
10 Most Anticipated Upcoming Games Exclusive to Xbox

NoobFeed Editor Joshua Burt writes - There are so many titles that will be coming to Xbox in the next coming years. But there are some that quite simply stand head and shoulders from the rest of the pack. These 10 games will be available exclusively on the Xbox (and PC of course) and they are truly some of the most highly anticipated games in the entire games industry.

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darthv72724d ago

Perfect Dark, Fable and Hellblade 2 are the ones Im looking forward to.

1Victor724d ago (Edited 724d ago )

Do they even have 10 /🌽JK
Btw when was elder scroll announced exclusive to Xbox? Did I missed something

gamer9724d ago

All Bethesda games will be console exclusive, except existing agreements they already had in place such as Deathloop

iplay1up2724d ago

Elder Scrolls next game will be Xbox and PC only.


SullysCigar724d ago

I thought ALL xbox games were on PC now, so there were no more exclusives?

For me, it's just Hellblade 2 I'm interested in at the moment, based off the first game, but it would be nice to see more after all this time.

gamer9724d ago (Edited 724d ago )

Yes anytime xbox exclusive is mentioned they mean console exclusive.

Old McGroin724d ago


I think you can take it that if someone mentions that an Xbox game is exclusive it means it won't appear on PlayStation.

gamer9724d ago

God of War is on PC, should we remove if from the list of best Playstation exclusives?

SullysCigar724d ago

^ @gamer9, of course you should. If it's on PC it's multiplaform now, just like all xbox games.

It was exclusive for 4 years on PlayStation, but it's not anymore. You've got to be consistent.

beefynachos724d ago

"Btw when was elder scroll announced exclusive to Xbox? Did I missed something"
Have you been living under a rock?

onisama724d ago


so does sony games now are lunching on PC ... bu xbox Exclusive means MS platforms (windows,xbox,cloud gaming)

onisama724d ago


Not sure about what a PS exclsuive means tho its a PS game on microsoft platform.... Feels weird spelled weird... You want me to make a list for you for all the PS exclsuives in pc?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 724d ago
Lightning77724d ago

Might want to hold off your expectations for Fable and Perfect Dark. I don't think we'll see anything Perfect Dark related but I can see a in engine fly by camera in Fable. Showing off the world, but that's as far as that goes though.

Old McGroin724d ago

All the talk of Golden Eye recently had me imagining a Perfect Dark and James Bond crossover. Will never happen but would be pretty cool.

darthv72724d ago (Edited 724d ago )

I dont have any expectations other than when they are ready, they are ready. Maybe you misunderstood this piece? It's just about upcoming games in general. So regardless of their release dates, they are still the ones im looking forward to.

DOMination-724d ago

It's been confirmed already that neither Perfect Dark nor Fable will be at the show

thesoftware730724d ago

Hellblade 2, Avowed, Gears 6, Starfield, and PD.

There is more but I'll leave it at that.

ABizzel1724d ago

I'm hoping they skip Gears 6 for now and launch a New IP first.

thesoftware730724d ago

I would not mind that, but I'm a big Gears fan..so I would not complain.

RedDevils723d ago

I'm surprise people still interest in Gears.

Gunstar75723d ago

Hivebusters was excellent as was gears 5.

Could do with updated combat though

monkey602724d ago

Hellblade is the only must have right now. Not that there won't be more, I'm actually really excited to see Redfall, Indiana Jones, Fable and Avowed and State of Decay 3. I just think the idea of saying they are must have games when we haven't seen ANYTHING from them outside of a CG reveal trailer is ridiculous.
My expectations for Perfect Dark and Everwild are also kept very low given the issues developers are having. Theres also rumours of Playground suffering with Fable which I hope aren't true.

bleedsoe9mm724d ago

They have so much great stuff coming 1st and 2nd party. How do you pick just 10

Crows90724d ago

Pretty easy when there's nothing we've actually seen gameplay of.

Eonjay724d ago

The only PC/Xbox game I'm interested in is State of Decay 3. And yes I realize we haven't seen gameplay. I'm just expecting it to be better than State of Decay 2 which was already fun for me dispite its flaws.

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Redfall's final update, which adds an Offline Mode, is available and it's 16GB in size

Arkane Austin has just released Game Update 4, the final patch for Redfall which is 16GB in size and adds an Offline Mode.

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PassNextquestion2d ago

I'm not interested in this game but i think it's great they added the offline mode for those who are.

darthv721d 4h ago

It was okay at first... once they added the performance update it was definitely better.

TwoPicklesGood1d 21h ago

Bury this turd. It’s only good as a reminder of what devs shouldn’t do.

mkis0071d 5h ago

I hate the concept of an announced final update.


Avowed Moved to Unreal Engine 5.3

With Support from The Coalition

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ThinkThink4d ago

That's great news. Hopefully the Coalition can smooth some of those edges from the last Avowed reveal.

phoenixwing4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you. I was ok with it and hoping to actually play it sometime soon. Now it's like 99% chance it's delayed.
Edit: effing graphics whores

Obscure_Observer3d ago

"Well I'm annoyed. Especially at all the ppl who said the graphics sucked. It's your fault they probably shifted the game to unreal so it could look more fancy for you."

What the hell are you talking about dude? Avowed was already in development using the UE5. The Coalition is just helping Obsidian in the transition to its latest version (5.3)

MrBaskerville3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Probably not even that big of a difference. Coalition might only have helped because they got a deadline to meet.

Unreal isn't nearly as bad as Unity when you update a project. Though it obviously depends on the project. But unity generally gets an aneyurism if you threaten to update, where Ue is usually less stingy.

Reaper22_3d ago

In excited for Avowed and Gears 6.

Fishy Fingers3d ago

It already was Unreal 5, its just moving to the latest build.

CantThinkOfAUsername3d ago

Latest build is 5.4 and it's better than previous iterations, particularly in animation and performance.

Lightning774d ago

Apparently the latest build looks way better graphically. This rumor from Jez Cordin (who's credible) pretty much confirms it.

Interested in seeing more on Avowed in a few weeks.

Notellin3d ago

UE 5.3 has been out since September of last year. I can't believe this is news or that anyone is hyping this up.

MrNinosan3d ago

As Hellblade failed to set the world on fire, just like Halo Infinite and Starfield before it, it's time to look forward to the next Game of the Decade candidate.
Of course it needs to be hyped up ahead of time 😏

Notellin3d ago

I didn't mean the game itself. I can't believe there is a news article about an Unreal Engine update that launched a year ago.

Reading comprehension is tough for fanboys on N4G.

got_dam2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

@MrNinosan I just want to see what Obsidian can do with a real budget and development time. They have a made a some memorable games with massive time constraints an lackluster funding.

--Onilink--2d ago

Many games stick to a specific version of the Engine they had already been using to avoid delays, problems with migrations to newer stuff etc.
The version being released in September isnt really relevant, just that they decided to make the jump to it at some point in development, which is arguably good news since we know with each iteration, performance has been getting much better

MrNinosan2d ago

I actually look forward to Avowed, and hope that's the game that finally make my purchase of Series X in 2020 worth it.
The game I actually bought Series X for was Starfield, but sadly it didn't do it for me.

Avowed however has the potential to be incredible.

ThinkThink2d ago

MrNinosan, what is the last game that set the world on fire? Red Dead? GTA likely. Not every game has to set the world on fire. Those games that you mentioned fall into the 80's meta critic, and a lot of people enjoy them. And yes, I'm excited to see some of these 2024 games at the june conference.

MrNinosan19h ago

It's MS and its fans who make it sound like every game they have on the horizon would "set the world on fire" and they all failed to reached expectations.

I don't ask for it.

But to answer your question, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth would be the last game that everyone speaks highly about.

Before that, Elden Ring, God of War Ragnarök, Ghost of Tsushima, Last of Us Part 2, Zelda BotW, Animal Crossing, Half Life Alyx....

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 19h ago
truthBombs3d ago

I liked the games unique artstyle when It was revealed. I hope they're not making the migration based on criticism. It's only a rumor anyways

MrBaskerville3d ago

I imagine the art style will stay the same. But there'll probably be some visual upgrades here and there.

anast3d ago

This was the only game I was jealous of, but It's a wait and see game now. Plus, I can wait until they release it on PSN.

Miraak82 3d ago

Right!!! Obsidian is like only XB GS that I wanna play there games . Pillars of Eternity is one of my fav game franchises and I'd love to step back into the world of Eora . Their world building and rpg systems are one of the best , I hope XB higher ups don't get in the way of them. If they released it on ps I would definitely buy it day 1

anast3d ago

I bought both Pillars for PC and Console. Good games.

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‘Hellblade 2’ Launches As The 23rd Most-Played Xbox Game, What Does That Mean?

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 launched last week to solid reviews from both fans and players. But its playercount? That's another story.

helicoptergirl4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

That's awful. This combined with the really low Steam numbers paint a disastrous picture imo. Really bad timing too because Tango was closed down for a similar thing. Great reviewed game, and low sales and/or player count. Hi-Fi Rush reviewed a hell of a lot better and it was widely loved by everyone, Hellblade 2 nowhere near that.

I know the rumor is that the studio has their next game already green-lit, but if I worked at Tango, I would be furious. "Why do they survive while we get binned?" I'd be telling myself.

But the suit woman will have you believe "Oh we have different metrics for the success of one studio compared to another studio. We judge each studio and game on their own set criteria" or something like that, I'm paraphrasing here but you get the idea. But no one who works there knows what the hell that even means. I mean the DLC for Redfall was getting worked on days before they even got the news their studio was getting dumped in the trash. So what are these mysterious metrics to let studios survive and others perish? I bet this is all hogwash, I bet MS don't even really know. They just had to make cuts and certain studios just found their way on the chopping block. Someone had to bite the dust, why not you?

Well I bet all this does nothing for the confidence of other employees in other studios. The truth is you have no idea where your career will be in a year from now working at one of their studios that aren't the mega big ones. MS just have too many studios to manage efficiently. "We'll just throw money at them and buy them and worry about the details later on. I mean we can do it, we're Microsoft."

darthv724d ago

...have you seen what the top 10 consists of? Its things like fortnite, roblox, CoD, apex... etc. This being a new game that has a niche appeal is actually surprising to see at 23. Its also the 33rd top paid game on the PC through the MS store.

tay87014d ago

Those are dreadful numbers any way you slice it dude. They hyped this game to hell for the last 4 plus yrs. It was supposed to be xboxs big game this yr. Ninja Theory is probably sweating right now.

Scissorman4d ago

And it's already slipped out of the Top 100 on Steam. Meanwhile a port of the 4-year old Ghost of Tsushima is sitting comfortably at #8.

RiseNShine4d ago

One of the biggest games of the year, a multi million sequel and heavily advertised game, at 23 most played? There's no way to justify those numbers.

darthv724d ago

^^heavily advertised game...?

I mean, I knew the game was coming but outside of a boot screen ad for it, there has been little to no marketing. And yet it still managed 23rd. Make of that what you will.

Elda4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Here in the East Coast on NY/NJ on cable tv Hellblade 2 has been advertised pretty well. I see the commercials every day at least 3 times a day for the past 3 weeks. It's even advertised as YT commercials.

Chevalier4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

What an idiotic comment. Let me guess the next comment would be GTA V outsold everything so....

Absolutely terrible numbers all round for this game. Ghost of Tsushima at number 8. Good games going to sell regardless of excuses

CobraKai3d ago

Nice try on spinning it but it debuting at 23 isn’t a good thing. It’s one of MS anticipated exclusives.

Cacabunga3d ago

That GP adds no value to a game..
ninja theory got it all wrong, from being sold to MS to only prioritizing graphics

jwillj2k43d ago (Edited 3d ago )

23 is high just shows how shite Xbox lineup is. Game should have come at 70’s.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
RpgSama4d ago

What a disaster, 2 failures in a row for Ninja Theory, first Bleeding edge, now Hellblade 2, any way you slice it these are not the numbers the most awaited game of the year for Xbox should show (before Activision purchase), also player numbers is extremely low and even more surprising considering is day 1 on gamepass.

Crows904d ago

If they worked on heavenly sword instead then they would have something worth playing and waiting for... unfortunately that won't happen.

Terry_B4d ago

It means that it will be the..50th? 75th? most played xbox game in June.

anast3d ago

I think it's well below 75th on Steam.

CrimsonWing694d ago

That people played it 🤷‍♂️

Terry_B3d ago

The graphics are great though *fixed it

ChasterMies3d ago

The lowest common denominator isn’t after great games. Look at xDefiant player numbers.

InUrFoxHole3d ago

Not sure how I feel about that game yet.

Scissorman4d ago

If this game cost more and took longer to develop than Hi-Fi Rush, then I would worry if I were Ninja Theory. Projects may have been greenlit, but the increased scrutiny over at MS may very well put them on the chopping block. The incredible irony here is that it was PlayStation players that pushed the original game passed its 1 million copies sold milestone. With that purchasing power cut out, and the Game Pass effect having trained Xbox players to not purchase games, it seems that the sequel may have been set-up for failure.

italiangamer4d ago

And that's exactly what pisses me off about Hellblade 2 not being on PlayStation, Sony promoted the original game and I bought it basically on D1 back in the day because I liked what I saw and ended up really enjoying it!
I really hope Hellblade 2 is next on the porting list because I would buy it in a heartbeat, asshole microsoft robbed me of this game!

darthv724d ago

Just get an xbox. Then it will be YOU that is robbing Microsoft. Gamepass is a hell of a deal and an addictive one at that.

AndrewM4d ago

No darth, buying an Xbox only helps xbox lol he can play gamepass on com if he wants to take advantage of them destroying themselves.

Scissorman3d ago

If anything I would say that these sales figures and player counts may actually fast-track its PS5 port.

Bathyj3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Just get an Xbox? You're kidding right? No one paddles out and jumps on a sinking ship.

I wouldn't buy an Xbox for this lacklustre game and I wouldn't sign up to gamepass if I did. People want to trade their long term sustainable games industry for a short term saving, go ahead and see how it turns out.

Actually we're seeing how that turns out. Unsatisfied Devs. Mediocre games and a failing Microsoft games division.

Rhythmattic3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Hay Darth.. "Just get an xbox"
so.. explain.....what is Xbox ?

GotGame8183d ago

You can play it on PC. Heck you can play it, on just about anything, if you have decent Internet. It is an amazing looking game.

anast3d ago


I would have. But ES6 is coming to PlayStation after all, so there's really no need.

MrDead3d ago

darthv72 activity promoting studio shutdowns with that comment.

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