
EA’s New CEO on PS4 and Xbox One: “Tough to Go Back to Anything Else”; PC Market Continues to Grow

Electronic Arts new CEO Andrew Wilson expressed today some rather positive views on the next generation consoles, professing himself "platform agnostic" (but without mentioning the Wii U at all), yet he had good things to say about the PC market as well.

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Mikelarry3866d ago

the next gen platforms and the features they bring does sound really interesting and i really hope they can deliver on all the features they have announced. developers seem to be excited about it as well as they have alot more room and tech to really achieve some of their ideas which could not be possible on last gen. i really cant wait to see what interesting experiences we would have in a year or two after this next gen consoles release

Campy da Camper3865d ago

What I think is the biggest tell tale sign is that how good some of the launch games look. Based on this gen, we went from King Kong to The Last of Us. I can only imagine what ND, Bungie and Suckerpunch will deliver in 2015 and beyond. Yes!!!

sigfredod3866d ago

wow that statement did't sound any good for the PS3 and the xbox 360

thekhurg3866d ago

Considering the amount of money they got from Microsoft for Titanfall, yeah I'm sure it's going to be hard for them to back on current gen.

Abriael3866d ago (Edited 3866d ago )

Only, Titanfall is on 360 too lol. To be fair, people often forget that detail.

thekhurg3866d ago

They wouldn't have gotten a dime if MS wasn't trying to sell Xbox One consoles.

credit863866d ago

course there tryin to sell consoles num nuts there console manufacturers #retard

P0werVR3865d ago



Funny how people forget that detail of either company.

come_bom3866d ago (Edited 3866d ago )

I guess people are really pissed about Titanfall... but forget that Nintendo and Sony also pay 3rd party to make exclusives for their consoles... ZombiU, Bayonetta 2, Deep Down, Beyond two souls... and countless other examples.

EDIT... @Destrania
ZombiU is published by Ubisoft. Deep Down is published by Capcom... it seems its you that don't know what you're talking about.
BTW, guess what company published Metal Gear Solid 4 (hint: not Sony). Do you want more examples ?

Destrania3866d ago (Edited 3866d ago )

Um, there's a difference between 2nd party and 3rd party games. 2nd party games are from studios that aren't owned by the platform holder but are published by them, therefore only releasing on their platform. So, obviously you don't really know what you're talking about. Beyond: Two Souls is published by Sony, and Deep Down is co-published by Sony btw.

Edit: From what is understood, Deep Down is published by Capcom & Sony. There are reasons MGS4 released only on Playstation other than Sony paying Konami off for it.

christocolus3866d ago (Edited 3866d ago )

sony is assisting capcom with the development of deep down not co publishing..capcom is publishing it soley...but regards dead rising3 ms is assisiting capcom vancouver with development and also publishing the title..like nintendo with bayonetta3 on the wiiu. in both cases the ip owners (capcom and platinum games)have claimed that without the publishers(ms and nintendo) assistance, those games(dead rising 3 and bayonetta2) would never be made.

rainslacker3866d ago


I don't think that description of 2nd party is all inclusive. Final Fantasy VII was published by Sony, but I don't think anyone ever considered Square a 2nd party company, nor was FF7 considered a 2nd party game. Maybe at the time of it's release, people didn't really distinguish that stuff as much though.

2nd party to me has always been companies that tend to prefer, for whatever reason, just releasing most of their games on one console. Insomiac Games comes to mind until a few years ago.

Maybe it's just one of those things that's hard to define because there is no true definition. Kind of like what is a hardcore gamer.

Campy da Camper3865d ago

Who's "pissed"? If they want to make an exclusive game for MS and got a big check for it then good for them. I'm not going to say I won't buy it if for some reason a ps4 version came out but its not like I'd give up Infamous or any Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, Media Molecule or Guerilla Games masterpieces for it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3865d ago
timzone3866d ago

Just hope I won't find to hard to go back to my generation 7 console when a game pops up that I just have to play.

Abriael3866d ago

With Drakengard 3 coming next year, I know I won't have any problem with that :D

gamernova3866d ago

That's why I love PC. There is no leaving your library behind. All you have to do is upgrade your parts every once in a long while.

MRMagoo1233866d ago

yeh but to be honest some old games on pc are an arse getting to work even when running in compatibility mode e.g monkey island games.

sigfredod3866d ago

lucky you, i had to leave my old library back, leisure larry, f19 stealth fighter, test drive 2 the duel ah my old floppies :(

starchild3866d ago

Yeah, I agree. I love having all my games in one place and being able to play them from one device.

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Generative AI Will Allow Bigger, More Immersive Worlds, Says EA, and Developers Were 'Hungry' for It

Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson said generative AI will allow bigger, more immersive worlds, and the developers were very eager for it.

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Christopher25d ago

If you want a tool to reduce the time it takes to make a product, AI is a tool to do that. If you want a tool to just make content for you, AI is a poor crutch for good writing and storytelling.

Vits24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

I don't disagree. However, good writing and storytelling in games are still pretty rare. Honestly, AI as it is right now could probably produce output similar to, if not better than, your average experience. Especially because the main issue I see being thrown around for its use is the generation of ludonarrative problems. But, we have literal GotY winners that are incarnations of ludonarrative problems and written by humans. So if specialists don't care, would the average player even notice?

That said, from the perspective of improving the craft, AI will undoubtedly do more harm than good if used for that.

Christopher24d ago

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying what we're getting out there right now is overall great from everyone. There are obviously a lot of bad writers out there. The problem is AI learning from bad writers. No thanks!

thorstein25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Time for AI to replace CEOS. That way, when it fails, as it inevitably will, there's no one to tell. The employees can continue to make games, get raises (no CEO bonuses), and there will no longer be bone headed decisions by id10Ts.

Christopher24d ago

Think how much easier it will be to fire an AI CEO than a real one! We've sacked Ocrulos AI CEO and will be replacing him with Kensho Technologies v3 CEO.

isarai24d ago

Honestly, that's the funny thing I find about AI. Is that it's the management and higher up positions that are the most perfectly replaceable positions with AI vs people at ground level.

CobraKai23d ago

I agree 100%. Think of all that money that can be freed for the masses

XiNatsuDragnel24d ago

Just ea man y'all embarrassing yourselves

anast24d ago

Games are about to get worse. AI will do most of the lifting, devs will polish the turd and prices will raise because of "the economy".

SimpleSlave24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

'Generative AI Will Allow Bigger, More Immersive Life>>>>>> >> Work Balance and Paychecks for our Employees, Says EA, and Developers Were 'Hungry' for It'

Sounds good to me.

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EA CEO Says AI Will Transform 50% of Development Process

EA's CEO says that AI will revolutionize 50% of their development, enhancing speed and creativity in gaming.

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thorstein25d ago

I've heard of garbage in, garbage out.

But garbage creating garbage is a whole new "landscape of gaming" garbage.

isarai25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

You mean "Replace" 🙄😒

enkiduxiv24d ago

Coming from Andrew Wilson, an AI designed to behave like a tech bro, this sounds like nepotism.

Barlos24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

Yeah and it'll also destroy creativity, as well as cause more job losses.

The more I hear things like this, the more I think the games industry is finished. I see nothing to be excited about any more.

anast24d ago

EA games are going to get worse.

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Next Battlefield Game Already Playable and Being Built by “Largest BF Team in History"

EA says the next Battlefield game is being built by the "largest Battlefield team in history," and confirms the game is in a playable state.

Kaii25d ago

“I’ve just spent a whole bunch of time with the collective Battlefield team, playing what they’re building and it is going to be another tremendous live service.”
It's just what gamers want, more live service garbage.

XiNatsuDragnel25d ago

Ik more live service is what I want /s.

_SilverHawk_25d ago

I'd like a lot more live service game / hi 5

RaidenBlack25d ago

What Henderson has leaked so far is that ... even though the dev size's large, they are playing safe this time,
so I am guessing big budgeted BF3 2.0 ... fingers crossed

Yi-Long24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

We don't need thousands of workers wasting their time and effort, for many years, on a live-service project nobody asked for.

Just take a dedicated small team and create a cool Battlefield GAME. Not a service, but a game. As in 10-12 Conquest maps, 4 classes, cool gameplay, done. That's it.

That doesn't need 3-4 years of development. That doesn't need thousands of employees. Just go back to basics; Release a cool game, let gamers buy and enjoy that game, and 1-2 years later you release a sequel. No 'service', no subsciption, no DLC, no seasons. Just a game. On its own. Done. 50 bucks.

Inverno24d ago

Oh boy I can't wait to see how they screw this one up.

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