
CRank: 5Score: 600

User Review : METRO 2033: The Last Refuge

  • Truly next-gen graphics{Excellent story-telling{Use of sound
  • Need to release DLC soon!

A new Fallout?

Metro 2033 is possibly one of the most controversial games in videogame history. Developed by THQ (perhaps more well-known for their creation of the UFC and MX vs ATV franchises) the game throws the gamer deep into the brutal and harsh world of the Moscow underground system and even deeper into a tale of betrayal and fear. Stop reading now if you think you can't handle the horrors that await you in the Russian underground.

On to the controversial subject of the graphics.

The graphics are probably the best I've seen in any game in this generation. The way THQ have used lighting and shadow to create tension and mood surpasses every game I've played so far this year (yes, even God of War Three for the Sony Playstation Three). Textures are crisp and clear and character animation is impressive, with characters not displaying that clunky way of walking and moving favoured by other recent games!

The use of sound in Metro 2033 is possibly it's greatest achievement (no pun intended) creating an atmosphere similar to that of Dead Space (also on the Microsoft Xbox 360). Well placed sound effects allow THQ to build suspense and terror at pivotal points in the game, as what is scarier that walking along an abandoned railway tunnel and hearing something creeping up behind you only to turn around and not see anything there? The soundtrack is subtle and adds many layers to an already brilliant story.

The gameplay is in first-person, much similar to the popular "twitch-shooter" Call of Duty series. From the ground up you can tell that THQ put alot of thought into Metro 2033, even down to the choice of using first-person gameplay to enhance the gamers' empathy towards the main protagonist. Metro 2033 also utilises the hub-world element very well, allowing the gamer to immerse himself in the underground distopia, talking to locals and voyeuristicly listening in on converstations between non-player-characters (NPCs).

The achievements are well-balanced and awarded fairly throughout the completion of Metro 2033 and the game shows promise of future downloadable content and online services.

I found this game to be a real rollercoaster of tension, fear, horror, humour (in parts, down to well crafted story telling and voice acting) and fun. It is a true ambassador for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and all gamers should be proud of this pinnacle of 'next-gen' gaming.

Fun Factor
Chubear5253d ago

lol, "Truly next-gen graphic" .. then you rated the game's graphics a 7.5 and give it an almost perfect score over all? lolz, great review! lol

iFLOWLIKEWATER5253d ago (Edited 5253d ago )

oticed that also. Decent written review though...albeit somewhat fanboyish and overly exaggerated.

El_Colombiano5253d ago

Definitely exaggerated with a hint of fanboy.

Kingdom Come5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

Metro's a great game, doesn't live up to my expectations but still, a very decent game. The campaign was fun, if not a little short lived, the outdoor sections felt slightly underwhelming (Scenery was great, just not enough atmoshphere), would have loved the out door sections to be a little more open world in all honesty. Graphics are great (Btw as noted by others, you seem to have made a mistake with the graphic scoring), the lighting was superb. The game, whilst good, wasn't quite as I'd originally expected.
Graphics: 8.9
Sound: 8.0 (Stereotypical Accents grew tired)
Gameplay: 7.5 (Some combat feels strange)
Fun Factor: 7.5
Online: 0
Overall: 7.8