
TMG Roundtable: Xbox LIVE Price Increase

The staff at The Married Gamers discuss their opinions on the Xbox Live price increase.

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Troll_Police5213d ago

Only in America are people happy to pay for features that are FREE everywhere else.

divideby05213d ago

^ not its not all in American, its the blind fanboyz who defend higher prices..they are the nitwitts.

I am a charter live gold member from day one.
When my sub runs out in Jan. I will have had my fill with reach and will NOT renew my rip off live sub that I have been paying for what 5 or 6 years now.

this price increase just shows how little MS is offering real gamers..bye bye Live

Troll_Police5213d ago

MS is counting on people to renew for Halo: Reach. The only way that MS will listen is if you guys don't stand for this and stop paying MS to use your own peer-to-peer connection to play games online.

darthv725213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

several times i have debated canceling. I keep it because I may want to play an online match or two now and then. I do use the netflix almost every night. I guess when people see the big price of $60 it doesnt matter if it is a day, week, month or year. It is the fact that it is $60.

That breaks down to $5 a month or 16.4 cents per day. It really ISNT that much but some would say it's the principle of paying. I am reminded of other services on other platforms that are paid as well.

There may be plenty of free games on PC but a big game like WOW charges by the month for a single game. You have to be really dedicated to playing in order to go the distance.

Funny thing about being a member. Be it live, WOW or even PS+. You get a different perspective on the service and what it offers once your in. Something about it that makes it hard to just walk away. For some its almost like an addiction and to others....it is.

AAACE55213d ago

I'm starting to think the Ps3 fanboys are right!

We should all get rid of our 360's and just play games on PC... oh, you thought I was going to say Ps3... oh... well... I guess you could do that as well!

No seriously, I am getting a little irritated with paying to play online, but what else can I do? I like playing online, but I don't really like playing PC games. The Ps3 is a good system, but I just don't like playing online with it for some reason! I know part of the problem is that i'm heavily invested in the 360.

FACTUAL evidence5213d ago

I will continue to let MS rub their shaft against my butt hole, and anally rape me. Even if our games for the next 3 years are COD titles, I'll even pay 100$ for their mediocre online service. I'll continue to support XBL as long as they make gimmicky controllers, and not exclusives.

Acquiescence5213d ago

When I'm asked to renew it I'll tell 'em to cram it.

acere5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

can't play games online AT ALL on the 360 without paying a monthly fee. i heard xbox sux whit out the online part.

rekof5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )


bros,.. I think even paid western journalists cannot spin this shit ,.. they will try like a mofos,.. but damn,.. SAAAD !! This is not a fanboy rant,.. I swear !

all 360 fans should wake up ,.. games for windows,.. are damn free,.. they are charging for something that should never charged for,.. I don't care,.. If you find worth in cross game chat for 60usd/year I don't mind,..please pay,.. but online play ,.. dude I'm paying for my internet/(play) out of my ass already,.. and it is between me and my isp provider,.. If I want to be a dick to my friends and call them during their games (i hate that shit),.. I can use ventrilo, or skype or phone,... Though getting group of shit heads together ,.. is easier on 360,.. less button presses,..

Why do you support this shit is beyond me,..

ITLoo5213d ago

I will still pay for my Gold membership when the price hike happens. Microsoft does a lot of good work and we need to support them.

Fadetoblack695213d ago

I'm honestly looking at your post and trying to decide if you're trolling or not O.o

Goodeye845213d ago

He isn't he seriously is in support of it.

ITLoo5213d ago

It's just my opinion. Take it or leave it. I'm not trying to sway you, just wanted to put in my two cents.

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OG Xbox Live Replacement 'Insignia' Continues To Grow With 11 New Supported Games

Online multiplayer is back for 11 more games thanks to Insignia's XBL 1.0 replacement service running on Original Xbox consoles and the Xemu emulator on PC. Multiplayer, voice chat, leaderboards, etc. have been a monthly addition for many games from Xbox's past library thank to the team at Insignia.live! The 11 new games are now playable online once again after 13+ years.

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XiNatsuDragnel638d ago

Yes yes now bring x360 xbox live then we're golden for life.

Asplundh636d ago

?? Xbox 360 servers are still online, they haven't been taken down yet.

XiNatsuDragnel636d ago

Nah they will be tho look at rscs3 they have psn made in there emulator why not xenia bro?

Blashted636d ago

Service still in beta form, sign up/player counts here: https://insignia.live/

slayereddy636d ago (Edited 636d ago )

Booo!! I was hoping that was Rainbow Six: Black Arrow...Boo!! again. I thought this coming to Xbox. I don't even read it I was so excited.


7 Abandoned Xbox Series We Probably Won't Get Back

Has everyone completely forgotten Blinx?

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WickedLester2743d ago

You forgot to add "thank God" at the end of the headline.

tomr29922743d ago

Indeed... Praise the Lord!

V0MIT_M0NSTER2743d ago

So glad that they won't mess with Banjo anymore.

-Foxtrot2742d ago

So you wouldn't want a proper Banjo-Threeie, Jade Empire or Kameo 2...really?

AZRoboto2742d ago

Or Crimson Skies. That was the shiz

FallenAngel19842743d ago

It's a shame we can't get another Banjo-Kazooie game

-Foxtrot2742d ago

Literally one that's called Banjo-Threeie and they start the game with Kazooie waking up in distress telling Banjo of a hardly nightmare while recapping Nuts and Bolts.

PhoenixUp2742d ago

Microsoft never could maintain a longrunning decent 3D platformers series of their own

AZRoboto2742d ago

I don't think "longrunning" is really necessary... Isn't Blinx the only one that got a sequel?

darthv722742d ago

Blinx needs to return if at least to show up Bubsy.

ninsigma2742d ago

Not sure if it was Xbox only back in the day but I'd love a current gen jet set radio!

Paytaa2742d ago

Jet Set Radio Future was only on Xbox. Fantastic game. Even better than Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast in my opinion. Such a good soundtrack too

ninsigma2742d ago

Game was beast and deserves to come back on current gen. And hell yeah plus one for that soundtrack!

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Review: Table Top Racing: World Tour (Xbox One) by The Gamerscore Whores

Without a doubt, one of our highlights from EGX Rezzed 2016 was Table Top Racing. It was almost a classic love tale…”As soon as we locked eyes… (enter mushy crap here…)” – We think you get the picture. It just reminded us of a time where gaming was much less complicated and way more colourful, however at the time the game was only due to be released on the PS4… That’s not a bad thing. It just mean’t that being my primary console of choice is Xbox One, we wouldn’t get to play this any time soon as the majority of my games and friends reside in the Microsoft ecosystem – so when we got word this was getting a release on Xbox One, we immediately put our hands up and said “Yes, Please!”.

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2832d ago