
Crystal Dynamics are the perfect choice to rescue the Perfect Dark reboot

In a shocking announcement made late yesterday evening, Microsoft’s premier studio, The Initiative, announced that Square Enix-owned developer Crystal Dynamics would be brought in to help with the development of Perfect Dark. The Initiative, which was founded in 2018, was touted as Microsoft’s triple-A developer, tasked with making groundbreaking Xbox-exclusive games that would rival Sony’s in-house titles such as Uncharted, God of War, and The Last of Us.

Now, just three years after The Initiative’s founding, its reboot of the beloved Perfect Dark series looks like it is in more than a little bit of trouble. In fairness, the writing has been on the wall for several months now. Drew Murray, a co-founder of The Initiative and lead designer on Perfect Dark, left the studio in February 2021, shortly after the game was unveiled at The Game Awards with a vague CGI trailer.

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982d ago Replies(8)
Carnifex982d ago

The way this is being presented in the media is wrong. The question should be why is it that Microsoft "AAAA" studio can't get the job done on it's own? And why can't Microsoft with it's 20 studios get it done internally.

How many years has Phil been in charge yet they are still struggling this much to put anything out. And of course it's not just this game Halo's development seems to be in bad shape as well...

RaidenBlack982d ago (Edited 982d ago )

Can't say for sure, but as ZetaBlob stated above, Darrell Gallagher was head of Crystal Dynamics before joining The Initiative. So I guess he still has contacts with CD.
And Square Enix presumably wants to recoup back money lost on the Avengers project. Hence, CD offered the supportive, or co- development deal to MS.
And Crystal Dynamics is 340+ employees strong. Need to keep the lights on. Their next Tomb Raider project is years away.
As for, MS internal studios, I think all are occupied with some projects. And Coalition is already helping 343.

Carnifex982d ago

WTF does Avengers have to do with anything... You have no factual basis to make that claim. Nor can you make any claims about when or even if they are working on a Tomb Raider or any other games. And even then, no one knows what they are even doing on this project.

Stick to what's known instead of fabricating things to try to make a point.

RaidenBlack982d ago

Calm down Bub. I didn't steal your pet dog or anything.
I just made some assumptions. You asked the questions.
Everybody's similarly clueless here regarding the matter as you are.
The topic's revolving around a dev studio, obviously their past/ongoing games matters.

jBlakeeper982d ago

A new Tomb Raider game has already been confirmed to be in the works, but even the devs stated it is years away from any news.

982d ago Replies(1)
Bruh982d ago

Theres a lot of turnaround in the gaming industry right now...lots of overworked staffers and this isn't even talking about how awful some of the leadership in these game studios can be. This isn't even exclusive to Microsoft, but its clear when you're bringing in outside help with game development, either you've lost a significant portion of your staff that isn't leadership or the Initiative is doing a ton of projects at the same time

leejohnson222982d ago

First halo and now pd, you cant ignore poor leadership and inefficient teams who can't for what ever reason deliver a game without 3rd party support

KillBill982d ago

It has already been said that studios will be allowed independence in their projects. With the number of titles coming out it doesn't make sense to take from a team already working on a project to work on another project when they can simply do what they are doing now.

Seraphim981d ago

optically it does seem strange. though, keep in mind partnerships do happen from time to time. While Bungie was working with Activision it was an Activision studio that was brought in to beef up content and work/help Bungie with creating their DLC/Seasonal content. While I can't think of other projects jointly made I'm positive there are several others. Also keep in mind that other times games are outright outsourced. Metroid Prime, Uncharted PSVita, Bluepoint with their SotC and Demon's Souls remakes.....

What baffles me is the fact that instead of bolstering the studio with more hands they chose to contract outside help. If anything it almost continues to show how uninterested MS truly is in investing into their own studios. Though, in reality they might just be unable to find the talent they need; which seems unlikely imo. Whatever the case or reasons they're all mute anyway. The only thing that really matters in how this games pans out once it's complete. Is it lightning in a bottle or just another lame attempt at rebooting an old IP. Only time will tell....

gamer7804981d ago

Even some AAA studios like naughtdog needed multiple studios to help with the last of us 2, this is not a new concept

porkChop981d ago

Xbox's other studios all have multiple projects in development and are likely too busy to help right now. I thought it was strange at first, but others have pointed out that it isn't that uncommon. Crystal Dynamics has worked as a support team before, and some of their former devs work at The Initiative.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 981d ago
isarai982d ago

You sure about that? Their games have gotten progressively worse till we got the absolute crap pancake that was the avengers. Plus why does the "AAAA" studio need a help partnership from an external studio? Thought it was supposed to be MSs biggest?

darkrider982d ago

There no AAAA studio.... that's just PR from Microsoft...

Carnifex982d ago

I think that's the point. It makes this news even stranger because Microsoft made all these claims.

982d ago Replies(4)
Magog982d ago

3 years of development hell and now another team has to come in to rescue the game? If this is "AAAA" gaming I don't want it.

982d ago Replies(5)
982d ago
moriarty1889981d ago

this is becoming the MS standard.

982d ago Replies(2)
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helicoptergirl24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

The hits just keep on coming. Will not be surprised if this gets canned. It already got rebooted and they had to bring on an outside studio to try and help developement. Some of the original creatives have left the project.

But I will say, just wait until the MS showcase. If you don't see it there, then alarm bells should start ringing.

Snookies1224d ago

God, please don't screw this one up Microsoft! I am keeping my expectations super low, but Perfect Dark (the original) holds such a special place in my childhood. I want this to turn out well SO bad.

helicoptergirl24d ago

Are you expecting the game to be shown at the upcoming Xbox Showcase?

neutralgamer199224d ago

Just cancel it because we know you won’t be happy with its sales performance while giving it away on GP day one. GP is the biggest issue for developers and that affects the sales. No one can deny that now. GP equals to good deal for gamers and bad deals for AAA development. Take two CEO said it and he was 100% right. There are certain games that make sense on GP but not every game. 20 million gamers playing a game on GP doesn’t mean much to MS it seems because they still want sales. Just please start releasing all games on other platforms otherwise Phil is next now. You can’t spend 80 billion and be this bad

Inverno24d ago

The studio was founded in 2018. It's still not adding up in my head how it can take 6 years to develop a game, with a whole dev studio working on it.

jjb198123d ago

This is the only upcoming MS game I'm looking forward to. I hope it doesn't get canceled.


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rlow130d ago

Perfect Dark would be cool but I’m hoping for Fable. I’m really interested where they’ve taken the game.

Tacoboto30d ago

Looking ahead now, I'd say Avowed is what I'm looking forward to most in the fall. Obsidian's been nothing but quality and consistency so I can't wait to see what they've been cooking


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The3faces141d ago

Wow I actually commented in a Xbox thread before Jin_Sakai! Contraband gameplay would be dope.