
Warframe Dev: PS4 Eliminates Compatibility Issues, Great Option to Switch to for Low-End PC Owners

"Much has been made about how Warframe developer Digital Extremes managed to get the free to play title from PC to PlayStation 4 in a matter of months, thanks to the latter's ease of development. But the question is, does the PlayStation 4 has some kind of edge over the current release? Perhaps some new gameplay and mission types?"

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GraveLord3953d ago

FYI: A low-end PC would be about $400. A PS4 would completely obliterate that in terms of performance.

B-radical3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

Get a low end pc wait one year for a last gen gpu buy it cheap......you got yourself a stew man

Yusm but he was talking about performance

dredgewalker3953d ago

But they would still not have the Sony exclusive games I enjoy as a PS gamer. I play pc games too but console gaming is just as fun.

GraveLord3953d ago

If you're a low-end PC gamer, odds are that you're not a super hardcore PC guy. Making the switch to PS4 will be easy for these people. These people are the ones that don't upgrade their GPU or CPU, ever. They're the ones who got a PC for their birthday/christmas a few years ago and it just happens to play games.(barely)

Azmatik3953d ago

For a decent mobo that supports am3+ ur looking at $120. For 8gb ddr3 ram ur lookin at $60. For just a quad core phenom its aprox $60. For a 750 watt PSU approx $80. Ane a radeon 5850 lets say is another $60. Now that pc includes no wifi no blutooth no blu-ray drive and NO case which we can add another $70 for the case. Now ur trying to tell me that pc i just built is as good as a ps4 lol dream on.

M-M3953d ago


It's scary how accurately you described my situation, have a dual core laptop that I got two years ago as a late Christmas gift and it barely plays game lmfao.

starchild3953d ago

So in other words the PC version on a decent gaming rig is still going to be superior. But we knew that.

The PS4 version will be pretty equivalent to the PC version on highest settings, minus the fact that the PC version can offer higher texture filtering, better anti-aliasing, higher display resolutions and smoother frame-rates.

Still, it should be a great experience either way.

ShinMaster3953d ago

Current low-end PC gamers can UPGRADE to a PS4.
It's cheaper.

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ABizzel13953d ago


These guys have praised the PS4 on several occasions, and I think he meant if you're consistently a low-end PC gamer, then you're better off buying a PS4 instead of upgrading your PC at this point, which is true in most cases outside of the extra benefits and connectivity PC offers.

But if you're looking for a games platform than dollar for dollar there's nothing better than the PS4 in the low - mid range budget (hardware wise at least), and with the ease of porting you can be sure many PC games will find their way to the PS4 and possibly XB1 this generation.

I don't think he's downplaying PS4 just saying it's best for low - mid gaming.

B-radical3953d ago

If you already own a low end budget pc then your better of getting a 400 dollar gpu....unless you want more exclusives

Reverent3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

@B-radical, tell me... Do you expect someone with a low-medium end laptop that happens to play games, to be able to upgrade its GPU? Or, do you expect someone who happens to own a decent desktop PC to upgrade their GPU when odds are, they don't even know what a "GPU" is?

The point of this entire story, is that casual gamers who play games every now and then on their computers, are better off buying a console (the PS4 in this case) because it's a much easier and inexpensive choice than to upgrade their PC.

gamernova3953d ago

Oh so a low end pc is 400? Interesting. Well whatevs. Didn't expect the consoles to be able to compete with pcs anyway. People love to use "optimization" and talk about how games won't take advantage of the beast pc hardware but they forget pc gamers can not only game at resolutions beyond 1080 (quite some time ago and it includes 4k) but pc has its own exclusives. Consoles have their place but if people continue to pin em against pc they will continue to come up short. Especially because pc gamers tend to spend a significant amount of money on hardware.

GraveLord3953d ago

It's not console gamers pitting them up against PCs, its the other way around.

It doesn't matter that PCs can go beyond 1080p, that takes too much power and no reasonably priced rig will be able to game at those resolutions.

gamernova3953d ago

@gravelord That is such a lie! In the current gen, I am not going to lie, PC gamers were picking on you guys a bit. I would see it and they would take advantage of the massive difference. However, console gamers rose up as soon as next gen was revealed and were talking about how thier "optimization" would smash PC graphics and all that good stuff but it was justified. I mean PC gamers did it first, right? Well, then we hear the term "high-end pc". You guys forget about SSDs. You guys forget about resolutions beyond 1080p. You guys also forget about 120hz monitors. 60 fps is old school in the world of PC gamers.

Sure, playing at that resolution can be a tad expensive but that is a high end pc. SSDs in RAID 0 and liquid cooled pc parts.

Then console gamers will tell you "compare to a 400 dollar pc". I call bullshit. Sony is selling the consoles at a loss assuming that you will make up the real cost buying games. What is the loss? I am not sure but it's there. PC parts are not sold at a loss. They are sold as is. However, instead of buying new games...my entire steam library is still compatible :)

insomnium23953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )


My PS3 library is also compatible since I keep my old HW. If you were to use that argument you would have to take the money people get from selling their PS3 into account. It wouldn't be a 400 dollar piece of HW anymore. If you say 400 dollars then you can't use the b/c as an excuse against PS4 right?

gamernova3953d ago

@Insom, well if those people sell their consoles, they lose all of the games they accumulated during this generation. That means the advantage you used of being able to play your library because you were keeping your ps3 is gone. Also, you'd probably be selling the console at a loss too or else no one one buy it and the same goes for the games. And you buy some games for the ps4, right? Since you have no games anymore (for playstation). How much is watch dogs? Shall we assume the same 60? I pre-ordered on PC for 42. This is a common thing on PC. Did I mention untaxed 42? And you say, well, it's just 20 dollars, it is nothing. Those 20 dollars add up like you wouldn't believe. Game after game and year after year. You can definitely sell them...at a loss. Playstation plus fees and all that stuff add up too. The playstation is a low cost option but it is definitely nowhere near cheap. That is all I am saying.

starchild3953d ago

Actually, GraveLord, I see console gamers comparing to and hating on the PC all the time. This is why it is so frustrating for PC gamers and we feel the need to correct the misinformation.

If people have a legitimate preference for consoles, that is fine. But people should be informed with the facts, not base their decision on misinformation.

Personally, I am going to continue gaming on the PC, but I am also going to get a PS4. Those two platforms will cover 95% of the games I will want to play.

Sure, in an ideal world in which I had unlimited money and time I would own all consoles, handhelds and a gaming PC. But I think two platforms is a realistic arrangement for me. Maybe I'll get an XB1 down the line when the price drops and there are more games I want.

DigitalRaptor3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

@ Starchild

Well said. Isn't that the truth.

Misinformation about PC gaming everywhere. But, PC gamers also act as though everyone who games on PC has a high-end rig, which is simply not true. So it goes both ways.

thisismyaccount3953d ago

The PC has its own exclusives ?!... are you talking about Left for Dead and the likes... or the Sims Online ?! Which IP can be >only< played on the PC?

There is nothing, i´v spent past gen on the PC (skipped PS360) and.. there was NOT one FRIGGIN game that you could play only on the PC, apart from Guil Wars 1 that is...

Thanks to this stupid decision of mine, i nearly lost my interest in games. Going back to consoles... (Mass Effect Trilogy, Bioshock "Trilogy", Dragon Age 1, Gw 1, Eq 2, Metro 2033, all the crap Crysis games, Lotro, Max Payne 3, Resident Evil 4 / 5 and soonihs 6...as you can see, i´m having a hard time to come up with enough games that i played on the pc, simply don´t remember (all of them can be played on the consoles, period (except MMORPGs)

gamernova3952d ago

@My account, Look at you trying to troll! Lol This is your logic: PC gaming is terrible because there are a lot of games that I can play on it that I can also play on consoles. Dude, aren't those multiplats? Also, you are aware that the PC always gets the best multiplat version, right? Mods, higher possible specs...does any of that ring a bell? Civilization V. Lets not forget also who put minecraft on the map...PC gaming. Sure, xbox tried to rip it off but could you find the mod support on the 360? Hell no. L4D is not a PC exclusive. *sigh* lol I can always go down the list of awesome pc exclusives but I really don't feel like it's necessary :P

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bjmartynhak3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )


And low-end PC owners would also appreciate don't have to worry with install problems, directx, drivers, Windows versions and weird crashes. (For high-end PC owners these little issues I mentioned are usually easily managed).

aquamala3953d ago

a low-end PC gamer probably doesn't want to pay $50 a year to play online

CheexInk3953d ago

Nuff said about what? You realize MMORPGs are only a minute fraction of all the multiplayer games on the PC right? And honestly the trend is towards F2P even with MMORPGs now.

Cmk01213953d ago

a dev whos high on the ps4 compares it to low end PC and its refuted eh? im and xbox guy and that means the xbox one would be an even lower end PC...SHEESH this guy pulls no punches

NewsForge3953d ago

An Ultra low end GPU of 2014 will be stronger than a PS4 + Xbox One combined multiplied by 3. STAY WITH YOU BEASTLY PC'S PEOPLE!!! Consoles are nothing more than a huge step back.

Reverent3953d ago

That's entirely ignorant. I've recently upgraded my PC, and while yes, it's insanely more powerful than what next gen consoles will be, I still plan to buy the PS4 day one, because let's face it... Sony Exclusives.

scott1823953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

Why do people "game" in the first place? For the games!! I have never played a game anywhere close to the experience I had with the last of us on my PC. The PS4 will be more than sufficient for Sony's devs to make new amazing experiences. I "game" for the friggin games, and for me Sony always takes it a step forward in that regards.

kingduqc3953d ago

Completely obliterate is quite a strong statement. Considering any 130$ gpu on that low end pc make it the other way around and that's before release.. in 3-4 year from now ps4 will just be dust in the wind when it come to any kind of performance statement.

CheexInk3953d ago

This situation is pretty implausible though. If you're a "low-end" PC gamer then you're probably in that situation for a reason that doesn't take graphics or performance into account. They likely just have a computer as a matter of course and aren't able or have no interest in buying gaming hardware. Either that or they have a small budget but prefer the other perks of the PC platform.

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s8anicslayer3953d ago (Edited 3953d ago )

Last week this guy said "PS4 let's us bring over high end visuals"! http://n4g.com/news/1320926... and now it's a low end PC alternative? WTF?

iamnsuperman3953d ago

That isn't what he said

"“I think if PC players have lower-end PCs, the PS4 will be a great option for them to switch"

He is saying that people who have low end PC wants t switch/upgrade then get a PS4 if you don't want to spend a lot

s8anicslayer3953d ago


But that is what I said

Ilovetheps53953d ago


I think there is a difference in what he said and what you said. Basically the way he said it implies that it'd be a cheap upgrade as opposed to the PS4 just being a low end PC. So, it isn't an alternative to a low end PC. He says that it'd be good option for the people who currently have low end PCs.

AceBlazer133953d ago

Nice blog on the $60 price tag for video games.

Wizziokid3953d ago

It's an alternative for those with a low-end pc who can't run the game well on PC.


If you can't run the game well the PS4 version is a good alternative as it runs the game on the best settings.

Minato-Namikaze3953d ago

I dont think thats what he's saying. If you have a low end PC now and want to upgrade and you dont have alot of money then you could get a PS4 to get High end PC graphics.

Belking3953d ago

No, that's not what he's saying. I hate to break it to you guys but neither ps4 or xbox-one will have high end pc graphics. At least not right now. PCs will always be two steps ahead.

Ilovetheps53953d ago

Sure it won't be high end graphics, but it will be better than what they currently have. I think that's what he's saying.

Corpser3953d ago

He did not say it's a great option for mid or high end pc owners

StanSmith3953d ago

This is why I'm not being dragged into the hype of either Next Gen consoles. There is just too much BS floating around from both Sony and MIcrosoft. I did have a preorder for both but cancelled them.

It's not like there is a rush to get them seen as all the games (except exclusives) will be releasing on PS3 and 360 anyway.

GraveLord3953d ago

He's saying PS4 is like a high-end PC so its a great alternative for low-end PC gamers.(Those on a budget)

Xsilver3953d ago

can u read he's saying if u have a low end pc switching to the ps4 will provide high end pc graphics for a low cost smh guys read.

3953d ago
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xReDeMpTiOnx3953d ago

Inb4 people take what he said out of context and use it for a war :/

gameseveryday3953d ago

The keyword here is 'Option'. He is not downplaying the PS4 or anything.

windblowsagain3953d ago

Go play warframe on PC, You don't need a big PC to run it tbh.


No real draw distance. You can max this out easily on much lower end comps.

impet253953d ago

Yea without nvidia physx.

windblowsagain3953d ago

Most things in physx you can do without it.

I mean the Mafia Physx was lol tbh.

starchild3953d ago

Yeah, but the Nvidia PhysX is not going to be available on the PS4 either. It's an extra feature for those with Nvidida graphics cards.

3953d ago
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