
James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing, a Twenty Year Reunion

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Whilst I need to agree that Everything or Nothing aged more noticeably than other gems from 2004, I was surprised with how exciting it is to play after all these years. It was EA pushing the medium to brand new territory, a game with the same kind of cast and set pieces you’d expect from a Hollywood blockbuster, but still fun enough as a video game, never forgetting that being entertaining to play was its main priority. We wouldn’t have had games like Alan Wake, Max Payne 3, and others, if it wasn’t for Everything or Nothing showing us how action movies and games could be meshed together into a beautiful, chaotic piece of dumb fun."

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DaReapa104d ago

My personal second best Bond game behind GoldenEye 64. Looking forward to what IO Interactive has cooking.

ZeekQuattro104d ago

Still have the game on my GCN. A fine game.

CDbiggen104d ago

Now this was an underrated game


Project 007 Could Be Incredible

IO Interactive are bringing Bond games back to the world. This could be an incredible chapter for the franchise. Sam also discusses Bond games of the past.

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These are the best (and worst) James Bond video games of all-time

With the release of "No Time to Die" on the horizon, Newsweek has taken a look at the best and worst James Bond video games of all time.

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P_Bomb1000d ago

They didn’t make the cut but I also liked From Russia with Love, Bloodstone and the MP in Quantum of Solace.

porkChop999d ago

Yeah QoS had some really fun MP. It had some lag issues when I played it, but it was cool.

robtion999d ago

Bloodstone was great. Like playing an actual Bond film.

Orchard999d ago

The best was always going to be Goldeneye! Very fond memories of the split screen MP on N64!

Smitty2020999d ago

Totally agree, First to the golden gun lol

blackblades999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

Agree, wish someone never stole my copy, then one of the games on ps2 my cousin borrowed it and never return. I did like everything or nothing and song.

DaReapa999d ago

Have to say, this was one of the very few times I fully agree with a "best/worst" list. The top 3 are definitely my top 3...in that order, no less.

PectoralFlex999d ago

Agent Under Fire was the shit. Probably the only one that comes close to Goldeneye, imo. Multiplayer matches in the Church level with everyone using grappling hooks and sniping each other to death. Or the harbor level and everyone rocket launching each other for hours. Lots of fun.

999d ago
Ashunderfire86999d ago

I love that multiplayer facing bots and grapping hook anywhere around the environment for some brutal kills lol!!! That game was so fun, and it had 60FPS for PS2 and Gamecube it was buttersmooth.

porkChop999d ago

I actually thought Quantum of Solace was pretty good. Treyarch did a decent job. The levels were well designed and had actual replayability. It was a little bit too action-heavy, and not having driving sections was a mistake. But I still enjoyed my time with it.

I'm excited to see what IO Interactive does with the license. I think they're currently the best choice. Hitman laid a great foundation for a Bond-style game. They aren't known for driving gameplay so I doubt we'll see any, but I'm still optimistic about the game.

MajorLazer999d ago

I loved QoS. Russia with love too.

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Another 5 of the Best Licensed Video Games

By Moshe Sweet: Did you wake up today and tell yourself “man, I sure am in the mood for another top 5 licensed video game list”? Then you are in luck because I have a fresh list coming straight for your eyeballs. If not, then you got one anyway.

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