
Announcing Battlefield 2042: Redux

Today, the Battlefield 2042 team released the latest Development Update detailing all the exciting content in store for the shooter.

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Leeroyw290d ago

But it has two x'es.... Reduxx. See? It's not only a redux, but it has dlc.... Which is an extra x.

X sold separately.

-Foxtrot291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

I'mma do my own thing

Omnisonne290d ago

Yeah.. more like ''Announcing BF2042: Give us another chance.. but for full price''

ModsDoBetter291d ago

Yeah I'm done with this one.
Every year since BF1 I said it would be the last one I buy at launch, but 2042 really sealed the deal for me. Absolutely garbage fire.

crazyCoconuts291d ago

I just played last week. It feels solid to be now and it's a lot of fun

zachyBROosevelt291d ago

People will disagree because that’s the thing to to but totally agree with you… competent bf game now. Not the BEST but, competent

isarai290d ago


Nope, I disagree because I disagree. Gave it a try when it went free on PS+. Competent game? Sure, but NOT a competent BF game. It feels like a decent mobile ripoff of BF. Which is to say, soulless and cheap. BF Heroes played better than this garbage and I have no nope for the series going forward.

crazyCoconuts290d ago

Decent mobile ripoff? It's got bigger maps, the best graphics so far and even includes the older games in Portal. I mean, it's not perfect, but it's still Battlefield. Also, fwiw, it's the only cross platform shooter that doesn't have goofy superheroes running around and crap like that. It tries to feel somewhat authentic

outsider1624290d ago

I loved bf3. That's my last bf game. Im currently downloading this new one since it's free. What's so bad about it? Haven't they fixed all the launch issues?

NoFanBoy290d ago

BF4,1 and 5 are all much better games.

Flakegriffin290d ago

Yeah they did. It’s in a much better state now.

TheEnigma313290d ago

There's a lil fun to be had with the game. Not worth full price at all though. I played it for free also and it was fun for a bit.

Kaozz1979290d ago

I am with you on this one. I kept buying the new Battlefield every time thinking it is getting better. After BF2042 I am done and I am not touching it again. I don't care how many updates they bring out for this game.

ModsDoBetter290d ago (Edited 290d ago )


The reason companies like EA don't change is because of this outlook. I'm glad you both enjoy it and get your money's worth but is it truly acceptable to say "its competent now" almost two years after launch, two years after they took consumers' hard earned cash?

No, its not.
Being happy with this will keep the cycle going. Every recent Battlefield entry, they overhyped it, release it with missing features and full of bugs, over promise and under deliver whilst ignoring community feedback. They apologise and say they're "committed to providing an authentic battlefield experience" and reassure us they'll learn for the next entry....they never learn. Money talks.

The issue is, BF and COD used to battle it out between Oct and Nov annually but now that COD is a shell of its former self, so is Battlefield and with MoH being killed as a franchise, there's no direct competition so we get these lacklustre efforts with a juicy price tag.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 290d ago
seanpitt23291d ago

They should of canned this Game you can't polish a turd, what was the Devs thinking with 2042 it's like all the old Devs must of left and they got new people in and it's as if they have never played a game in there lives

NoFanBoy291d ago

Most senior devs that knew frostbite did leave , many are at Embark studios.

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Battlefield 2042 Sharknado Easter Egg Is Crazy and It's Real! Here's How to Do It

DICE has snuck in a Battlefield 2042 Sharknado Easter egg in the game's most recent patch, and seeing it in action is all kinds of crazy.


Battlefield 2042 Dev Goes Behind the Scenes on Reworked Stadium Map

In a Game Rant interview, Battlefield 2042 map designer Gabriel Sanchez discusses all the fine points of Stadium's rework.

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poppatron17d ago

Does anyone care at this point? Fingers crossed the next bf is golden, don’t think the franchise could take another epic misfire. Good on them for continuing support for 2143, just too little too late


EA says largest Battlefield team yet is building ‘another tremendous live service’

Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson stated in a recent EA Earnings Call, that the next Battlefield "it is going to be another tremendous live service.”

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-Foxtrot26d ago

Another? ANOTHER?

Is he honestly trying to make out like the last Battlefield was a huge success, not just as a game but as a live service game? I'm sure these guys live in their own echo chambers, they are so far removed from reality or they just like talking out of their arse trying to rewrite history.

Also why say such a tone deaf statement when you know the state of live service games at the minute and how many gamers feel about them. Bigging up the next BF game as live service does not give me any excitement or hype.

LordoftheCritics25d ago

''is building ‘another tremendous LIE service’''


just_looken24d ago

This is nothing too new

They had plans of a universe of live service games

Also these studios made 2042 there is no new massive team its the same team

Well same team minus the seattle boys that were canned

This is all again same news different year but it seems very few remember what happened before covid.

Walalon24d ago

At least they put car freshner trees up their asses to think smelling their own farts smells good at this point to be so out of touch.

RaidenBlack26d ago

Just make another Battlefield 2 ... or BadCompany 3 ... EA

XiNatsuDragnel26d ago

Bad company 3 instead of live service bs

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