
Project Ogre to be shown next month?

In an interview with Computerandvideogames.com, Hideo Kojima talked a little about the Fox Engine. He explained that the screenshot of the meeting room released earlier (see the picture below) was indeed running on current generation hardware, and that the engine uses tricks to make it look better. Due to those tricks it would also be possible for environments to look like that, even with characters in them and in motion.

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Paradicia4489d ago

I really hope it's MGS5. Bring the goodness Kojima. I have a feelings its going to be a prequel.

auen14489d ago

i wonder what kojima san is referring to when he says that there will be something taboo in his game.

personally i'm hoping for a ww2 era mgs with the cobras fighting it out in europe, africa, east asia, australia, and south america. most ww2 games have ignored the warfare in countries such as china or australia; i wouldn't mind seeing what kojima could do with that.


Metal Gear Solid V is Project Ogre

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Project Ogre are one and the same thing. Kojima confirmed this in an interview held during E3.

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yewles14108d ago

So that whole "new IP with interconnectivity between PS3 and Vita" schtick from 2011 WAS a lie...

Nyxus4108d ago

Maybe that were his original plans, but they changed over the years. MGSV still has connectivity with mobile devices, maybe that's what is has changed into. Vita might be supported as well, but we haven't heard anything about it so far.

sobekflakmonkey4107d ago

I'm gonna be honest, I think Kojima just didn't have the balls to try something new, so he just went back to MGS....because he knew everyone was familiar with it, and he obviously knows that everyone is going to buy it regardless, just on its name alone...

Nate-Dog4107d ago

Actually in an interview with a Spanish website, Kojima said that MGSV was always Project Ogre.

Salooh4107d ago

I think it's still possible that vita will play MGSV in the go but with gaikai :)

Dark114107d ago

I really want a new IP from Kojima..

x5exotic4107d ago

Too bad
I expected a Shrek hack and slash

josh143994107d ago

I have a feeling the taboo subject the game covers are to do with child soldiers.

Donnieboi4107d ago

Yeah it's getting kinda obvious, especially since Kojima has said that repeatedly. Also, the latest trailer shows it too.

WeAreLegion4107d ago

Here's an idea...

Don't give your new game five different names. That's the dumbest thing I've seen Kojima do.

nick3094107d ago

I guess project ogre shifted into mgs5, unless the guy in the 2011 project ogre pic is young snake.


What If Kojima Is Saving Project Ogre For The PS4's Launch?

Hideo Kojima says Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes isn't the mystery Project Ogre. So is it wacky to assume Ogre (or MGS5) might launch with the PS4?

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4405d ago Replies(1)
Shadonic4404d ago (Edited 4404d ago )

Are PS owners that sensative about exclusives?

TCG_Returns4404d ago

Did you by chance see the bioware forums when ME2 went multi? lol.

Bitter tears and Death threats galore!
Stop trying to pretend the loud voices of a few, equate to the the humility of many.

fathoms4404d ago

Nowhere in the article does the author say Project Ogre or MGS5 will be exclusive. In fact, he knows they likely won't be exclusive.

Try reading the article rather than just headlines. You know, just a thought.


Stop asking Hideo Kojima about Project Ogre, everybody

El33tonline writes:

"Konami, Kojima Productions and game development luminary Hideo Kojima recently announced the next entry to the long-running Metal Gear Solid series, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, with a gameplay trailer and further details revealed this weekend at PAX Prime.

Unsurprisingly, fans and gamers have gone crazy over the news with tons of speculation and exciting surrounding the game, as well as a lot of questions.

There’s one specific question that Hideo Kojima is “sick and tired” of answering though."

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RandomDude6554405d ago

"Unsurprisingly, fans and gamers have gone crazy over the news with tons of speculation and exciting surrounding the game, as well as a lot of questions."

turgore4405d ago

So MGS is not project Ogre.

ginganinja4405d ago

I'm not sure, it's a bit vague.
Why don't we tweet good ol' Koj and ask him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

huh! Where did that cardboard box come fro...

4405d ago Replies(2)
KimoNoir4405d ago

hideo, i want to know more about project ogre!

HammadTheBeast4405d ago

You should probably remember that he makes games of stealth...

josephayal4405d ago

I Think Project Ogre is a PS4 Exclusive