
Remedy’s New Game “Control” is a secret sequel to Quantum Break?

Yesterday Remedy unexpectedly dropped their name game called "Control" and it's the game that was teased by remedy long time ago under the project name of "P7"

I was watching the presentation with some of my friends online and when the trailer came up every one of us immediately said this is the sequel or spin-off to quantum break because there is no way you cannot notice the similar difference between these two.

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Team_Litt2182d ago

I got a very QB vibe from the trailer. Either way I'm going to buy it!

Lon3wolf2181d ago

Indeed, some of the effects they used in the video were very QB. Will definitely keep an eye on this.

maybelovehate2182d ago

I liked QB as far as the abilities. The pacing was really off though as far as the storytelling. It was an interesting experiment but hopefully they learned their lesson and will do it better for Control. I am excited. Remedy is still one of the best studios out there.

mcstorm2181d ago

I liked qb to for me it was no Alan wake which I still think is one of the best story telling games we have seen and really want a 2nd one but it will be interesting to see how this game plays out and also see how well it sells on a Sony consoles to.

CptDville2181d ago (Edited 2181d ago )

"I liked qb too. For me it was no Alan wake, which I still think is one of the best story telling games we have seen and really deserves a 2nd one, but it will be interesting to see how this game plays out how well it sells on a Sony consoles."

Now people can read.

RainbowBrite2181d ago

Experiment all you want, As long as you make a game not a Control Telenovela...

Sciurus_vulgaris2182d ago

No, Remedy doesn't own Quantum Break. Control could be considered a spiritual successor to Quantum Break, however the game bares similarities to Remedy's other stylized shooters.

NeoGamer2322181d ago

It was obvious pretty much from the start that it is based on the Quantum Break engine.

Graphics style the same, gameplay mechanics similar, etc.

This is not a bad thing. I loved Quantum Break and will buy Control as well. But it is very much the same game in a lot of ways.

mkis0072181d ago

About 10 seconds into the trailer I started thinking about QB...so either I am psychic or they are very similar.

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Remedy Cancels Co-Op Game Project Kestrel to Focus on Alan Wake and Control

Remedy and Tencent announced today the cancellation of the cooperative multiplayer game known as Project Kestrel (formerly Vanguard) to focus on Alan Wake and Control.

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Remedy Makes Changes to Core Management Team, Wants to Grow Alan Wake & Control in Larger Franchises

Remedy has made a couple of changes to its core management team with the goal to grow Alan Wake and Control into larger franchises.

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Jingsing37d ago

Changes like not being anti consumer? putting out Alan Wake Remastered on disc but not the sequel?

ElaBosak25d ago

No one cares about games on discs.

ElaBosak25d ago

Good for them! Can't wait for Control and Max Payne remakes.


Remedy: Alan Wake 2 Has Recouped Most of the Investment; We Plan Regular Sequels for AW, Control

Remedy revealed that Alan Wake 2 has recouped most of the investment made by Epic. They also talked about more regular sequels for their IPs.

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got_dam72d ago

Damn. I was hoping this would happen faster. Control were both fantastic, albeit flawed. Hoping for more. I know he said they are planning sequels, but its hard to get investors and publishers on board when they don't see quick returns.

Friendlygamer72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

For how much people talk about this title you would think it was a much bigger success. Popularity doesn't equal quality and vice versa tho

ravens5272d ago

Are they gonna keep their head up their ass and continue with the digital only bs

Jingsing72d ago

Probably, They've always been a greedy studio to the point of making bad decisions and losing money.