
Redfall Is Always Online Even In Single-Player, Bethesda Confirms

It appears that Redfall will have always-online DRM, even if you're playing in single-player mode.

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Stanjara487d ago

Of course, ElderS 6 is gonna be too.

-Foxtrot487d ago

God I hope not

Hopefully it’s purely single player

Sonic1881487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

Microsoft and Bethesda are going in a whole new direction. I expect most of their games to be always online including their single player games

VenomUK487d ago (Edited 487d ago )


darthv72487d ago

I still dont know what the big deal is. Everyone commenting in this are online right now. And we dont even know to what extent the online (even for SP) is going to be. It could be like how some games give you little bits of new info since the last time you played.

dumahim487d ago


Have you been around the last, however many years since this always online thing has been stuck on games that really shouldn't need it? Sim City, G7, most of them at launch. "Unable to connect to server" There should be no online requirement just to play a game by yourself.

Hofstaderman487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

@Sonic1881 not a new direction. Microsoft has been angling for always online since 2013. Imagine playing a single player game and your isp has issues then reality hits when you can’t access your game or features thereof.

spoonard487d ago

More and more games will be from all publishers. It's part of moving the industry to a purely digital experience.

1nsomniac486d ago

Bethesda have always pushed for always online they usually cave in at release though. I thought that was why their partnership was meant to be. Them and Microsoft are a perfect match.

Godmars290486d ago

Different from what MS wanted to do with XB1 and Kinect?

Zeref486d ago (Edited 486d ago )

Why? I think it would be nice if it had co-op

-Foxtrot486d ago


No…just no

Think about it logically

They can’t even do single player games without bugs

Can you imagine co-op which is far harder to add than people think

Their would be even more bugs and they’d be split between those ones or the more in general ones

Co-op is not something they should ever do, they have ES Online

Michiel1989486d ago

@foxtrot Why shouldn't they do co-op? I agree with your other points, but I would like to see some sort of co-op in their games. Only if done well obviously. Dishonoured co-op could be incredible in my mind for example.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 486d ago
crazyCoconuts487d ago

What makes you so sure of that? Because this one game is?

RaidenBlack487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

ES6 won't be single-player .... that's pretty much sure. That'll break the vast fanbase and there's already ESO, for online-live-service-y stuffs.
I suspected during reveal, that Redfall might be a live-service game but as time went on, I got convinced that Redfall is primarily an offline campaign game with some optional online co-op stuffs .....
But now, I am really disappointed with this always-online crap ....

crazyCoconuts487d ago

I *think* from your comment you meant it won't be multi-player right?
I agree - ESO is already targeted towards that, and any ES sequel has certain expectations.

Stanjara487d ago

Because that is how they protect single player from torrent and other platforms...aka Playstation.
Also the whole gang is at Microsoft: Blizzard, Activision, Bethesda... you know... Diablo 3 always online oh boy...Cod...Wow... they invented this garbage.

Another thing is Gamepass...that is online Drm by itself.

Welcome to the future boys. You really thing y gona torrent Elder 6??? Think again.

Lifexline487d ago

what makes you think that

That sucks for those that don’t have access to internet like that. It seems like games are going that direction. This might do bad because of this.

sammarshall102487d ago

Redfall hasn't really had a lot of hype, always online will bring the little hype it had down even further

Stanjara487d ago

It won't, It's gonna be a huge success... they don't care about people without internet.

Lightning77487d ago

I was afraid of this when they said this in a interview.

"Smith admits that the introduction of multiplayer "costs you some things" due to the game needing to "register an event, communicate it to the server, deliver it out to the other players."

Sounds like procedurally generated events kinda like Destiny. That's not good that's part of the reason why I stopped playing Destiny. Mundane, fetch, repetitive bloat. I hope I'm wrong af on this but I guess we gotta wait and see I guess.

Zeref486d ago

This is nonsense. 99 percent of people that own a console or pc have access to internet lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 486d ago
sammarshall102487d ago

I'm never buying a Xbox Series X if everything requires an internet connection

And I say this as someone with good internet

Lightning77487d ago

GT7 is always Online? How do you feel about that?

sammarshall102487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

@Lighting77 It's BS in GT7 too but at least you can still race offline

Zeref486d ago

you probably were never going to anyway lol

sammarshall102486d ago

@Zeref If they get 7-8 good games and they're not always online, I will

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 486d ago
neutralgamer1992487d ago

Remember I have said many times phil Spencer is implementing everything that was promised during Xbox One reveal. But things are being done behind the scenes and the Xbox defense Force is defending everything regardless of whether it's good for us as gamers or bad

If you ever want to feel nauseated just go read some of the comments from Major Nelson and Phil Spencer's Twitter accounts man these gamers or trolls are praising them like they have done something that no one else could have and delivered GOTY after GOTY

Their end goal is to eliminate physical gaming media and only have digital with Game pass so they will have more control over everything

This comment isn't about Doom and gloom this is the reality if you actually do some research and keep an open mind

No used games

Every game needing online authentication once every 24 hours

Disks will be restricted to the console they were played on and can't share

Slowly make Xbox the ultimate DRM brand but keep dangling the carrot Infront of gamers that all games will be on gamepass

We as gamers are so damn divided that companies have and will continue to take advantage of us but we are too busy arguing

crazyCoconuts487d ago

I get the sense that the always online aspect has more to do with the game design than some DRM thing in Redfall's case.
That being said, I'm convinced both companies want to eliminate physical for a number of reasons, Xbox just made the mistake of saying it out loud. Sony even patented some techniques to allow transferring of digital rights, presumably to help ease us into it eventually. Neither company has to like the secondary market for games where they get 0% of the sales/rentals.

Lightning77487d ago

"If you ever want to feel nauseated just go read some of the comments from Major Nelson and Phil Spencer's Twitter accounts man these gamers or trolls are praising them like they have done"

That's why I left Twitter as a community of gamers. The amount of sheer fanboyism and blindess/worship is out of this world, simply put.

"Remember I have said many times phil Spencer is implementing everything that was promised during Xbox One reveal. But things are being done behind the scenes and the Xbox defense Force is defending everything regardless of whether it's good for us as gamers or bad"

I don't know any Xbox fanboy defending DRM tbh. Of course Twitter but Twitter is not a real place. Rabbit worshippers do just that Oh No It's Alex makes Videos about fanboys every week.

They did fix some of the DRM stuff that got reported back in 2021 in Series X. I don't wanna use "it's just one game" excuse but we do have to see how future games are handled. Starfield being AO makes any sense seeing how past Elder Scrolls and Fall Out games can be played offline.

Hofstaderman487d ago

Spot on. Back in 2013 there was a huge uproar about this. They not totally shafting you XBOX owners but rather easing it in there a bit at a time and you guys are smiling about it.

Zeref486d ago (Edited 486d ago )

I love how every one of yall is acting like Xbox is the only platform that has always online games now 😂😂😂

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 486d ago
autobotdan487d ago

Than I won't purchase Elderscrolls 6 if it truly is online always. If all future games end up like this than I retire from gaming

Wretchedstain487d ago

Same, but we need not retire... just get into that backlog :)

anast486d ago

I think your right. It will be a MS game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 486d ago
solideagle487d ago

No controversary? but when Gran Turismo did it, everyone just crapped on Sony.
Double Standards much?

Jin_Sakai487d ago

It’s a dumb move regardless of which side does it.

solideagle487d ago

I do agree, single player games should not require online connectivity ever!

blackblades487d ago

Yeah we know, he just making a point how one side gets all the flack and other dont.

darkrider487d ago

Of course not, it's not a sony game. Nothing new here

--Onilink--487d ago

Literally the entire article is framed as this being a negative thing and you are not replying to anyone who has said its a good thing….

So I gotta ask? …. What are you talking about?…

487d ago
shinoff2183487d ago


If a game offers a single player mode it should not be tied to online. Period.

franwex486d ago

He’s still sore because they criticized Sony.

Which was well deserve as no other Gran Turismo has required being online to play single player. I still stand by that criticism regardless of what other companies do.

Sonic1881487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

The difference is GT is a racer and I don't really care for race games but that's just me

crazyCoconuts487d ago

Dunno - it's a game that's pretty heavily marketed as a co-op experience. Yeah you COULD play alone, but as some others have commented, it doesn't really look like it's designed to be alone. So, might they want to build this out into a Destiny kind of game with online events, matching up with others for a boss battle, or PvP? Kinda feels like that's what they're aspiring to here?
In terms of the "everyone crapped on Sony", I try no to generalize groups of people to "everyone", and Gran Turismo is different kind of game with different aspirations... different opinions are fine for different situations i guess

Neonridr487d ago

lots of games require online connections. period.

sammarshall102487d ago

Most of my games on PS5 are fully playable offline

Neonridr487d ago

@sammarshall102 - I guess it depends on what games you play.

Terry_B487d ago

xbox players are conditioned to this already anyway

sammarshall102487d ago

I still hate it for Gran Turismo 7

But at least you can still race on 36 tracks offline, though the car selection is severely limited

DankSinatra487d ago

I mean, what’s the difference when everyone crapped on Nintendo and their rereleases but when Sony rereleased TLOU 1 again for 70 bucks you guys just cried “if you don’t like it don’t buy it”.

Double standards exist on all sides here.

IamFrasierCrane487d ago

There’s a big difference in a remake and a rerelease and the vast majority of people on this site agreed $70 was too much. Find a better example.

DankSinatra487d ago


Yea. No, my example works just fine as a vast majority of people were telling others to “just don’t buy it then” or defending the rerelease.

GoodGuy09487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

Thing is GT has always been single player and been around since ps1 so expectations are there. Red fall is a new ip in this day and age, co-op and probably live service so it's not surprising...and I'm sure there are already complaints but it's definitely not a big of a controversy as a well established ip thats been around for generations.

That's a bad comparison lol.

The good thing also is that redfall is available on gamepass, so if you're skeptical on it but want to play, $10 is all you need.

porkChop487d ago

Singleplayer should *always* be available offline. However, don't act like double standards don't exist on all sides because we all know they do.

cloganart487d ago

N4G when any company ever does online: You F#%*ing Donkey!
N4G when Sony does Always Online: Oh Dear, Oh Dear, Gorgeous.

Hofstaderman487d ago

I called Sony out for it and to this day refuse to buy GT until they do away with this crap.

lelo2play486d ago (Edited 486d ago )

Sony fanboys always act like victims!... when they are the worst trolls, specially here on N4G. Unbelievable, the hypocrisy.

As for the always online single-player, it's bad when anybody does it, that being developer Sony, Microsoft or other.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 486d ago
Sonic1881487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

This game is really designed for multi-player and online co-op and not a traditional single player game 😂 Always online and DRM 😂

darkrider487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

Really, and gt is a sp game... 🤣🤣🤣

-Foxtrot487d ago

Annnnnnnd I’ve lost interest

Sonic1881487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

You were right about the single player

-Foxtrot487d ago

How it looked co-op focused as they have only shown that rather than solo play despite saying it’s a single player game at heart…?

I know…I’m…shocked

This industry has really numbed me these days

Obscure_Observer487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

"How it looked co-op focused as they have only shown that rather than solo play despite saying it’s a single player game at heart…?"

Redfall requires Xbox Live Gold for Co-op play. Single player mode is NOT hide behind a paywall.

So much for your "Focus on Co-op" baseless narrative. Smdh.

"Annnnnnnd I’ve lost interest"

"Interest" that you never had.

Christopher487d ago

Borderlands can be played offline. Why can't Redfall?

By making it required online you've added two unnecessary barriers: your internet and their servers.

I dislike that AAA games are doing this more often.

Obscure_Observer487d ago


"Borderlands can be played offline. Why can't Redfall?"

I don´t know. And frankly, I don´t like single player games tied to always online requirement either

Maybe they will release a patch to allow offline single player later on.

Anyway, I hope the backlash to be enough for Bethesda to never try this again with singe player modes/games.

-Foxtrot486d ago


"baseless narrative"

*looks at 90% of all gameplay videos being co-op based and working as a team with 4 players at once*

Sure...baseless alright

"Interest" that you never had.

I did, not my fault that when anyone says something you don't like you get your little panties in a bunch and say they were never interested with....oh my god look at that...BASELESS accusations

Jericho1337486d ago

It’s not 2013, 99.9% of people on here likely have access to a persistent online connection, and yet feel the need to be outraged. It truly sucks for the 0.1% who don’t, but the reality is these consoles are built for always online gaming.

Golfcoachh487d ago

I really don't get people crying about this, I have always been online when I play. I am trying to remember the last time I wasn't. Everytime I log into Xbox or PS I am online, keeps me updated with latest patches. Now if your internet goes down, I get it, but seriously I haven't been down for more than 5 minutes in the 14 years I have been with my internet company after I moved to Montana.

Outside_ofthe_Box487d ago

It's more of a principle/unnecessary thing. Why make it always online when it doesn't have to be? Creates an otherwise avoidable barrier when things do go down.

shinoff2183487d ago (Edited 487d ago )

There's plenty of area in the u.s. alone that doesn't have access to high speed area. There's no denying that. That's the issue. I've had issuebin the past of interenet not being stable myself. It's been netter the last few years though. It's still the point that a single player game should not be tied to online for any reason. That goes for Nintendo Sony and Microsoft.

So I spend money on a game , have a few issues. Lose my internet for a week or till payday and I can't play my game not cool

Darkfiber487d ago

My guy if your utilities are going off because you aren't paying your bills, you probably shouldn't be spending money on games.

GamingSinceForever487d ago

Lose your internet til payday?

See what Darkfiber said. 😂

Anomander487d ago

If someone is having issues where they can't keep their internet up because of money problems then they have bigger issues. They may want to focus on something else then gaming for a bit to get things squared away then get back to gaming.

shinoff2183487d ago

Dark fiber that's not the point. The point being it shouldn't be tied to the internet like that. Far as me personally. My bills fine thanks for the suggestion though

edeprez486d ago

My concern is less about my internet, and more about what happens if this game flops, or MS decides not to support legacy software years down the road. It just disappears, and so does your purchase. I have plenty of games I can't play anymore due to this.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 486d ago
JEECE487d ago

I hate always online for SP in principle, but I do think 99%+ of the people who complain about it would never notice the requirement if publishers never said anything, because they are always connected anyway.

ChasterMies487d ago

Is this Don Mattrick? Are you still playing on your 360 on submarines?

Christopher487d ago

And what if their servers go offline? Ten years or so down the road you've got nothing. It relies on their servers being present.

This is about game preservation, especially for a single player game.

I still play Dishonored. I can't say the same about Redfall in 2033.

shinoff2183487d ago


Good point I forgot about when servers go off. That's a problem I see more and more people are to ,idk right now about everything with no regard of the future ie digital vs physical

Vx_486d ago

I travel a lot by air and ground transportations i played with my switch a lot too, I’m saving to get on of those new pc handles to play my pc games while traveling .. last thing i need is an online requirement to play a single player game, thank you very much but they can keep that game to themselves not bothering

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 486d ago
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Redfall's final update, which adds an Offline Mode, is available and it's 16GB in size

Arkane Austin has just released Game Update 4, the final patch for Redfall which is 16GB in size and adds an Offline Mode.

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PassNextquestion2d ago

I'm not interested in this game but i think it's great they added the offline mode for those who are.

darthv722d ago

It was okay at first... once they added the performance update it was definitely better.

TwoPicklesGood2d ago

Bury this turd. It’s only good as a reminder of what devs shouldn’t do.

mkis0072d ago

I hate the concept of an announced final update.


Would It Have Even Mattered If Redfall Were Good?

Even if Redfall were a good game, the closure of Hi-Fi Rush proves even that doesn't matter in the industry.

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Profchaos20d ago

Yeah it would have mattered especially since their huge game that year wasn't all that it was cracked up to be remember redfail was almost heavily promoted and hyped not to the level of starfield but still more promoted than the average game.

There was still a decent marketing campaign behind the game I'm sure millions were spent advertising it on websites and I saw a few billboards and bus stop signs in real life

darthv7220d ago

their biggest mistake was showcasing it as being a 60fps game only to release it at 30. That really soured the taste so that when the real 60fps mode was released, many still didnt want to give it a taste. i tierd it at 30... it was okay, but playing it at 60 is a much better experience and a better overall game. Its really not that bad once you get past the drama surrounding its initial release and just play it for what it is. It has some pretty decent aspects but nothing groundbreaking. It feels like a typical fps from the ps360 days... of which there were many.

jwillj2k420d ago

No it wouldn’t matter it wouldn’t bring in enough profit to offset their 100 billion dollar acquisition. It would maybe delay the inevitable by some months.

Profchaos20d ago

Pretty much no game in Bethesda stables makes cod numbers instantly even fallout 4 Bethesda's best selling game sold 12 million at launch and over the next 10 years climbed to over 32 which cod would do rapidly

CrimsonWing6920d ago

I would f*cking think so. Good games are what draws people to your platform. It’s why I adored the 360 era with Gears of War being one of the highlights for me. You make sh*t games and it just makes your platform that much worse and you start gobbling up studios I like and then killing them off it also makes me hate your platform as well… just sayin’

franwex20d ago

Unless the game would’ve been War Zone, or Fortnite level. No. Maybe even Hell divers 2 I doubt would’ve been enough.

Eonjay20d ago

Helldivers 2 realistically has earned about half a billion which is definitely a success considering it probably cost Sony $50 million to make.

However you would still need 140 releases to at least be that successful to break even on a ACT purchase.

This is how you know the goal for Microsoft was to reach those crazy subscribers numbers. Without them the whole plan falls apart.

Exvalos20d ago

No it would not have, the ABK deal was great for Microsoft but horrible for Xbox. Over 100 billion dollars in acquisitions. That money has to be made back. That ABK deal essentially destroyed Xbox as we know it.

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A Flawed Game Till The Very End, Redfall Deserved To Die, But Not Arkane Austin

Hanzala from eXputer: "Redfall was a bland, repetitive game with no post-release support; it deserved to die, but why kill Arkane Austin over one mistake?"

z2g24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

What short memories everybody has. According to the internet they became “the worst studio” after redfall… the internet made redfall a bigger deal than redfall just being a shitty game becaus *gasp* Xbox bought them and” just wanted shitty gamepass games so quality wasn’t a priority”.
(The reality was it was just rushed to market to fill a release hole).

Everybody wants Xbox to fail but as soon as closures start happening suddenly that was never the hope at all and Xbox is just evil.

What has happened to humanity. Being so extreme with viewpoints paints everybody into a hypocritical corner where the side of the story your on depends on which side makes Xbox look worse. Read the internet. Your disagrees are lies.

Shame. Gamers never want to accept their role in all the shit.

My heart goes out to those laid off. Not sure why those studios had to close but I suspect they were costing more money to operate than they were brining in revenue. It does cost money to fix games. Cyberpunk’s road to redemption was prob approaching the price of the original game.

That sucks and I’m angry about it but that’s also business and I’m in the same boat myself at my job as we speak… so it’s not like I don’t have sympathy. But I’m tired of the short memories, the lack of true empathy and opinions being driven by branding. Disgusting.


People wanted Xbox to succeed, especially after THE biggest media acquisition in history and effectively owning the entire existing Western RPG genre; but we knew they would fail, and they’d drag down an entire genre with them.

Nobody wanted this, but it was foreseen.