
Microsoft's PR blunders caused Sony to re-write E3 PlayStation 4 script

Sony re-wrote portions of its E3 2013 presentation - when the company fully unveiled the PlayStation 4 - after seeing Microsoft's unpopular announcements detailing the Xbox One's initial policies regarding used games and DRM.

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Codewow3577d ago

Well, it's not surprising. You work off your competitors mistakes to make your product seem that much better. It's common business practices as well as a political practice.

Gazondaily3577d ago

Indeed. Fortunate for Sony, MS made quite a few mistakes. So much so that Sony just had to sit back many a time and watch MS fumble around, doing the work for them.

MS did this early with the 360 and now Sony got payback with the PS4.

MS just seemed to operate on blind faith in their vision it seems. Its as if they only consulted themselves. Sony, on the other hand, clearly worked hard by doing the smart thing and speaking to devs about it. Criticisms such as the initial 4GB plan, the controller design etc were all taken on board and they acted on it. Its a commendable practice and the results speak for themselves.

Mr Pumblechook3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

Kind of a click bait title by Tom Phillips because it misrepresents what was being said to give the impression that Sony were in favour of used game restriction but changed their policy when they saw Microsoft's Xbox One policies were unpopular.

Basically, Andrew House and Sony were against used game restrictions but certain websites such as Polygon, Kotaku and Eurogamer were falsely reporting that it was only a matter of time before Sony did the same, when in fact they were against used game restrictions. So House made sure that Sony at E3 underlined the difference in philosophies.

uptownsoul3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

Its a very common practice in business. If you competitor messes up on policy (which Microsoft clearly did in their E3 2013 conference) then you almost have a duty as a rivaling company to point out the differences in policy. Microsoft would have done the same...

BlackTar1873577d ago



The same patent they had filed for ps2 BUT BUT BUT

ThePope3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

Has MS made many mistakes in business and in gaming? 100%. But name a company that hasn't. The problem isn't the company it's the shareholders that the company answers to. Read some of the things about Steve Jobs and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

A perfect example to me is DRM. The gaming community (which I assume includes all of,you) bashed it as anti gamer. It's not anti gamer it's anti gamestop. GameStop has helped the decline of this industry we love to become a shell of its former self. That one move if Sony would have embraced it would have made the publishers and developers millions of dollars that could be reinvested in Making more games, and taking more risks. But nope we get to witness the continued decline of this business. Thanks Sony and gamers.

Why o why3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )


If ms listened to guys like you, their console would be even further behind than they are now. Theres 'decline' for you right there .

Not being able to borrow a mates game is not anti gamespot my holy friend, its anti gamer. Can't believe some people are still championing that crap. I swear ms could literally burn your houses down and you'll blame sony

Outside_ofthe_Box3577d ago

Thank god Mr PumbleChook read the article. Saved me the trouble of having to point out how the title misrepresents what the article is about and how it gives a false impression.

DragonKnight3577d ago

@The Pope: I literally lol'd at your comment. That you think the DRM wasn't anti-gamer is hilarious. It's so pro-gamer to tell gamers what they are and are not allowed to do with the product they paid full price for. Gamestop is SOOOO evil because it acts as an intermediary for people to buy and sell games.

If you've been gaming long enough, you will have seen the industry blame everything under the sun for their alleged, yet never proven, lack of profit.

They've blamed rentals, they've blamed demos, they've blamed the amount of consoles on the market, they've blamed piracy, and when all of those things were completely debunked, by either research or time, that's when they started blaming used games.

A used game doesn't represent lost sales. It represents money never earned, that is NOT the same thing. A person who buys a used game didn't think that the game was worth the full price, or didn't have the finances to buy the game at full price. If the gaming industry didn't have such bloated business models for their development and marketing schemes, they wouldn't have to spend so much money and charge so much money for games.

The current state of gaming pricing is ridiculous. Thankfully Sony has been making some strides in trying to get some decent sales going on with PSN, but console gaming has a long way to go before it will reach Steam Sales status and part of that is the greed coming from publishers and developers who are constantly looking for a scapegoat to explain their lack of maximum profit.

Hell, rather than making the experience worth the money, devs and pubs have resorted to just falling back on microtransactions. This is a CLEAR indication that they are unwilling to look at themselves as being the real problem and instead look for more ways to nickle and dime everyone.

Microsoft's DRM was good for greed, and greed only. It had no benefits to gamers and you have no proof that the money made would be reinvested the way you claim it would be. We have all kinds of proof to show that publishers will always take the greediest route first.

ThePope3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

@why o Why

The DRM the X1 proposed allowed borrowing of games even digital ones.

Lets just take Tomb raider as an example. There's a game that by all intents and purposes was one of the best of last gen. AND IT LOST MONEY. If you think pre-owned purchases are not partly to blame you're crazy.

GameStop buys a game for pennies on the dollar, and then turns around and makes a huge profit, cutting the developer out completely. This industry is rare in that you get the exact same benefits of used games as you do from a new. If you honestly think this industry is thriving you really need to recheck your facts my friend.

I don’t blame Sony, I blame gamers. We're a cheap whiney, superior group. Who, as I've said before, don’t want anyone to make $1 unless we deem them worthy.


Are you really, seriously, honestly, saying piracy is NOT an issue? Especially when the difference between a game making, and losing money can be as few as a few hundred thousand copies.

When a game is bad it shouldn't make money, as its just shovel ware. But the average price of an AAA game has not gone up in 11 years! I work in sales, and my product has YEARLY increases. It’s only a few hundred dollars on a very expensive piece, but it’s still something.

You need to stop playing games, because you don’t care about a solution, you only care about placing blame. Its people like you that will be still pointing fingers when theirs no one left to point fingers at. You care about yourself, its obvious from your distain for the creators of some of the best entertainment ever.

We want open world games that give us 50, 80, 100 hours of fun, but don’t you F***ing dare try and charge us appropriately.

johndoe112113577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )


Do you actually believe the utter drivel you just wrote? I'm really not gonna go into any detail here because I think responding in depth to your comment may actually damage my brain, but I will ask a few questions.

How does instituting a system where I pay 60 bucks for a game but i still don't own it and I need the devs permission to do anything with it a good thing?

Why are we as gamers being blamed for the downfall of game companies due to poor business practices, bad management and terrible project planning buy said execs?

How does a four man team with a limited budget create a masterpiece that the whole world is anticipating in "No Man's Sky" and yet it took hundreds of devs with an over inflated budget to create the atrocity known as "Watchdogs"? And why do we need to give them more money to give us less quality?

Why can the dlc for witcher 3 be free and that company can be that successful and make tons of money yet we need to pay $15 to $20 dollars for each map pack of cod in order for a multi billion dollar company like activision to survive?

Why are you so intent on blaming us for the problems of the industry and telling us that we need to give up our rights as consumers to allow these billion dollar organizations to take advantage of us, bleed us out of the little cash we have and give us less quality in order for their CEO's to buy bigger yachts and more expensive cars?

Mr Moore....is that you?

DragonKnight3577d ago

@The Pope: Clearly my comment went right over your head.

I'm telling you that devs have blamed everything for what is THEIR problem. They are unwilling to look at themselves as the problem and instead blame consumers. Piracy is just one of the many things they've blamed over the decades and it won't be long until they find another way to blame consumers for problems that is their fault.

"You need to stop playing games, because you don’t care about a solution, you only care about placing blame. Its people like you that will be still pointing fingers when theirs no one left to point fingers at. You care about yourself, its obvious from your distain for the creators of some of the best entertainment ever."

First of all, no I don't need to stop playing games. I don't have to care about what developers want to blame in order to play games. Second, it's people like you that are responsible for day one, on disc DLC, pay to win, microtransaction, and all the other B.S. that developers use to nickle and dime consumers because they are unwilling to see themselves as the problem. It's people like you that support developers blaming consumers for their problems. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone but developers and publishers, they are pointing fingers at everything and everyone under the sun and have been for decades. Yep, I care about myself first. Why? Because my money is buying their games. I pay them. They don't pay me. If they try to tell me what I can do with my product, they can kiss the largest a$$ in the world. If they didn't have such bloated business models, if they didn't focus on putting all of their talent into graphics technology first and foremost, then they would be making more money.

A used game doesn't make them money, it also doesn't lose them money. It is the same thing as if the person never bought the game to begin with. So what is the preference? That people don't buy the game instead of buying it used? A used game represents a sold copy at one point, so the money was made, but let's get rid of used games altogether and create a system where people will have a choice between buying a game new, or not buying it at all. Yeah, that will make developers a lot of money when people who don't think the game is worth the price or don't have the money at the time to buy it decide just not to buy it at all. That'll definitely help the industry right?

"We want open world games that give us 50, 80, 100 hours of fun, but don’t you F***ing dare try and charge us appropriately."


BlackTar1873577d ago


Seriously need to stop. Video game business is biggerthen it's ever been and only growing.

Why don't the execs at these big companies figure out a way to get paid on used games/ I mean gamestop scans everything in. Why don't they attempt to work on the process from the inside instead of adding $'s on to the consumers end?

The gamer is not at fault for piss poor systems they have in place to track and get paid on games. Gamers are not at fault for wanting to trade a game in to help pay for another.

Think of all the times myself included needed to trade in a game to pay for a new game non used. It's a ton and all those people who were like i used ot be or still are wouldn't get the game at all.

I've never seen someone so adamant about Billion dollar companies making 10 billion profit as opposed to 15 billion profit. You're on the wrong side.

Please tell us how you feel about Movie companies who i dunno ARE LOSING SO MUCH PROFIT yet are still multi millionaires? The truth about MS family sharing is there is no truth since they never released hard definitions of how it works.

tgunzz3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

Everyone keeps on with the used games/drm stuff. If no one thinks that all developers were not extremely happy to have this coming then there is is a problem... Streaming games/digital down loads/used games/drm go hand and hand (ms had a game sharing protocol in the works). Why hasn't there been any dev/publisher (from naughty dog to whoever) speak out against ms reveal about how bad it would be for gamers, etc,etc?? That's because it was meant to be apart of this gen (going forward). I would not be surprised if down the road it get's leaked out that sony was lined up the same... In the end, it's still happening with every digital purchase, and game streaming services... So for all the gamers who currently are purchasing digital down loaded games for the ps4, or xb1, how many have you traded 1 back in, and how many of your friends are borrowing them?? I tried to sell back one of my DLds to gamestop, and I was told to leave (hahaha) kidding... also, just a question, will we need to be a ps plus subscriber to use psnow, or will we be able to use it with the free online?


It's not just a matter of taking oportunities from your competitor's mistakes. MS blunders were too big on the media, this started raising concerns about where Sony standed on many of those very same subjects (DMR, used games, etc), so they had to answer not only for differentiation from XB1, but also for their own plans to be clear. Chances were, if they had not commented on those topics, the media and general public would start assuming Sony had the same (bad) ideas going on, in fact, Kotaku, Polygon and others were already saying just that before E3, that Sony was silent because they were doing the same and knew how unpopular it was.

VealParmHero3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

@septic. I agree that they didn't quite seem to consult in anyone but themselves. That can't be entirely true though. I am sure activision, ea etc. all had enormous hard-ons when they found out one of their biggest partners was about to do away with the second hand market. I do not hold a grudge, business is business, but at the end of the day, you would think MS would have been smarter than this. Perhaps if their reveal/e3 messaging made even a little sense, people might have understood some of the possible benefits. Still, they were a bit ahead of themselves on this one ( eventually we will be all digital and therefore DRM would happen naturally as more people accept digital purchasing).

I am loving both systems, and actually spend more time on my xbox one...but MS has nobody to blame but themselves for the mess they are in. At least they seem to be getting it together a bit.

sAVAge_bEaST3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

@ The_Dorito_Pope a.k.a. M$_Astro_Turfer eXtraordinaire

You Double Speak is obnoxious DRM-IS GOOD!

I buy games New. Launch day New, from game stop, and get around $36 or more, (credit) for trading in , at the proper time, I usually only spend 20-25$ for a launch day game.

Get out of here, with your Anti-Gaming Agenda.

(Lets close all the Local Gamestops. With real people employed, and give that money Local Real People are earning,, to Faceless Corporations?!?!? <Rushed/Unfinished games, are par for the course no less?>

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3577d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

Apparently Sony did have similar DRM plans at E3.


johndoe112113577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

I know you would like nothing more than to believe that, but unfortunately for you that article horribly misquoted what yoshida actually said and gave a very warped view of the whole situation. Hence the reason there are no direct quotes from the interview in that article.

Funny, there are a lot of articles about that interview online, but you seem to have found the one that paints it in the most negative light. Hmm.

Anyway, here is the actual quote from yoshida: “It’s not that our hardware policies are decided strictly based on user reaction like this, but when we were thinking about what we had to bring across and how to bring it across, it was a very useful source.”

DragonKnight3577d ago

No they didn't. There are countless articles that say, in Feb 2013 before the PS4 was even revealed, that Sony had no such plans for the PS4.

And if you think that companies can make major business decisions on the fly at a conference without informing shareholders (which is illegal) and without any planning at all, you're naive.

AngelicIceDiamond3577d ago

@John Ok chill I was just trying to find more info on this.

Btw it was PS4daily that posted that a year ago and I found it and posted it here.

PS4Daily wrote this a PlayStation site I just found it and posted it here.

"Funny, there are a lot of articles about that interview online, but you seem to have found the one that paints it in the most negative light. Hmm."

Yeah don't get jump to conclusion.

Cerny had to rewrite his E3 presentation one does wonder what he changed.

DragonKnight3577d ago

"Cerny had to rewrite his E3 presentation one does wonder what he changed."

Cerny wouldn't be the one to talk about the DRM, that'd be Jack Tretton.

Oner3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

Dat backtrack ~

AngelicIceDiamond states "Apparently Sony did have similar DRM plans at E3"

johndoe & DK prove her wrong

AngelicIceDiamond "Ok chill I was just trying to find more info on this." and then tries to point the finger BACK at Joe with "Yeah don't get jump to conclusion. " when SHE jumped to a false conclusion originally because she didn't do proper research on the link/info SHE posted.

Wow...Talk about a 180. THAT'S how misinformation gets propagated.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3577d ago
miyamoto3577d ago

Told you guys PlayStation not only cares for gamers but for developers too.

ProSid3577d ago

That video in the article should be named, " The moment when Microsoft knew, they fcked up"

jessupj3577d ago

I'd like for a few specific people to read this quote, then re-read it and then re-read it again.

"Sony's policies did not change at any time, House stressed, but it had become clear Sony would do well to state its position more carefully."

Hopefully that's clear enough for the people thinking Sony changed their policies only when the xbone starting receiving negativity.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3577d ago
URNightmare3577d ago

And then an unforgettable E3 moment was born out of that...


Good moves, Sony!


Soooooooo good!!!

M$ was out their effing minds with those policies... 24 periodic online check ins for all games?!? Somebody was on drugs and not the mild stuff!

I didn't even care when they changed the policies, just trying that was like someone 'trying' to stab and rob me, nothing is making that right.

lemoncake3577d ago

If sony had the finances to put the necessary infrastructure in place it might have been very different, but they don't so it worked out good for the shops that sell used games. Well at least for now.

DragonKnight3577d ago

@lemoncake: Please, you have no basis for that statement and are just jumping on the "Sony is having financial troubles" bandwagon that people use for everything.

@URNightmare: Don't forget this...


XabiDaChosenOne3577d ago

Its crazy how one moment in time sealed and laminated the Xbox ones death certificate. Jack trentton went out with a bang

snookiegamer3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

tbh even without the PR blunders, doesn't change the fact that Sony made the better hardware this gen. All MS did was make it worse for themselves.

Pain on top of more pain....


The Wii...dude, really?? I guess fanboys see what they wanna, even though I clearly stated 'This Gen'!!!

Seriously, It's time to let go of the past. It's a new generation now LMAO

Dudebro903577d ago

Because better hardware determines most sales...oh wait, it doesn't.

Wii says hello.

akaFullMetal3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

Snookiegamer didn't say anything about sales, and everything he said is true. Don't try to argue back with deflections to something entirely different, do it with a calm retort with facts. If not you come off as a fanboy whether you are trying to or not.

thisismyaccount3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

PlayStation 1 & PlayStation 2 say HELLO as well... how can you compare a console just released with one that has been on the market for the past 10 years?! (Sale wise)

SilentNegotiator3577d ago

Except Wii was a fad, not just another game console.

MysticStrummer3577d ago

@Dudebro - True, but that was because of all the casuals dipping their toes into gaming. So far they aren't coming back for more. Nintendo definitely caught the proverbial lightning in a bottle with the Wii. It was cheap to produce and it's sales took off like crazy for a long while.

Anyway, sales have nothing to do with what snookiegamer said, so...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3577d ago
Dudebro903577d ago

You are trying to claim that the better hardware somehow means they are better than the competition.

All I was doing was saying the best hardware doesn't always win.

Jeeze you people are quick to jump on anything that calls out Sony fans.

MysticStrummer3577d ago

"Jeeze you people are quick to jump on anything that calls out Sony fans."

You were quick to change the subject. Neither sales nor last gen had anything to do with the comment you replied to, but your sarcasm indicated that you thought you were being very clever.

Dudebro903577d ago

The original comment has no purpose.

The hardware had zero to do with e3 2013. It was drm and price that sealed the deal for Sony in 2013.

Spotie3577d ago

The price mattered because of better hardware.

Don't be stupid, man. You're not fooling anybody.

akaFullMetal3577d ago (Edited 3577d ago )

They didn't want to be seen as doing the same thing as Microsoft was doing, so they changed up their script to make sure that message was clear to the fans.

"It made us feel a little bit clearer about our message," House said, "when a lot of the negativity was emerging around DRM issues and used games. I remember reading an article literally the weekend before E3 that was basically saying that this is the direction Microsoft was taking and that it was only a matter of time before Sony adopts the same approach.

"That sort of put me on the back foot and I went and re-wrote portions of my E3 presentation script that weekend and we re-crafted the presentation because there was now an onus on us not to be seen to be going down the same path."

"Sony's policies did not change at any time, House stressed, but it had become clear Sony would do well to state its position more carefully."

RichardDawkins3577d ago

Sony won E3 2013 simply by saying they aren't doing what Microsoft is doing, which was the plan from the very beginning and some may have thought Sony was being sneaky. **Durr why did Sony need the Day 1 patch.. DRM durrr*

Kayant3577d ago

And this is how you prove you're an idiot and don't read past titles.

**Durr why did Sony need the Day 1 patch.. DRM durrr* - "Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."

So no they already said no before XB1 officially existed.

RichardDawkins3577d ago

No. For the record, i already know PS4 didn't have DRM in the console. The *Durr why did sony need the Day 1 patch..DRM Durr** was directed at the delusional xbox fanboys. I'm glad to see people lack reading comprehension.

Kayant3577d ago

Well look who's the idoit :P

I need some sleep been a long day.

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Profchaos5h ago

Pretty much all of these games listed are based around a morality system you don't have to be bad and you don't have to be good.

It seems to have left out some real amazing games like red dead redemption 1/2,ass effect and true crime la/ny

Tacoboto4h ago

Armored Core VI?

Ok, I'm really missing something here. Just beat chapter 3 earlier this evening, unlocked A-rank Arena fights. I'm not seeing or sensing any branching paths or morality system and I've done every side mission and arena fight available to me up to that fight.

Is something big coming soon to branch the story?

banger884h ago

No mention of Grand Theft Auto? Saints Row (original trilogy), Manhunt? Also The Suffering (depending on the ending you get).