
Akai Katana Review | IGN

IGN: "Akai Katana is a perfectly fun arcade shooter that unfortunately took a wrong turn on the way to your Xbox 360. What could have been an inexpensive downloadable game is a $40 retail product. Still, it's an enjoyable effort, if not an amazing one. Akai Katana has its own rhythm that, if followed, unleashes giant blood swords that crawl through every enemy in sight. So that's pretty cool."


Cave Talks About Bringing Games To PC (Maybe), PS3 (No), And A Social Shooter

Siliconera knows Cave is bringing Dodonpachi Saidaioujou for Xbox 360, but what else is the maniac shooter company working on? They picked the brain of Cave lead creator and Game Development Head Makoto Asada to see what their future plans are.

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Riderz13374296d ago

Dodonpachi Saidaioujou

What the f*cking f*ck????

Starbucks_Fan4296d ago

i'm liking those big ass titays

StreetsofRage4296d ago

An Xbox 360 exclusive that has GRANDE CHI CHI'S? Uncharted what?

Riderz13374296d ago

Chloe from Uncharted.


Snookies124296d ago

Good lord, how will PC(maybe)/PS3 players survive without these!?

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4296d ago (Edited 4296d ago )

Next article: "Will Dodonpachi Saidaioujou bring pc back from the dead?"
""Dodonpachi Saidaioujou" - why 360 has won this gen and sony have failed."

I hear the game is so big each bullet comes on it's on disk on xbox.

kagon014296d ago

I don't worry there is the game of Under Defeat a shmup too...

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Cave’s Collection Of Shooting Games Now In A 7 Disc Xbox 360 Bundle

Cave has a mega collection of shooting games according to Amazon Japan, which is taking reservations for the Cave Shooting Collection. This bundle includes 10 games plus downloadable content on seven DVDs.

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Examiner - Akai Katana game review

As a port of an arcade game, Akai Katana may be short but it is still incredibly fun and provides a seemingly "impossible to beat" kind of challenge that is lacking from a lot of video games today.

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