when he died you felt he deserved more punishment.

CorndogBurglar2019d ago

Read the article.

They aren't saying these villains are bad characters. The guy said he hated Wesker because of all the crappy things he did in the first 6 RE games. That's basically exactly what makes a villain great. The fact that they do such horrible things that the player hates them.

BlahBlahWhatever2019d ago

Sephiroth.. I mean the mothafcker burn my village my mother burned alive & he also killed Aeris & almost kill Tifa, there is no more hating than that.. Omnislash in da face is the only justice when you do something like that & that's what he got.

paintedgamer19842019d ago

Damn youuuu lol. Yeah i was gonna say that. Im still not over aeries death... from... 20 years ago 😆

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