
Congratulations, I’m Buying Metro: Last Light Used

In Soviet Russia, games play you! Hahaha…ha…no. The reason I’m digging up this ancient meme is because I’m going to talk about Metro: Last Light. M:LL is the sequel to Metro 2033, based on the (incredible) book of the same name by Dmitry Glukhovsky. That game is coming out this week, and Deep Silver is not getting a cent of my money.

Prcko4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

if you wanna support metro,and if you are fan of metro,extra 5$ won't kill you,anyway true fans alrdy have game preordered for long time so i don't see some big deal.
I know this system sucks,but i hope they gonna change that in future.

jcnba284039d ago

Yes $5 won't kill anyone but if we support it the developers are just going to keep on doing it. When I pay €60 for a game I expect to get the full game.

NorbertJr4039d ago

Agreed but I just want to clarify that it's the publishers, not the developers who pull stunts like this.

Jovanian 4039d ago

last light is only € 49.99

HammadTheBeast4038d ago

And it's bullshit cause this was standard in the last game, so it's blatanlty obvious that they cut this out.

ZombieNinjaPanda4038d ago

Doesn't matter if its the publisher or the developers pulling it. Shouldn't be supported at all. Gamers being the most ass-backwards group of consumers ever need to learn to stick up for themselves against practices like this instead of saying "TRUE FANS SUPPORT THEM"

Reminds me of idiotic fangirls I must deal with in the music industry. Their favorite stars insult them and degrade them, but "TROO FANS WILL SUPPORT THEM".

vallencer4038d ago


It was NOT standard in the other game actually. On the xbox version it was 240 points it was only free on steam.


Granted this cost more which sucks but i'm pre ordering the game so i get it for free what do i care.

MaxXAttaxX4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

The more money you give them, the more they'll repeat these things. A lot of people forget that.

aCasualGamer4038d ago

Kudos to the author of this article for making the point simple and clear. Voting with the wallet seems to be the only way publishers get it. I was looking forward to higher difficulty and no HUD but i'm following suit, voting with my wallet i choose to pass on Metro: Last Light. I'm a gamer, but i'm not about to bend over for publishers.

Hate when industry decisions like DLC force gamers to pass on franchises they enjoyed back in the days.

Kran4038d ago

Notice how you said developers and not publishers.

There is a difference you know.

RumbleFish4038d ago

I don't want publishers to go on like this. So I don't buy the game. I'd really like to play it, but I'm not going to support those strategies.

minimur124038d ago

love how jcnba28 is just agreeing with prcko, yet prcko gets 65 disagrees and jcnb gets 70 agrees xD

I always try my best to get a game new. unless the game isnt in production anymore (heavy rain)

coolbeans4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )


He only agrees with Prcko about $5 not being that much. The rest of his statement provides something different from what Prcko's says.

Hercules1894038d ago

Lol at all of you that are missing out on a great game bcus of $5. I will gladly pay that $5, is it a bit of a rip off, sure, but i dont let anything stopping me from experiencing a great game.

medziarz4038d ago

Then pre-order for $60 and get the "full game".

DwopeMunky4038d ago

Its strange though, here in the UK they are selling the limited edition at £35 which is £5 cheaper that what games generally cost.

Autodidactdystopia4034d ago

Wow read this article

\ http://www.gamesindustry.bi...

"When 4A needed another dev kit, or high-end PC, or whatever, someone from 4A had to fly to the States and sneak it back to the Ukraine in a backpack lest it be "seized" at the border by thieving customs officials."

"There were no outlets in the Ukraine, and our only option was to pack a truck in Poland and try to find an "expediter" to help bribe its way down to Kiev."

"I truly enjoyed Far Cry 3, which deserved its great reviews. But how many times did Ubisoft Montreal lose power for hours or days during development?"

"All developers have deadlines, but I know of few that had to bring in construction generators to be able to work the weekend before final submission because an extra day meant missing shelf dates by weeks."

"Then 4A works in their parkas and struggles to keep their fingers warm in temperatures well below freezing."

"The only thing for which 4A is getting more credit than I think they deserve is the creativity behind the ever frightening, dark, post apocalyptic environment of the game. I've been in Kiev to visit the team, so I know they just stepped outside for reference."

"If 4A had been given a more competitive budget, in a saner environment, hadn't wasted a year-plus chasing the irrational requirement of THQ's original producers to fit multiplayer and co-op into the same deadline and budget(!), hadn't had to deal with the transition to a new publisher in the crucial few months before final, what could 4A have created?"


+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4034d ago
animegamingnerd4039d ago ShowReplies(1)
Hellsvacancy4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Does anybody know if this affects getting the platinum trophy? I shall be renting it if it does, I dont pre-order games

eddvdm4039d ago

"I know this system sucks,but i hope they gonna change that in future."

Riiight. And you're hoping that 'they' are going to change that when people are actually accepting it (@you) and arguing in favor of it (@you). Right.

dazzrazz4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

It is a big deal ! They are slowly trying to monetize and dissect every aspect of the game. Cheats for sale $$$ game modes and difficulty for sale $$$

They basically advertised Ranger mode the way it meat to be played and then went " Oops sorry If you did not pre-order this game you wont get it, unless you pay extra $5 bucks later for unlock file. This is basically punishing hones consumers for fucking not pre ordering a game !!! Guess who is gonna end up completely harmless... Pirates, because bootleg game will have a way to get around this problem

Metro.Last.Light.Limited.Edit ion.DLC.Unlocker.PS3-DUPLEX

Because publishers come up with such a stupid ideas i will patiently, peacefully wait till this game drops all they way to the price of $20

jon12344038d ago

the reasons companies get away with crap like this is because of people like you who support it!

Imalwaysright4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Yes and when gamers speak up against crap like this, the people that enjoy bending over are call us entitled whiners.

Cyfyxtfg4038d ago

You guys know the retail store forced them to do this right? there was an article the other day. Deep silver literally came out and said that retail stores forced their hand and they had to have a pre order item. Deep silver didnt want to do this so stop complaining

gamegenieny4038d ago

Sorry that doesn't fly because they have preorder items. There's a gun and in game currency (i believe) and i think a digital book. So they had preorder items, so why add the hard mode to that ?

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4038d ago

Not true. There are plenty of games That don't have a preorder bonus at all. Take Tales of Xillia for example.

SilentNegotiator4038d ago

An extra $10 won't kill you.

An extra $15 won't kill you.

An extra $20 won't kill you.

An extra...

TemplarDante4038d ago

Heres an analogy I wrote below.

If a group of five people are around a campfire
waiting for it to die, and three people run up to it
and start throwing jugs of oil onto it,
Who Wins?
So that is why you got 47 disagrees, and counting.
We're sensible and think beyond the tips of our noses.. most days :P

Fez4038d ago

The fire? No wait, the two who still have their jugs of oil left? The three oil-throwers for getting some exercise?

Or is it everyone since they're all nice and toasty now?

showtimefolks4038d ago

It's not Just about $5

If we pony up and pay than other publisher see that and will look for ways to tip us off more, they always say speak with your wallet so no buy for me either till I find it used

I will not support any publisher developer going out of their way to charge for stuff that should be included on the damn disk for $60 I am already paying

You want to pay more power to you but than don't complain next time when some other publisher does this

4038d ago
MikeyDucati14038d ago

It's pretty obvious you just read the headline and didn't read the article in its entirety.

MEsoJD4038d ago

Holding a difficulty mode hostage as preorder dlc has the be the lowest of the low. I sure as hell am not getting this game day 1. Which is a shame because I really was looking forward to it.

lizard812884038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Removing multiplayer, characters, modes, Menus, ect with the "Disc-Locked Content", because that is what DLC is right, not downloadable content, but disc-locked content. Code already on the disc, that you paid for, but you have to pay again to unlock it.

I really wish DLC would bleed over into other areas of the world. Buy a new car, pay $5 to use the breaks. Rent a house, pay an activation fee, because it is used. Until you do, no power for your house. Just so people can see how dumb, badly used DLC is. When DLC is done well, nobody complains, but 99.7% of the time, it is abused.

adorie4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

suckers gon suck.

soultecc4038d ago

well ill be getting my copy off pirate bay, and ill buy it in the steam summer sale for £5 later on

SITH4038d ago

I paid 44.99 for Metro: Last Light. That was for owning Metro 2033, which I got 100% free from a simple facebook like promotion. Thank you Steam!

Philoctetes4038d ago

Thanks for being part of the problem.

MestreRothN4G4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Well, all I have to say is that 12 people will have to buy the ripped mode to compensate the sale they lost to me. =)
Not that I'm not gonna play it. They just won't have my 60 USD.

Actually, considering that some not so addicted friends would probably have bought the game if I showed it to them, they have to hope for 36 or maybe 48 idiots to support the scam.

I can't see how they thought this was gonna be a good idea. lol

thechosenone4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Just don't buy it! The retailers who are at fault here will still make money from used game sales, so just skip this title.

Persistantthug4038d ago

I didn't think it would be possible to go lower than them.....

Congrats Deep Silver.

NeoTribe4038d ago

Why would they change it if there are morons like yourself there defending it? You have any idea what you just stated?

Tales RPG addict4038d ago

wow you are a blind Fucking IDIOT they are pulling some serious BS. True fans of this game Won't buy into BS like this, True fans will stick up saying Ok you wanna pull a stunt like this then I won't buy it. true fans stick up and say to the company in their face what they are doing is insulting and complete bullshit.

DevilishSix4038d ago


You don't see a big deal? So now it's acceptable to pay for Difficulty settings. Dang it has to stop somewhere.

Divine4038d ago

first of all why am i on n4g and i dont see a post about the ps4 leak????

StraightPath4038d ago

difficulty setting DLC?.... what has gaming come too that is just plain pathetic.

Anyways this is a rental game anyways..I been playing pretty much any game new or old for a pretty long time now. Rarely buy games as with LOVEFILM I can rent unlimited games and play ALL new releases.

The only game I purchase are worthy of being purchased and it if has replay value. Pretty much this year I can think of only GRAND THEFT AUTO 5 which I will be buying first day as it will have definitely over 50+ hours of gameplay and huge amounts of replay value.

no way purchasing a game that will last 5-8 hours and sit in the cupboard gathering dust.

So adds to rental list like all others.

Prcko4038d ago

omg stop replying on my nickname i'm sick of notifications

MestreRothN4G4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

The problem of the gaming industry, actually, is you. Each one of the guys that "think" like you.


PS: I just replied because you asked not to reply.

Chapter114038d ago

You're completely missing the point. Its not that it costs $5, its the fact that they think they have the right to charge money for something that should be free.

whatthedeuce4038d ago

Before you penalize the developers of this game for a publisher action, do a little bit of research. Call your local game retailer if you must. The Ranger mode is NOT DLC! It's already included on the disc.

Deep Silver packaged this game like EA normally does. If you walk into a store tomorrow (or whenever it releases in your market) and ask for the game brand new, you'll get the Ranger mode. It is included on ALL first runs of the game. If you wait a few weeks/months, it will stop being included.

Look at most high profile EA releases (BF3, Dead Space 3, Medal of Honor, etc.). The first runs of those games were called "Limited Edition", even though you weren't paying anymore. It was just to encourage people to buy it day one (or pre-order).

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 4034d ago
Pandamobile4039d ago

Buying it second hand just is even worse than buying it new from a retailer.

Retailers are the ones that force these ultimatums on smaller publishers. Koch Media (Deep Silver) even spoke out about it.


Nitrowolf24039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

I know they are forced with these, but these also come with the limited edition:

"Extra Military Grade Bullets: Coveted for their ability to kill, these bullets are also the currency of the Metro. Will you use them in battle or purchase precious resources? The choice is yours.
Modified Russian Rifle: A compact but deadly Russian assault rifle, perfect for claustrophobic combat."

Would it have been really hard just to have those as the pre-order bonus rather than an on disc DLC?

Forced: Yes, but the decision was theirs as to what was going to be the pre-order goody.

Jovanian 4039d ago

'Would it have been really hard just to have those as the pre-order bonus rather than an on disc DLC? '

The preorder details, bonuses, and advertisements had been SHIPPED OUT and people had MONEY down on it before management was handed over to Deep Silver. It would have been harder to rescind all of those offers that are now tied to purchases, because then they'd have to develop a new preorder promise to fill the gap, new advertisements, and replace all those preorders and make it aware that the bonus was changing

in short you really don't know what you're talking about, and want to hurt 4A games because of something THQ did

Rivitur4038d ago

Yeah the discision wasn't theirs it was THQ's remember that company that recently crashed into the ground?

Lisica4039d ago

Doubt it that they removed the difficulty mode because of the second hand sales.

SilentNegotiator4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

No one is "forced" to have stupid little $5/pre-order gates. Plenty of games do well without treating customers that don't pre-order like thieves or humping retailers.

If a retailer wants to lose out on money over a pre-order bonus, it's their loss.

DrewMetals4038d ago

Retailers don't lose out on money due to preorder bonuses. Publishers and developers do with second hand sales. Retailers make more money with used games

DrewMetals4038d ago

Thank you! If you want the game, just preorder it to get the free stuff. It's the people that buy things used that make companies have on disc DLC. It's not even extra money, the 5 bucks you put down to preorder goes towards the cost of the game. I know I'll get flamed for this but then again I'm also in the minority on this topic it seems.

bluetoto4038d ago

"I'm also in the minority on this topic it"

yes, the short yellow bus always has the fewest riders and the "special" classes are always the smallest from what I remember.

cyguration4038d ago

Weren't all of you at one point angry at gamers for pre-ordering games like Aliens: Colonial Marines and blaming consumers for pre-ordering in the first place and that they should have waited a couple of days after the review?

So now you're saying that gamers should pre-order in order to get the full, complete version lest they have to pay more if they don't?

That's some contradictory bullcrap right there.

How about gaming media keep consumers informed properly and publishers not screw people over so no one has to jump through hoops just to play their favorite game?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4038d ago
MadLad4039d ago (Edited 4039d ago )

I paid $37.50 FOR pre-ordering at greenmangaming, so . . .

kagon014039d ago

If you're going to support it, then you're part of the problem that is destroying gaming...

Jovanian 4039d ago

please explain to me how this preorder DLC is destroying gaming

give me evidence that future metro games will now have preorder DLC that has locked away difficulty modes

MadLad4039d ago

I support good developers and good games. What goes on in the background, no matter how crappy, is just capitalism and sales doing their thing. Nothing is going to stop the greedy from being greedy.
This is Koch media, of all companies. I am surprised that they aren't holding half the game as an expansion at this point.
But please, keep the preaching to yourself. The amount I spend on games and hardware, I don't want to hear it.

RankFTW4038d ago

Enjoy not playing games again.

grimmweisse4038d ago

Swadian, you are just so stupid. If you cannot see that charging extra for a mode as dlc that should already be included as part of the stand alone game, then you are not too bright!

Future metro games or not, look at the situation now. If $5 become acceptable, then what's stopping other developers or publishers from doing the same or charging more.

This practice is extremely harmful to the industry!

SITH4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

Not his problem or mine it is your problem. Quit superimposing your concerns and financial limitations on other people. Fix your own issues, buy or do not buy. Your choice is yours alone. Meanwhile... in metro last light.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4038d ago
darkziosj4038d ago (Edited 4038d ago )

@Swadian_Grognard wow you're pretty stupid eh? if this works and everyone keeps silence about OF COURSE the future games will have it and maybe they will out take normal difficulty too, $10 more! and you sheeps will pay it with pleasure.

grimmweisse4038d ago

They need people like him so they can actually sell that $5 dlc. Suckers will be suckers

DA_SHREDDER4039d ago

Don't buy dlc for a good game? Ya that sounds retarded?

Philoctetes4038d ago

Well that's the problem. How do I know this game is good? This is one that's very much on radar screen and I would strongly consider buying it new if early user reviews are positive. But then I end up having to pay $5 more to get the same game. To hell with that. I'll just play The Last of Us instead.

Fasttrack764039d ago

I agree 100% with this article, I cancelled my pre order when I heard about this and it's now on my lovefilm list,and there's know way I'm ever buying ranger mode. I think it's disgusting and I'm not supporting it...

vallencer4038d ago

Why would you cancel your pre order when you get ranger mode for pre ordering?? That confuses me......

Fasttrack764038d ago

Im cancelling it because i think its disgusting that there making you pre order for a difficulty setting that you have to buy if you don't,im sorry but that's just greedy and im not supporting greed so im getting from lovefilm

Persistantthug4038d ago

If you don't stand for something,
You fall for anything.

Show all comments (175)

The Rise of the Metro Series

A look back at 4A Games' admirably consistent post-apocalyptic shooter franchise.

Read Full Story >>
25d ago

Metro Video Game Series: A Comprehensive History

The Metro video game series started with a humble b-list title, before building a strong fanbase and becoming a pioneer in the industry.

TheBrainZ116d ago

Never got into Exodus, but 2033 was excellent.

kevco33116d ago

Yeah, Exodus just didn't grab me either, sadly.

I absolutely loved 2033 and Last Light, however. Played them both on 360 and then again with the remasters!

anast115d ago

I just started it and it is already miles better than the first 2 which are dated.


Bethesda & Xbox To Meet Up With Laid-Off Deep Silver Volition Employees

According to a LinkedIn post, Bethesda and Xbox Game Studio representatives will meet up with Deep Silver Volition employees.

shinoff2183260d ago (Edited 260d ago )

That's pretty cool, but didn't they just lay of 10k as a whole. Reportedly some from the gaming division even.

Confused in pa.

Sonyslave3260d ago

Yes they did , it the circle of life in the tech bizz.

blackblades260d ago

Circle of life of meh games

mkis007260d ago (Edited 260d ago )

This is called good PR. And an opportunity to hire veterans over scrubs.

phoenixwing259d ago

Not to call them scrubs but yeah some veteran devs are more welcome than others with less experience

Flakegriffin259d ago (Edited 259d ago )

You can hire veterans all day long but it’s the talent Microsoft lacks.

Zeref259d ago (Edited 259d ago )

It was mostly outside of gaming. Most of the game studios weren't affected besides 343i and Coalition from what I recall

Charlieboy333259d ago (Edited 259d ago )

But of course. Just look at the latest Saint's Row....that is exactly the level of quality and writing that Xbox strives for these days.

Aloymetal259d ago

Nope, like Redfall, Craig infinite

259d ago
ravens52259d ago

There u go. This is way more acceptable than buying up studios. Buy individual talent until you strengthen your already owned studios. 👏🏽

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