
Why Dark Souls 3 should have an easy mode and the problem with 'playing to win'

IBTimes UK argues that the 'git gud' meme exemplifies why the hostility shown towards a potential Souls easy mode is so problematic.

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PixelGateUk2939d ago

My problem with these arguments is if you take away the challenge from Dark Souls you're left with a fairly decent game, but not a great one.

It's like saying 'oh well take away the challenge from the Street Fighter 3, make everything easy to pull off' What you're left with is a husk of a game

Concertoine2939d ago

What you're left with is SF4 ;)

PixelGateUk2939d ago

Bahahaha you get what i mean man!

PurpHerbison2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

That actually doesn't make any sense. Both games have extreme depth. Would of been more accurate to say SFV as that is the most barebone entry we have seen in quite some time with the easiest combos.

naruga2939d ago

@article ..NO ..just NO end of story

asad1972939d ago

People who agreed don't know how complex the fighting system is in SF4. Pros plays on another level.

Bahamut2939d ago

This article has to be satire right? Right?

Kingthrash3602939d ago

I think the problem is all the hand holding we get already.
Nes games were far more challenging than the games we have now. Brutal even, and it made gamers better. Now we have alot of whiny "gamers" who want to never die and feel some some sort of accomplishment for not doing anything that was a challenge. Bloodborne/souls and games like it are for gamers who want a challenge and KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO ACCOMPLISH A DIFFICULT TASK. putting a easy mode in a game that's SUPPOSED to be hard is just backwards.
I guess and easy mode in flappybird will come next too.
I swear imma raise my daughter up with a NES and Mike Tysons punch out....when she beats that I'll get her a ps5 or whatever.

bennissimo2939d ago


Yes. 1M times, yes.

My 2.5 year old son is watching me replay DS1 currently. Not sure if that's good for his brain development... lol. Bad parenting 101. At least he's gonna appreciate difficult games.

And his first game will be Kid Icarus.

Why o why2938d ago

Great parenting, not bad parenting.....ok maybe gruesome parenting.

Old school mario is a good starter.

UltraNova2938d ago (Edited 2938d ago )

If Dark Souls should have an Easy Mode then Ferrari, Buggati, Lambo, Pagani etc should discount their top of the line cars to 10,000 bucks each so everyone can afford one!

Dark Souls is the exotic 'one of' of today's gaming world that only a few can master. Maybe the only game series that provides a REAL feeling of achievement in gaming today.

Easy mode in Dark Souls? NO JUST NO!

ravinash2938d ago (Edited 2938d ago )

I will always remember when I beat Demon souls.
I had to fight that final big fight so many times that I was really going to lose it and think I will never do it.
I really had to think about my strategy and either keep trying different things or improve how I was doing something.

When I finally beat it...OH MY GOD.
It will be a fight I will always remember,

All the fights you get stuck on are the fights you remember.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2938d ago
Kal-V32939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

There are hundreds of games people can play that are "easy" why do they need Dark Souls\bloodborne too? If they cant handle it, it's not for them. After i tried and tried and finally "got good" (well...better) the games are no longer that hard..at all. You just have to learn the game and go through the paces with patience.

People say it's exclusion and that's Bul***it. What it actually is? "Everyone is talking about these Dark Souls games and they are getting very good reviews but i tried it and it's too hard. I should get everything i want so i want this game to be easier so it's as boring as most of the AAA games on the market and so i don't have to really work at learning to play the game and get some sense of achievement." THATS how it is.

The fact that people are "demanding" and easy mode is so far gone i can't even see straight. I honestly think that people that want an easy mode would just play it for 2 hours and stop..probably just watch the whole thing on YouTube..

It's not excluding anyone. People are platinum Souls games and doing sub 1 hour speed runs. It's not impossible.

thekhurg2939d ago

The problem with that argument is what does one person's enjoyment of possibly playing on this easy mode have to do with your enjoyment of playing it on the proper difficulty??

Kal-V32939d ago

because they wouldn't be playing it the way it was intended. The reason the games are great is that they don't babysit the player. It's about overcoming the challenge and learning from your mistakes. Easy mode would negate all that. Why can't people just learn how to play it like everyone else that made the series popular?

Ravenheartzero2939d ago


Maybe there isn't an easy mode because miyazaki didn't one. It's his game, maybe he wanted people to be challenged and not add it in just to get a bit more money appealing to casual players.

wsoutlaw872939d ago

I agree. Why does everyone want to change every game that isnt for them. If you dont have the patients to learn to play ds (it isnt hard once you learn how to play) then it isn't the game for you. Why even want to play it? Play a game that is for you. We dont need to accomodate every person on every single thing.

thekhurg2939d ago

None of you disagree bandits understand that developers make games for money. If an easy mode is that requested then perhaps they'd have higher sales since it would open it up to people that can't play the game currently.

This selfish nature that you people have that you think everyone needs to be on your level is incredibly immature. I love the souls series and wish more people could play the games. Their stories are so well crafted and magical. Having another million or so gamers opened up to it would never be a bad thing.

kurochi2939d ago


As do I want more people to join the Soul's community. I'd argue against your statement " Having another million or so gamers opened up to it would never be a bad thing." And here's why. By adding an easy mode doesn't actually add to the community. In fact, it dilutes the community level. There is a standard for those who's played in these games and you have to have a certain amount of patience and due diligence to get that "badge of honor" feeling when you finish the game or get to NG++++ or something. When you dilute that sense of accomplishment is when the Souls community starts to die.

Kal-V32939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

"open it up to people that can't play the game currently."

Excuse me? Who can't play it currently? Tell me. no one is being excluded. They are excluding them selves.

There are a ton of videos and guides everywhere where you can learn how to play the game. Tutorials and such. There is ZERO reason some one that found the games very hard can't learn how to play it.

I had literally 40+ attempts at Gascoigne. Bloodborne's FIRST(mandatory)BOSS. Over and over and over again dying left and right. Until i started realizing little by little what i was doing wrong. Dash quicker, watch out for his parry attempts, attack from behind, when he transforms don't run away he'll only catch you and kill you, stand your ground and wait for an opening to heal. THEN i got him, and the feeling i had when i did it was insane. You wont get that with an easy mode!

After everything i learned from that and from continuing to play through the game i became better at it. I put forth the effort and felt accomplishment. There is NO reason at all why, if i can do it never really playing any other Souls games before (when i did play i would get annihilated because i didn't try) anyone can do it. Literally just try. Again Plenty of help out there for anyone to enjoys the games as they are.

wsoutlaw872939d ago

@thekhurg you are the one being selfish. You want a game tailor made too you. This might be the dumbest discussion ive seen. If theres a game you dont enjoy playing, dont f'in play it. You dont need to ask for it to be changed. There is no shortage of easy games. THAT is being selfish. People just want to play it so bad because it is popular. DS isnt hard just takes patients. Any gamer could beat it if they gave it a shot and tried to learn the weapon/leveling systems. If the developers have to take time making something that isnt in their vision, it hurts games. They cant just slap an easy mode in a game with out tuning everything so that it doesnt suck. If they did, that would lower the games quality and hurt their brand. They have been succrssful making a great product some people want, not an average product that doesn't make the casual fan mad. From is doing a great job, so let them do it. Just having the easy mode would hurt the game and that would hurt sales not help them.

Ravenheartzero2939d ago


"Developers make games for money"

You are really saying everyone involved in Video game development is just in it for the money? Ridiculous.

People enjoy telling stories, creating ideas and want to bring these to life.

Funny how you call others selfish yet completely ignore miyazaki's vision for his creation. If he wanted an easy mode he would of implemented it. He didn't.

garrettbobbyferguson2939d ago

Because that is the entitlement of these people. They NEED to have every game pander to them, rather than accepting that certain games will not.

freshslicepizza2939d ago

we all know the difficulty and frustration has and will put people off this game, that is factual. we also know there is a hardcore crowd out there that does not want them to tinker with the game. so what we have here is two separate groups who really don't have to be conversing with one another. if they did create an easy mode and it didn't impact your game then who cares? however we also have to consider the creators of the game and their intentions. it is up to THEM, not you or I to decide.

so we can whine there isn't a easy mode and we can complain about leaving it the way it is. what is also factual is they have built up a large enough fanbase that they don't have to offer an easy mode.

but get this through your heads, it doesn't matter if it's an option. just like it doesn't matter if they offer braking assists to driving games. you don't have to play it that way so get over yourselves.

InTheLab2939d ago

Can you imagine a horde of easy mode players showing up with their easily acquired gear in pvp?

Also, money should never compromise one's vision. Chasing casuals has caused a lot of struggles for companies like Capcom and MS...

Pongwater2939d ago

@thekhurg - "I love the souls series and wish more people could play the games"

You love it so much you want it to give up it's identity. Other people playing the resulting shadow of a Souls game wouldn't be playing the real game anyway.

Why o why2938d ago

If you want easy mode go play devil may cry or something. Don't go into a Chinese restaurant and demand Cuban food. Let the makers make their game and if its as 'haf' then so be it.....if thats not for the casuals, so be it. Don't water down your vision for casual players. Implementing an easy mode isn't just a flick switch either. A lot of changes would have to be coded.

joab7772938d ago

Ya know what's crazy too. 90% of people who want this "baby mode" havnt even tried it. They just hear about it and now that it's actually popular, they want to be with the "in" crowd, but are too afraid.

Just try it, die a lot like all of us did, and then prevail. Then come back here and write an article about your conversion.

DragonKnight2938d ago

There is only one reason I'd want an easy mode in the game, and that's PVP. I'd want the easy mode babies to have to face the real fans in PVP and "git rekt" over and over and over for their lack of skills. The trolling potential alone is limitless. Easy mode babies should be griefed to the nines and made to learn that there is no such thing as easy in a Soulsborne game.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2938d ago
Prubar2939d ago

That'd be like taking an established franchise like Resident evil and turning it into an action game instead of survival horror. It just wouldn't work.

PixelGateUk2939d ago

To be fair, Resident Evil has went all over the shop in terms of style. 4 just happened to pop up such strong sales Capcom (doing as they always do) just dived in and refused to come out lol

wsoutlaw872939d ago

Thats a good example here for people that one ds to cater to a more casual audience, saying the would get more sales. Resident evil tried that and now the series is in the toilet. Make your game for the people that actally want it. Casual players woulnd want ds3 anyway. The only reason they think they do is because they buy reviews, not games.

Forn2939d ago

The writer this article needs to 'git gud'

Perjoss2939d ago

I don't think they are talking about taking away the challenge at all, its an extra mode so that more people can experience the game. Personally I love the difficulty of games like Bloodborne and Dark Souls but I totally understand that not everyone has the time or patience to play through a hard game.

Ninja Gaiden is similar to Souls games in difficulty but it had a 'dog' mode which was easier, and this did not change the main game in any way.

wsoutlaw872939d ago

"not everyone has the time or patience to play through a hard game" then they should get dark souls. Thats just crazy. If they cant play a hard game, why are they interested in dark souls. The designers created the game they wanted and thats the best thing for the game. Having them alter their vision is just bad for the game, even if it is just an easy mode.

Utalkin2me2939d ago

The game is catered to Hardcore gamers that enjoy a challenge. If you don't have the time and patience for DS, then go play something else and move on.

Society as a whole always caters to the lowest denominator. Im actually glad they dont put a easy mode in the game just the sake for more sales. And honestly i wish there was a ton of games that are challenging like DS is.

Perjoss2939d ago

The level of immaturity in these comments is nuts, an extra mode does not affect your main mode in any way. I love these games and I want more people to experience them, why are people so determined to exclude others from this franchise?

Utalkin2me2939d ago

If more people want to experience it then they need to learn how to play it. Why are you so determined to wanting them cater to the casuals? Obviously if they wanted to do that they would have already done it. The game is designed for a sole purpose.

The media medium as whole always caters to certain people. Such as movies, music etc. Would i watch the notebook? No, but my wife loves it. Should i be telling them they need to put explosions and and cgi and stuff in it to make it enjoyable for me? I enjoy Heavy Metal music and my daughter likes pop. Should i tell them to put some heavy rifts into pop so i can enjoy it too?

wsoutlaw872939d ago

When a game has to create a whole new mode and caters to a new audience, it absolutely hurts the game. If you have played games for a few years then you should know that has been true over and over.

Rachel_Alucard2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )


You misunderstand. If you take away the difficulty of a series known for its difficulty, even if its just an extra mode, what are you left with? People act like making an easy mode to attract new players in would work, but also forget that everyone was new at some point and had to struggle through the games the same as everyone else. The difference is they didnt quit as soon as they kept dying, they kept going and when you take the feeling of accomplishment you get from the experiences like that you're just turning off more players then you are attracting. Therefore, less people are playing overall because of it. Sadly, even with an easy mode it wont attract more than a handful of people at best, it has nothing to do with the difficulty either. Alot of people are just flat out turned off by the game for things like controls, combat, enemy attacks, you name it. Thats something that difficulty cant fix, thats just play something else instead.

WelkinCole2939d ago

It's not about exclusion for me. Rather is about keeping the experience intact as the game designers intended for any gamer that tries it.

Basically what will happen is that many people will play it on easy mode and will not fully experience the game as designed which will cheapen the experience and sort of waste the effort the designers made

PhucSeeker2939d ago

Dark souls aside. Bloodborne had a great idea for "easy mode": Insight.

When you have a lot of insights, the game become harder with enemies/bosses doing new attack but you can now see more things than before. It fits the game's lore perfectly. With less insight enemies attacks is slightly weaker. Some enemies appear with more insight. It doesn't make the game that much easier tho.

If they do another Souls game. This can be a great foundation to build a dynamic difficulty changer.

Also, NG doesn't have coop/pvp.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2939d ago

@Perjoss, an extra mode does affect the game though. It's not a simple slider. There are balancing issues the like that need multiple manhours to complete.

nitus102938d ago


Well that was interesting. I wondered why certain enemies started to get more aggressive and came up with different attacks. I originally thought it was my level.

My insight is 15 and the skulls are 24 so for the time being I think I may hold off on the madman's insight.

Gardenia2938d ago

True, the challenge is part of the game. But making it more accessible for all gamers is good for the sales of the series

My solution; a different mode were the difficulty stays the same, but you can save at any time. This way gamers with less time still can enjoy the game while not taking away the core of the Souls games

TWB2938d ago

I also understand that some might not have the time and patience, but that should directly tell you that they probably should not play the games.

These games are very much game mechanics based challenges. Even if these "easy moders" got their mode with, for example increased health and defense stats, they would still need to learn the game mechanics from which point on they would be capable of finishing the game in the "normal" difficulty. Either that or they would need to be absurdly overleveled to tank all the hits and overdamage the enemy/boss, which would then be a completely different game. If the difficulty comes from the game mechanics, something in the game design would have to change to implement an easy mode.

I saw a video about Bloodborne about a year ago, where the player had dupped items for himself to become incredibly overleveled and the video was about showing the Upper Cathedral Ward.

The poor bastars had never even learned to dodge and he just juggled between the 3 brainsuckers grabbing him because he had no idea what to do. It was just 5 minutes of him being grabbed, going behind a pilar to heal and get grabbed again...

TL;DR If you have the capacity of learning the basic mechanics of these games, you are also able to finish the game. If you want to have it easy, just summon people. If you cant learn, you probably shouldnt even be playing these games.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2938d ago
Testfire2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

Agreed completely, I love Dark Souls even though I've never beaten one lol. It's a dedication of time, patience and skill. I sometimes lack in the time and dedication front.

But I view these games also as gamer badges of honor. To best these games is truly an accomplishment, something that shouldn't be scaled down for everyone else.

Crap, I gotta get back into the series now lol.

nitus102939d ago

Totally agree, especially about the badge of honour.

I am playing Bloodborne at the moment (well taking a break) and while it's not that difficult levelling up some of the creatures are tough and some do change their tactics depending on your level.

Basically I am having a great time and with every boss I defeat I really feel I have accomplished something.

Since none of the Souls games or Bloodborne for that matter has any form of mapping, working out where to go can be difficult so you really have to try all paths and with Bloodborne some paths can be very convoluted. Sure I can look up a walk-through but half the fun is doing it yourself.

Majister-Ludi2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

It doesn't really matter if you have a problem with it. All that means is you can play on a harder difficulty. By now having easy mode they limit there game. I know several people who gave up very early on. Them not having an easy mode as an option is a foolish decision and as a result the game will never reach the audience it potentially could reach. At the end of the day it's just bad business.

Reading back over the comments, you people are all idiots. Having an entirely separate mode would take nothing from your experience so all you children yelling git gud are once again idiots. Games are supposed to be enjoyed by all so adding an easier mode allows more to play and doesn't take away from someone playing on a harder difficulty. Once again it's just bad business.

equal_youth2939d ago

And there is a simple reason for that. Miyazaki does not want that. He is a special Kind of game developer a very rare relict. His Vision for a challenging Game is clear so why would we Demand from him that he Alters that so it would loose it's identity?

Utalkin2me2939d ago

Well sorry the several people you know have short attention spans and those so called "gamers" is what is wrong with gaming as a whole today. Im so tickled that Miyazaki doesn't add easy mode for the sake of sales.

And you say games should be enjoyed by all? Sounds like more self entitlement to me, just as everything else you said. Miyazaki created the game he wanted, he didn't base it around casuals or for more sales. Games are not going to appeal to everyone and if it doesn't move on and find something you enjoy.

We need to move forward away from all this easy/casual games. And start making more challenging games such as DS for the real gamers. And i commend them for sticking to their guns and making such a awesome game that is challenging.

Testfire2939d ago

Games are supposed to be enjoyed by all, but not all games should be tailored for everyone. Would you let a child play Hatred, Postal or a rape simulator? I hope not.

This game is tailored for a specific audience, it's not tailored for the mass market.

2939d ago
Ashmedae2939d ago


That was actually a mistranslation. If you check the source of the quote you'll see as much.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2939d ago

We're idiots because we understand that adding a new mode requires work and therefore will stifle the game because time they could have put into making a new area they have to use to balance the entire game for a different mode?

jambola2936d ago

You know someone has a good argument when they have to resort to calling people names

i didn't know creating the experience they want to make was bad business, but they seem to be doing fine, i'd imagine they have people much better than you to help them with business decisions

No it wouldn't hurt individual experiences but it would take away the games reputation as being a hard game, instead it would be a gem that's hard on higher difficulties, just like most games.

And no, not all games are meant to be enjoyed by all, just like any other media

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2936d ago
NapalmSanctuary2939d ago

While I am not a fan of easy modes (great for developing bad habits), They are talking about an optional mode. The biggest problem a lot of players face when trying to play these games is that the mechanics don't have a chance to grow on them before they get sick of playing. More players means more buyers, which is better for all the players, the game, and the developer. There is no good argument against letting a player, who would otherwise not buy the game, choose to buy and play on easy.

nitus102938d ago

Catering to a set of gamers that have a short attention span before they want to move to the next shiny is pointless for the Souls series and Bloodborne since these are fairly long games anyway (40 to 60+ hours).

Because the games also have an on-line component you would have to have separate servers for easy mode users and normal users since I don't think a normal PvP player would give any sympathy to a player who is on easy mode.

In addition these games have crafting and RPG components and I don't think people who have shorter attention spans could cope with this as well.

NapalmSanctuary2938d ago

I don't think attention span has anything to do with it, its more about player enjoymet. If someone isn't enjoying themselves then there is no reason to press continue and getting a player stuck before they have a real reason to keep playing is bad for business. But that is all beside the point. An easy mode wouldn't affect us so I fail to see where this is of any concern to us, besides the fact that it increases the player base for a game that we like, which is really good for sequels.

jambola2936d ago

many good arguments you just chose to ignore them

cimerians2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

Oh my lord here we go again.

showtimefolks2939d ago

There should be difficulty options for every game. Yeah sone of you like constantly dying in games and have the time to replay over and over

But some others may want to experience story and the universe

Good thing is most games moving forward will have different difficulty options and for that we need to Thabo casuals

For some who is Bern gaming for over 25 years I don't understand the logic behind some core gamers who have a problem with easy difficulty option

No one is forcing us to play on easy or hard.

The last of us did it the best. On easy there are more supplies abd as you raise the difficulty you will have to use ammo and health packs more carefully

Gamers who play dark souls want to say I did

Phunkydiabetic12939d ago

Here is an idea, dont play it on easy?

TacoTaru2939d ago

but but but if someone can play it on easy then I'm not special and that's just not right.

nitus102938d ago

Somehow I don't think the crowd that wants an easy mode could handle a 40+ hour game (speed runs aside).

Here is an idea, play on easy, however don't get upset when you get invaded by a seasoned gamer who is the same level as you or lower and won't show any mercy. What you want your own servers now?

jambola2936d ago

An idea for people who don't like the difficutly,
play something else

garos822939d ago

now that was a joke. They made it so accessible that babies can beat it. They catered to the baby market and its not selling.

Dark Souls is unique and there is a certain distinctive nature to the game that would be foolish to remove to appease the "masses"

mEATgrinder2939d ago

Exactly, a husk of a game. Omg it's so hard it must be good, tell all my mates in the playground . Game for sad case basement dwellers

frostypants2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

Exactly. The difficulty is the entire point. Otherwise it would be no different from the boring dreck churned out by the Activisions of the world.

ITPython2939d ago

It's pretty funny people would actually be against a game having an easier mode. I mean it would not impact them whatsoever, yet strangely they fight tooth and nail to keep that from happening.

I think it all boils down to their ego and epeen. Being able to say "Oh yeah, I beat Dark souls, I am a king, worship me". They couldn't do that if there was an easier mode that everybody could beat the game with.

garos822939d ago

give it a rest you moron. millions of people have finished dark souls games. nobody says "i am a king, worship me".

dont forget what made dark souls a cult hit in the first place. never pander to your lowest common denominator FromSoftware.

Night992939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

And why is this your problem? It is really not up to you or others to define how an entirely different person wants to play a game or how he can enjoy it or not.

An easy mode is just an option which doesn't effect the ordinary difficulty at all, so what is your problem with a mode you will not use and don't have to use, it really isn't your business.

I personaly played all Souls Games and Bloodborne and I really like the challenge of this games but this challenges definetly exclude some people who can't enjoy this games only because of this, so From Software definitely should give this people who can't play this games only because ot this an easier option.

There are a lot of games with several difficulty settings and not only since yesterday, several options just work prfectly fine anyone can choose what he wants and what fits for him, why should this bulletproof system work for 100000s of other games but no with this one?

nitus102938d ago

People are saying that they don't have the time to play a hard game. Well if they don't have the time then they won't be able to play an easy game if that game normally takes over 40 plus hours since the Souls and Bloodborne games are RPG's which includes crafting as well as weapon and protection management.

These games also have an on-line component so you would need separate servers to separate the normal players from the easy players. Then there is the business of achievements. Do you think that these should be the same.

Night992938d ago (Edited 2938d ago )

@nitus10, I don't think it is up to you to decide what reasons people might have to want the game not to be that hard, some gamers even might be disabled physically or mentally to some degree and not be able to play too hard games, some others maybe just want relaxe while gaming and don't like the stress, rage and pressure this hard difficulty can put on you. There are a lot reasons why people might want to play the game a little easier and it is entirely up to them, why you ore some other people think it is their business to decide how someone has to play a game?

And I think your other points are up to From Software, they would find solutions 100% sure without a doubt. Especially because there are already a lot of games out with several singleplay difficultys and a multiplayer and the games have no problems, like call of duty games and a lot of others.

jambola2936d ago

" some gamers even might be disabled physically or mentally to some degree and not be able to play too hard games, some others maybe just want relaxe while gaming and don't like the stress, rage and pressure this hard difficulty can put on you"

Well it's a good thing 99% of games give this option so they can play any of those

MYSTERIO3602939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

I for one think there should be two difficulty modes of play. One for new players to the franchise who want to enjoy the game and experience a complete runthrough but on a easier mode (with less enemies) and another for regular player of the franchise.

The only complication i see here would be for From software to create separate acheivements listing for each game mode. Regular players would be able to gain higher achievement points for completing the game gaining gold/50G and lower difficulty players could only achieve a silver/30G points for completion.

Seasoned players could also have access to certain things that lower level players dont. I mean it would be up to From software to plan how they would do things but i do think that this approach to the situation would work.I also think it would mean more player buying the game who have a keen interest but dont like the toughness of it and in turn account for more sells. I feel if more players get a handle on the easier mode of play they could then get more accustomed to the traditional mode of play through practice.

I think there is more pros to this then cons to be honest.

joab7772939d ago



jambola2936d ago

just in relation to your comment above

"Ya know what's crazy too. 90% of people who want this "baby mode" havnt even tried it. They just hear about it and now that it's actually popular, they want to be with the "in" crowd, but are too afraid"

Do you have anything to prove than? or even back it up slightly? or are you just pulling numbers out of your ass?

USMC_POLICE2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

I disagree I'd love to play dark souls, I tried bloodborne and couldn't beat the priest boss so I sold it. I'd rather spend time on fallout or witcher where I can challenge myself but actually be able to progress. I am honestly upset especially on bloodborne as I wanted so much to play and beat it but can't.

Ashmedae2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

See, that's the wrong mentality to have, giving up on a (great) game and selling it because you can't beat a boss. I've played Demon Souls (still working on beating it) and I have beaten Dark Souls, Dark Souls II, and Bloodborne. I HAVE struggled mightily countless times at a boss or in an area. WE ALL HAVE. Yet, after much perseverance, we've gotten past that boss or that area that we were stuck at. If you need help, you can always summon someone else into your game, assuming you have an internet connection that is.

The point I'm trying to make is that WE ALL HAVE been there at some point. The game is about learning your opponent, from your mistakes, and adapting. Being able to finally get past an area because you've figured things out is half the fun. The other half is exploring, learning the story, leveling up, finding items...you know...role playing (game).

nitus102938d ago

There you go Bloodborne is not for you since you weren't willing to persevere. Getting killed by Father Gascoigne is really just an introduction of how difficult this game is going to be.

Actually other bosses are normally not as difficult as Father Gascoigne was, relative to your level.

I must have died about 30 plus times before I beat him (took three minutes) and when I did and not by cheesing or any how-too's I was so elated.

I have hit some other bosses that are quite difficult even with NPC help although I have only fought them once and died of course once my NPC died and all three turned on me. Well back to the drawing board.


Could not agree more.

Actually most Bloodborne players would know exactly where I am at the moment (the hint is Sssssss! and "It Burns!"). 😉

notachance2939d ago

The game isn't hard, it just takes getting used to, you just need to play with their rules. That's what all those game over for, to understand the rules.

For me it's relatable because it's like how the real world works, you are equipped with the skill needed to win, but so is the world and everyone blocking you from the goal, you need to understand the rules and maneuver your way to the goal. You are a human with skills, a soldier, not a god in human skins like in GTA, CoD, AC what have you. And that's what good about games like this.

garos822939d ago


Street Fighter V may have a ton of problems but gameplay is certainly not one of them

wonderfulmonkeyman2939d ago

Yeah, but it's also a good way to get people to want to re-play it at a harder difficulty.
Use the easy as an introduction, then tell them "try Harder modes for these benefits" at the end screen.

Lots of games take it that route, and it works out just fine.
Beating hard mode for that secret item or ending is a classic carrot-and-stick method that wouldn't allow hard mode to be invalidated by the presence of an easy mode.
And it earns the game more sales from people that maybe want to experience it, but are scared away by the insanity of the regular difficulty.

Bathyj2939d ago

I completely agree that Dark Souls should have an easy mode.

I also want the requirements for the PGA Tour lowered so anyone that can score an 80 or has a 9 handicap can join so I can be a professional golfer. /S

joab7772938d ago

It's like we think alike. Actually, I was hoping that the NBA would just lower their skill threshold and sign me for $40 million. I know I could score 2-4 a game. It's just (stomping my feet) fair.

Bathyj2938d ago

Btw, I just birdied the par 5 for the first time in over 10 years.

I know it's completely irrelevant, but I'm telling everyone I know. ;)

Limegreen2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

I don't think these games are too hard at all (some fights are). yes, you will die a lot in the beginning, but after the first 100 deaths or so you will start enjoying the crap out of it more and more.

Orionsangel2939d ago

The idea of DS is that it challenges the player. If you had the choice of playing an easy mode. The player always has that easy mode looming over their head. It's there as a sort of lifeline. It would defeat the purpose of the series. Heck, what makes the series so special. It's not like it needs an easy mode either since it's a huge seller regardless.

insomnium22938d ago (Edited 2938d ago )

Bloodborne is one of the best games I have ever played. I finished DS1 but never got into DS2 for some reason. I have it but stopped playing and after Bloodborne released I never went back. I'm something like lvl 240-250 in Bloodborne on my NG++++ iirc. The best hack and slash game there is bar none.

I love the adrenaline rush these game give me. Every boss fight gets my heart pumping and this doesn't happen in any other game. Only DS and BB and that is SOLELY BECAUSE OF THE CHALLENGE!

The DLC Old hunters has the games toughest boss fight right at the beginning. Ludwig the accursed is he? He was tough on NG+ but on NG++++ he is EXTREMELY tough. I died more than 100 times in the 2 times I've killed him. On NG++++ the ai partner is no use and dies instantly. Luckily I found some real life player to kill him with. I love these games! The challenge is insane at times but the reward for that is priceless!!!! Never change DS&BB!!

The socond hardest boss fight has to be amygdala in the defiled and accursed chalice dungeon as you only have 50% of your health. I effing saved the gameplay when I killed that thing. LOL!

joab7772938d ago

It's actually better for gamers if we dont. Instead of the entitled absurdity that most games have become and cater to, maybe some gamers will actually push through, challenge themselves, and experience the real satisfaction that comes from overcoming a difficult obstacle

DS had alot going for it, but the reason it's so popular among many is because it offers a real sense of accomplishment, an almost euphoric feeling that others games cant. Why? Because in order to feel real joy, ya must feel real pain. And DS definitely brings the pain.

So, there are plenty of theme park rpgs out there for people to play. And if ya want to experience DS, then ya have to buck up and play it b/c you CANNOT reallu experience DS on any other difficulty.

nowitzki20042938d ago

Some games that most people play on easy or normal are still made to be played on the hardest difficulty. TLOU was a whole different experience on the hardest difficulty level.

ChronoJoe2938d ago

I know a lot of people obviously agree with you and want to preserve the difficulty of Dark Souls games but I disagree.

Adding difficulty modes or options would not reduce the difficulty if applied in the right way. It shouldn't be about making it easier, it should be about adapting the difficulty so that everyone gets a similarly challenging experience.

For instance, my sister is terrible at these types of games, but I am not. So with the fixed difficulty that Dark Souls currently poses, the game is much more difficult for her, than it is for me. So she's having to go though a lot more to achieve the same, playing an game that's near impossible to beat relative to her abilities skillset.

In neither case, does the game offer appropriate difficulty relative to the experience that From say they want to convey. For me, Dark Souls games are pretty trivial in their difficulty - most of the time - as much of what you encounter is similar to the previous games, I can usually clear segments of the game very very quickly based on prior knowledge and a good grasp of the controls.

Of course that doesn't mean I feel it should have an easy mode, but a carefully designed adaptive difficulty system that allows the game to present the same moderate-high level of difficulty, from one player to the next.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 2936d ago
BigBosss2939d ago

Dark Souls 3 is all about the hardcore challenge. If you are finding the game very challenging, take your casual gamer elsewhere.

2939d ago Replies(8)
Back-to-Back2939d ago

Yup if you need an easy mode, then Dark Souls is not for you. If you prefer braindead mindless games, games like Hearthstone and League of Legend exist for that reason.

ceromaster2939d ago

Finding a game challenging doesn't make you a casual gamer. That's like saying that a person who can't write a novel isn't able to write at all.

wonderfulmonkeyman2939d ago

That sounds sickeningly elitist.

Adding a lower mode for less skilled players wouldn't take away from the accomplishment of finishing harder difficulties, because that's an accomplishment in and of itself in a game like this.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2936d ago
Eiyuuou2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )


SweatyFlorida2939d ago

Exactly, its difficulty/learning curve is part of its charm, take that away and your left with a lesser game. There's plenty of other easier rpg's out there for people to play if they can't handle holding a shield and dodging.

Besides, the games do extremely well perception and sales wise. Why should they change things just so people who are bad at video games get what they want when the game is meant to reward players who can overcome the original difficulty? I'm glad they haven't succumbed to their demands.

MyDietEqualsGames2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

Thats the only difficulty I want to see in these games. Getting the platinum in BB wouldnt have even felt like a standout accomplishment compared to most games if the game was any less than what we already have. I am on the side that goes against adding a difficulty setting for these games.

The fact the game gets harder with each completion is even better, with no reverse.

I get exclusion is not a good thing, but were not talking human rights or no child left behind here.

Hoffmann2939d ago

Get games like Starfox Zero where you have your extra ship/mode for...Zeros /Noobs that are not able to become good enough in a game to beat it.

Kalebninja2939d ago

I'd have no problem with that, for those that just don't have the time to invest in dying over and over and mastering the game like normal they could still enjoy the good combat and boss battles. But I'm sure there will be those people that'll be 100% against extra options even if it doesn't affect them.

2939d ago Replies(3)
OoglyBoogly2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

"But I'm sure there will be those people that'll be 100% against extra options even if it doesn't affect them."

Of course, as always *cough* PS4K *cough*

God forbid people have a choice!

But yes, I agree with you. People here are saying "get better" as if it would be sooooo wrong for more casual players or people that just don't care enough/have the time to master a already overly difficult game.

I don't mind a little challenge, sure, but I play games to relax and unwind, not to break controllers (I'm past that point in my life!). So to have an easy mode for those that just want to see the story and the epic boss fights is perfectly fine.

Like you said, it won't affect the other difficulty levels or the ones that like the challenge, so what the hell is the problem and how can any of the rest of you be against it?

Takwin2939d ago

I have made a similar comment multiple times, but people just won't buy it.

Make easy mode people unable to help those at higher difficulties.

Make different trophies for different difficulty levels, you know, like every game.

areisul2939d ago

In Dark Souls the difficulty is part of the design space. The whole point of the game is your character is persevering against impossible odds as the world falls apart around them. Without the difficulty, the game loses it's oppressive atmosphere and sense of danger. This diminishes the world and takes away any gravity from those "epic boss fights" you enjoy so much. This is even a major part of the narrative, Undead who give up "go hollow" and are never seen from again, just like the players who refuse to work around the entry barriers.

Including an "Easy Mode" would go against the entire spirit of Dark Souls. It's an artistic design choice. People who refuse to "git gud" and whine that the game should be easier are like people who want to read Shakespeare but refuse to get into it because the language is "too old."

Utalkin2me2939d ago

Then dont play DS, simple as that. Go back to playing "Kardashians goes to the mall". You want to see epic boss fights and some of the story, cause you struggle with the game. Watch Twitch.

wonderfulmonkeyman2939d ago

Totally agreed.
It's that sort of narrow-minded elitism that makes me gag.
And it's especially ironic coming from players that don't realize just how casual-infested their consoles have become.

jambola2936d ago

If people don't care enough then it shouldn't matter if the game gets easier really.

It's not "overly difficult" and you don't exactly have to master it to beat it

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2936d ago
kurochi2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

NO. The whole point of the game is to be diligent and learn patience. In turn be rewarded with that patience and hard work. You take that essence away, you've got a shell of a game that might be good, but not great. This series is built on the player being meticulous and practice, practice, practice. It's a standard that all the players who enjoy this series share. Wanna join that group? Put in the hard work or get out. Stop whining. Why should the established Souls community give up the standard just because you can't play the game as it was meant to be played? Money? From Software obviously isn't worried about that or else they wouldn't be pumping these out yearly. That's why I admire some of these Japanese developers such as Miyazaki & Kojima, they don't compromise and try to make a quick buck (cough COD cough cough). You make a good game, we'll play it at your standard.
Think it's too hard? Don't play it. We won't miss you.

OoglyBoogly2939d ago

"you've got a shell of a game that might be good"

And there's nothing wrong with that. Again, if it doesn't affect you then WHY DO YOU CARE???

You are TOTALLY free to play on whatever insane level you want too so why are you being such a selfish ass and telling people they shouldn't be allowed to make their own choices on how they want to play a game?

Why does it bother you so much? What's the problem?

"Think it's too hard? Don't play it. We won't miss you."

It's shit like this as to why the gaming community is such shit. Grow up.

kurochi2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

See what OrangePowerz & reaperofsouls said below and what areisul said above.
Too lazy to spell it out for you.

Grow up? Seriously? That's your comeback as to why the Souls series should add an easy mode for those who doesn't want to spend the time to play a game at a standard that the developers set? oh.... the irony.....

Rachel_Alucard2939d ago


If you want an easy mode as an extra then it's clear you're not interested in the game but just everything within it like characters and the cryptic story. Watch a playthrough in that case you don't need to compromise the entire selling point just because people want something to read. It's not even refusing to let people make a choice, its a simple design choice because it's supposed to give you the experience and that's how From intended it. They are out to give people a feeling they get after killing a boss they struggled with for so long, they want people to feel great after that win, not feel unsatisfied because it was too easy. That's why everyone is on equal footing when going through a single playthrough of the games.

Miyazaki asks, "How can we make this fight more interesting?" Rather then, "How can we make this fight more difficult?" That's what keeps the series good. Yet so many people misunderstand the point of the series.

OrangePowerz2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

I wouldn't say it doesn't affect people. It would require more resources on the dev side. Dark Souls isn't a game where the easy mode would be just weaker enemies that make less damage. The whole game is designed around it being difficult and the player having to figure out what he needs to do without handholding.

Most of the games already cater to the less skilled people so no need to also change the few challenging games that are left.

It's like those people that asked for a PG13 version of the Deadpool movie.

Kalebninja2939d ago (Edited 2939d ago )

Actually it can be them just making enemies weaker which couldnt have been that much of a hassle on development tome and once again it doesnt affect any other players who want to play it normally.

As for the Deadpool movie, Deadpool in comics was actually pg-13 for a very long time he only became R rated in the late 2000s and even after that he's appeared in several Disney cartoons in the past couple of years so it wasn't a far fetched request.

Ravenheartzero2939d ago


Maybe miyazaki didn't want his souls games to have an easy mode. His choice.

Kalebninja2939d ago

@Ravenheartzero Never said it wasn't but i wouldn't have a problem if they had one.

OrangePowerz2939d ago

Kalebninja given that "easy" enemies can still kill you quite quickly once you are close to the end how much do you imagine those need to be made weaker? The game has been made around all the difficulties and that's not just for the enemies but also the general mechanics and the secrets on what to do to get further into the game. How the levels are setup, online, etc. etc.

At the end one thing will have to give if you make an easy mode. We have seen plenty of games over the years that got more mainstream at the expenses of the more core audience that got the game the sales in the first place. Just look at AC as one example, it went from challenging to a state where you just have to press random buttons. There are plenty of other examples. Easy mode will be only the first step and before you know it it will be just another game that is for the mainstream audience.

Comics have been more lenient with ratings than movies and even movies in the 80s had a PG13 rating for movies that inlcuded swearing, sex references (Ghostbusters ghost blowjob as example) that wouldn't get a PG13 now. Deadpool always used a lot of swearing that was bleeped out, that would never get at a movie PG13 rating since you can't bleep swearing out in a movie. They also got away with blood when the comics had been PG13 that shouldn't have been in there.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2939d ago
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bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up


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phoenixwing145d ago

I beat them all with my fists and no hits were taken. What do you mean you don't believe me? I used a guitar hero controller!!!

qalpha145d ago

I used the Jungle Beat Bongos from my Gamecube

The_Hooligan145d ago

I just made my character look like Chuck Norris.

qalpha145d ago

All the bosses are only from Dark Souls. No Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Demon Souls


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GhostScholar158d ago

These games bore me to tears. I don’t mind the difficulty it’s just the constant killing the same enemies over every time you rest that makes it so monotonous

jznrpg158d ago

You open up a lot of shortcuts so you can skip many enemies. But if I don’t like games I don’t buy them.