
Brawl is a Combination of Bomberman and MOBA Gaming; Could Be Free for You

If you’re a fan of high speed competitive play, the development group at Bloober Team is rewarding fans of their company with a Bomberman-like title that could be free if you’ve purchased titles they produced in the past.

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Stevefantisy3377d ago

This looks good and we need some more party games on the ps4

HammadTheBeast3377d ago (Edited 3377d ago )

If you want some suggestions, I'd check out Helldivers and Sports Friends.

But I agree, more party games like Mario party would be great.

Jacktrauma3377d ago

I just started seeing stuff on Helldivers and i'm fully interested in it lol looks great!

XisThatKid3377d ago

Powerstone Collection port Would be nice capcom or Playstation Allstars Remastered

Magnus7013377d ago

This is like Bomberman and Twisted Metal had a terrible love child.

bonabice3377d ago

is it me or that game look like basement crawl and that game dont have good rating on psn.

rdgneoz33377d ago

It is the exact same people that made basement crawl. From what I've read before, Crawl did crap so they went back to the drawing board and worked on it to try to make it better and this is the result.

Jacktrauma3377d ago

lol this looks awesome! Loved me some Bomberman back in the day :D


Bloober Team Working On 2 New Games Already

Discover the latest news from Bloober Team: they are working on 2 new games, including a new IP in partnership with Private Division.

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cammers199534d ago

Stick to silent hill. Seeing their past games, nobody wants them.


Silent Hill 2 Remake Marketing and Promotion Ramping Up "Very Soon," Says to Bloober Team

Bloober Team states that the Silent Hill 2 remake marketing and promotion is expected to ramp up "very soon," though it falls entirely on Konami.


Bloober Team lead talks remaking Silent Hill 2 and "mastering the art of horror"

Bloober Team is gunning for the very top of the horror game developer pantheon, having shipped six consecutive spookfests in under a decade and nearing the finish line on the highly anticipated Silent Hill 2 remake.

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-Foxtrot215d ago

I don’t think anything Blooper have done has made me think they are anywhere near the masters of horror

In fact it scares me more that they were chosen for this project

Aussiesummer214d ago

Agreed, i like their enthusiasm but they just never get there, I'm desperately hoping they finally hit the mark with this.....because its all we've got but my gut feeling is it will flop. fingers crossed it doesn't.

neomahi214d ago

Microsoft just bought Activation Blizzard and the best PlayStation has done with Jim Ryan was a timed exclusive of this game AND they're about to lose the ONLY major exclusive that helped define the PlayStation 3 when the Metal Gear Solid Vol 2 ships. PlayStation (Jim Ryan), how could you lose the Metal Gear franchise? Why didn't you snag the IP while you could and return it to it's rightful owner conditioned upon it staying PlayStation exclusive if Kojima ever wanted to make any more Metal Gear games

GhostScholar214d ago

Bloomer team is not awful but it’s very mid. I liked the medium but it was still only like a 6.5.

nibblo214d ago

Looking forward to it as I really enjoyed The Medium, good atmosphere puzzles and really nailed the story which I wasn't expecting to be so hard hitting. Will be interesting to see what they do with a Silent Hill game.

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