
Matthew Fox “Mass Effect” Movie

Popular actor Matthew Fox, who played Jack Shephard on ABC’s hit series “LOST,” is set to star in a new movie called “Mass Effect.”

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Bereaver5042d ago

He doesn't look far off for the part, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get the good doctor out of my head.

Natsu X FairyTail5042d ago

he's a good actor from what I'Ve seen him tho on screen in lost. I'd like to see him in ME without a doubt.

nveenio5042d ago

I always thought he'd make that part perfectly. Plus, he would be a low-budget actor and not well enough known on the silver screen to be hard for an audience to accept. That seems to be the hardest part about casting video game and comic book movies.

KiasuKiasiMan5041d ago

Jack Shepard, Commander Shepard. Am I the only one seeing the similarity lol.

gaffyh5041d ago

Damnit, I shouldn't have approved this. This was a April Fool's joke that IMDB took a little too seriously and have put him as the rumored lead. Apparently, it's not gonna be him.

pwnzter5041d ago

I really want a female to take the part of shepard in the movie

zeeshan5041d ago

I remember that the first time I played MASS EFFECT, I said to my wife that Commander Shepard looks a LOT like Jack Shepard from LOST! I think this guy would be a great fit!!

Eamon5041d ago

Live together, die alone

DMason5041d ago

I think that Tom Hardy would have been a better fit. Plus, Tom Hardy looks like Shepard more and has the acting chops to knock it out of the park. He's been in movies such as RocknRolla, Bronson, Inception, and the upcoming Mad Max movie.

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Baka-akaB5041d ago

"I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get the good doctor out of my head."

That's kinda what many says whenever he tackles a new important role . He "wasnt supposed" to shake off his character from party of five too , and yet he did with the short lived Haunted and with Lost.

I'm confident it will be the same with upcoming gigs

EVILDEAD3605041d ago

Huge Lost fan..but wow..that's an amazing match..

Always thought a M.E. movie would cost a 100 millionn if done right..hope it gets a great budget..

On the flip side I wish Bioware could do a Serenity game..


theEx1Le5041d ago

Wow, Bioware + Serenity game.. you just blew my mind dude

Cheeseknight285041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

Pic related!

Edit: Gifs don't work on this site, gah!


MicroSony4Life5041d ago

One with a dude and one with a chick.

Skizelli5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

Haunted was a good show. Short-lived indeed. Not sure why it didn't do well when you have shows like Medium and Ghost Whisperer now that don't even compare.

When I played Mass Effect, I remember naming my male character 'Jack' (being a fan of Lost and all).

TheLeprachaun5041d ago

He's actually perfect for the role. Every time I see Shepard in a Mass Effect game I think he looks like Matthew.

Kos-Mos5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

Good doctor? Now how good was he really? Did you understand Lost series at all?

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ThePlaystationFour5042d ago

The only game MICK0S0FT wants to cross over to hollywood is Halo.. and that will fail.

Pandamobile5042d ago

Why would 'Mickosoft' have any say in the matter? Mass Effect isn't owned by them. It's an Electronic Arts property.

ktchong5042d ago

for letting BioWare and Mass Effect exclusivity got away.

Pandamobile5042d ago

I don't think they ever had a choice. When EA bought Bioware, they bought the IP too.

Baka-akaB5041d ago

wasnt their say , it's obvious Bioware wouldnt give the full rights to anything they create to any console manufacturer .
Should consoles indeed die and leave place to pc or a new form , they dont intend to go the way of the dodo

edhe5041d ago

Yes.. that mass effect that's now multiplatform o_O

Oh shit it's MS only!

corneliuscrust5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

Healthy dose of MS hating out of nowhere...they have nothing to do with Mass Effect

thanks for showing up to spread the hate though. Typical N4G style

Skizelli5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

I'm kind of out of the loop on this, so if I'm wrong, please correct me.

@Genesis2oo9: You can't really assume it will fail. It's such an epic story, I think it would translate pretty well to a movie. I'm personally glad the movie keeps falling through. That shows me that people want to do it right. But it would take a great deal of money to really do it justice, money that backers are afraid to spend on a video game to movie adaption, despite how successful Halo is. That's probably why most adaptions suck, poor execution -- aside from the lack of a good story in most. The story is there, but the special effects would have to be as well.

orange-skittle5041d ago

Another jackass trying to be funny! Dumbass didnt know that Mass Effect was devloped by Bioware and Published by EA. Now what do have to say you moron?

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Ri0tSquad5042d ago

Just thinking about it pisses me off, but Matthew Fox was great in LOST. I hope this movie is in good hands.

Hades13375041d ago

Agreed, 6 years of viewing for THAT.

pr0digyZA5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

I personally love the ending was leading there the whole time "faith vs science" was very emotional hope it wins some awards. Ive heard that most people who don't like it don't like the fact that it has religion same reason why some didn't like the battlestar Galactica ending.

electrolemon5041d ago

If you enjoyed the journey to the ending, then that six years wasn't a waste. If you hated the ending, great, whatever. But you watched for six years, and loved the six years, so why is it "ruined" just because of one episode? That's stupid.

Baka-akaB5041d ago

To each their own , but you dont have to think that way .

"THAT" , will be for me those 6 years of an excellent ride , regardless of the ending , wich was never going to live up any hype ? When do they ever anyway ?

In the end it ended like its biggest influence , Twin peaks ...

Workshyskiver5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

well not quite, Lost at least had closure on the main storylines.... Where's annie is more of a Lost season 4 type of ending....

Cheeseknight285041d ago

Lost's ending was bittersweet. I loved it at the time, sorta don't like it in retrospect.

They wanted a ending that people would remember (Sopranos), not something that is euphoric (Star Wars VI) I think.

Skizelli5041d ago (Edited 5041d ago )

Many of my Lost-loving friends hated the ending because they despise religion. Funny thing is, the show had religious undertones throughout the entire series.

I personally found closure in it. Sucks for them.

dinkeldinkse5041d ago

At least it didn't suck complete ass like how The Sopranos ended. 5 minutes of watching Meadow try to park and then when she gets out of the car and goes into the diner the picture blacks out.

x5exotic5041d ago

Best Tv ending ever,,,,beyond perfection but sadly 1/4 of the nation is retarded and didnt get it

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ktchong5042d ago (Edited 5042d ago )

Nice casting.

FiftyFourPointTwo5042d ago

Ugh... a Twilight avatar.. and whats with those hearts in every post you make...

On topic: I dont know him, but he has the look indeed.

Count5041d ago


All shapes and sizes.

da305kratos5041d ago

why criticize? anyways i think the guy is a decent actor...comes down to how well they write out the script..

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ApocalypseShadow371d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox371d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast371d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


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543d ago

Mass Effect N7 Day Teaser Decoded, Features Liara and the Geth

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LordoftheCritics571d ago

Better not bring back Shepherd from the dead with some half assed space magic.

Snowb420571d ago

If you get your readiness level high enough in Mass Effect 3, *spoilers* you can see Shepard taking in a breath of air under some rubble. It would depend on whichever ending is canon.

570d ago
Fearmonkey570d ago

.....Search in youtube, mass effect shepard lives

MrVux000570d ago

Where is my ''Indoctrination Theory'' and ''Destroy'' ending gang at?

FPS_D3TH570d ago

I came here to say the indoctrination theory absolutely solidified the ending of this trilogy for me in the best way

Yui_Suzumiya570d ago

Guess you never played it then, lol

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rlow1570d ago

Yeah I saw that at the end of my play through as well. I think they will bring Shepard back….. or at least a mutant version turned villain. Lol