
3 Lessons Bethesda Needs To Learn From Starfield's Failure

Danish from eXputer: "After Starfield's disappointing reception, Bethesda needs to learn some important lessons to avoid the same mistakes."

phoenixwing63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

what they should learn: you need a new engine to make all the boundless worlds you proclaim to have and need to curate the content.

what they will actually learn: Just keep making elder scrolls and fallout because their fans are too complacent or dumb to realize there's too many loading screens (and they should demand better) and it's ok because they're on a grounded world so it's not as blaringly obvious as starfield that their engine is crap in this day and age.

tldr: engine is outdated but they won't fix it they'll just avoid space games

The_Hooligan63d ago

Also, they know that the modding community will fix issues and make the game better. I don't play on PC but I've seen some of the work these modders do, and it's pretty amazing. Not only for Bethesda games but for games in general.

Cacabunga63d ago

Stop overhyping meh looking games so much to begin with..

Yi-Long63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Not sure if 'the engine' was the cause of the problem for why Starfield failed.

Seems to me that what Starfield had to offer just wasn't very interesting, in terms of locations, characters, story, and perhaps even core gameplay ...

If those are your main issues, then it doesn't really matter all that much which engine is running the show ...

Not saying they shouldn't upgrade/change their engine btw; Clearly they should, but even if they had used a brand new top-of-the-line modern-gen engine with all the bells & whistles, Starfield would still have its fair share of problems.

ES/Skyrim and Fallout both have interesting settings/locations to offer which are fun to explore and discover, plus there are clear stories that are told within that setting and characters you meet, etc.

In comparison, Starfield might offer 'more' in terms of size/locations, but is it actually interesting? Or is it just predictable, by-the-numbers, stale, unimaginitive western sci-fi stuff which we have already seen over and over again ... ?

FinalFantasyFanatic62d ago

I think they were too ambitious, if they had reduced the scope of the game to a small solar system, (or multiple solar systems), they could have jammed more content into those limited play areas instead of having 100s upon 100s of dead planets with nothing to do on them. That would also give them more time to work on other aspects of the game (like bug fixing and sparse content), over a thousand planets sounds cool until you actually have to make them and put something interesting on most planets.

Abear2163d ago

Yup 100% this, their engine can barely handle a frigging ladder, that’s why there’s so many ramps everywhere in their games!

The day we see characters actually step on stairs or a rung on a ladder in a Bethesda game will be a cold day in hell.

-Foxtrot62d ago

Oh yeah. Shit. The ladder situation.

I completely forgot about that, I remember them talking about this in 2010


Even Morrowind didn't have them

22 years on and they still don't have ladders in their games, that's f******* insane man.

FinalFantasyFanatic62d ago

Imagine making multiple games but having to find ways around making ladders because your engine can't handle them, limitations are one way to inspire creativity, don't think it helped them in this case though.

Profchaos62d ago

Yeah the game had a lot of physics and that was great but agree that it was far to bogged down with loading gates of they had pulled off the whole seemless traversal it would have been far better.

However for me the need to jump around menus constantly hurt the game far more than loading gates.
Looking at fallout the game design handled the rpg elements far better with the pipboy they made menus and inventory part of the lore which felt far better.

After 4 hours of gameplay and still having tutorials pop up it was just to much and it may have been because I just spent 100 hours playing Zelda games before jumping into starfield but a good rpg in my mind makes as much of the gameplay initiative and rewards discovery rather than telling you what to do every five minutes including my biggest pet peve guided tutorial menus I hate them the whole now click a on theis page spend the stat point here etc starfeild had far to many of them.

In short of the game systems are so over complicated that you need to interrupt the players game every few minutes you failed at game design

FinalFantasyFanatic62d ago

I like how in BotW/TotK, they give you the basics, but leave you to work everything else out on your own, which leads to a lot of dumb experimentation on the player's part (I'm playing TotK now after finishing SS, lol). I would not be able to handle being blasted by tutorials in that game no matter how helpful.

Extermin8or3_56d ago

The engine needs updating because realistically loading screens in the next elder scrolls aren't acceptable. Maybe one short loading screen when like you leave a city or something but realistically in 2020's that shouldn't be needed. Assassin's creed has been able to do it without loading screens for years now, harry potter could do it, the Witcher does it so on and so forth. Hell no mans sky manages without loading screens.... Cmon.

phoenixwing56d ago

I agree. This gen has at least ushered in little to no loading. all Bethesda games share loading screens and are at odds with it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 56d ago
Futureshark63d ago

Perhaps not rely on mod support to fix their games so much?
Under promise and over deliver, rather then the other way around.
Don't hype games with phrases like 'it just works'.

bleedsoe9mm63d ago

Starfield was fantastic keep doing what you do Bethesda

Gamingsince198162d ago

Yeah people like you are the reason people go on "got latent" shows when they can't sing to save their life because people don't tell them the truth and they embarrass themselves

62d ago
Gamingsince198162d ago

@sufucage Yeah ok alt account 🙄

62d ago
jjb198162d ago ShowReplies(3)
Gaming4Life198162d ago

Yea starfield is great and it will only get better. I can't believe people are still trying to hate this game.

anast63d ago

- Don't spend a ton of money on stupid live action trailers.

- Go back to what made Marrowind and New Vegas fun.

- Keep Todd from marketing their games, it makes them look incompetent. If he actually spent 25 years on Starfield, they don't have the ability to make a decent game.

- Get new "creative" direction.

- Get new writers.

- Fix the combat.

- Use new tech.

- Don't rely on AI.

anast62d ago

They need to learn from it, since they have the IP.

62d ago Replies(1)
EazyC63d ago

I honestly think the jig is up unless they seriously reevaluate what exactly they bring to the table in the RPG space.

I know it wasn't "their" game, but it would do them a world of good to have a long hard look at what Obsidian achieved with Fallout: New Vegas using their tools, and why that game is so beloved as a first-person RPG.

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Starfield's recent player spike is good, but it needs its Cyberpunk 2077 moment now

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ZeekQuattro9d ago

I feel like the second big update that releases late this year will do just that. Part of the story expansion is also new means of transportation on planets.

P_Bomb9d ago

A good DLC could turn some heads. The Destiny games got momentum that way too.

piher9d ago

What player spike?

I checked steamcharts through the link in the article and it went from 8,000 to 11.500, so yea 20% but when the game peaked at 330,000 It's safe to say that the actual effect of this update was negligible.

LostPotato8d ago

Doubt it'll ever get redemption. As many developers have said in various interviews it's beyond saving.

Just release the mod tools and expansion and move on.

Profchaos8d ago

Cyberpunk 2077 had some strong bones i disliked it on launch because I could see the potential I could see the strengths of what they wanted to achieve but it wasn't done yet

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Jingsing9d ago

They didn't get the memo the game is dead and the Bethesdabots only want magic and fantasy.

Boy_the_CowRoy8d ago

Starfield fans? The game only has 9 thousand current players, worldwide! As a company you cannot waste time on creating "Major features", it is simply not profitable. Just move on.


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