
Topware Interactive Announce New Survival Horror Title: Sacrilegium

The story is about Alex, a twenty-year Californian: smart, friendly and independent. She’s a college student that while fully aware of her breathtaking beauty, she never is looking to use it to her advantage. Keeping in shape with combat and self-defence training, she’s honed specific martial art skills that will come to her aid during her perilous journey through the province of Sacrilegium. Being the adventurous type, she jumps head first into a maelstrom of Electronic Theatre Imageevents, descending with her friends into a world beyond the known reality.

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Summons754492d ago

I was interested until I saw it was being developed by the people who made two worlds....now I have this odd taste in my mouth from having to remember that terrible game

Kratoscar20084492d ago

Maybe their forte wasnt RPGs. Another SH game will be awesome, im going to keep an eye with this tittle.


Five Unreleased Games You’ve Probably Forgotten Exist

Zach writes: "We highlight five unreleased games that may have slipped from the memory banks of most gamers."

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RedSoakedSponge2954d ago

im really hoping for Deep Down to have some sort of an announcement soon. A solid release date would be the best news. really liked what i saw before.

Yui_Suzumiya2954d ago

I'm hoping for TGS.. If nothing it's either cancelled or pulling a Last Guardian.

rdgneoz32954d ago

Hopefully soon, seeing as it got it's last US trademark extension a few weeks ago.


RedSoakedSponge2953d ago

all we can do is hope guys. i even liked what i heard about it being set in present day but going back in time. sounded interesting!

Roronoa04112953d ago

There was a rumour on neogaf of it being a neo showcase title alongside God of War and few others.

RedSoakedSponge2953d ago

ooooooo! i wouldnt mind that if its true. it is very pretty as it is!

Bismarn2954d ago

Cool concept for an article, though the author seems unaware that are at least two or three other gaming genres besides survival-horror.

BlacKJesu52953d ago

Cool comment....what games you wanna see?

Bismarn2953d ago

I don't remember them, that's the idea. Though I do remember someone was working on some space sim where you could visit billions of interesting living breathing worlds and interact with other players. Everyone seemed very excited. Whatever happened with that?

CP_Company2954d ago

looked like a good games.interesting games.it is a pity they got cancelled

DiscoMan2953d ago

Unreleased doesn't mean they were all cancelled.

PaleMoonDeath2954d ago

Anything Deep Down, that game looked fantastic!

I do wonder though.. when will it be re-revealed?

SilverDemon2953d ago (Edited 2953d ago )

It was announced as free2play game

I hope that changed

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9 of the best WTF? PS3 games of 2013 – nothing makes sense anymore

OPM: There are classics, cult classics and then there are the other games: the one’s that stand out like a dog spray painted pink and wearing a hat. Those release where nothing makes sense anymore. These are those – the best WTF? games of 2013.

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Gazondaily4226d ago

Farming Simulator 2013- GOTY.

NewsForSnowflakes4226d ago (Edited 4226d ago )

You should check out PCWorld if you live in the UK. It's full of terrible simulator games.

EDIT: http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gb...

There's loads. Surgery, gardening, stone quarry, crane, bus, cable car. The list goes on. Who buys this shit?

caseh4226d ago

'Rambo: The Video Game

It’s actually a stealth/action FPS that recreates key moments from all three films.'

I wonder if it will include the end of the original movie where Ramboss has a mini breakdown and crys for 5 minutes while mumbling incoherently...

KrimsonKody4226d ago

One Piece looks cool.
I love those quirky, Bayonetta-esque type of games.

kingPoS4226d ago (Edited 4226d ago )

If you went into the current One Piece game knowing nothing of the anime or manga, you'd be hopelessly lost.


Sacrilegium – Preview [GamingLives]

GamingLives takes a look at Reality Pump's latest RPG, the survival horror Sacrilegium, and looks at how the GRACE 2 engine helps to bring a much more immersive quality to the screen.

"Sacrilegium is a voyage of self discovery within a horror-driven backdrop and appears to balance story with combat and tension. Even at this very early stage of the development, it’s clear that Reality Pump see this as a labour of love and are leaving no stone left unturned when it comes to piling on the immersiveness."

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