
10 of the Best Boss Battles of this Generation *SPOILERS*

Bracken Lee-Rudolph from ITF Gaming writes:This generation of gaming, with the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the ever-present PC, has been filled with some exceptional protagonists, some epic antagonists and a great amount of fights between the two. Now as the curtain begins to close on our current generation with the announcement of the PlayStation 4, we take a look at some of the most insane, hardest and visceral boss battles that the current generation of gaming had to offer, starting with… A MAJOR SPOILER ALERT, I do discuss integral plot points, so beware!

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majiebeast4071d ago (Edited 4071d ago )

Poseidon God of war III nothing can match it this gen. I doubt any God of war can top it ever.

RememberThe3574071d ago

I struggle to think of better boss battles than the ones in GoW3. If there were any I don't think I played them.

The Batman games had good bosses and Infamous had some good ones too, but other than that it's been pretty weak.

This isn't a bad list given what they have to work with; this generation has not been good for the boss battle.

edenianrain4071d ago

I disagree about batman having good bosses,but maybe its because it felt way to say to me now infamous I agree,especially jeweled from the original,that is what you call a final boss fight.

Murad4071d ago

First thing I think of is the final battle in MGS3, and MGS4, and Peace Walker. All of those battles were intense and look beautiful if anything. I also loved the final battle with Zeus, it was super awesometacular.

papashango4071d ago

GOW 3 boss battles were just glorified mini games of bop it.

QTE really take the fun out of boss battles for me.

Campy da Camper4071d ago

My favorite were Demon Souls and Scarecrow from Batman AA. I reeeeally like the Scarecrow ones.

Reverent4071d ago

Yeah, as amazing and cinematic as GoW3's bosses were, and as fun as Infamous 1-2's bosses were, Demon's and Dark Souls have to have the best boss battles this gen in my opinion. I'm still in love with Ornstein and Smough boss fight.

LOGICWINS4071d ago (Edited 4071d ago )

Ra's al Ghul in Arkham City, Hercules in God of War 3, and Kiryu Kazuma vs. Akiyama/Tanimura.


Just awesome!

Kiryu vs. Joji Fuma is easily one of my favorite of ALL TIME.


guitarded774071d ago

@ Campy da Camper

Yeah, Scarecrow is a good one.

Can't believe no MGS4 on the list.

Demon's Souls too... some crazy bosses. I think the Iron Knight was very memorable for the scale. The first time you walk out and see him you're like "Oh s#!t... RUN!!!".

God of War clearly had some epic boss battles. Jaw dropping at times.

Personally I prefer 3rd person boss battles to first person. It's just more epic.

admiralvic4071d ago

@ Guitarded77

Demon Souls was probably not / rarely mentioned, because most of the bosses were pretty anticlimactic once you knew how to fight them. In several cases the path to get to the boss was far more difficult than anything the bosses could ever hope to do.

Jaqen_Hghar4070d ago

Ratchet vs. Nefarious or Tackion was good. Hercules was my favorite boss fight of GoW3.

knowyourstuff4070d ago

Obviously whoever made this list never played Metal Gear Solid 4. Or Resistance 3.

BTW God of War only has quick time events at the very end of Boss Battles, so haters can STFU please.

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Xof4071d ago

You know, the first time I played Nier... that big boss at the halfway point (prior to the timeskip) made me think, "Wow, this battle is so much more fun than anything in God of War 3."

Very different games, yeah, but the way fighting a giant foe was presented in Nier was just so much cooler. In God of War, boss fights aren't special. They're rote.

CataclysmicDawn4071d ago

I'm inclined to differ in opinion, so far as that is concerned. While I haven't laid hands on Nier, I felt that GoW's bosses were varied and allowed for lots of different approaches.

Everything has it's tendencies, even in things like sports, where football teams like Barcelona play iconic brands of football, but teams approach their challenge in many different ways.

Tontus4071d ago

Can't you praise one game without slagging off another? The God of War franchise is not only considered to be one of the best in gaming history but its boss fights are legendary, I can't say much about Nier because I have never, nor do I plan to, play that game.

InMyOpinion4070d ago (Edited 4070d ago )

I've played and finished Nier. It has some amazing bosses, accompanied by some of the best music composed this gen. An overlooked gem.

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Y_51504071d ago

That game still holds most epic beginning of all time. Video games and movies.

Eyeco4071d ago

One thing I love about the GOW 3 boss battles is when the Ghost of Sparta song comes on I get so pumped

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Gamerbeyond4071d ago

i really liked the titan bosses in god of war

HarryMasonHerpderp4071d ago

Metal Gear Solid 4 had some epic boss battles, my favourite ones were....


Crying wolf
Metal Gear REX VS RAY
and Liquid Ocelot

DownNotOut4071d ago

The liquid ocelot boss fight was the most epic moment this gen IMO

Eyeco4071d ago (Edited 4071d ago )

I'm on my 5th playthrough on MGS 4 and I'm on Crying Wolf absolutely powerful, tense and eerie.

Jaqen_Hghar4070d ago

When the MGS3 music kicked in during that final fight and he turned back into Ocelot a man squealed like a Justin Beiber fangirl in the front row. Snake vs. the triangle button tunnel was still the best boss fight of that game though.

Donnieboi4070d ago

The Crying Wolf one "solidified" Snake as the greatest soldier ever. Dude was dealing with hypothermia, the frog soldiers literally surrounding him on all sides, dealing with the white blinding snow storm, and finally the huge, beastly, hyper fast, long-range sniping Crying Wolf ALL combined were still no match for the old man. And what I like is how YOU (the player) really felt like the odds were against you. The game didnt hold your hand, you REALLY had to make the best of this nearly impossible situation. So it wasn't just Snake "the legend" winning this impossible fight, but it was really YOU who won too, because you really had to figure out how to take each enemy out while using the environment to your advantage. Hell, you could even "hunt" down Wolf by tracking her foot tracks (if the player was clever enough). Or fool wolf by standing in the open when the wind would blow directions, so she smells your scent.Then lure her to where U once Were, only to pop out of somewhere to trap her. No other boss fight in history was so flexible in how Many ways you can approach and Even fool your opponent. Snake wins with brains not brawn every time! Insane!

This is how the battle plays out if u can beat her and ALL enemies WITHOUT getting seen/caught, or using lethal force. Try beating them without killing them. THAT is how you get the ultimate challenge and adrenaline rush. Too bad many noobs just went in there blasting and using rations to keep them alive even though wolf is kicking their butt. Play every boss fight using stealth and non lethal weapons to see the true brilliance and A.I. of this game's bosses.

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DarthJay4071d ago

Clearly the Alien Queen boss battle in Aliens: Colonial Marines. CLEARLY!

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