
Redfall Update Adds Performance Mode on Xbox & Much More

Today Bethesda and Arkane released a big update (Game Update 2) for the vampire-slaying shooter Redfall, which was released a while ago.

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lelo2play240d ago

Good news that Microsoft didn't give up on the game.

Tacoboto240d ago

Yeah, just yesterday the usual crew of people used this game as an example of poor MS management to make it seem like Factions 2's failure is a positive thing for Sony. So weird.

Xbox and Bethesda still have to make good on their promised and paid-for DLC though. If they don't, they better lay out a plan for reimbursements or be ready for a gamer lawsuit.

isarai240d ago

It is an example of poor management, it's such a basic thing the game should should've launched with, and definitely shouldn't have taken this long to implement.
And no one is saying it's a purely positive thing factions has been shelved, but with it being in development hell, and allegedly causing delay on their next big game, we'd much rather they drop Factions and focus on something else if that's what it takes. Everyone agreed whatever is happening with factions is also poor management.

VenomUK240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

Performance mode was always coming. But I suspect because Phil Spencer required Xbox have a game release on Game Pass in H1 2023 this was rushed out NOT feature complete.

RhinoGamer88240d ago

Think about the 'smart and well-paid' minds on the XBOX publishing side. The resources for playtesting, QA, art, and design. For them to allow Redfall to release in that/this state would have gotten many of them fired at other companies.

-Foxtrot239d ago

God I hate this thing where a bad game or a disappointing lacking game gets a bit of support and SUDDENLY, everyone praises the studio like all is forgiven when it reality the game is still nowhere near it's potential or what was promised.

If you compare a bag of shit next to a smaller bag of shit, guess what, it's still shit.

Doomeduk239d ago

Come back when naughty dog put stickers on the retail box covering the 60fps performance when they can't get near it
Try harder ..a lot harder

Tacoboto239d ago

"everyone praises the studio"
... I didn't praise them. Nor would I - Redfall at any FPS isn't a game for me and Xbox used piss-poor judgment in not delaying the game.

Naughty Dog needs to first release something this generation that isn't a remaster or remake.
And they need to not use Fedex again, my Part 1 Firefly Edition came banged up and scuffed.

Crows90239d ago

Failure of gas is always a good thing

darthv72239d ago

We should know by next week if this update has had any effect on getting people back in to play it. i never uninstalled it... I started it when it came out and then opted to just let it sit, waiting for this update to come. I will get back into it tonight after it updates and see if there are also others doing the same thing.

Already there was some tweet that said the steam version saw a 66% increase immediately following the announcement. And IGN had made one earlier in the day (prior to this announcement) that said steam player count was down to just 3 people. They have since deleted their tweet. Im not saying this will be the next fallout 76 (which turned things around quite nicely after an abysmal launch) but it certainly should spark some to go back and give it another chance.

FinalFantasyFanatic239d ago


There's barely anyone playing it anyway, last I read it had something like 35 concurrent players at most, and that it's often impossible to get enough players to fill a team. This game has too many issues to fix, it's well and truly dead in the water.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 239d ago
Obscure_Observer240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

The crow dinner for haters that were saying that Xbox just give up on the game is now served!

It´s a massive update!

Will be downloading it later and testing the performance mode!

JEECE240d ago

Bragging about playing Redfall is one of the bigger self-owns I've seen in awhile. It's like a PS3 fanboy bragging about Haze.

isarai240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

I'm glad it's being fixed, and I hope it delivers for you guys, but trust me , no one is eating crow. It launching unfinished, and trickling fixes over months/years was everyone's criticism, not that they would never fix it, but that it shouldn't need so much fixing to start with like so many of MSs games these days. Plus even if all the glitches are fixed, it's core gameplay loop just isn't good.

Plus I'm having Chicken Alfredo for dinner.

Obscure_Observer240d ago


" It's like a PS3 fanboy bragging about Haze."

I´d used to brag about playing The Order: 1886, do you have a problem with that?

darthv72240d ago

Steak fajitas for me... I make em myself. First i use tritip, i could have used flank steak but tritip is what i had. i slice it into thin strips and put in a ziploc with some oil and seasoning (carne asada from walmart). then after I've let it marinade for a day I will take it and put it in a hot cast iron skillet. After browning the meat, i remove it from the pan and add in fresh bell peppers (I have red and yellow this time) and I also add mushrooms but no onions (wife doesnt like em). I cook those until they are still firm but not mushy and then return the meat to the pan to finish off everything.

I serve them as a build your own with flour tortillas and sides of pico, sour cream and guac. Man... I still have to wait 5 hours before i get home to cook.

240d ago
Terry_B239d ago

This update was promised short after its release when Microsoft did not know how hard the playernumbers wouldnt fall. If this game still gets many updates..all kudos to them..but I totally doubt it. Redfall is pretty much dead.

Wintersun616239d ago


"I´d used to brag about playing The Order: 1886, do you have a problem with that?"

Why would anyone? Unlike Redfall, The Order 1886 was actually a solid game that wasn't released broken.

Vengeance1138239d ago

Hahahahahahaha oh man your standards are LOW lol you'd actually still claim to support one of the worst flops of the year just to prove you're the ultimate xbot fanboy lol

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 239d ago
Lightning77239d ago

Too bad it's to little too late.

DarXyde239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

I recall saying that I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, here we are. Seems they've done it and I was wrong.

Well done, Microsoft. I don't know who's still playing, but I really thought it was hot air (within a year, no less—it seriously begs the question then: why not just delay it until you got to this point?). Regardless, credit where it is due.

Obscure_Observer239d ago

"I recall saying that I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, here we are. Seems they've done it and I was wrong."

Congratulations! Very rare attitude from PS fans on N4G.

DarXyde238d ago


Ugh, spare me your condescending congratulations and acting like I'm "one of the good ones". I have no reason to be dishonest or unprincipled. You've convinced yourself that the "others" are unreasonable and that's on you.

While most wouldn't give credit to Microsoft, there are quite a few that have pure fire and fury for PlayStation when they mess up.

Crediting "opposition" and criticizing your own choice platforms are not that different.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 238d ago
darthv72240d ago

okay... maybe now I will give this a try.

RaidenBlack240d ago

What this game needs is actually a Cyberpunk-esque 2.0 overall with a DLC sized update

jznrpg238d ago

Cyberpunk had a good design underneath all the issues. Redfall isn’t anywhere near Cyberpunk in gameplay and design.

thesoftware730240d ago

I will try this out today!

Anyone wanna group up PM me.

Deeeeznuuuts240d ago

Good news, great they finally updated it, is a bit sus that it all comes after the numerous articles calling the Devs out but better late than never.

Could do with some content updates now, try and revitalise it, bring players back

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Redfall's final update, which adds an Offline Mode, is available and it's 16GB in size

Arkane Austin has just released Game Update 4, the final patch for Redfall which is 16GB in size and adds an Offline Mode.

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PassNextquestion2d ago

I'm not interested in this game but i think it's great they added the offline mode for those who are.

darthv721d 21h ago

It was okay at first... once they added the performance update it was definitely better.

TwoPicklesGood2d ago

Bury this turd. It’s only good as a reminder of what devs shouldn’t do.

mkis0071d 22h ago

I hate the concept of an announced final update.


Would It Have Even Mattered If Redfall Were Good?

Even if Redfall were a good game, the closure of Hi-Fi Rush proves even that doesn't matter in the industry.

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Profchaos20d ago

Yeah it would have mattered especially since their huge game that year wasn't all that it was cracked up to be remember redfail was almost heavily promoted and hyped not to the level of starfield but still more promoted than the average game.

There was still a decent marketing campaign behind the game I'm sure millions were spent advertising it on websites and I saw a few billboards and bus stop signs in real life

darthv7220d ago

their biggest mistake was showcasing it as being a 60fps game only to release it at 30. That really soured the taste so that when the real 60fps mode was released, many still didnt want to give it a taste. i tierd it at 30... it was okay, but playing it at 60 is a much better experience and a better overall game. Its really not that bad once you get past the drama surrounding its initial release and just play it for what it is. It has some pretty decent aspects but nothing groundbreaking. It feels like a typical fps from the ps360 days... of which there were many.

jwillj2k420d ago

No it wouldn’t matter it wouldn’t bring in enough profit to offset their 100 billion dollar acquisition. It would maybe delay the inevitable by some months.

Profchaos20d ago

Pretty much no game in Bethesda stables makes cod numbers instantly even fallout 4 Bethesda's best selling game sold 12 million at launch and over the next 10 years climbed to over 32 which cod would do rapidly

CrimsonWing6920d ago

I would f*cking think so. Good games are what draws people to your platform. It’s why I adored the 360 era with Gears of War being one of the highlights for me. You make sh*t games and it just makes your platform that much worse and you start gobbling up studios I like and then killing them off it also makes me hate your platform as well… just sayin’

franwex20d ago

Unless the game would’ve been War Zone, or Fortnite level. No. Maybe even Hell divers 2 I doubt would’ve been enough.

Eonjay19d ago

Helldivers 2 realistically has earned about half a billion which is definitely a success considering it probably cost Sony $50 million to make.

However you would still need 140 releases to at least be that successful to break even on a ACT purchase.

This is how you know the goal for Microsoft was to reach those crazy subscribers numbers. Without them the whole plan falls apart.

Exvalos20d ago

No it would not have, the ABK deal was great for Microsoft but horrible for Xbox. Over 100 billion dollars in acquisitions. That money has to be made back. That ABK deal essentially destroyed Xbox as we know it.

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A Flawed Game Till The Very End, Redfall Deserved To Die, But Not Arkane Austin

Hanzala from eXputer: "Redfall was a bland, repetitive game with no post-release support; it deserved to die, but why kill Arkane Austin over one mistake?"

z2g24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

What short memories everybody has. According to the internet they became “the worst studio” after redfall… the internet made redfall a bigger deal than redfall just being a shitty game becaus *gasp* Xbox bought them and” just wanted shitty gamepass games so quality wasn’t a priority”.
(The reality was it was just rushed to market to fill a release hole).

Everybody wants Xbox to fail but as soon as closures start happening suddenly that was never the hope at all and Xbox is just evil.

What has happened to humanity. Being so extreme with viewpoints paints everybody into a hypocritical corner where the side of the story your on depends on which side makes Xbox look worse. Read the internet. Your disagrees are lies.

Shame. Gamers never want to accept their role in all the shit.

My heart goes out to those laid off. Not sure why those studios had to close but I suspect they were costing more money to operate than they were brining in revenue. It does cost money to fix games. Cyberpunk’s road to redemption was prob approaching the price of the original game.

That sucks and I’m angry about it but that’s also business and I’m in the same boat myself at my job as we speak… so it’s not like I don’t have sympathy. But I’m tired of the short memories, the lack of true empathy and opinions being driven by branding. Disgusting.


People wanted Xbox to succeed, especially after THE biggest media acquisition in history and effectively owning the entire existing Western RPG genre; but we knew they would fail, and they’d drag down an entire genre with them.

Nobody wanted this, but it was foreseen.