
Future Press comments on the availability of the official guide for Dark Souls

Future Press has provided an update regarding the stock situation of their official strategy guide for the recently-released action role-playing game, Dark Souls.

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Columbo4568d ago

This guide is awesome! Definitely a must-own for any collector or fan of the series. I like the tables for the different weapons and their upgrades. It's really helpful when I'm trying to decide how I want to ascend my upgraded weapons. And the hardcover is really slick too.

Messatsu2904568d ago

The book itself looks good, but in terms of guiding and layout, to me this is one of the worst guides
I ever had. Map layouts is terrible, all items/npc are not listed on the map or same section. To use this book you really have to know what you are trying to look for. So lets say you want a certain armor or weapon. You are going to have to jump all the way to the weapon/armor chapter read what it says, then if it says its from an npc you will have to go to the chapter of npc, then to find exactly where the npc is you have to go to the chapter of maps, and then figure how to get there for yourself since the terrible guide explanation won't help at all. I just use the guide now just to find something I want.. the book is too divided.. everything split to chapters... I don't know why if im doing lon andor from the guide i have to be jumping to one chapter for bosses, another for npc, another for covenant, or other stuff all for one place. The flow is really bad, everything from a certain place should be all together,,.. well that's what im use to anyway... The Demon Soul guide book for LE was much better.

dc14568d ago

I'm with you... however it’s simply too much information to approach it in a traditional guide fashion.
I love the guide. Although it took me a couple of days, I know it like my life depends on it ☺ .

Columbo4568d ago (Edited 4568d ago )

Well everyone has their preference, but I like the way it is laid out. It's not supposed to be a hand-holding guide like "turn left here, and then talk to this guy, and then fight the boss, and then go to this area." For each area there is a quick 2 page summary and it lists the valuable items, enemies, boss, and NPCs. If you want to get more information on the enemies, you can dive into the enemies section and read 5 pages on in-depth stats and loot that each enemy in the area has. It is just way too much information to be presented in a linear fashion like typical guides. It's 380+ pages!

Just imagine the Skyrim guide. It's 592 pages!

spunnups4568d ago

Just waiting on Amazon to ship mine. I need it. The game is super complex for noobs like myself, but I love it!

greyhaven334568d ago

Got one ordered on Amazon, they had a great deal for it last week

dc14568d ago

But couldn’t wait any longer.
had to pick it up from my local GameStop and cancel the Amazon order.
The Guide is a must have. I was a fool to enter the world of the original DS without one (lived off of wiki).


Dark Souls: Archthrones Reaffirms Modding Is The Best Thing To Happen To Games

"Dark Souls: Archthrones is like playing a brand new FromSoftware game, and that speaks volumes about just how much good modding can do," says Hanzala from eXputer.


The prevalence of parrying: Why is it so popular?

Parrying has been creeping into more games, with almost every high-profile title of the last few years featuring it in some way.  Why?

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phoenixwing28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.


Dark Souls: 10 Best Weapons In The Series

TheGamer writes, "Some weapons resist the test of time."

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Father__Merrin57d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up