
Dorian of Dragon Age: Inquisition: Why Gaming's 'Breakout' Gay Character Matters

Gamers and critics welcomed Dragon Age: Inquisition with its revolutionary LGBT content, but online conversation still lags behind.

SeanScythe3202d ago

You do not speak for all us gamers.

Bansai3202d ago

Dragon Age: Political Corectness

Screw that sh*t, I'm tired of all this tiptoeing around LGBT.

cleft53202d ago (Edited 3202d ago )

I feel like Dorian was a missed opportunity, and I will say so right now.

Also sorry for the wall of text.

***************SPOILER WARNING*********************

Through out the Dragon Age series you constantly hear references to the Tevinter Imperium Magistrates, these guys are the big bad wolves. They are the ones who enter the Golden City (basically Heaven or Olympus) and tried to claim the power and throne of the gods. For this they where punished by being cast out and cursed to be Dark Spawn. I am simplifying so I can get to my point.

This culminates in the main bad guy in Inquisition being a Tevinter Imperium Mage. So they are portrayed as the big evil and relations with Tevinter, a country where mages rule isnt portrayed in a positive light either. Fenris (from Dragon Age 2) is a Tevinter Fugitive and he absolutely hates mages from Tevinter and mages in general really because of the horrible things they did to him and others. Every time Tevinter comes up through the series they are portrayed as evil or cruel.

Here comes Dorian in Inquisition and he is, of all things, a Tevinter Imperium Magistrate. You learn about him and how the hierarchy works in Tevinter. You find out that not only is he a mage with some standing but he is a high noble. This guy is a big deal over there.

Whats even more fascinating is that Dorian doesnt agree with the current status quo and he wants to change things in Tevinter. With his class standing he definitely could do it.

So what does Bioware do with his loyalty quest? Well instead of focusing on his beliefs, motivations, stances, and the major point that he is a Tevinter Magistrate they decided to do a lame moral story about the fact that he is gay. What is this moral story, why its the classic I am gay and my daddy doesnt love me because he doesnt understand me story.

Here we have a Tevinter Magistrate, here we have a character whose ideals go against the majority, here we have a character that should be despised by everyone based on the history the game has built up about Tevinter and the fact that the main bad guy is also a Tevinter Magistrate yet Bioware decides to go the "I am gay and my parents dont love me route."

In fact, the issue of him being a Tevinter Mage barely even comes up. There is like one scene where a character that doesnt matter says one thing to you about him having a bad influence on you. Its laughable.

It is such a huge missed opportunity. Instead of making him into a gay person hated by his parents because they are homophobes, Bioware could have made him into a Tevinter Imperium Magistrate with his own set of goals and ideals. He still could have been gay and they still could have made it openly known. Dorian is such an important character, not because he is openly gay but because he is a Tevinter Imperium Magistrate from a high noble family.

The fact that Bioware missed this is a huge misstep and made Dorian less than what he could have been. On a side note, Dorian character screams "I am a gay stereotype." I wouldnt call Dorian's character progressive at all and his loyalty quest certainly wasnt progressive.

Its sad because everything they get wrong with Dorian they get right with Vivian. The least important fact about Vivian is that she is Black and thats a good thing. Skin color, sexuality, and gender doesnt define a good character. What a character does is what defines a good character. They remember that lesson for Vivian but completely forget it for Dorian.

ABizzel13201d ago

I would say I'm surprised by some of the comments in here, but when you can hide behind a screen it makes cowardice so much easier.

When I don't want to hear a song on the radio, I turn the station. When I don't want to see a show on TV, I turn the channel. When I don't want to eat at a restaurant or see a movie, I go somewhere else.

I can't for the life of me understand why the majority of us so called "straight people" can't do the same.

It baffles as to why something that has absolutely no effect on you and your life, marriage, or your finances can be such a concern to you.

If I didn't want to play a game with LGBT characters in it, I wouldn't buy it and I would never go to any article regarding said game, yet here you are with the most ridiculous excuses as to why 2 consenting adults / or in the case why a Rated M game in a same sex relationship bothers you.

The children excuse is so ignorant, because as a parent you should be in control of what your child consumes, and if a topic is brought up you should be the one to inform your child honestly so they're prepared for the different types of people in the world. If you don't approve of homosexuality that's fine, and that's your right to teach it to your children, but when that dislike interferes with someones rights don't cry about it when you or your children are in court regarding it, and suffering financial burdens simply because you're too ignorant to agree to disagree and move on. And the ignorance here is that it's fine for mass murder, stealing, vehicular homicide, war, and more vile things to be in games, but Oh No, you draw the line at same sex relationships.....

The mental condition is not homosexuality, it's you people who have an unreasonable dislike and delusional view of something that effects you in absolutely no way.

The politically correct argument is ignorant as well. "Politically correct" Asian, European, South American, Native American, and all kinds of demographics in-between in the world. There are male, female, gay, bi-sexual, trans, and more all in the world. Having character represent these people is not being "politically correct" it's showing reality, whether you like it or not.

And at the end of the day if you don't like it don't buy and support it. And if it bothers you that much, then as Americans are quick say, "leave". No one's keeping you here, or forcing you to stay and participate / purchase / or live around something you don't want to be a part of.

Pack your family up and move away. But seeing how you're on a gaming forum venting you can't do that can you. So suck it up and get over it. There are gay people in the world, move on. There are black people in the world, move on. There are ignorant people in the world and on this forum, ignore them. If you really don't care then get out of this article and any other topic involving homosexuality and leave these people alone.

psuedo3202d ago

Hahaha yes they do. That's all this is, is a pander site. Anyways I've been against this since they announced it, but oh well it's just a sign of the times.

AndrewLB3202d ago (Edited 3202d ago )

Agreed. The never ending push by the progressive left to force society into accepting mental illness and other unnatural behavior as some sort of new normal, will be looked back upon by historians as something akin to ancient Rome's moral decay and a major factor in current modern societies downfall. People are getting sick and tired of being told that you're a bigot, homophobe, etc if you don't immediately play along with their political game. It's amazing how less than 1% of the population has managed to hold everyone else hostage with their "velvet mafia" tactics because all it would take is just the slightest pushback in order to stop this craziness.

btw... so when are we to expect sequential hermaphrodites and trannies to take the leading role in a bioware game? I can see it now... Mass Effect 4 will definitely have a new race that's somewhat akin to the Asari but instead of hot, hard bodied blue females... they'll all be big muscle-men but with a demeanor similar to a Solarian.


It's nowhere near 2.5% of the population as a whole. Those numbers have been greatly exhaggerated over the years by LGBT activists in order to push their agenda in schools and to convince the normal people in society that their perversions are normal and thus require being given a sort of "protected status" in society. This is why they're trying to convince everyone that this should be treated as the new civil rights movement similar to the 1960's even though homosexuality is a non-genetic "learned" behavior as proven by multiple studies of identical twins where one or more is gay. In fact, I know a guy who he and his identical twin straight brother took part in one of the studies and both now agree that while you may not have much of a choice on the matter, it's still a "learned" trait.

rainslacker3201d ago (Edited 3201d ago )


Tolerating or accepting something, does not mean that people think or are expected to think that it's normal. Societal and cultural norms are norms because they are normal, and the things you discuss aren't normal. Whether 2.5% or 1%, it's still well below what is normal. But just because they aren't normal, doesn't mean that we shouldn't respect others, and tolerate those that may be different than the norm.

If it's harmful to society in some way, then yes, one should push back, but I fail to see how any of the things being discuss here are harmful to anyone, or how they contribute to the moral decay of society.

While some extreme agendas may ask for you to consider something normal, most of it is just asking to be treated with respect, dignity, and to be tolerated...and to stop being treated like some sort of social pariah, because many of these people also have strong moral values and do their civic duty just like us normal people. While I can't cite numbers, I'd imagine the percentage of a**hats within the LGBT community is about the same as within the normal society.

Since you like to use the slippery slope argument, I'll just put this here, because while not exactly what you're talking about, it's pretty much the same argument


LightofDarkness3201d ago


Manure. Back those claims up with these majority/multiple studies. And just to further prove how little you know about genetics and the science you abuse and twist to suit a hateful agenda, identical twins are not, in fact, identical. They are effectively as diverse as other siblings from one another, they only look similar (i.e., not identical, just similar). Scientists have already identified medical causes for homosexuality (e.g. exposure to larger amounts of the opposite sex's dominant hormones in utero), including identifying a few genetic traits.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3201d ago
LightofDarkness3202d ago

What exactly is your problem with it?

sonic9893202d ago

beside enforcing it at schools and making it normal on streets so that my children can be exposed to such a crap plus teaching them things at schools i disallow in my home .
and spreading it to the point where there is no way to avoid it which will make me have to flee away from the country or the place i live in all together just to save my future generations from this kind of trash .
thats in short what my problem with it and i didnt state the full list of reasons thats like 10 % of it .

LightofDarkness3202d ago

Thanks for chiming in.

But that doesn't answer it. What bothers you about it? Don't hide behind the kids, that's a trite logical fallacy that' trotted out to obscure the real issue at hand. Why does it bother YOU, specifically? What bearing does it have on your life? Why is it WRONG? And if you have no answer greater than "god says so" or just because you find it all a bit icky, well here's the good news: you aren't being forced to do any of it. You're merely angry because you think it's kind of gross and don't like being made aware of its existence. TOUGH. It's a fact of life. It's reality. 2.5% of the world's population is A LOT of people. They shouldn't be made to feel ashamed of themselves for their own nature just because you thinks it's all a bit icky. It's not about you. This world was not built solely for you.

I'm not gay and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I think it's great that people are trying to actively include more gamers of different backgrounds. Movies used to be simple one genre, two-dimensional things as well. Then around the 60s and 70s all the genres started blending together and the characters became more diverse, like real people in real situations. And cinema enjoyed a golden age, free from the shackles of shame and censorship. Gaming is beginning to evolve into the art form it was destined to become, regardless.

psuedo3202d ago Show
LightofDarkness3202d ago (Edited 3202d ago )

Wow, what a non-answer. Poor, persecuted you. Truly, woe betides you. How about you go ahead and give me the best reason you've got? No one said you couldnt. Talk about a strawman.

I've yet to hear a good one, regardless. This isn't really the forum for such a discussion, but then I'm not the one who just had to let everyone know how they don't like it "cuz it's gay."

FunAndGun3202d ago

wow sonic989, that is pretty drastic. fleeing the country/place you live because you don't agree with how other people live on account of it being icky?

There are gay people in the world, that is just a fact. Are you really expecting to shield your children from everything you don't like?

If a person is gay, a person is gay. being exposed to the fact that there are gay people will not turn your child gay.

lol, "save my future generations from this kind of trash" I can guarantee there will be gay individuals within your family at some point if there already is not. Are you the type of parent that would disown their own child if they came out of the closet?

Christopher3201d ago (Edited 3201d ago )

I'm forced to accept and let my children be around bigots. I don't see why you should complain about having to let your children around people with things you don't agree with either. As long as no one is hurting each other, we should be okay, right?

rainslacker3201d ago


I think what he's asking for is what would you tell your kids about why you think it's bad or wrong.

You don't have to answer to anyone here, nor should it matter if you are persecuted for your beliefs on here. If you want to hold to them so steadfastly, you should at least have some reason to do so. People are giving you the opportunity to express your views, yet you hide behind being cast out by those of differing views from your own. If you want to be a coward and not back up your convictions then so be it, but don't expect anyone to feel sympathy for you.

But in the end, your kids are going to want to know why it's wrong, and if you can't explain it to those who ask here(or elsewhere), where no one knows you, how are you going to be able to explain it to your kids? You seem to have some strong convictions on the topic, but do you really expect your kids to respect those reasons if you can't stand behind your own believes?

That being said, do you truly believe that you can shield your kids from the real world? Do you even think it's wise for you to do so? Doesn't a time come when you know they are going to be exposed, and you simply will have to answer these questions for them, or someone else will...and those people may or may not have the same opinion as you.

Ultimately, you want your kids to be able to grow up and make their own decisions. What part you play in that development is entirely up to you. You can either teach them hate or tolerance, but the one thing you can't do forever is keep them away from the real world.

The future generation will be fine. I've been hearing stuff along the lines of "think of the children" for almost 4 decades now...even before I knew what it meant. Yet, despite many different iterations of the same tired argument, no one ever really gives a reason why it's bad for the children to be exposed to these supposedly terrible things.

Respect your children, and their ability to make their own decisions when the time comes, and they will end up being respectful of others. There are times when a firm hand is necessary, but you can only do so much to prevent certain decisions in ones life, and one's sexual identity is not something you have a lot of influence on, even as a parent.

The world may seem like a sh*thole more now than ever, but it really isn't. We just have more exposure of all the sh*t that actually does happen. Kids grow up to be adults, and the cycle continues.

What's being enforced in schools? Teaching kids to show respect and dignity towards others despite our differences? Is that such a terrible thing to be exposed to? Is the school teaching your kids they should be gay, or are they simply saying that it's OK to be comfortable with yourself? Is that such a bad thing that they aren't shaming your kids into years of self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness?

I can also tell you, unless you plan to move to North Korea, or some other such totalitarian state, you're not going to get away from any of this just by moving to another country. It's running away. It's cowardly. Is that really the lesson that you want your kids to learn?

Learn to adapt to society, because society won't wait for you to catch up.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3201d ago
Roccetarius3202d ago

Indeed, these sites are only speaking for a very, very small minority. Bioware's correctness has been infesting ever since the 7th generation, but it has become even worse over the years.

There are plenty of reasons to avoid EA's games, but this is just another thing on that list of reasons. Same goes for other games pushing this correctness to make it ''normal''.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3201d ago
GreetingsfromCanada3202d ago

These websites need to understand gamers don't care, at all.

Christopher3201d ago

If gamers don't care, why do these articles get so many hits? Why do gamers keep asking about strong role models in gaming of a diverse array of sorts?

If gamers didn't care, then they wouldn't get hits and these articles wouldn't be written.

Kind of like how there aren't articles about My Little Pony games. Gamers actually don't care about My Little Pony games.

3202d ago Replies(2)
Anthotis3202d ago

DA's devolutionary LGBTQRX pandering really doesn't matter, and serves no purpose other than to make others violently ill.

Christopher3201d ago

Seeing an imaginary character that is gay makes people violently ill?

Why aren't we talking about this psychological illness rather than homosexuality? Can you image, you're watching TV, some gay character comes on, and someone suddenly gets violently ill?

rainslacker3201d ago

I dunno...when I watch Modern Family I laugh pretty hard. The two gay characters are the best on the show, and have a very believable relationship. Sure they can be stereotypical at times, but I don't get ill watching them.

I do believe that bioware panders too much only in the fact I don't find them making their gay characters overly compelling, and them being gay just happens to be a reason to be controversial instead of just showing gay people in the light that they are just normal people, but I can't imagine it makes many people violently ill since I haven't seen a lot of people stating such a thing. Other games have had gay characters which are much better, and none of them have ever made anyone ill either.

Godz Kastro3202d ago

I don't like any of this in my video games. I don't want to be forced to watch a lifestyle i don't agree with. Anything that has this type of content forced on me will never see the light of day on my console.

ameliabaz3202d ago

Dude, you can kill people, assault them, steal from them, and do all sorts of horrible shit in Dragon Age games. Most game heroes aren't exactly shining examples of good or moral lifestyles.

A character being gay is pretty mild by comparison.

SeanScythe3202d ago

Gotta represent that less than 2.3% of the world population... Stupid that this is pushed in everything and when it is its shoved in your face. The gay pride building in infamous:ss wasn't needed and was just there to push this agenda.

sonic9893202d ago

i didt see it BUT wow man even SONY games i think i must research even deeper from now on .
i dont think tearaway unfolded would have anything of that sort because lol it doesnt fit .
but true what you said is true and for the fact i am not worried about my self because i know myself really really well but my future generations and my family i dont want them to be exposed to this crap even in their entertainment .

Fishy Fingers3202d ago (Edited 3202d ago )

Sonic, perhaps you shouldn't allow your 'future generations' to play mature rated games? Just a thought.

slappy5083202d ago ShowReplies(3)
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Profchaos909d ago

The quality of these free games has been awesome. Before anyone says they are not free I was already giving Amazon $6 a month for prime shipping and video this isn't why I pay for my subscription

Teflon02908d ago

Still technically paying for it, even if it wasn't your intent. They've been giving out games with Twitch prime, they just changed the name. It's the same sub as that was. If you weren't aware, great. But you're paying for it.

That being said, I don't personally care. For me as long as you're willing to pay that for 1 service and get more. I personally take it as free. Like prime video, music though the prime version is trash, and all the Twitch benefits are all free to me because I didn't care about those when I got it. Just comes with it.

Only noted because that's technically wrong as a defense to that argument, whether I'm on yourside with the initial statement lol

mkis007908d ago

It's free to anyone who has already been paying. IDK why people need to split hairs.

TinkerNation908d ago

How does Prime Gaming work? Do you keep the games, or is it only as long as you have Prime?

Germaximus908d ago

lol Nice distraction from how they're now charging people to increase viewership. It's "just an option." /wink lol