
ParcelSorter Released on iOS and Android

French developers Eric Caginicolau and Guillaume Ortega have released their game ParcelSorter for Android and iOS. Sorting packages can very mundane and repetitive which is why a sport known as ParcelSorter was created to motivate the postmen.

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STGuy10403959d ago (Edited 3959d ago )

This reminds me of Klax by Atari.

Anon19743959d ago

I've got nothing against games that want to borrow gameplay concepts from classics, but for the love of god, at least attempt to do something new. As a mobile developer myself, I find this embarrassing. This is no different then the hundreds of copies of Tiny Wings out there, or Angry Birds, that just slapped a different skin on someone else's game. What's sad is they're all probably making more off those crappy knock offs than my team trying to bring something original out. :)

MartinB1053959d ago

Another crappy phone game imitation by creatively-bankrupt developers who steal their ideas from 90's arcrade games. I'd rather play the original KLAX.