
Cliff hopes Unreal Engine 4 graphics are so good people claim they’re faked

Epic’s Cliff Bleszinski is hoping that a next generation Unreal Engine 4 game will look so good that some people just won’t believe the graphics are genuine.

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Double_Oh_Snap4488d ago

The demo was impressive but I wouldn't claim faked. Be that as it may though, still way better then anything this gen by far.

Boody-Bandit4488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

I wasn't really impressed by the "tech demo" from Epic either. LMK when they have a show a "game" being played with their new engine instead of tech demos of what appeared to be a cutscene presentation. We can hear in-game graphics until the cows come home. Until we see it from an actual gameplay perspective? How can we pass judgement.

What I saw was really nice but far from mind blowing or crying foul/fake, since what I was viewing was not actual an actual game being played. Now if you can give us gameplay graphics like that? I will be extremely impressed.

Kur04488d ago

The engine interview/tour on gametrailers was much more impressive than the actual trailer for the engine. You should watch that instead.

dcbronco4488d ago

Gears started out as a tech demo. Long before it was a game. I assume you blew off the Kara tech demo too. Beyond looks amazing. Star Wars 1313 looks nice and is gameplay. Even it developers can't get that day one. A tech demo's quality can eventually be reached in a full game. I wouldn't dismiss it yet.

Boody-Bandit4488d ago

Kuro, good to know. I will check gametrailers out when I get home.

STONEY44488d ago

In the full version of the engine tour, he's walking around the whole area in first person view. He even does some jumping.

EVILDEAD3604488d ago

Kudos Kuro and + bubz..I forgot they were showcasing the engine on that special. Somebody up that link for us lazy N4Gers..read me..lol


crxss4488d ago

cliff? Who's cliff? You mean cliffyB... It's ok though we forgive you

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4488d ago
solid_si4487d ago (Edited 4487d ago )

i was not impressed at all, not even one bit. I noticed afew improvements like light, shadow and particles improvements but its not a huge leap and level from what the current generation was from the last.

The devs have been saying next generation graphics will look close to Avatar graphics....so far all the supposedly next gen games and tech demo they showed at E3 including UE4 looks more like a PS1 graphics compared to Avatar.

Looks like we are not gonna get Avatar like graphics in realtime next gen as the devs have claimed before.
I am very disspointed.

yewles14488d ago (Edited 4488d ago )

lol, Sorry Cliff, you're not a Sony developer, so you automatically get too much clout to ever have anyone think you're stuff's fake. XD

Laxman4488d ago

Uh dude, the Unreal engine is used on A LOT of PlayStation games :/

Here's a list, buddy.


yewles14488d ago

*woosh* Right over your head, unfortunately...

mamotte4488d ago

I'm pretty sure they'll be as real as the money needed to buy a machine powerful enough to see it.

Mariusmssj4487d ago

That demo ran on a single 680 which is not $1200

turgore4488d ago

Square Enix's tech demo looked better. Probably even Samaritan looked better.

TheBigShamona4488d ago

The lava really impressed me, the generic art direction didn't help the demo tho.

4488d ago
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New Shark Tank Inspired Wolves’ Den Game Contest With Spatial, Youtube, and Gaming Legends

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N4GTG196d ago

This could be great for some indie developers


Gears of War Creator CliffyB Offers His Thoughts on Xbox Exclusives Going Multiplatform

During a recent Game Rant interview, Gears of War creator CliffyB comments on Xbox-exclusive games possibly adopting multiplatform models.

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S2Killinit196d ago

Im sure he would love it. More money for him.

OtterX196d ago

Yea, I remember seeing him and his Lamborghini at one point in history. Lol, I think that kind of gives it away.

rippermcrip196d ago

Doubtful he gets any residuals from anything Gears related.

rippermcrip196d ago

Bunch of clowns down voting without any explanation of how exactly he is getting money off Gears. You think Notch still gets Minecraft money too?

jznrpg195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Depends on the contract. Some contracts have residuals some don’t

Whitey2k196d ago

Sometimes I don't get what he says half the times. He could of put gears on the playstation from the start but he's fanboyness for xbox got in the way

Notellin196d ago

I imagine this is exactly how fanboys feel how this went down. Microsoft paid for all the development and took all the risk off Epic games for a new IP.

It has nothing to do with anyone being a fanboy. Well other than yourself who oversimplified this entire franchises history.

LoveSpuds196d ago

I agree Notellin, however, once he was in bed with MS he did become pretty 'anti Sony' ans was such a shill for MS.

Hofstaderman196d ago

This. And Sony also does this with titles these days.

shinoff2183196d ago

I thought it was said cliffs shopped it around hence rumors of a ps3 demo being out there. If ms took on all the cost, why is there a ps3 demo?

Rude-ro196d ago

Not true at all.
Microsoft had to buy the ip because the contract ran out on keeping it exclusive.
Microsoft took no risk, they just marketed the game and payed for a contract.
Not hard to find out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 196d ago
Ironmike196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

Your the the fanboy

Sciurus_vulgaris196d ago

No, Epic signed a development and publishing contract with Xbox for Gears of War. After Judgement Microsoft still had the Gears of War publishing rights. Epic then sold the Gears of War IP to Microsoft in 2014. Cliffy B never owned Gears of War, he was just a lead designer of the series.

rippermcrip196d ago

Ya I don't know what people are saying about CliffyB making money of Gears sales nowadays. He was never the owner and Epic no longer owns it either.

ChasterMies196d ago

“He could of put gears on the playstation from the start but he's fanboyness for xbox got in the way”

It has nothing to do with fondness for the Xbox platform. Microsoft paid for exclusivity.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 196d ago
Travesty196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

Well when you look at the sales perspective of ps5. It has a big audience selling over a 2 to 1 ratio. It makes money sense.
Fanboy era was at its prime during the ps3-360 generation. It’s not as toxic as it once was, thankfully. People grow out of it eventually. I have my preference just as the next person. That being said it’s coming to be more about expanding availability instead of standing behind a brand. Much more Microsoft than Sony. But Sony will probably move up its time of PC release for increase revenue.
We will see, it’s just speculation.

Psychonaut85196d ago

CliffyB is like David Jaffe at this point, always quick with the opinions but haven’t made a successful game in over a decade at this point. Do any of us really care what they think about anything? I certainly don’t.

shinoff2183196d ago

I never liked the guy tbh but he's got more relevance in gaming then we do.

Skuletor196d ago

CliffyB, I haven't heard that name since Lawbreakers flopped.

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Fortnite maker's appeal in Epic vs Apple case smacked down by Supreme Court ruling

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