
Sony has been working with Deviation Games on its new PlayStation-exclusive IP

Last week, Sony announced it had signed a deal with Deviation Games to make a brand new PlayStation IP - the second such deal Sony has announced in recent months.

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waverider1084d ago

Its a studio with a good work force from other studios, but what are they creating?

ABizzel11084d ago

Most likely a shooter considering their history. It's good to see developers band their money together and start making their own project, and get from under the publisher umbrella. It's a big risk especially if the game fails, but if the game takes off it's a huge reward.

phoenixwing1084d ago

As long as they don't start having stocks and have to bow to shareholders. That's when things go downhill again.

waverider1084d ago

yeah, it must. They got many staiff for Treyarch and Bungie and other.

zeuanimals1084d ago

@phoenixwing: Worker co-ops FTW!

Army_of_Darkness1083d ago

I think their new ip will fill the fps exclusive gap that Sony currently has, since resistance and killzone is on the back burner at the moment.

Rhythmattic1083d ago (Edited 1083d ago )

Damn... I really miss the Mp of the 1st Resistance.... It was /, well still is in hindsight , one of my faves.

UltraNova1083d ago (Edited 1083d ago )

Well, they can have a go at challenging COD...they certainly have the expertise. But let's be honest, no one amongst us wants that. I want to see them create their passion game, something fresh, like Respawn did with Titanfall.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1083d ago
JEECE1084d ago

I'd love to see a straightforward shooter. No BR, no season passes, no "operators" or "specialists" that unbalance the game until you pay for them, no "progression system" that artificially locks guns behind mtx and/or grinding. Just a real, early 2000s style shooter with balanced classes that you play because its fun, not because of shoehorned RPG leveling.

Of course, we won't get that, and I'm sure we'll get some combination of all the nonsense discussed above.

chiefJohn1171083d ago (Edited 1083d ago )

Try Halo lol pretty much only shooter that offer that. Which is why it's fanbase love it so much.....well one of many reasons. Fair equal balanced starts no BS

JEECE1083d ago

Yeah I was reading where Halo Infinite's multiplayer is getting back to its roots. I can't believe we're getting to a world where I might think Halo is the best multiplayer option. The problem is I want that type of game in something less bullet spongy. Like Battlefield 1942 basically.

Class_Viceroy1083d ago

Umm Halo is going live service so don’t know about this suggestion…..

1Victor1083d ago

@jeece thanks for reminding me of Warhawk & starhawk 😢

JEECE1083d ago

I miss that Sony so badly.

SullysCigar1083d ago

And 'Black'. All about the guns, the shooting and destruction. That game was so refreshing at the time!

jukins1083d ago

Warhawk yes!! Starhawk im iffy on but i also felt the majority of its short comings where technical limitations of the ps3

Yui_Suzumiya1083d ago (Edited 1083d ago )

I just want more FPS's like BioShock, Half-life or Wolfenstein. Atomic Heart looks really interesting along with the upcoming System Shock remake. The PS3 Era had tons of games like these. They really Drop the ball last Gen though. I just want more lengthy, single player FPS's with a decent story.

JEECE1083d ago

Deathloop looks like the closest thing you'll get on Playstation in the near future, and unfortunately it looks likely to be the last ever Arkane game on PlayStation systems.

chiefJohn1171083d ago (Edited 1083d ago )

Halo always been the best option. Try swat or breakout. Those Playlist have faster kill times. One thing that make Halo so great is that it has lots of Playlist. It has something for everyone

1Victor1083d ago

@chief I know halo is fun but it can’t compare to the adrenaline rush of Warhawk and specially starhawk with the build drop on command I can tell you how awesome it was but it would fail to convey the feeling of been on foot and having a tank and 2 guys attacking you , you dropping 2 automatic torrent for the tank and kill the 2 guys with a RPG then wack the tank with the 🔧 and destroy it, or destroying a airplane coming hot to kill your tank with one shot, or snipping 2guys with one shot trying to get on a tank or killing the whole enemy team with orbital strike on Warhawk.
I could keep going on but unless you experienced it , it’s only words

chiefJohn1171083d ago (Edited 1083d ago )

Nah halo got that beat man nothing better than hijacking a ghost dodge a tanks missile jump off a ramp landing on the tank and planting a grenade and blowing it up. Then a banshee coming in to kill you and you pick up a Spartan laser and blow it to hell. Or picking up a sword with active camo and sneaking into a base and assassinate everyone in sight like a thief in the night

Abear211083d ago

I agree and hope the same. If you don’t want battle royale or cross play riddled with cheaters the choices are slim these days. Hopefully they bring back SOCOM with a great campaign.

JEECE1083d ago

Unfortunately I'm afraid they'll just make a "me too" multiplayer offering that tries to be exactly like everything else already out there.

Abnor_Mal1083d ago

If this game that Deviation is making turns out to be good, maybe Sony could task them with making a new Socom game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1083d ago
1084d ago Replies(1)
The_Sage1084d ago

I would love to see a good realistic shooter. None of this running at 30 miles per hour jumping 3 feet in the air over and over while running jumping off roofs without getting hurt and crap like that.

JEECE1083d ago

While we're at it, no magical abilities after you get a certain number of kills or deaths in a row.

DigitalDaniel1083d ago

Enlisted is pretty decent and free to play on all platforms. Might want to check that out.

The_Sage1083d ago

Thanks Digital. I'll give it a try.

neutralgamer19921084d ago

Sony seems to be signing a lot of studios to do exclusives. Maybe this is their strategy since Sony in most cases will own the IP's

RaiderNation1083d ago

It is. They simply cannot get into a bidding war over studios with MS. MS will win a war of attrition every time. Sonys strategy of forming partnerships with these talented upstart studios along with established 3rd party developers is smart.

neutralgamer19921083d ago

It's not always money. Some companies rather sell to Sony over Ms because of the track record. Look at insomniac it cost Sony only 250+ million which is way under market value. And having these IP's will help in future

1083d ago Replies(3)
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Take-Two CEO Doesn’t Think AI Will Reduce Employment or Dev Costs; “Stupidest Thing” He’s Heard

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick doesn't think AI will reduce employment or lower development costs, and calls it "stupidest thing" he's ever heard.

lodossrage12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

They already have AI trained to do coding.......

How he thinks it's stupid is beyond me, Especially since we see it happening in real time.

CS710h ago

Company A has 300 employees and lays of 200 to replace them with AI to release the same quality game.

Company B has 300 employees and keeps all 300 but instead uses AI to release a game with dramatically larger scale, scope, complexity, short dev cycle etc.

Company B would release a dramatically better product by using humans + AI and consumers would buy the better game.

I actually agree with this concept.

Huey_My_D_Long10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

This is key facet. Its how the AI is used. It's actually is impressive as is and really would make an amazing addition to alot of people in their jobs, not just tech. It also has the potential for businesses to use to lay off large amounts of people, as much as they could to save money on labor. I hope too many companies don't go with the latter. But since usually companies are worried about bottom line over people...we will see some try and hopefully fail. But yeah, if its to help workers like in your company B scenario I'm totally down...Just scared Company A may be too enticing to some ceos and businesses.

Darkegg9h ago

Value of AI and value of humans will both be increased with human-AI complex. Each, by themselves, will not be independently better than the other. Whether AI will ever be independent from humans is the fear question of humans, ironically because of our doing. At this stage, most of the doing is because of humans, not because of AI. AI is doing exactly that by our design, until we have failed ourselves with an AI development that went awry. The biggest take is that humans have only ourselves to blame when things become wrong, and we have to decide what is the ultimate goal with AI we want to accomplish. It would take a person with high morals and high ethics to make right of AI. I would not want businessman to decide what AI should do or what capabilities it can have. AI should be in the hands of people with high moral fiber, or those operating on love, kindness, and compassion.

BlackOni9h ago

AI is SUPPOSED to be used as a tool, not a replacement. It's designed to do two important things artists can take advantage of immediately.

- Make the ideation/reference imaging process much quicker and easier (basically using it as a google search)
- Make mundane and time consuming tasks faster and easier so more time is spent on creation.

Unfortunately, what many have done is used it as a way to replace rather than supplement.

Einhander19726h ago(Edited 6h ago)


In the ideal world yes.

In the real world where companies have shown little desire to innovate and spent every effort to maximize profits the end result will be the same quality games (if were lucky) made by less people and more AI.

Company Real World: Fires 200 people and makes the same game cheaper using AI and the executives get record bonuses.


Lets look at history, specifically auto manufacturing.

In the 70's and 80's the auto unions tried to oppose automation of jobs (robots) stating that they would take peoples jobs. And the people in charge who wanted to make more money said the exact same types of things that are being said about AI. But we can look at history and see that countless types of jobs were in fact replaced by automation, that was of course even compounded upon by computers.

The net effect was that the rich got richer less jobs were needed so wages were forced down by competition for the jobs that were left.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5h ago
Number1TailzFan10h ago

You can already make your own SFX with text prompts now as well, of course it will lower development cost and time

1Victor10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Sure Strauss and robots didn’t take jobs from car factories.
Edit:Sad thing is he believes it and unfortunately he won’t be replaced for a long time by AI

senorfartcushion8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

He doesn't, he's just lying. These people lay people off so they can get bonuses. If AI takes jobs, their bonus goes bigger and the workforce goes smaller.

porkChop6h ago

Because he sees AI as a tool to aid development. He wants to use AI to help make bigger and better games in the same timeframe. Other CEOs want to replace devs with AI to cut costs and make lifeless games faster for a quick buck. Strauss has the right idea, this is how AI should be used. To extend and expand the capabilities of devs.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5h ago
jambola12h ago

Ceo says stupid thing
Part 5837384

Zeref10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

I think maybe sometimes we give people in these positions too much credit when it comes to intelligence.

romulus2310h ago

As long as it doesn't effect his inflated executive salary or his ridiculous bonuses I'm sure he's fine with it.

RNTody10h ago

Hahaha yeah trust the CEO suit over the actual developers making the games. Good one.

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Every PlayStation Studios game available now on Windows PC

Windows Central writes: "Many PlayStation Studios games that are ported to PC get dedicated PS5 DualSense support, which allows users to experience haptic feedback and adaptive trigger support without actually having to own a PS5.

According to Hermen Hulst, head of PlayStation Studios, it's still the company's intent to launch the bigger single-player games on PS5 first, before later bringing the games to PC. This might not be the case for multiplayer games however, which are considered okay to launch simultaneously on console and PC."

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ocelot071d 19h ago

My guess is after god of war. Probably last of us 2 that's a almost 4 year old game now and by the time it's released on pc it will be more than 4 years old or close to 5.

Elda1d 13h ago

Every old Playstation game that is now on PC.

shinoff21831d 3h ago

Right. I definitely see what a headlined from a website named windows central was trying to do though. It's cute little wordplay to help out the green box

Flewid6381d 2h ago

Are PlayStation games no longer good or worth playing once they are old?

Elda1d 1h ago

I'm guessing my comment went over your head.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 11h ago

Good at least they can sell hardware


Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff21832d ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan1d 17h ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

Notellin1d 15h ago

The past has nothing to do with the future. This is such a terrible argument. Everyone knows about their current live service push.

_SilverHawk_1d 13h ago

It's so tragic what happened to days gone. It is such an amazing game but bandwagoners trashed it and it underperformed in it's launch year. Days gone is the best open world zombie game released in the past five years. I was recently playing it on pc and I'm still amazed by it.

Games are very expensive to make and it seems like it's normal for a AAA game to cost over a quarter billion to make so if a quality game like days gone greatly underperforms then people shouldn't be upset when they see a lot of GAAS. I still remember a lot of bandwagoners calling days gone trash but years later it's now amazing when it's considered a failure by sony.

If a game isn't the best thing seen since hats with pockets then a lot of gamers who haven't played it automatically calls it rubbish and whoever made it should be incarcerated

Cacabunga1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

Co CEO prefers gamers to boycott.. so be it. I’ll never buy a gaas.
Just imagine buying a game you cannot replay in some years.. this shit must stop.

Days Gone did zombies in a very original way. The story was also so engaging. You actually only meet Zombie hordes later in the game. There are many more enemy groups to deal with.

MrNinosan1d 10h ago

I am one of the few who bought Days Gone on release day and loved it completely.
However, "more online trash" is phrased like Sony has put out alot of trash online games.
We got what, 2 games? Helldivers 2 and GT7, 2 of the most sold Playstation games where both is loved by millions.

You, me and especially shinoff has no idea if Fairgames, Marathon and Concord will be trash.

Just because we (as in you and me) don't love or support online games, doesn't mean millions of other do.

And we don't know what Bend Studio is working with? We don't know if they're forced to make a online game or another amazing single player experience.

The only thing we do know is that it's not Days Gone, sadly due to poor sales the first 6 months.

shinoff21831d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

More online trash wasmt meant how insee it comes across. I should've worded it different I was meaning the focus they currently have on it.

Anything online is online trash to me. How long did naughty dog spend on that dumba last of us multiplayer, how about Concord, or even the other couple we hear about. I fk with Sony because rpgs and their 1st party single player games. Been like that for years. I hate seeing them waste time, money, and talent on trash. I understand bot every game is gonna be for me but this focus they've seem to had on multiplayer is extremely disheartening. Even at the state of play the only things I was really feeling were Astrobot and silent hill 2 and I'm content with that, not everything is for me. It's just the online focus I hate. Ms bought up 3 to 4 wrpgs developers, Sony just ignores rpgs 1st party wise.

And a days gone 2 would've been much better then whatever online sht bend is working on. I do know sometimes I get very idk emotional. I do need to work on toning that down a bit lol

SimpleDad22h ago

Ammm let's see... That All-stars, Foamstars, Babilon 5 wass gaas...
Concord... can wait to play that...Marathon uuuu... Last of them gaas... U
Horizon Zero dawn has a project that leaked as a Fortnite lookalike.

They bought Destiny that is a dead gaas...people love ti.

Helldivers 2 was luck.

Jimbo was all in and pushed Sony single player games 5 years behind.

Spiderman gaas was cancelled... I mean every 1st party studio was doing gaas.

Bend had to pitch a gaas game... Open world coop something

I can't remember more... Of that crap.

tay870122h ago

@simpledad. Destiny 2 isn't a dead game. Its the number 5 most played game on steam. I dont play it, but alot of people do.

MrNinosan17h ago

You failed to mention a single PS Studios game that has been released last 10 years.
Either your reading skills are crap or you think Sony own every studio in the world.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 17h ago
just_looken17h ago

I rolled my eyes at concord not only was it just yet another cookie cutter hero shooter but that qucik look for the hero select.

Already has a free section then paid section along with a they/them she/her dei crap top right.

Nothing like a day off of work to fire up concord to read about the new characters sexual identity and or preference then a paywall do you want o buy this character shit like no i just want to shoot my gun have fun.

-Foxtrot2d ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink1d 23h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

shinoff21831d 8h ago

I mean it's not out of the realm of possibility at this point.

Grilla1d 16h ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl5231d 15h ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

Notellin1d 14h ago

Man two seconds of research could have saved you from this comment. Amazing work Grilla you fit in with the uniformed N4G community who speaks before verifying anything that they say.

Redemption-641d 13h ago

Maybe encourage people to buy the game at full price and not when it's heavily discounted or go on plus. If this game had sold well when it was full priced a sequel would have been in the works. They made a single-player game that most people didn't support until they dropped the price.

Cacabunga1d 12h ago

The guy’s just a moron.. he should have stayed within game development. His choices will have a terrible impact on the brand in the long run.

tay87011d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

Dude is pretty pathetic. Sounds like a guy who's girl left him for someone better. Always talking about days gone sequel that never was, even though he is no longer at bend and hasnt been for a while. I for one am not upset about the lack of a sequel. It is one of the worst 1st party games in recent memory. Completely jank, played like an xbox game. The only redeeming quality was the hordes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 2h ago
excaliburps1d 17h ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla1d 16h ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

Notellin1d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

Yeah we should never believe the creators side until we hear the corporate/big business side as history has shown we should always believe billion dollar corporations.

What a bootlicker statement.

derek1d 10h ago

@Notellin, of course you'll believe an embittered ex-employee with an axe to grind because it's evil Sony he's complaining about. You guys act like days gone was this huge success and somehow Sony hates easy money a sequel would have generated. The game was mid and so was the response to it. They're still supporting the developer who is making a new ip that could be great.

shinoff21831d 8h ago

Days gone was fantastic. I bought day one but didn't get around to it for months. When I finally did I was pissed at myself for waiting so long lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 8h ago
P_Bomb1d 17h ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing691d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!

rippermcrip1d 13h ago

Well consider they know the sales... they do know what the consumer wants.

It sold shit.

-Foxtrot1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

But if it’s true what this guy says it sold better than Death Stranding

Yet that got a sequel and Kojima aside out of them both DS didn’t really NEED a sequel compared to Days Gone which ended on such a cliff hanger twist.

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