
After Everything, Will No Man's Sky Live Up To The Hype?

As everyone knows by now, No Man’s Sky is an upcoming sci-fi exploration survival game being developed and published by the indie British studio Hello Games. The first teaser for the game was showcased in 2013 and the game is finally coming to the Ps4 and PC this August.

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Null19802912d ago (Edited 2912d ago )

On another article posted yesterday on N4G, I saw someone complain that they hadn't seen any green planets. Glad you settled that by posting a picture of a green planet. Man, this game is gorgeous. Even if it only lives up to 80-90% of the hype, I think I'll be happy.

I'm really looking for a game that is really chill, a break from other high action games. This isn't COD, so it may not appease those kind of fans.

dirkdady2912d ago (Edited 2912d ago )

Probably not because the hype is unrealistic for any game.

The game will be good for what it is and gamers should set their expectations appropriately.

I imagine this game akin to Minecraft but from an exploration standpoint.

thekhurg2912d ago

Game never stood a chance to begin with.

ArchangelMike2912d ago

How about we all just wait for the gameto be released and then find out. It's ironic all these articles trying to pull the game down are still fanning the hype flames.

Aenea2912d ago

Will it be snowing on December 19?

We don't know. Same answer for this....

Sunny_D2912d ago

Sure it can. AS long as people don't overhype themselves up about the game and what it could offer versus what it will actually offer in the final product.

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Returnal Beginning of a "New Future" at Housemarque, Is the Game That "Allowed" Studio to Join Sony

According to Housemarque, Returnal marks the beginning of a "new future" at the studio, and is the game that them to join Sony.

fr0sty7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Returnal was fantastic, and I'm looking forward to seeing what these folks create with Sony in the future.

jznrpg7h ago

They make some fun arcade styles games. Returnal is one of the best games so far this generation. I wonder what is next

amobius6h ago

returnal is easily one of the most underrated games this gen. a lot of people with ps5s dont know it exists.

fr0sty4h ago

And it exists for free if you subscribe to PS+ Extra or Premium.


Inside the making of Astro Bot

During Summer Games Fest last week, I frequently asked our friends in the games media what they've seen or played that's impressed them. We don't get to play as much as we'd like at GamesIndustry.biz, and so it's useful intel to hear what the journalists think.

In almost every conversation, one game would come up again and again: Astro Bot.

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Jin_Sakai2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

First game I’ve been this excited for since the launch of PS5. Can’t wait!


The Lore Behind Rusty Rabbit is Absolutely Nuts | TechRaptor

Austin Suther of TechRaptor writes, "Gen Urobuchi, creator behind famous anime properties like Psycho-Pass and Fate/Zero, tells us all about his upcoming game, Rusty Rabbit."

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anast13h ago

Looking forward to this one.