
Destructoid Review: Bastion

Destructoid writes: "The Kid types the intro to his review, knowing what must be done. He takes a pause to think of something devastatingly clever to say, but he's a videogame reviewer, so he knows he'll fail. He types another sentence. Another sentence still. The words flow from his fingertips like fine wine from a spilled jug at a party where everybody's wearing something nice.

He pauses. He looks at his witty little lampoon of Bastion's narration. He wishes it was representative of what Bastion actually is".

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skynidas4717d ago

I respect Sterling's opinion, but I hated this review, even the writing is wrong.

Acquiescence4717d ago

You respect Jim Sterling's opinion?!

ElementX4717d ago (Edited 4717d ago )

Jim Sterling is pathetic. He must be a pretty hateful person to give good games such terrible reviews. He does it too frequently. I have no respect for Destructoid and especially Jim.

tdrules4717d ago

since when does being hateful correlate with critiquing pieces of media?

maybe if people didn't rely so much on reviews to make their purchases and use their own brains this wouldn't be an issue

ElementX4717d ago

Usually nice people have a more positive view of the world and spiteful people dislike everything and think negatively.

tdrules4717d ago


stop viewing the world as black and white

agentxk4717d ago

Even major sites flamebait from time to time.

firemassacre4717d ago

6.5 is not terrible, a 2 out of 10 is terrible, a 6.5 is good.

maniacmayhem4717d ago (Edited 4717d ago )

A 6.5 is average, mediocre at best. I don't know where you got 6 is good from?

Then what's a 7? Fantastic?

firemassacre4717d ago

1 through 10 a 6 is above average. a 5 is medicore.

Godmars2904717d ago

If 6 is above average, then doesn't that automatically make 5 average?

If 7 is good, then that makes 6.5 slightly good. A score which goes against the current 10 and 9 trend which either means whoever is going against that trend for the sake of it, or doing it to generate hits for their stie.

n to the b4717d ago (Edited 4717d ago )

@firemassacre: 1-10 holds an even amount of integers. assuming no zeros or 0.5s are awarded (I don't think I've ever seen them), that means both 5 and 6 hold the middle. only an odd # of integers can have a true 'middle' whole number.

so applying that logic, 5.5 is the middle and the 6.5 awarded here is not very far above it. I think the art direction alone might just qualify higher than that.

4717d ago Replies(1)
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