
Game Informer: Metro 2033 Review

GI writes: "Having followed very little pre-release coverage for Metro 2033, my expectations going in were almost wholly based off one piece of info I'd heard about Ukrainian developer 4A Games: The team was formed by devs who had previously worked on S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. Knowing that, I steeled myself for an open-ended shooter full of ambition and technical issues. The ambition is there in spades, but Metro 2033 is an impressively polished and extremely linear experience that makes for an excellent debut."

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DMason5191d ago (Edited 5191d ago )

Wow, I'm surprised this little game is getting pretty good reviews. Usually titles that don't have the marketing power behind it have a bad track record of doing poorly.

I'm actually really excited to play this game (once I beat God of War 3)


Its like a mix of Call of Duty(not MW) and Fallout 3...sorta. This game is great, the gameplay mechanics are very unique, you just have to play it. As a matter of fact I recommend this game to anyone who even remotely likes post-apocalyptic themed games.

sid4gamerfreak5191d ago

stfu. go to the open zone where they can blab mindlessly about games and whioch console is better.

Metro 2033 considering it didn't get a lot of hype, has managed to get a 8 which is pretty good, considering most hyped games get 10 out of 10 by biased game reviews.

Aquanox5191d ago

Good review. It's nice to see new developers getting good stuff out of the house.

The big ones should take a look at these Russian guys.

DelbertGrady5191d ago

Game Informer is the outlet that I trust the most when it comes to reviews. They write great reviews and I usually share their opinion.

Have to get this game now!

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Chapulin5191d ago (Edited 5191d ago )

Killzone 2 a 8.7? GTFO!

RememberThe3575191d ago

Even though I love Killzone 2, the story telling was lacking compared to the fist and the controls took time to get used to.

There is really no need to get butthurt over such a small difference.

Dance5191d ago

How dare Gameinformer have an opinion

Bubbles_Kitty_Cat5191d ago

"and the controls took time to get used to."

Let's keep it real, Killzone 2's controls are garbage and pretty much ruined an otherwise great game.

The developers need to swallow their pride and improve the controls for Killzone 3, or that game will no doubt suffer the same fate as #2.

snesfangirl5191d ago

this folks are who i trust for reviews. not ign, not edge or anyone else. because most of what i have played their reviews are pretty much spot-on. i"m for sure renting this, and if i like it ill buy it for sure!

DelbertGrady5191d ago

Me too. GI's reviews are the best.

Eiffel5191d ago

I favor Game Informer over any review magazine. They just seem and feel neutral in all the hate on games.

Lirky5191d ago


user score is 8.4 , and metacritic score is um.. 82.

so the game is a fair fps.

Spiderman5191d ago

Pc version got an 8.8 on metacritic and the 360 is 8.4.

I would says that a whole lot better than fair...

I would say its pretty outstanding score.

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TheBrainZ116d ago

Never got into Exodus, but 2033 was excellent.

kevco33116d ago

Yeah, Exodus just didn't grab me either, sadly.

I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light, however. Played them both on 360 and then again with the remasters!

anast115d ago

I just started it and it is already miles better than the first 2 which are dated.