
10 Games That No One Has Played (And Everyone should)

Vgamerz writes: "Sometimes wonderful games are created that simply just don’t sell well despite being legitimately good games. Whether it be lack of hype, poor marketing, or any other number of reasons, these games sold poorly, but deserve to be played by each and every one of you gamers out there. So do yourself a favor and read on about these rare gems that you may have never heard of, but should seek out as soon as possible. You can thank me later. "

SOD_Delta4243d ago

I've beaten four out of the ten listed. With Shadows of the Damned as my favorite. I still want to play Binary Domain.

KiRBY30004243d ago

I would have picked Vanquish on top of that list.

thorstein4243d ago

I would too, followed by Valkyria Chronicles and then Demon's Souls.

Amplitude4243d ago


Demon's Souls doesn't belong on the list. That game got so popular.

wishingW3L4242d ago (Edited 4242d ago )

Vanquish, Yakuza and Valkyria Chronicles too! Poor Sega doesn't get the credit it deserves. -_-

Mutant-Spud4243d ago

Binary Domain is a great game,the campaign is a decent length too.

ATi_Elite4242d ago (Edited 4242d ago )

Ummm Metro 2033 is way over a million! You better go ask THQ for the PC digital download sales figures!


Metro 2033 will make your GPU Bleed! AWESOME game and i can't wait for Metro Last Light!

Sniper Elite V2 is dam good and again you may wanna go check the digital download numbers cause S.E.v2 was more popular with PC gamers than consolers just like Metro 2033!

good list of games though!

Venoxn4g4243d ago

thats a reay good list

I would add

Chid of eden

Hovis4243d ago

Vanquish is one of the best third person shooters I've ever played.

A nice mix of uber masculine western males and the ridiculousness of the east.

Love it.

Soldierone4243d ago

Just wish it wasn't so short.

tehnoob34242d ago

The first thing on this list should be Planescape Torment. A revolution in story telling, and a masterpiece.

TopDudeMan4243d ago

This guy likes his survival horrors.

BinaryMind4243d ago

Apparently if a game sells less than 1 million "no one" played it. Sure, they weren't a success, but the numbers here a still a heck of a lot higher than even the best selling XBLA/PSN games.

TopDudeMan4243d ago

Yeah, I'm sure they sold about as well as the companies expected them to.

Beastforlifenoob4243d ago

+ im sure alot of people pirate it,...

GreenRanger4243d ago

I would put FEAR 3 on that list.
FEAR is a highly underrated series.
I'd like to see Condemned 3 aswell.

Soldierone4243d ago

I LOVE the FEAR series. FEAR 3 is a great game, but it totally lost its horror elements almost entirely. There were a few good horror based levels, but it was way more about action and gunplay. Like I said still a great game, but I enjoyed 2 and 1 a lot more in terms of horror.

rezzah4243d ago

1 was the scariest and the AI seemed to be the most intelligent. Or maybe it was just my surprise reaction to how smart they are.

r214243d ago

Proud to say I've played and enjoyed Singularity and The Sabotuer. Activision really need to make a sequel Singularity. Btw, did anyone else play Timeshift? That was bloody well brilliant!

r214243d ago

Well IMO it was great! :)

FunkMacNasty4243d ago

I'm between the two of you on Singularity ^^^^ and the dude below. I think that game had some serious flaws in terms of gameplay, AI, and the graphics (on console anyway) were pretty bad by this generations standards. But I think Singularity had a story and game mechanics, such as the abilty to "timewarp" enemies and certain materials.. that was especially cool in trying to solve various puzzle sections.

A flawed masterpiece IMO - big fun factor and interesting game mechanics, just not expertly executed like i would've liked.

Venoxn4g4243d ago

yea, I really liked Singularity too, great game

Saturne34243d ago (Edited 4243d ago )

Timeshift is a great shooter indeed.

The multiplayer is alot of fun.

Soldierone4243d ago

I loved Singularity, even bought it and working on a platinum.

The people that hate it seem to be the COD kids expecting COD. I tried selling it to COD kids several times and they don't play past the first level.

n to the b4242d ago

I see Singularity getting a lot of credit for story.

Singularity's story/plot twists were contrived, uninteresting and poorly thought out.

I have never played any of the CODs ever.

guitarded774242d ago

it's a good sandbox game (a la GTA formula) set in WWII era France. There are what seems like thousands of side objectives where you do stuff, find stuff or blow shiz up. It is really fun, but can get a bit repetitive if you seek out and do every little thing like I do. It really is one of the better GTA style games though. I enjoyed it more than Saint's Row or Mercenaries... I'd say it's about as good as Just Cause 2, only set in a different time and environment.

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kenpachi53d ago

You left out The Darkness games bring those back

fan_of_gaming52d ago

The head of Nightdive Studios has posted that The Darkness is on their list of games they want to do, so hopefully something comes from that

Yi-Long52d ago

Little Big Planet 1 and 2 deserve a mention, IMO.

Good call on Motorstorm, a game released 2 gens ago but still looks and feels so good. Motorstorm 2 and Motorstorm RC were gems as well. They followed up the Motorstorm games with the brilliant Driveclub, which still manages to put modern racing games to shame. Imagine closing down a studio as talented as that ... (!) Incredible.

A little 'arcade-gem' back then was The Last Guy, a top down 'follow the leader' snake-like game where you had to find and lead survivors to safety during an alien invasion, on terrible looking 'Google-earth' maps. Graphics were poor, even back then, but would love that same gameplay with modern maps and graphics.

Street Fighter 4, once it finally had a full roster, was quite good, but it was always an ugly game, sadly. Imagine bringing that back while using the current SF6 engine.

fan_of_gaming52d ago

Good suggestions, I'd be in for
LittleBigPlanet 2
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
Motorstorm: RC

purple10151d ago

God damn I love motorstorm so much

At the time I had a low-mid range sony 40” tv, The latency to the controller was waaaay too high, would to play a modern version

In saying that later I got a 3d lg tv and playing the 3d motorstorm in my bedroom with the environment crumbling around the track, was something special, specially compared to what others were playing at the time, will always remember that

Skuletor52d ago

Some good choices here and Resistance: Fall of Man is my most wanted PS3 remaster/remake. Not sure about their claim it was Sony's answer to Gears of War though.

CrimsonWing6952d ago

I’d rather have sequels than remakes. Look at Dead Space 1 Remake. Would’ve been cooler if we got a new entry and it failed with sales sealing the fate of a sequel rather than just replay the same game and it fail in sales and we never get a new entry.

Remakes are great for things like PS2 and earlier games to really get a crazy new graphical coat, but I think we should ease up on all these remakes and actually do sequels.

fan_of_gaming52d ago

Yeah for sure, sequels would be ideal. But in the current market environment where many big publishers are risk-averse, I'd rather get a remaster or remake that a developer can do on a budget that will be approved, rather than nothing for an IP.

Inverno52d ago

I rather they remaster and port over to PC and current gen all the games permanently stuck on PS360. Those games don't need remakes, they need to be given a chance to live again outside of their confined consoles and then give a few proper sequels. Like Sleeping Dogs, Motor Storm, LA Noir, should get another entry.

fan_of_gaming52d ago

Yeah I'd be fine with remasters of PS3 games too, they don't have to be remakes.

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