
Sony's Boring PS4 Is Winning The Console War Despite More Exciting Competition

Forbes contributor Erik Kain talks about why Sony is winning the console war by being boring and ignoring gimmicks to concentrate on games for gamers.

ThatEnglishDude3528d ago

The word "boring" used 8 times in that article. Something tells me this guy has a bit of a chip on his shoulder.

3527d ago Replies(53)
weekev153527d ago

The guy writes for Forbes. If anyone knows boring its him.

Alsybub3527d ago

The article was tongue in cheek and pro PS4. I hope you're an Xbox fan because you basically just said the PS4 is boring.

weekev153527d ago

@alsybub the article is tongue in cheek, as is my comment.

Magicite3527d ago

I for one am hyped for PS4 and gonna buy it next year. Meanwhile Ive zero interest in competition (I own gaming PC though).

Hyper_Tension1403527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Its a video game console, isnt that what people wanted sony to focus on last gen after the ps3 was filled with features/gimmicks and lacked games.

It plays the multiplats better, that reason alone should be enough to make you go buy one(that was my reason) unless you have a pc......or a fanboy.

KarmaV123527d ago

So a better looking game, one that nobody can tell the difference between, is more important than a better online service, where friends play, and whats better for a family?

MRMagoo1233527d ago


Well friends may matter but ppl can always make more, better online service is odd tho because the psn is pretty much identical to xbox live in performance and the wiius online is worse than both so thats a point not even worth bringing up.

KarmaV123527d ago

^^Lmao at all the disagrees
You cannot compare psn to Xbox live. XBL is on a different level of quality, I give Sony the benefit of the doubt since they offer extras at a cheaper price but you can get live for 50$ on sale all over the internet. But on terms of quality of the network, its not even a competition. And I already have friends that I know in real life that play Xbox and its always a blast, why would I throw that away for new people across the world. But wiiU... I agree lol

styferion3527d ago

@karma: XBL is where friends play? must be living in NA/UK.. the rest of the earth, not so much.

Mr_Writer853527d ago


Do you have any figures to show this superiority?

morganfell3527d ago

Where all of your frinds play? Seems to me your friends are leaving MS for the Sony - the better consolke, the better service with more features and gamer rewards. Why do you think Sony won two generations ago, they beat Microsoft last gen, and they are winning this gen. I really hate to use a Batman reference but, victory has defeated you.

y7jzdgy3527d ago

If better multi-plats are more important then why settle for just a PS4 when the PC is far more capable? That argument is so silly.

Alsybub3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

It's interesting that Sony, through necessity of it's financial situation, has a winning formula. They couldn't afford to do anything but streamline their approach and it has paid off for them.

I remember reading once that, in the future (this was 7 or 8 years ago), the trend would be that anything small enough to fit in a pocket moves towards convergence and anything bigger than that moves towards divergence. In other words, unless it's a smartphone then the more popular devices tend to do one thing well, rather than a plethora of things. We are always led to believe that having a device that does a thousand tasks is what the consumer wants but actually it's the opposite. More often than not when a piece of hardware comes out with multiple uses it falls by the wayside. With lower production costs and consumers able to afford more there is becoming less of a desire to have a jack of all trades.


Pric and not having to buy a new graphics card every other year. PC games may be a little cheaper but all of the bother and cost that goes with it for the average consumer still makes it inaccessible. I used to be a PC gamer and I would covet a new component every time a big game came out.

Prime1573527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Karma, I love when people's insecurity shines bright through pointing at, and talking at, those who disagree.

Share play will be the best thing to happen to online gaming in awhile. Much better use of online services than cloud computing and definitely fulfills, how did you say it, "where friends play" more than xbl. I can't wait for more details.

if xbl is better than psn (speeds, perhaps, not really anymore) then it's because of the 5 billion extra dollars that xbl made off of it on the original xbox and 360.

That was a bad trend that Microsoft started.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3527d ago
hulk_bash19873527d ago

Haha what does this guy want it to do? Sing, dance and juggle for him? It's a games console that is focused on providing a quality gaming experience. That's why it's selling so well, period.

Khimarhi3527d ago

Not sure you read the article. You are making the same point as he did.

Army_of_Darkness3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Author- "If games are the most important thing to gamers, making things like the Kinect or the Wii U gamepad mandatory is a big mistake.

The PS4′s continued trouncing of both these systems is proof enough of that."

So the author thinks the PS4 is boring because it doesn't come with a mandatory gimmick while trying to downplay the fact that he himself stated has only pure price and horse power going for it?! LOL!
Sure he sounded like a fanboy at first( well, throughout the entire article I should say) but in the end he at least got it right. It's a machine built for gamers and if having a console that only has a good price point while being the most powerful out of the 3 then sure, consider me a boring gamer ;-)

MRMagoo1233527d ago

"consider me a boring gamer" and the other 10 million plus people that are now happy owners.

N4g_null3527d ago

The problem is sony... where are your games or when will you dump killzone and lbs they sort of suck but look pretty. The game play on sony titles are horribly boring. When is sony going to fix this? It's like sony makes games for blood thirsty soccer moms with no gaming skill.

You have a pure gaming console but where are your streets of rage, virtual fighter, kid icuras, 2d shooters, insane puzzle addiction inducing games! We want not just cool to look at games we want cool to play games.

No one cares about power if it isn't fun. No one cares about features unless it's gameplay. The pc has those both and no one literally cares.

The reason why the fighting is getting so bad is because we are all bored. Our go to developers have retired mentally it would seem.

FriedGoat3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Scissor Runner?
The PC has barely no decent exclusives these days. MMOS and MOBAs are so boring.

I'm waiting for star citizen, thats about it, the PC market is just saturated with trash. If you want AAA, you need a console.

The last of us is better than any PC exclusive I have played for years. I use my PC mainly for multiplatform games, but usually they are subpar compared to your console exclusives.

Seafort3527d ago

@FriedGoat Why do you think the PC doesn't have any exclusives now? Is it because the console owners keep buying off the pc developers or because games shouldn't be exclusive to one platform but played by all gamers.

The Witcher used to be a PC exclusive, Call of Duty did, Battlefield did, H1Z1 and DayZ did.

It doesn't bother me that the PC doesn't have many exclusives. What does both me is console gamers thinking that PC never had any exclusives and yet you are all playing the former PC exclusives day in day out and won't admit it.

Exclusives are never good for the gaming community as it segregates them and pits them against each other. That's only good for the companies that want you to throw money at them for one side or the other.

Recently I played Divinity Original Sin which is a PC exclusive. It's probably one of the best turn based RPGs in recent years. Another PC exclusive turn based RPG is Wasteland 2 coming in September.

PC has many more exclusives than all the consoles combined you just don't know about them as the PC platform doesn't have a massive corporation spending millions marketing the games for PC.

"With my X1 I am playing gorgeous games I have had some fun with several exclusives including Killer Instinct, Ryse, DR3, Forza 5, Titanfall, Kinect Sports Rivals, Max, Spartan Assault. The multiplats look way better than last gen so what am i missing not having a Ps4 other than its few exclusives and a crapload of indies."

Ryse, DR3, Titanfall, Max and Spartan Assault are all on PC so not Xbox exclusive. I think I just cut your xbox exclusives in half :P

wsoutlaw873527d ago

The article isnt really negitive towards the ps4. Everyone is just getting caught up on the word boring.

FriedGoat3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )


I'm not saying exclusives is a good business practice because it isn't. But it's a fact that I can't play the majority of the best games on my PC.

Sure the PC has alot of exclusives, but most of them are garbage and wouldn't stand up to the likes of Naughtydog or something from Microsoft studios and that's a fact.

I own both and have owned both consoles and PC since the early 90's. I would say in the 2000's PC was the the best place to play, but these days I have much more fun on AAA console exclusives than I do PC multiplats and MMO/MOBAs it all just feels old, maybe I've just been a PC gamer too long.

Prime1573527d ago

Scissor runner, ".The game play on sony titles are horribly boring."

the problem with what you are saying is that IT'S COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE. That's why we talk about diversity in games offered as being crucial.

I am one of those rare few who found halo's gameplay boring. I know I'm in a very small minority there, but that doesn't mean that kz and lbp aren't fun to someone BESIDES you.

I like the diversity of games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3527d ago
Born2Game833527d ago

He relied on people raging at his article and not reading the entire article. All for hits for the article. He only puts the positive stuff right at the very end.

come_bom3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

"Sony's Boring PS4 Is Winning The Console War Despite More Exciting Competition"

I have to agree with some points in the article. Gamers don't want innovation, they want the same old games with the same old boring experience.
I have a PS4 and until now it has been lacking. No great exclusives. It's PS+ games offered until now are subpar. Hasn't got that many features. I don't understand how it sells so much... or maybe I do, way to much hype and gamers don't want innovation. They want the same thing just with more power and nicer graphics.

BiggerBoss3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

Did you actually read the article? The author is actually praising the PS4 for not doing gimmicks like the Kinect and Gamepad. He praises it for having better games. He praises it for being a superior gaming machine.

rainslacker3527d ago

I think gamers want innovation. I just think they don't really know what constitutes innovation. It's possible to innovate in the same old boring games. New IP's aren't always innovative.

People like certain things about established IP's. So it's understandable that they would want more of that. I've never had a problem with that myself.

I personally have a problem with those same established IP's don't try to innovate at all, or in some cases become worse(for instance, Mass Effect got worse as it went on and became a lot like other games out there).

Prime1573527d ago

Game developers are the ones who create game innovation.

Sony has great innovation coming. Streaming games, budget virtual reality, and the awesome share play. I believe share play could be the biggest thing to help online gaming.

Deeeeznuuuts3527d ago

exactly what I thought, a writer cant use a word 8 times and not have a bit of a grudge against Sony or the PlayStation 4, what a tool.

Zombro3527d ago

I have it and RIGHT NOW it is boring after a couple 10 hour story's there is nothing out

1Victor3527d ago

I'm Translating The Article "Congrats Sony You Listen To The Developers And The Gaming Community And I Hate You For That".

RosweeSon3527d ago

Clinically depressed if he finds ps4 that boring! Why bother buying one, I got one on launch, does it get used, not really with a ps3/360/vita and 3ds/wii u all here it's just hard to find time to play it that and the games aren't up to scratch yet, but boring no chance, it might not be getting the usage it deserves now but it will, give it a year a ps4 will be a force to be reckoned with, if it can sell 10 million on hype alone when the goo games start rolling in and are actually nearing completion or release, gonna be madness they will sell even faster than they already are, if they were to reduce to £299 I think Microsoft would struggle big time!

Clunkyd3527d ago

Is funny how it's a "boring" console yet its the console that is getting the most game releases right now, by a mile!

CorndogBurglar3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

I think you missed the point, maybe?

He actually wasn't talking trash about the PS4 at all.

He was actually complimenting Sony for knowing what its customers want, and giving it to them.

Which just goes to show that as smart as everyone on this site THINKS they are, they actually aren't.

3527d ago
Aceman183527d ago

haha i'm proud to be boring as this article suggests, there are times where when playing my Wii U i wish i just had a regular controller instead of holding something that's about the same size as the system itself lol.

after working all day long i don't want to come home as start jumping around like an idiot trying to play a game. i just want to sit back, relax and enjoy a couple hrs of gaming. as voice controls to me are highly overrated.

IcarusOne3527d ago

Best part about this is how none of you read far enough to see that it's a satire, tongue in cheek article.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3527d ago
Tedakin3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

Wow Forbes wrote this? They lead the Xbone is a piece of crap charge earlier this year. If you go by doing new things, at least for the moment, the article is correct. PS4 is a more powerful version of what we've been playing for 10 years. XBox and Wii U at least tried, even if unsuccessfully, to do new things.

mediate-this3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

@tedakin read the article, title leads you to believe they are bashing the ps4,but they are not. Boring is the safe route is sometimes the better route, saying that gamers wamt games and sony got it right.

Atleast that is the perception i got. Xb1 n wii u tried to innovate and its not really working out for them, sony kept it focused on games amd they trouncing the comp

ratchet4263527d ago


The author is basically saying (in a tongue-in-cheek manner) that the PS4 is "boring" because Sony built a superior gaming system that focuses on games rather than gimmicks like Kinect.

Direct quote from the article:

(While this article is largely tongue-in-cheek—bet you didn’t notice!— ...)

That's a good bet, because 95% of the people commenting here didn't realize that the author was praising the PS4 for being the better console. He just used the word "boring" to be witty. Obviously most people missed that.

jamsam3603527d ago

Tell me why? I believe the the Xbox One is a Stellar Console! The console Is all About convenience every thing that modern people do is at your ready with voice or control! The tv stuff is there so you do not have to switch inputs! Apps, Games , Entertainment! Or porn if thats your thing! lol. If i am playing a game and say xbox turn off , my game will be suspended and when i say xbox on, or touch the power button , or turn it on by controller, my game will be right were i left off without saving!

Things are only getting better! So go play your 10 million PS4's, i will sit right here on my couch More spoiled than previous console generations! And have a blast! BTW Games will come to both consoles just have patience!!

mkis0073527d ago

But what if I am not burdened by the thought of having to press the input button on my remote control?

What if I don't subscribe to TV?

TKCMuzzer3527d ago

Yet again you are trying to justify your purchase by shouting about features that a lot of people don't care about.
People who generally game are not bothered about watching TV at the same time or skyping whilst gaming or surfing the web. Most of them probably have a laptop next to them if they need any of those features without taking up any of the TV screen.
I'm a bit of a tech freak but even I'm not going to shell out £350 for an Xbox One because if I'm not gaming I'm not going to turn in it on to watch the TV.

Sony did it right, please the gamers first then add features to cater for none gaming afterwards, it puts their focus on games which strangely enough is what gamers are after.

spacedelete3527d ago

why does he need to explain himself to a sad little Xbox troll ? its funny how trolls think Xbox one is the only console that does media. you do know PS4 has some media features and apps not on Xbox one right ? either way enjoy your inferior console with the games with the worse graphics, resolution and framerate just so you can use a worthless a app like Skype from a company who are super rich but don't want to invest anything worthwhile on their console because they know brainless mugs will still buy it. there are alot of dumbasses out there and it isn't from the console with over 10 million userbase.

Tito083527d ago

Mr. Obvious, he just said PS4 is an amazing console and you just bothered by writing a long paragraph about your preference towards the XBox, like seriously, at this point in time, nobody cares about your console preference, btw, if you didn't read the article, it's actually pro-PS4, anti-XBox fool, lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3527d ago
Man_Marmalade3528d ago

The PS4 isn't boring. As I recall, both systems had a small library of games at launch and are starting to pick up pace. I don't think the author recalls the DRM fiasco before the Xbox One was even released.

Letthewookiewin3528d ago

Read the article he is actually all for the PS4.

torchic3527d ago (Edited 3527d ago )

the headline is very misleading.

ratchet4263527d ago

READ the article.

The author uses the word "boring" as a tongue-in-cheek compliment to the PS4 for being a superior gaming machine that focuses on _games_ rather than gimmicks like Kinect.

It is a pro-PS4 article.

Letthewookiewin3528d ago (Edited 3528d ago )

This is great article. It's true. Don't let the title fool ya!

Show all comments (247)

Sea of Thieves Welcomes 40 Million Players

Joe 'Three Sheets' Neate (Executive Producer): "As I’m sure you can imagine, when it comes to Sea of Thieves my days are full of numbers. Development costs, active servers, days until the next update… Sometimes, though, a truly extraordinary number stands out – a number like 40 million, which I’m incredibly pleased to say is the number of pirates who’ve now set sail in Sea of Thieves!"

Read Full Story >>
darthv725h ago

Garrr... more people to walk the plank and send to Davey Jones locker.

would have been funny to release this on talk like a pirate day.

Obscure_Observer3h ago

Epic milestone!

After 6 years and 40 Million players, the people on N4G who called DOA on SoT must be feeling pretty stupid right now.

Especially considering that *right now* Sea of Thieves is leading Playstation Store´s pre-order charts ahead of the freaking Stellar Blade. O.o


Congratulations to everyone at RARE and Team Xbox

Nyxus3h ago

More to follow!

Sea Of Thieves’ Release On PS5 Is Reportedly The Game Microsoft Is Closely Looking At Regarding Future Xbox Titles Coming To PlayStation https://www.psu.com/news/se...

Obscure_Observer3h ago

Personally, I wouldn´t complain if Killer Instinct makes its way to the PS5 and Switch.

Lightning772h ago

Sea Of Thieves seems to be doing well and if Grounded gets new players on PS then we can see more LS game from MS hitting PS. Including the State Of Decay games probably even the new one.

Pentiment did nothing on both Xbox and PS. Hi Fi didn't do anything through tbh I think most ppl who bought Hi Fi already have in Xbox and PC.

Zenimax is gearing up for a new game that'll be multiplatform.

LS and MMO types games seem to be the target for multiplatform release.

1h ago
rippermcrip2h ago

The game was trash at release. Microsoft didn't even deny it.

darthv721h ago

key words: "at release"... it isnt anymore. its quite robust.

rippermcrip1h ago

Yes Darth, at release is exactly what I was responding about. The troll was suggested that everyone who trashed the game at the beginning was wrong. They weren't, it sucked.

Just like Skull and Bones is got hammered. Whether Ubisoft turns it around, it still is terrible now.

Good on Microsoft for sticking to it, but it should have been delayed. They have done shit for Redfall like they promised. Starfield has received no major updates that they promised would come in February.

darthv7221m ago

I get what you are saying, however it no longer applies because the PS5 version "at release" is already a more complete experience. That is what people should be taking away. If you want... consider the time between releases on XB and PS as the delay you say it should have had. The game was delayed 6 years before release on PS5.

i think those who are open to it are in for a real treat.

-Foxtrot59m ago

I could literally not give a shit how many players it has or what console it’s on

It was bad at launch, plain terrible, a shallow barren unfinished feeling game and that’s how I’ll remember it because I want to be impressed you know, at launch.

No Man’s Sky and Fallout 76 are the same

It’s still not up there with Rare’s past work

Sonic188111m ago

Cyberpunk 2077 as well even though I love the game now

TrueRican6947m ago

I pre-order the premium edition for my PS5 today


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