
Mushihimesama Paints it Black with Bug Princess 2 Black Label for iOS

Bug Princess 2 Black Label has been announced for iOS

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Blast the Summer Heat Away with Cave's Summer Sale

Cave (Shmup developer) is having another summer sale on iTunes and Android Market Places

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Review | Bug Princess 2 [Default Prime]

Default Prime: "Cave is a developer well known in the shooter community for providing some of the best bullet hell shooters to grace the arcades and a few lucky consoles in the past. Recently they have been porting these arcade classics to the iOS, and Bug Princess 2 is their latest release. Cave veterans will know Bug Princess 2 as Mushihimesama Futari and also fear it as one of the hardest games to be released. But don’t let that scare you. This is one of the best shooters on the app store right now."

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Pocket Gamer: Bug Princess 2 (Video) Review

Pocket Gamer: First impressions count, and your first impression of Bug Princess 2 will probably be 'wow', closely followed by 'good lord', as you weave and blast through its glorious waves of hellish beasts.

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