
DeathStranding received the #GameOfTheYear in the Global Game Awards 2019 on Game Debate

Only the best of the best are nominated for the prestigious Game Debate Global Game Awards Game of The Year title, and there can be only one. We are all looking for that one supreme game that dropped our jaws over the past 12 months. Nominees are usually highly competent in every facet that makes a title brilliant and all of them are video game titans that stand above the rest. These titles reach the lofty heights where the Half-Life and Elder Scrolls of gaming history dwell. They push the industry forward, innovating with rich new features and exceptional gameplay, all the while perfecting mechanics that set the template for every other title to aspire to.

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Thundercat771638d ago

While I understand Death Stranding is not for everyone, I am glad it is receiving admiration from those who liked it. Personally, DS is one of the best experiences I have played this generation.

Rude-ro1637d ago (Edited 1637d ago )

I love seeing the “not for everyone” as if it is a brand new gaming tag line... yet applies to every game, anything in life, since the beginning of time.
That’s when you know you have something special when people have to add said comment to the game.

TheOptimist1637d ago

Double standards have been a core principle of human society since the beginning.

crazyCoconuts1637d ago

Ménage à trois for example, not for everyone. Still a 10.

Baza1637d ago

Sure. But I’d say Death Stranding really takes “not for everyone” to a higher level.

CanadianTurtle1637d ago (Edited 1637d ago )

Death Stranding is best described as "don't buy the game, watch the cutscenes on youtube instead."

Because everyone who played it say the same exact thing "the gameplay was boring." So it seems to me that it's one of those games where people are putting up with 50 hours of tedious gameplay just to reach a glorified CGI cutscene. Most gameplay segments in DS are just boring, but players only endured it for the storytelling/cutscene checkpoints alone.

That's not a sign of a good game. That's a sign of a good movie. So yes, just watch the cutscenes on youtube instead. Save yourself $60, and 60 hours of walking

SpineSaw1636d ago

Just asking..... You like seeing the tag line "Game of the Year" added to Death Stranding? It's just one Game of the Year award but I gotta feeling they'll be others. On a personal note I've not played it, prolly won't play it as its not my kinda game but much respect to Death Stranding "Game of the Year"! Kinda rolls off the tongue huh?

CorndogBurglar1636d ago (Edited 1636d ago )

I think you guys are all just taking the quote too literally. Yes, obviously nothing is for everyone. But everything has it's own appeal levels. Some things have a much broader appeal than others.

Saying "its not for everyone" is just another way of saying it does not have the mass appeal of something like a CoD game. That's all.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1636d ago
Tross1637d ago

Nothing is for everyone. That’s not how subjective enjoyment of media works. What matters is whether it resonates with a lot of people, and how much it resonates with those people. DS seems to be a success on those fronts.

BadElf1637d ago (Edited 1637d ago )

Water. Water is for everyone

Edit:except for IGN

starchild1637d ago

Of course, but some things have broader appeal than other things. If 5 people think a certain game is the best game of all time it's not going to matter to all the people who didn't like it at all.

ScootaKuH1636d ago


IGN reviewed water and gave it 3.4 out of 10.

SpineSaw1636d ago

You make a good point. I don't care for either FPS Halo or Gears and I've spent plenty of time in both over the years but neither does it for me but as you say it does "resonate" with many others. But I do like to get me FPS fix in some Call of Duty and as it turns out many others do the same. And to add to your "Nothing is for everyone" point no Kojima game is for everyone that, that's just fact! ...Good point and well done Sir!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1636d ago
bluefox7551637d ago

No game is for everyone, I don't know why this has to even be said. I don't like CoD, but I don't go into every CoD article saying "This game isn't for everyone.". Not sure why people are doing that with this game.

1637d ago
xX-oldboy-Xx1637d ago

Hahagoty - But it didn't flop in any sense of the word, it's meta just proves what the op was saying.

xX-oldboy-Xx1637d ago

bluefox - Because it's a completely different, unique style of game. It's very hard to categorise, but people who like it generally love it.

1637d ago
The Wood1637d ago


Clearly it was just sony fanboys who appreciated this game...... sodium bomber you be.

Glad there are some people who can appreciated games that aren't the norm.

garos821636d ago

agreed. " this game is not for everyone" argument is lazy and actually rather a pointless statement. Fifa is not for everyone, Gran turismo is not for everyone, Tetris is not for everyone.

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neutralgamer19921637d ago (Edited 1637d ago )

2 big ps4 exclusives in 2019 launched with mixed media reception but much better fan reception/sales

Days gone is an amazing game according to gamers but according to journalists it's average. Actual reviews from legit youtubers like skill up actually did the game justice. I was hoping DS is more like MGS but it seems like it's no so it's not my cup of tea

1637d ago
1637d ago
1637d ago
SmielmaN1637d ago

Days Gone is fantastic. Excellent zombie game. My son and I can pick it up and play anytime and be quite happy.

Death Stranding is interesting in its design and completely did take on gameplay. I’m drawn in by a very original story and I’m currently plugging my way through Chapter 3 and just unlocked a truck (which has made the game pace pick up exponentially).

Both games are awesome. To say no one has liked these games is completely ignorant and such an idiotic statement that the commenters saying these things should prob recluse themselves from internet message boards since it’s clear they are simply trolls. The internet can use less trolls.

starchild1637d ago

I'll see what I think when I play the game. But Sony fanboys say every Sony exclusive is wonderful, so, I'm sorry, but that doesn't mean much to me. Games getting review bombed, or the opposite, is completely in the realm of fanboy politics and I've learned that it's unreliable and pointless to pay attention to.

TK-661637d ago (Edited 1637d ago )

Actually we have no numbers for either game. We had some early numbers for Days Gone and claims of it doing very well in NA but not much since. We have nothing on Death Stranding other than it getting knocked out of the UK charts far sooner than expected. There is currently no evidence to suggest this games sales hit intended targets.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1637d ago
Muzikguy1637d ago

The game is great. I can't believe how much is involved in it but that's Kojima for you. The story is awesome and what he's doing with the controller is cool too. He's one of those guys that will do some interesting things on the PS5 for sure.

1637d ago Replies(2)
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1636d ago
lifeisgamesok1638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

Nice! Death Stranding is so different than what's out there and great at the same time

telekineticmantis1637d ago (Edited 1637d ago )

"Geoff Keighley is gonna be bias" they said.

Looks like Geoff is not the only one with a personal relationship with Kojima, right?

lifeisgamesok1637d ago

Lol yep, the whining this game has brought out has been amusing

SpineSaw1636d ago

Your right Geoff is a full blooded Xbox fanboy no question. No way Kojima gets any Game of the Year love from the Geoff Xbox show. But then it's not likely to need any love from Geoff as Death Stranding will get GOTY love from others.

1637d ago Replies(5)
KyRo1636d ago (Edited 1636d ago )

Resident Evil 2 REmake is easily GOTY for me.

theshredded1638d ago (Edited 1638d ago )

Nice! It's the freshest experience this gen. The first of many awards to come.

1637d ago Replies(7)
CanadianTurtle1637d ago (Edited 1637d ago )

It all seems nice now, but in a few years, what if more games start doing the same? What if more AAA games use glorified CGI cutscenes as an excuse to compensate for boring gameplay? These awards shows are nice and all, but I really hope this damn game doesn't sway the industry into strictly "movie driven" games where cutscenes are the main selling point instead of gameplay. Don't get me wrong, I love my TellTale games, but I also love my AAA titles as well.

And I know for a fact that the games media doesn't have the balls to call out this behaviour. Just look at the reception of this game. Most people who enjoyed the game admit that the gameplay is boring, yet they still recommend the game. How do people go to journalism school and not be able to formulate the message that "Death Stranding is boring to play, but the cutscenes/storytelling is nice. So watch the cutscenes on YT instead of buying the game and wasting 50 hours of walking." How hard is it to admit that? I guess games media can't talk with Kojima's balls in their mouths. If this game didn't have Kojima's name attached to it, maybe we'd see some honest reviews.

Knushwood Butt1637d ago (Edited 1637d ago )

Games have had, 'glorified CGI cutscenes', for over a decade.

I can't imagine anyone forcing themselves to play DS just to see a cutscene, not that there are a large number of them in this game.

The game is really deep and you either invest time and get into it or bail. Simple as that.

Also, wallking is the only option for traversal in the opening chapters. If you so wish you can push ahead with the story in a few hours. Certainly not 50, but you clearly have an agenda here.

Don't like the game? OK.

P_Bomb1637d ago

“ Don't get me wrong, I love my TellTale games, but I also love my AAA titles as well. ”

There it is. You just solved the problem. That should be the end of it. But...

“ I guess games media can't talk with Kojima's balls in their mouths. If this game didn't have Kojima's name attached to it, maybe we'd see some honest reviews.”

There’s over 100 reviews on meta. You got your democracy. If this is about you, there’s a solution to that too. Put yourself out there like the other hundred did. If you already think you know better than them without playing it, getting signed should be a walk in the park.

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anast9h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics8h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX8h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon6h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie3h ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.


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RhinoGamer8810h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!