
Battlefield 1 Might Feature The Franchise’s First African-American Playable Protagonist

Diversity is definitely something that we need more of in all forms of entertainment and media and it seems Battlefield 1 might make a pretty big step in this direction. Through leaked images and leaked promotional pictures it seems the game might feature the franchises’s first ever playable black protagonist.

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detroitmademe2949d ago

My first reaction is I'm a little sad that it's set in world war 1 simply because of the weapons and vehicles back then. That being said I can't wait for the reveal today and I'm gonna reserve judgment till then.

Rimeskeem2949d ago

According to IGN the game is set in an alternative reality WW1 theme. Not really sure why the word alternative is used...

Aenea2949d ago

Ohhh! That means they can introduce weapons that didn't exist back then! Alternate history books are fantastic!

Loving the Harry Turtledove series which starts during American Civil war where one tiny thing changes the outcome and the North and South are separated, South gets help from France and England, the North from Germany. There's a second civil war in these books which preceded WW1 and because of that advancements in weapons, tanks for instance, go faster and are available earlier, then when WW1 in Europe starts and in the US the North is allied with Germany and the South with France and England a war starts there as well. This causes even more faster advances in weapon development...

Basically they can add many things to this setting if it's indeed alternate history, which can be rather an awesome idea!

b163o12949d ago

^^^ Somebody's excited lol. JK, on a serious note I think I may go pick those up, you hyped them up so much I must experience them myself.... Kudos


aconnellan2948d ago

Just to quickly nip this in the bud, according to a DICE dev, that's not true:

"Get ready to interpret a lot of things in this video. Danny Berlin, the lead designer for Battlefield 1 at EA’s DICE studio, said he could only comment on what was in the video during an interview with GamesBeat. He said that the game’s based on historical material, and it won’t have a fictionalized “alternate history” with modern weapons. Whatever is in the trailer really did happen at some point in the varied history of the Great War, Berlin said"

Source: http://venturebeat.com/2016...

Twinblade2949d ago

Could you imagine flying in a blimp and by the time you reach your goal, the match is already over? Lol.

PurpHerbison2949d ago

The WW1 weapons are great and when portrayed properly they take a lot of skill to use correctly. That alone is extremely satisfying versus picking up any modern weapon from any modern shooter and spraying your way to #1 in the match. Every single WW1 weapon should have a different and unique feel. I can't tell you how many modern shooters I played over the last decade where they had so many different guns but they all felt similar.

WeAreLegion2949d ago (Edited 2949d ago )

Cool. Whatever. Just make it good.

Edit: What did I say?

Paytaa2949d ago

This has the potential to have the first solid Battlefield campaign since the Bad Company games.

Paytaa2949d ago

Because it's World War 1 and I haven't played a World War shooter in forever.

AnubisG2949d ago

Because having a black dude on the poster makes the game automatically superior than anything. That's SJW thinking.

Paytaa2949d ago

No one is saying it's superior to anything, just embracing diversity. I mean it's a small change but at least it isn't generic white marine 4.0 again. Plus it's most likely a Harlem Hellfighter which is really cool.

letsgopal2949d ago

What do you have aganist generic white marines? Why do we have to put black dudes/asians into every game/tv show/movie to embrace diversity?

Paytaa2949d ago

I don't have anything against white marines lol I just think it's cool when it's not the same old shit all the time.

Does it truly bother you that different types of media are including more than one race? And since when is it everything?

You have an opinion on what type of stuff you want to watch or play but so does an "SJW". Neither opinion matters more than another lol

PurpHerbison2949d ago

Harlem Hellfighter would be really cool. They spent the most time in combat so it makes a lot of sense.

subtenko2949d ago

What he is saying it, the first thing when you make a game shouldnt be "diversity" You should focus on the plot. You could have the most diverse characters and items in a game it it be a big flop. But if you focus on the right things first then everything is good. "diversity" isnt the primary concern for a gamer. (oe, just because the skin color of a character doesnt mean the game sucks)

So yea, hopefully young and old devs dont get the wrong thinking from this

remixx1162949d ago (Edited 2949d ago )


"Why do we have to put black/Asians into every every game/TV show/movie to embrace diversity"

....because there aren't any....

You can't embrace diversity without actually being diverse. It's funny how you get all defensive when he never said anything was wrong with the norm "generic white marines" other than the fact that they are indeed generic. It's almost as if the gaming medium and other forms of entertainment fail to realize that other races do actually exist.

That is why it's surprising when a dev actually strays away from the white male and tries something different, people take notice. Then the first people to ask "why does it matter" are white males.


Edit: also to further my statement, no this will not all n of a sudden make the games campaign better, in fact I'm Fairly sure it'll suck.

Paytaa2949d ago

@subtenko Well since it was DICE's creative decision, how would it affect what they're doing with the game? No one told them to make a diverse cast but it would be realistic to have one.

It's literally their game they can do what they want

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Eonjay2949d ago

No one said that. You sound like a racist bigot. Now we can't even have black people on the cover of a game without SJW claims? Get out of here with that.

002949d ago

what do you expect when SJW use there aggressive militant attitude to force their propaganda down everyone throats?

this wouldn't even have been a problem 10 years ago because nobody would care about things like how diversity is represented but now sjw are pointing out individuals because of their identity and making a big issues out of it. so they can parade around their little accessories and have there hipster friends pat them on the back.

You can thank the regressive liberals for ruining all the good will normal people had. and it not surprising that there is a push back now. and as a person who's mixed race I have to ask why is the protagonist being black matter? seems kind of irrelevant to battlefield because nobody play's it for the story.

Paytaa2949d ago

@00 Are you fucking kidding me? Wait, the key to winning the Internet is repeatedly say liberal and SJW.

The people who aggressively attack SJW's are no better. Aggressively attacking anyone is pure stupidity.

10 years ago was 10 years ago. If you can't adapt with the times then sorry you're getting left behind.

And also, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't conservatives the ones actively trying to ban and censor video games since I don't know Doom and Mortal Kombat came out in the 90s?

The ones who hate having diversity in games are the same people who always have Dorito cheese dust on their fingers, sipping on mountain dew, and intentionally starting Internet fights.

subtenko2949d ago

Well said Eonjay.

"Diverse is cool but hopefully its not the most important thing to a dev when making a video game"

^ Logical statement but noooo people want the decision of "Ok I got a game idea but I need to pick the race of the characters first" needs to be the priorty of making a game? I dont think so.... LIke most are saying, its cool but it shouldnt be the top priority of a game.

InTheLab2949d ago


20 years ago I'm wondering why the Black characters in Street Fighter look like caricatures of actual Black people.

I'm wondering why every Asian is either a genius or Yakuza.

Wondering why Hispanics were all gang members

And lastly, why Whites are widely represented in nearly every game made. From the hard boiled warfigher to the adventurers that travel to green places to murder the natives for treasure, and even plumbers who conquer mushroom kingdoms.

Yes certain groups go overboard but as a whole, the video game industry could use more diversity, be it Black, Asian, Hispanic, or otherwise.

Themba762949d ago

don't worry he should be happy he's getting donald trump and leave it at that

002949d ago

I think you missed my point 10 years people cared more about quality then identity politics. 2016 diversity means tokenism by the social justice clique, for social virtue signaling to pat themselves on the back.

"The ones who hate having diversity in games are the same people who always have Dorito cheese dust on their fingers, sipping on mountain dew, and intentionally starting Internet fights. " and you just proved my point with your nice generalization.


the problem is when the crazies take over the asylum, nobody will want to make stuff with actual diversity if they have to deal with hatefulled, bigoted, can never be pleased SJW attacking you because you didn't do it the specific way they wanted you to and getting there friends to harass you. it is going to do nothing but drive people away and or worse not even bothering because of that attitude right now they are the loud obnoxious. harpies that are the face of it.

I don't much care for trump, but I'll be laughing because it will be the regressive lefty liberals that bring him victory. by making him counter-culture and the type of symbol that irritates people like you.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2949d ago
BlakHavoc2949d ago

You're taking it too seriously, its just a black guy as the protagonist. They're simply just embracing diversity, I knew this shit would rub some ppl the wrong way smh.

subtenko2949d ago

No dude people are cool, they just see the people acting like it should be priority #1, as in the health and safety of the developers workers comes last and the diversity of a game character comes first kind thing. People just concerned devs will not have their priority's straight (and yes there are cringe examples of it. Some of which make it look BAD for said characters)

NarooN2949d ago

I'm not sure what's worse: actual SJW's or the super-insecure conspiracy-theory tin-foil hat-wearing e-militants who instantly pollute the room with their anti-SJW rhetoric anytime something pops up that has to do with diversity or actual social justice pops up (not saying this game featuring a playable black protagonist is social justice, just an example.)

I mean holy shit, what is wrong with you people?

Antifan2949d ago

Wow, making problems where there aren't any?
Who said this, though? Or you just pulled it out your buttocks?

Jayszen2948d ago


Maybe it is your thinking but most Black and Asian people around the world would consider the game just a game, only this time with a African American on the cover instead of the usual White dude.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2948d ago
letsgopal2949d ago (Edited 2949d ago )

It may be just a shadow.

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EA says largest Battlefield team yet is building ‘another tremendous live service’

Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson stated in a recent EA Earnings Call, that the next Battlefield "it is going to be another tremendous live service.”

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-Foxtrot26d ago

Another? ANOTHER?

Is he honestly trying to make out like the last Battlefield was a huge success, not just as a game but as a live service game? I'm sure these guys live in their own echo chambers, they are so far removed from reality or they just like talking out of their arse trying to rewrite history.

Also why say such a tone deaf statement when you know the state of live service games at the minute and how many gamers feel about them. Bigging up the next BF game as live service does not give me any excitement or hype.

LordoftheCritics26d ago

''is building ‘another tremendous LIE service’''


just_looken25d ago

This is nothing too new

They had plans of a universe of live service games

Also these studios made 2042 there is no new massive team its the same team

Well same team minus the seattle boys that were canned

This is all again same news different year but it seems very few remember what happened before covid.

Walalon24d ago

At least they put car freshner trees up their asses to think smelling their own farts smells good at this point to be so out of touch.

RaidenBlack26d ago

Just make another Battlefield 2 ... or BadCompany 3 ... EA

XiNatsuDragnel26d ago

Bad company 3 instead of live service bs

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Next Battlefield Is Being Built for the "Future" Says EA CEO

Electronic Arts (EA) CEO Andrew Wilson comments on how a former competitor is now building a Battlefield "for the future."

InUrFoxHole269d ago

💯 what all gamers are thinking... and not liking

DaCajun267d ago

They keep breaking promises, Dice is not the devs they used to be. I remember during BFBC2 release DICE telling hiphopgamer, anyone remember him, they would never charge for dlc maps like other companies started to do. They didn't want to seperate the community, they said. Then they released paid dlc later for BFBC2, Vietnam maps.

InUrFoxHole267d ago

Lol, yeah I remember HHG. 🤣. Yeah idk man.. hoping for the best here.

-Foxtrot269d ago

Jesus man this guy

Everything he’s said about the next Battlefield just screams how tone dead he actually is about the franchise

He seems to be repeating the same mistakes

excaliburps269d ago

I am hoping that Zampella brings his magic and delivers an awesome experience.

Imagine if Respawn got Medal of Honor? And then they make a proper COD competitor with it? Daaaamn.

Notellin269d ago

He's one of the most overpaid and worst executives in the business

RaidenBlack269d ago

If making BadCompany 3 is not possible anymore ... Just make a new Battlefield 2 in 2024, ffs !

isarai268d ago

It doesn't matter what they call it, the current EA/DICE are not capable of making a decent battlefield game. Slapping "Bad Company" on it isn't going to change that

isarai269d ago

Sounds like a game made by an office full of investment bankers and data analyst

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Next Battlefield Game Will Be a "Reimagination as Truly Connected Ecosystem," Says EA

According to EA boss Andrew Wilson, the next Battlefield game will be a "reimagination as a truly connected ecosystem."

Kaii306d ago

“The launch of Battlefield 2042 did not meet expectations,” EA CEO Andrew Wilson said during the earnings call.

The next Battlefield Game Will Be a “Reimagination as Truly Connected Ecosystem,”
+"Wilson’s statements are right in line with what Wilson shared back in May, where the CEO mentioned how they are not just building a new Battlefield game but a platform to drive live services to come."

Triple AAA live service games are dogshit.

seanpitt23305d ago

How can they go from BF1 to BF5 to BF2042.. all I can think of is all the talent jumped ship and the games got progressively worse.

BF1 was amazing in everyway apart from the lack of guns, equipment and customization, but the atmosphere was second to none.

BF5 was a good game not amazing but let down by the woke EA management "don't like it dont buy it" really hurt the game.

2042 was a disaster in everyway all the Devs from the previous games must of had enough

senorfartcushion305d ago

They did jump ship. The old BF devs are making The Finals.

fr0sty305d ago

Do you even know what "woke" means? Or are you just doing what the majority of the right wingers do and using it as a substitute for the word "bad"? lol...

4Sh0w304d ago (Edited 304d ago )

Yes frosty, most people know the original meaning of the slang "woke" but since its a mindset that's been hijacked in large part by a bunch of people who do more harm than good with their stupid backwards ill conceived ideological policies -well Yes now its become a term that has also been hijacked to push back against all the self righteous entitlement BS & nonsense they spew, & when you know, you know.

As for the next BF, I dont have alot of confidence when I hear "live service"...but we'll see.

RedDevils304d ago

For me Woke do mean bad, nah it actually mean stupid people.

304d ago
fr0sty304d ago

@Chow, no, that's pandering.

303d ago
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DigitallyAfflicted305d ago

Andrew Wilson is well behind. No one is buying into this crap anymore, we are fed up with social media and connections made online, just make a good game, can't be that difficult for game developers with so much history and experience.

-Foxtrot306d ago

Jesus Christ they just don't learn do they

RaidenBlack305d ago

ffs, EA .... just make a modern Battlefield 2 aka BF2: Reboot
followed by Bad Company 3 and Black 2.

FlavorLav01305d ago

And shareholders will further force these practices as long as people keep buying this kind of dribble. They don’t care what gamers enjoy.

vTuro24305d ago

They do learn, but not in the way that we as consumers would like. They only look at things from a business perspective and learn what the best ways are to milk the most money for maximum profit. Unfortunately making quality games like in the old days does not generate enough profit to fuel their hunger for money. Garbage like "live service" tends to be a lot more effective at that. So they'll keep experimenting until they get it right.

Seraphim305d ago

the problem are the incentives for these type of games when they do succeed. When companies are making 3x or more the money [quarterly] off MTs, Battle Passes, etc, than they do selling the actual games, they have every incentive to push this bs.

It's a model that can work for some games, but I think by and large this is something where a majority of gamers are fatigued because it's always the same ill conceived bs. Time grinds, hamster wheels, lack of content when released, the games themselves not being that good or thought out for the long term....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 305d ago
GoodGuy09306d ago

So...more live servicey and microtransactions filled? Welp, back to Battle Bit.

isarai306d ago

Seriously, game is in every way what BF used to be, and somehow 3 guys figured out what hundreds of staff and hundreds of millions in analytics and development could not at EA. It's really not that hard

badz149305d ago

but no matter how hated, Battlefield makes more money than Battlebit ever will. that's the sad part

JEECE305d ago

I appreciate Battlebit as a concept, but it's really nowhere near as good as the old Battlefield games. Other than 2042, I'd rather just play any of the BF games that still has a player base (4, 1, or 5) than it. I have some friends playing who never played the Bad Company games and this is their first experience with Rush (they really only played 4 and 1 and just played Conquest, and otherwise have always played COD), which pains me because Rush on Battlebit is a pale imitation of BFBC-BF3.

isarai306d ago

Who TF asked for BF to be an "Ecosystem"? good lord talk about out of touch. I hope it bombs even harder till they get the damn message.

Noskypeno305d ago

It seems like maybe the past decade everything got worse. Remember when Pizza Hut was shaped like a hut? Remember when McDonald's had so much color, and playgrounds with Nintendo systems? Everything is grey and minimalist and square now because that's what corporate professional people want. I hate to say it but I wish the power went to the CEOs or atleast someone close to them that had the original vision. Shareholders are responsible for all this laziness, only caring about how much profit they make, which is the whole point of a business, but you don't have to cut the good stuff just because you can find a few rich sharks willing to donate thousands for a bad game. Quality and profit should be the motto for every single business.

Profchaos304d ago

Yeah try 2 decades imo it may be getting older and rose coloured glasses or nostalgia but ever since apple made everything minimalist the world changed and not always for the better

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