
30fps For The Legend of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Is Not The Same As 30fps For Redfall

No, it’s not hypocritical to enjoy Tears of the Kingdom and criticise Redfall when they have the same frame rate

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Jin_Sakai400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Obviously, one is running on a prehistoric handheld while the other is on a powerful 12tf home console. There’s simply no excuse for Redfall being only 30fps.

Knushwood Butt400d ago

Sure, but don't Nintendo fans normally claim the frame rate is more important than resolution, and that Switch games run at 60fps?

Profchaos400d ago

Not really most switch games in my library are 30 fps not that 60 isn't possible it is but it's all in the design decisions made early on in development

GameBoyColor400d ago

huh, I must of missed those comments lol

Knushwood Butt400d ago

So, resolution is more important than frame rate?

_SilverHawk_400d ago

It's funny people thinking these games should have different standards of criticism based on hardware which is the reason why Nintendo games are rated so high while games on other gaming systems would get lower scores for doing the same things as Nintendo games.

Limitedtimestruggle400d ago

Uh, sure bud. Is it "statements out my ass day" already?

sadraiden400d ago

.....No. No that's something you just made up.

Angyobangyo400d ago

Nintendo fans have never claimed that. You're claiming that...or heard one Nintendo fan say that and now it's some kind of gospel to you.

chobit_A5HL3Y400d ago

the switch can't even run its own store without massive lag, so of course people lose their minds when a game can run at a solid 30fps.

if you like nintendo's library, that's fine, but there's definitely a double--standard when it comes to nintendo in general.

399d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic399d ago (Edited 399d ago )

Eh? Said no Nintendo fan ever, why would you make such a blatant lie? I think they all know what the Switch is, let's not kid ourselves that it's anywhere in the ballpark of a PS4/Xone's performance levels, let alone PS5/Series X.

The thing is, we all know the Switch isn't going to push high frame rates and we don't expect it, as for the Series X, that was inexcusable, especially when it was promised at release. I'd take any Zelda game over Redfall, Redfall clearly has alot of issues, whereas, the majority of Zelda games are really fun.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 399d ago
neutralgamer1992400d ago

If redfall was getting 10/10 we would all put up with 30FS. Instead redfall was getting 5/10 along with other issues so 30FPS stood out even more

The only reason I don’t give Nintendo my money is because they knowingly release underpowered consoles, charge a premium, their main goal always is to make as much money as possible. They literally released a cardboard box for $60 and people were defending them

Knushwood Butt400d ago

but cardboard boxes with 'Nintendo' written on them are fun.

abstractel400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

The first truly great game I experienced was SNES Zelda. I loved Nintendo for a long time but I agree with you Neutral. It's amazing to see how Nintendo followers just turn a blind eye to what Nintendo has become. Not saying they don't make fun games, but the concessions they make are truly remarkable. I'll get the same disagrees, but thankfully Sony didn't follow Nintendo's footsteps (although I haven't loved the long cross-gen period, I can sort of understand it).

I do wish I had current-gen Nintendo games as I know they would produce astounding games with current technology that would far surpass Tears of the Kingdom's experience. Do you guys lack imagination? I know that's condescending, it's not meant to be, just don't understand why you wouldn't want what you could get if Nintendo wasn't as greedy as they are. Profit drives all companies, but we have Sony who are doing very well, and fortunately in my books. I do hope Xbox will catch up this generation but I think they somewhat stabbed themselves (and cross-platform) in the foot with Series S. We'll see how Senua's Saga will turn out, might be the miracle it looks to be.

400d ago
Zhipp400d ago

There's also the issue of Red fall being an fps. 60 is kind of standard for shooters whereas 30 has generally been acceptable for slower paced third person adventure games.

Zelda also tends to have more responsive controls than other 30fps games which I've now come to understand Is because of the use of double buffered vsync as opposed to triple buffering.

Knushwood Butt400d ago

Mario Odyssey seems to be 60fps, along with quite a few other first party offerings.


Is that a faster paced third person adventure game?

Just trying to understand the rules here.

Zhipp399d ago

I'm not sure how to respond. Is that supposed to be some kind of "gotcha" statement? I guess you could call it a fast paced action adventure game? Mario Oddyssey is a platformer, which oftentimes requires precise inputs and twitch reactions -- it benefits more from 60fps than Zelda, Assassin's Creed, TLOU, or any other number of slower paced games.

I don't know what you posted that list for? Did you interpret my statement as meaning "some games are better at 30fps" or something? 60fps is objectively better. If I could, I would play all games at a higher framerate. That doesn't mean some titles don't need it more than others, though.

DOOM benefits more from 60fps than Fallout, and Mario needs it more than Zelda. Make sense?

Mulando400d ago

First of all, those games can not be compared (totally different). Also Redfall is really not a fun game.
But, I really don't get why Zelda is so good in the reviews. I have it (because of my son) and tried it. The graphic is really ancient, tends to flicker and just ugly at times. Also the world is total empty. There are so many corners you can go to where just nothing is at all. Well maybe it is just not my type of game.
But what really broke the immersion for me was Zelda herself. First she makes pictures with a switch-like device (the player gets a few minutes later) ... this should really not be in such a game ... and than she stops talking and instead makes noises whenever her textbox appears if she and link make some "naughty" things ...
Totally broke the immersion for me. And from there on it really didn't get much better, even after the tutorial section.

SullysCigar399d ago

Yeah, I've noticed constant shimmering on the graphics and it's quite off-putting. It really does feel like going back in time, playing TofK. In a nice, nostalgic way, but also - and more so - in a 'this tech is tired by today's standards' way.

Zhipp399d ago

You sound like someone who started gaming in the 360/PS3 generation. The distinction between cutscene voices and in-game voices has been a thing in gaming for a long time, but around that time most games (excepting Nintendo's) started to become fully voice-acted.

Mulando398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

@zhipp, no, not really. I started with a C64 a long time ago. Yes I know that old games (when voice on consoles was a new thing) tended to switch between it, but that was long ago and the medium was often the limit. But it is 2023 now and this was more or less part of the intro of the game.

VariantAEC395d ago

But God John Lineman of Digital Foundry said these were all great features!

How dare you question God John!


VariantAEC395d ago

Spyro on PS1 was fully voice acted... Syphon Filter, G-Police, Air Combat (Ace Combat - if you were not in NA) and so many other og PlayStation titles were fully voice acted by the same people inside and outside of cutscenes this extended to PS2 and PSP even before Xbox 360 and PS3 ever hit store shelves. Nintendo couldn't do that kind of thing because their I/O was very limited at least on NES, SNES, N64, GB/P/L/C/A and NDS which maxed out at about 1GB carts on NDS. Literally all game data on a cart was measured in MB on Nintendo HW up through the NDS and most of their carts were well under 100MB even when Nintendo switched to discs things were still small about 1GB. PSP UMD's could hold 1.7GB DVDs 4.7GB on PS2.

Back to PS1, CDs held 700MB vs N64s paltry 64MB carts. Of course PS had way more games with full VO and proper music compared to Nintendo consoles. It had less to do with Nintendo's chosen DSPs and way more to do with lackluster storage space.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 395d ago
gamerz400d ago

Not really an excuse for 30fps on either but especially Redfall.

DarXyde400d ago

It's more than that, I'd say.

Nintendo has been putting out 60fps games before anyone was asking for it, since GameCube. Pretty consistently, too.

Anyone complaining about a "double standard" are really oversimplifying the problems with Redfall or outright misdiagnosing them.

The frame rate for Redfall is a big issue as a matter of principle because the footage used to advertise it was 60fps. It was fully expected to ship at 60fps, but it didn't—then a sticker was slapped onto it that basically says "eventually". But that's hardly the only issue: critics have made it clear that it's ugly, uninspired, glitchy, and the AI is terrible.

Not all 30fps titles are created equal, and I think people would be more forgiving of the Redfall frame rate if they had their other ducks in a row.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 395d ago
Flawlessmic400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

No shit.

One is an absolutely amazing game that I just sunk in atleast 20 hrs over the weekend lol and had to force myself to put down.

The other is 💩 💩 💩 played a decent amount of redfall just to give it a proper chance and have an informed opinion about it.

Redfall isn't bad because of 30 fps, hell it could get patched for 120fps and it would still be a turd!!

Nothing wrong with 30 fps as that how I play all my games, give me the fidelity, in saying that though I do expect a rock solid 30 with no dips.

I don't think zelda should get a free pass completely for its frame drops but they are very easily overlooked when the game is this good.

Redfall has zero redeeming qualities about it, I actually can't believe just how bad it is on every metric I could rate a game by.

Iv seen a lot of people on here though that all of sudden say 30fps and zelda is awesome when previously they said they can't play games at 30 anymore lol

staticall400d ago

No, it is hypocritical, stop with the mental gymnastics. Yes, one is an old hardware and other is brand new SSD machine. But:
a) It's Nintendo problem that their hardware can't handle the game and they don't release the next console/revision yet;
b) Both games are exclusives and should show the best the console can perform.

I can kinda agree that Redfall should be criticized more (because of how much extra power they can use). But Zelda must be criticized as well, don't act like low FPS doesn't matter or doesn't affect the score.

Either performance issues for all games should affect the score or the other way around. I prefer the former. Double standarts are bad, period.
That's why i wouldn't trust any of those 10/10 reviews.

P. S.: It's not even stable 30 FPS. It's much better with the patch, but still it drops to 20-25-ish periodically in busy places.

Nitrowolf2400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

Lol dude, most people understand when something limited by the tech they're on versus something that's been praised to high hell as the world's most powerful console.

We're talking about a game that's even bigger than most next-gen games running on hardware that's over 7 years old that was even then barely stronger than last-gen consoles, versus a current-gen game.

This isn't "oh but because it's Nintendo" cause otherwise Pokemon Scarlet and Violet wouldn't be sitting at a 72

TotK runs fine for most part. Yes there's dips, but not much we can do seeing there's not a switch 2 yet. If this was a switch 2 launch game then yes, people would be complaining about the lack of 60fps. Again, most people fully understand the limitations of the system, it's been showing for years.

Redfall, a game built exclusively for the series is being outperformed by a console built nearly 2 gens ago.

Not to mention, even if Redfall ran at 60FPS, that is literally the least of its concerns on why the game is scoring so low. You really think if Redfall ran at 60fps it would somehow fix the bland story, the repetitive tedious gameplay loop, and the gameplay in general?

Redfall could be running at 1000fps and it would have still reviewed badly

Redfall releasing at 30FPS just weakens the Xbox in general because it indicates it's not the powerhouse Microsoft made it out.

TotK releasing at 30FPS only tells what everyone knew for the last 5 years, that Nintendo needs to move on already.

Imalwaysright400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

30 fps has never impacted the score of any game. Insomniac who was well known for only making 60 fps games started to make games in 30fps because they did their research and reached the conclusion that games didn't sell better or reviewed better if they ran at 30 fps vs 60 fps.


staticall400d ago

If you're criticizing one games' performance (aka, it's affecting your score) and do not criticize the other or acting like, quote, "majority of people who play this game are not expecting 30fps" (it's from an article) - it is hypocritical. This is not about 30 fps only, this is about not hitting 30 fps 100% of the time (aka, performance issues) and sweeping that under the rug for the game you like. Both games have a problem here (not hitting 30 fps 100% of the time). My comment was about the thegamer article, not eurogamer or Insomniac.

NotoriousWhiz400d ago

^ when did nintendo ever show off 60fps game play and pretended it was for the Nintendo?

sadraiden400d ago

Nintendo doesn't have any problems. They still are selling Switch's and they keep making crazy money. Sounds like you just don't like the Switch. That's a you thing.

repsahj400d ago

Even Redfall runs at 120fps, it's still a garbage game. They cant fix a trash game with fps patch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 400d ago
Abracadabra400d ago (Edited 400d ago )

"Gamers" (fanboys) are BS hypocrites. What else is new?

Abracadabra399d ago

LOL. A fanboy that even has PS5 on his name accusing others of being fanboys... * Facepalm *

So much PS5 love, you must sleep with your console.

shinoff2183399d ago


It doesn't make him wrong though

Abracadabra399d ago

It doesn't make him right though.

Soulsborne400d ago

Because redfall would be such good game with 60 fps .... lol

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PassNextquestion18d ago

I'm not interested in this game but i think it's great they added the offline mode for those who are.

darthv7217d ago

It was okay at first... once they added the performance update it was definitely better.

TwoPicklesGood17d ago

Bury this turd. It’s only good as a reminder of what devs shouldn’t do.

mkis00717d ago

I hate the concept of an announced final update.


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