
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Reportedly Sold About Half of What FF7 Remake Did in the Same Timeframe

The acclaimed open world action RPG is "underperforming" where its sales are concerned, according to industry analyst Daniel Ahmad.

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raWfodog64d ago

“Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Reportedly Sold About Half of What FF7 Remake Did in the Same Timeframe”

Makes sense to me since the current PS5 base is about half of what the PS4 base was when FFVII Remake released.

There were about 113 million PS4’s in consumers hands worldwide in 2020 when FFVII Remake was released (towards the beginning of COVID lockdown no less).

PS5 sales currently sits at about half of that (50-something million. We are not in COVID lockdown so many people are not as bored as they were 4 years ago and not in a rush to buy every video game coming out at release. Some PS4 owners may not have upgraded to PS5 yet and therefore can’t buy the sequel yet. And, of course, some who played Remake just might not be interested in Rebirth.

It just seems pretty disingenuous for an analyst to ‘analyze’ a situation when there are so many mitigating and unequal factors involved.

OtterX64d ago (Edited 64d ago )

Yes, this and also finishing part 1 of the Final Fantasy Remake trilogy weighs heavily on it too. There's always a huge percentage of gamers who never finish the games they purchase. It's not always due to lack of enjoyment, but also life priorities etc. But factor that into the knowledge that Rebirth is a straight continuation of the story, and enjoyment lies heavily on having finished the first, you can begin to understand why not as many players jumped in. But absolutely too, the lesser install base of the PS5 played a huge role!

jjb198163d ago

I started the game when it came out, played about 2/3 of the way through and finished the rest in the last month before rebirth came out. There are just too many games and too much adulting to do.

Eonjay63d ago

It sold about half... with about half as many PS5s available as PS4 had when it launched in 2020. So... the tie ratio is about the same. As PS5s continue to sale it should eventually match Remake. It's a really good game.

fr0sty63d ago

I think there's going to be another wave of buyers that purchase the game once the third part of the trilogy is released, especially if they release it as a bundle.

jambola64d ago

Excuse me sir
Industry analyst Daniel Ahmad said this 🙄

Obscure_Observer63d ago

"Industry analyst Daniel Ahmad said this 🙄"

That guy is director of research & insights at Niko Partners.


But he shouldn´t be trusted according to some "trust me bro" N4G random. Smh

63d ago
Barlos63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Obscure Observer, so by your logic, we should also trust Pachter? Come on, it's like you're not even trying any more.

MrNinosan63d ago

"We cover China, Chinese Taipei, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam."

Yepp, very trusted and the biggest areas for videogame sales.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 63d ago
RNTody63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

@raWfodog You'd think an analyst would catch these facts, but just goes to show what gaming analysts are made of. We've only in the last year moved to PS5 only games, in addition to the install base cross-gen has been around for years. There are a lot of PS4 players still over there. It's amazing when people compare things whilst isolating all the significant facts.

And Rebirth being a direct sequel is also valid: anecdotally, I've just started FF7 Remake a week ago and I'm loving it, on Chapter 8, but I'm obviously not going to buy Rebirth until I complete the story which will take time.

Ironmike63d ago

But it's hasn't sold as much the articles om Google stating bit so what if it hasn't the game is still great better than remake which tailed of in middle-of-the- game

TheEroica63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Apologists always know what to say... 👍
Is it possible to squeeze in one more excuses for FF7 sales? Go for it!

RNTody63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

@TheEroica Understand the meaning of the words you use or don't use them. An apologist argues in defense of something controversial or problematic. Pointing out relevant facts that an analysis or article did not take into account is constructive feedback and discussion. There are great movies, games and other forms of art that don't sell as expected, but later gain financial success.

Example? The Godfather Part 2 underperformed financially compared to its predecessor but is widely hailed as one of the greatest films and sequels of all time and is still influential to this day. And no, I'm not comparing Final Fantasy 7 to the Godfather, before you draw that strawman. There is one loose similarity however in that Rebirth is also overwhelmingly acclaimed and considered superior to the first.

Given the decision to split Final Fantasy VII into three separate games, of which Rebirth released exclusively for PS5 leaving the PS4 install base behind, and the final installment due in 2027, the sales performance is a bit more of a conversation than you're trying to make it out to be.

Crows9063d ago

Didn't even mention price increases across the board for all games...this causes all people to be more picky and limit game purchases

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 63d ago
GoodGuy0964d ago

Unfortunate but it's the reality of sequels. And I simply just don't hear much people talk about rebirth and even remake as these titles just seem too hard to get into with many newcomers and old fans that are upset with the many changes.

Eonjay63d ago

The games are really good and both acclaimed and Rebirth is even better than Remake with a 90+ metascore but if you don't want to 'hear' the praise... you probably wont.

TheProfessional63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

It's kind of ridiculous how some people here are just making stuff up to explain the low sales. Just because you bought the game and you like it doesn't mean it sold better than it did. Same with FFXVI.

rpvenom62d ago

For me its cause now that i know it releases on pc.. id rather play it with mods on my pc than my ps5

Battlestar2364d ago ShowReplies(8)
gold_drake64d ago

well, according to some other reports, it had 2.1 mio. players in the first week.

so, who to believe now.

ZeekQuattro64d ago

It's safe to say if it sold that Square would of made a sales milestone announcement like they did with past FF entries or other IPs in general. They did a FF16 sales update within 2 weeks after it launched for instance.

gold_drake64d ago

there is no way this game hasnt already sold more than remake.

there doesnt need to be an announcement for everything, especially not if they released several updates amd the ultimania.

people are too obsessed with sales

CrimsonWing6964d ago

I think there’s a reason we haven’t seen a celebratory tweet from Square on the sales. It came out on Feb. 29th and it’s Apr. 13th right now… that ain’t a good sign. I think this one can reach 3 mill at some point but will be behind Remake, which when it comes to business, that ain’t good.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Combat Director Wants Final Part To Offer Players "Even More Freedom"

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth combat director has expressed that he wants the final part in the trilogy to offer players "even more freedom".

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gold_drake15d ago

i wonder if where gonna be able to jump

EternalTitan14d ago

Well its not an action game.
Even Elden Ring added jumping as an evolution of the combat system since Dark Souls did not feature jumping.
I want jumping as much as the next action game fan but this isnt that type of game.

gold_drake14d ago

i didnt say i wanted it.

i said "i wonder".

and part 3 could literally be anything they want it to be.

Cacabunga14d ago

I will certainly buy it. I really like the complex world and story of FF7.

TheEroica14d ago

I was wondering if the game will make a profit?

-Foxtrot15d ago

I love the game so far but please don’t make the final part a mini game fest

Everytime I get to a new part in Rebirth it’s “mini game time”

Inverno15d ago

Hope ya don't mind me asking since it seems like you've played it, did it feel like a decent step up from the last game or was it more like the best from the last but more polished?

CS715d ago

It makes Remake feel like a demo.

9.5/10 imo. And I think the “mini games” did a great job of adding variety to the gameplay. Purely optional as well.

-Foxtrot15d ago

Here's my thoughts

I think it's a big step up from the first instalment, I'm enjoying it way more.

I thought keeping it just in Midgar was silly, it felt dragged out and it didn't have much variation in terms of the scenery.

However with Rebirth, as soon as you get out of Kalm you have a big world to explore and it's great to just wander round and explore.

Now that I'm half way in though, despite still liking what I'm playing, the gameplay loop is now starting to slow down on me. I've got to a new region and I'm like "Yaaay...need to go and find those towers again, oh look another special beast marker, is that a bird I see in the distance? Better follow it to another Mako Crystal"

It's like....you know how Peter Jackson was only supposed to have two Hobbit films then Warner Bros wanted a third film so he stretched the second film out as much as he could so he could keep stuff for the third film making a trilogy? Yeah it feels like that, so these mini games are a part of that overall gameplay loop to keep us going and stretch the game out overall so they have something for the third and final game.

I personally think you could have had the first instalment get you out of Midgar and through to Grasslands / Junon and the second game finishes things off.

shinoff218312d ago

If your referring to ff16, rebirth was 1000 times better. It also felt like an rpg. It wasn't as dumbed down as 16 either.

Becuzisaid15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I had a weird cycle of love/hate for all the mini games as I played through. At first I really hated the seeming need to check all these boxes while exploring the grasslands. I didn't enjoy the Gilgamesh quest initially, and thought Queen's blood was fine but didn't want to commit to it. The side quests didn't really grab me either.

Then for some reason everything in Junon region changed my mind and I did pretty much everything. I liked most of the side quests, I actually liked playing fort condor (didn't care for it in the intergrade dlc). And my interest for completing these quests stayed pretty much through to Cosmo Canyon.

Then they added that horrible Lifestream memory/battle mini game and I started getting so burnt out of it all. I just wanted to do the story. I didn't do any side quests in neibleheim and beyond except for the summon. I abandoned Gilgamesh.

So what I'm saying is I would like the third part to go back to the focused progression from remake. Keep the mini games to the gold saucer. Start the game snowboarding if you want, but from there keep the story rolling.

-Foxtrot14d ago

That's funny you say that because I did everything in the Grasslands but once in Junon I started to slow down a little until Corel where by the end I was burnt out. I'm still currently going but I'm just doing what I can while things keep getting thrown at me.

I would have preferred half of these mini game side fillers / collectibles for some really beefy side quests that really adds onto the world of FFVII.

Inverno14d ago

Sounds like they hadn't really figured out what they wanted to do with Remake and this one is more of what they thought of doing which is probably why they're dragging it out to make a trilogy. Disappointed to hear it has towers cause man do i hate towers lol. It's been a while since I've played the first and it'll be a while longer to play the sequel, but it sounds like I'll enjoy it. 7 really impressed me especially after being disappointed with 15, felt like Square finally realized that FF was THEIR big franchise again.

Tacoboto14d ago

How many hours are you into it at this point?

My friend got like 20-30 in and pretty much quit because of its mini game era. He loved and basically binged through Gran Blue compared to Rebirth

-Foxtrot14d ago

I'm half way through at the moment roughly. Still have a bit to go.

It's hard because if I see thing on the map to complete I feel compelled to do them despite being burned out from it all.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 12d ago
MetroidFREAK2115d ago

As long as it comes out on PS5 to have the entire series on one platform, do whatever you want

franwex14d ago

The combat is my favorite thing about Rebirth. Would be really cool if they can improve it even more.

Knightofelemia14d ago

I hope after FF7 Square will either give a new FF game the remake treatment. Or give some of their older titles a remake treatment like Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, even Xenogears.

FinalFantasyFanatic14d ago

I'd rather just a remaster/port to modern systems, if any game deserved the remake treatment, it would be Xenogears, but I don't trust SE to do it, especially if Takahashi isn't on board to flesh out that second disc.

Miraak82 14d ago

I'm sure SE can pull it off without him , SE has pretty good writers and have been putting out bangers for a while now plus they probably have inside material and perfect works to reference from to expand the story .
Would just need someone to champion the project .

Saw this the other day pop up on my suggested https://www.youtube.com/wat... . It's a nice form of reference to how I'd like a remake to look like ,

jznrpg14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Vagrant Story !!! Or XenoGears second choice

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Former Square Enix Exec Sheds Light On Final Fantasy Sales Expectations & Budget Realities

A former Square Enix executive has shed light on sales expectations and budget realities of the Final Fantasy series.

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CrimsonWing6919d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Yea, I love how so many on here did simple math like 3mill x $70 = they made a profit.
When that’s not even close to how this works.

They take the years spent and equate the ROI to the sum % of stock prices during the years of development to do a baseline ROI and then you have the 30% taken out of every sale on a platform EXCEPT for Steam, which is 12%.

Nobody factors in the cost for production of physical media, the cost of advertising, marketing, and the loss from discounts/used game sales and they wonder why selling 3 mill for FF16 isn’t profitable. Or they don’t understand amortization and how games are supposed to generate profit over a long period of time.

Instead, they say Square makes unreasonable expectations for a game to sell when it’s the reality of the cost of AAA development and ROI. I wish I could go back and reply to comments where people jumped down my throat telling me FF16 and FF7 Rebirth were financially successful and I had no idea what I’m talking about.

EternalTitan19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

3mil is not a flop. 3X70 means 210 million. That still made some profit because gaming industry does have a high profit market/product.
Its just that this was not able to cover their fiscal year and disasters like Forsepoken.
Also 16 wasnt even a JRPG let alone an RPG let alone a Final Fantasy game.

CrimsonWing6919d ago

This is exactly what I’m talking about…

StoneTitan19d ago

You are wrong about steam only taking 12%
Steam takes 30%
The Unreal store takes 12%

CrimsonWing6919d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Dang it, that’s what I meant. EGS only does 12% which is why exclusive deals for them are better for the devs in terms of getting more on a sale.

So with the 30% taken out of a $70 the pub/dev gets $49. Less for discounted sales and none for used game sales.

Magic_Spatula19d ago

I thought Epic takes 15% but reduces it to 12% if you use Unreal. Also again, 30% is the industry standard. No one talks junk about Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft taking 30% oh but big bad Valve and Steam. Oh no, they take 30%. Boooooo. Also, Epic exclusive third party games have been proven to not make a profit for companies. Just do some research and you can find articles about mostly indies saying Epic exclusivity was not worth it. Not all, but some. Supergiant Games is one of the few positive stories about Epic exclusivity cuz they use that exclusivity as a beta to help improve their games (Hades) and then release it on Steam where there is a bigger install base. Remedy Entertainment confirmed that they didn't turn a profit from going Epic exclusive. Square was not happy about the sales numbers for Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Strangers of Paradise when they were timed exclusives. Which is one of the reasons they're finally releasing the Kingdom Hearts games on Steam.

VersusDMC19d ago

The problem is you assume it is simple math for FF16 and Rebirth. You don't know how much money Sony paid for exclusivity or if they reduced the 30% cut as well.

Both those games definitely made money and still have PC versions to be released.

CrimsonWing6919d ago (Edited 19d ago )

How can you say that when you don’t know?

Here just for context, Spider-Man 2 was $300 mill. In order to break even, that is no profit, they needed to sell 7 mill copies. That’s at full price, btw. So, we’re not saying 7 mill copies that could be $20 each or at a discount.

FF16 Selling 3 mill was probably a good sign in the beginning until sales stopped hard. You know what Square did then?
Something pretty drastic that plummeted their net profits by 65% and operating income by 78% and put them in the red. They paid the dev cost themselves. The reason was sales halted so badly that doing this would make every game sell at a profit moving forward and looks better to investors.

So, just to recap a highly expensive AAA game like Spider-Man 2 at $300 mill budget has to sell over 7 mill to make a profit and even more so for ROI. FF16 did 3 mill and sales slumped so badly they paid off the dev cost instead of allowing for amortization.

FF7 Rebirth was estimated at 2.5 mill and slowing down…

So, yea, those sales don’t even cover the dev cost. How are you coming to the conclusion that they sold well enough?

VersusDMC19d ago

I love how yearly profits drops are blamed on the PS exclusives that sell well enough to be best selling games of the month and of the year and not the multiple other multiplatform games that bombed. Like Valkyrie alysium, diofield, etc...

Also assuming Rebirth or 16 had the same budget as Spider man 2 is beyond idiotic considering Japanese game development is way cheaper than in the US and Sony has to pay Marvel licensing costs.

I am coming to the conclusion that the games sold well because Square said they sold well.

16 sold to expectations at launch but dropped more than expected but still expected to hit 18 month goal. Rebirth sold under expectations but still not bad. Those are their words.

CrimsonWing6919d ago (Edited 19d ago )

I’m not saying it cost 300 mill to make I was using that as an example. Say it was $100 mill and then another $100 mill for marketing and events…

Get where I’m going with this? It’s not like a game suddenly ramps up to another 3 mill units sold at full price a year later. Games are much like movies in the way that launch day sales and those few weeks are where the most sales happen and then it slows down big time.

As for your assumption, I don’t know how to break this easily to you, but they told investors it failed to perform and again paid off the dev cost instead of waiting for amortization. I’m not trying to insult your intelligence, but do you know how amortization works in terms of sales and expenses?

Also, can you link me where they said FF7 Rebirth sold “not bad?”

VersusDMC19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Here is where square enix president says Rebirth sales aren't necessarily bad.


They told investors FF16 will reach the 18 month goal in the link above and amortization of the costs of FFXVI meant future sales a profitable according to the analyst in the link below


"Rather than follow the trends, Square Enix has instead chosen to pay off FFXVI's costs outright, which means that all future subsequent game sales will be profitable."

CrimsonWing6919d ago

Yea that’s the drastic move I was mentioning that out then in the red. They paid off the entire dev cost for FF16 so that any game moving forward is technically profit… lets be real, you put your company in the hole like that those copies while, technically profit by definition, isn’t recouping things. He believes that can make the 18 month goal, which I don’t know what that means… are they talking sales of the game or the point in time that the game should be at in terms of profit?

Foamstars lost 95% of its playerbase as a free-to-play game. Are you telling me the amount of microtransactions it sold werent “necessarily bad?”

It sounds kind of like PR talk. I mean, if you’re promoting or discussing a product you tend to go politician when speaking. Y’know, like when the Xbox President gets asked questions and words them in ways not to reflect negativity… or in her case completely shift the discussion.

The reality of the situation is these games didn’t sell and are actually selling worse with each entry. It’s not just with Square, but this is hitting the industry as a whole.

A lot of Games just aren’t selling and the cost to develop is too much. My other point was to show you can’t say game sold 1 mill x $70 = profit made and dev cost covered when there’s so much more to it than simple math like that.

Michiel198919d ago

ff16 has been worked on since 2015, that was preproduction so I'm not sure if we know when full production began, but that is a long time for a studio to be working on anything.

So I'm not sure if I believe it has made profit (already)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
Elda19d ago

More than likely FFXVI cost 100 million or more to make, then giving 30% of the sales to Sony means they made a very small profit if it only sold 3 million copies.

shinoff218319d ago

We don't know how much Sony paid square though either

Elda19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

@shinoff2183. There's a possibility Sony didn't pay S-E anything as far as exclusivity. Maybe S-E thought that FFXVI would be better off being exclusive on PS5 instead of putting it on XB as well because FF sales are not really all that great on XB. No one knows how business was handled between Sony & S-E of the exclusivity of FFXVI but the 2 companies.

neutralgamer199219d ago


When you do exclusive deals platform holders can decide to take less than 30%. Most games make the most money in initial 12-18 weeks (most not all) because that’s when game is selling for MSRP

And square enix does stupid things to make less money on yearly basis they release complete and utter failures like Forsaken

CrimsonWing6919d ago

Can you show me where you found the info that platform holders take less than 30%? You’d think if you paid for it to be exclusive to your platform you’d want to get as much money out of the deal as you can.

And yea… I mean Forspoken definitely put them in the hole and they dissolved that entire studio. But look at FF7 Rebirth, what could easily be considered the best game they’ve done in ages, it’s selling even worse than 16. If it sold “good enough” you wouldn’t see them cease all exclusivity and aggressively pursue multi platform releases.

neutralgamer199219d ago


first of al that deal is very different. SE didn't want to remake FF7 because of the cost so sony helped them with actual development costs upfront. without sony there would be no FF7 remake. Just like without sony there wouldn't be silent hill 2 or MGS3 remake

InUrFoxHole19d ago

You're absolutely right. You're the only one figured that out. Congratulations 👏 👏 👏

CrimsonWing6919d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Awww cmon man. I’m trying to just have a discussion on this because I’m legit curious on how this all works. Like toss the ol’ pig skin back and forth with me, here.

I'm not trying to brag, but when this all went down and I linked articles stating otherwise I got dogpiled by fanboys.

Seriously, let’s flip the script and actually have some civil discourse here instead of going straight for the throat punches.

InUrFoxHole19d ago

I'm all for that but you know other people have factored all that in. Ivan Drago that game... if it dies... it dies

shinoff218319d ago (Edited 19d ago )

You forgot to mention Sony paid handsomely for these to be exclusive also. It's not like Sony just asked and square did it. Sony paid

CrimsonWing6919d ago

I did mention it in the comments. I have to do my best not to drop novels on here trying to be as articulate as possible.

What was the total Sony paid? Because if it’s as “handsome” as you say it is why is Square pulling away hard from exclusivity?

fr0sty19d ago

The physical media barely costs anything to make, I know because I make blu-rays for a living. You can buy them by the disc for way less than a dollar per disc. Case and all, I dont spend more than $1.50, and I'm not even buying them in the bulk numbers Square is.

CrimsonWing6919d ago

Right but then you have to factor in how much do distributors take for selling the physical media. So, how many discs gets manufactured at $1.50, how much are the physical distributors taking? So keep in mind platform holders also take a percentage of physical media and then the actual stores/distributors take a percentage. People wonder why there’s a larger push for digital only… well, that’s a pretty big reason.

The point though is all this gets factored in. How much do the devs/publishers take from a physical media sale?

Magic_Spatula19d ago

Square has always had astronomically high profit expectations. I saw a report where they expected to make anywhere from 400 - 500 million last fiscal year and they only made half of that (a little over 200 mill). They expect to make hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of millions of sales on a single game and when it doesn't meet their high expectations, they consider it a failure. Yes, gaming is their biggest money maker, but they do have other avenues of revenue. I believe they have owned a manga publishing company and a figurine making company for decades now.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 19d ago
EternalTitan19d ago

Stop making terrible game like 16 and it will be fine.

VersusDMC19d ago

The 3 million plus selling, 87 metacritic game is definitely the problem and not the mediocre bombs like diofield, harvestella or Valkyrie alysium...

EternalTitan18d ago

Its 3 million shipped(including digital) which was the first sales announcement. Its been 10 months and there has been no sales update. Game fell off like a cliff.

FinalFantasyFanatic18d ago

That whole shotgun approach of mediocre games really did back fire on them.

franwex19d ago

Hard disagree here. It’s not a terrible game. Not being YOUR cup of tea is different. Some people don’t like Tetris, and that doesn’t mean it’s a terrible game.

Terry_B19d ago

Yeah...and more than "some" people want to play a Tetris if the product is named Tetris.

If a game is called Tetris 16 but it plays more like Lumines or Collumns its not what "some" people wanted.

You get what I mean.

franwex19d ago


It’s expected that every FF will be different though. I do agree that the combat itself was lacking compared to previous entries. But it’s not a bad game at all. It’s not even a bad final fantasy either.

shinoff218319d ago

It barely felt like an rpg though. That turns of alot of people. Far as 7 tmremake trilogy they made a dumb decision with 3 parts, rebirth may have suffered from alot of other jrpgs coming out at the time where as far as rpgs or jrpgs ff16 had no competition. Also not sure how true it is or was but I read that the ff7 remake double pack wasn't being counted as a sale

FinalFantasyFanatic18d ago

I just don't get excited for FF games anymore, I've been disappointed with the franchise for a long time now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 18d ago
Elda19d ago

The gameplay & the story in FFXVI was awesome.

EternalTitan18d ago

16's story is poorly written. Characters are forgettable.

repsahj18d ago

Speak for yourself, I like both FF16 and FF7Rebirth.

Elda18d ago

Clearly your opinion, opinions are not at all facts.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 18d ago

Found the bot account! /s

No one reads more than the headlines, Mr. Robot. 😉

Lionsguard19d ago

This honestly does not bode well for the final part of the FF7 series. It often makes me wonder why they ever bothered to remake it at all if this is the thanks they get for making one of the greatest RPGs to exist. All that hooting and hollering at conventions for nothing.

ziggyzinfirion19d ago

I'm sorry I keep seeing this but what exactly is the concern for Part 3? Aren't they already announced that they are already working on it?

Lionsguard19d ago

Yeah but who knows what they will cut to save money knowing that sales are low.

shinoff218319d ago

Lionsgard I don't think they will cut anything tbh. It's still gonna get a pc release. Possibly Xbox if it's still around to.

shinoff218319d ago

I was alright with it but they may have turned some people off the last 10 years with ff. Unless their remakes I won't be buying a new ff game.

AndrewM19d ago

No one ever asked for 3 parts back then.

Lionsguard18d ago

No, but if it weren't 3 parts it would have been 100% cut content and been a worst off product in the long run. So far, Remake and Rebirth have been phenomenal.

TheColbertinator19d ago

They should have released a PC version too. And no not EGS but Steam and maybe someday GOG

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FFVII Rebirth Continues To Chart In Best Sellers, Helldivers 2 Stays Above COD: MW3 In YTD Revenue

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth continues to chart among NPD best sellers, while Helldivers 2 stays above COD: MW3 in Year-to-Date sales revenue.

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46d ago Replies(1)
franwex46d ago

I want zero complaints if the next COD is trash as you all bought it.

Hugodastrevas45d ago

Just checking-in to say I'm not part of "you all". Don't know who keeps buying that slop.

Zeref45d ago

The people that buy CoD aren't on this website.

PapaBop45d ago

Yeah COD is more of a causal game, loads of people who aren't necessarily huge day one gamers buy it as their friends buy it and even if I haven't bought one in years, it is a game that's much more fun with groups of friends.

Cacabunga46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Good to see ff7 performing 🏆
HD2 smashing records! I hope it motivates other studios to bring on some decent similar games.
Also miss some good FPS

shinoff218346d ago

No. We don't need more of these

shinoff218345d ago (Edited 45d ago )

Two comments saying the sane thing. Mines down voted more lol

truth is we don't need more hd2 games

Barlos45d ago

I'd rather not see more HD2 games thanks. We want less live service games, not more.

Cacabunga45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

I really meant successful games.. but clearly no gaas. I didn’t buy it for that very reason. Apparently the gaas model isn’t bad in it so that helped with its success

ravens5245d ago

Pretty sure all the people who agreed with you, knew what you meant. Including myself. 👍🏽

EternalTitan45d ago

I knew Rebirth had good legs.
Its start was poor.

Scissorman46d ago

Okay. NOW can we stop with the whole 'Rebirth was a flop' chatter? Still selling remarkably well after two months.

RpgSama46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

It might have had a lower out of the gate sales than the first one, but kind of makes sense considering how front loaded I'm sure that one must have been, the anticipation was through the roof after many years and many teases of an actual remake.

This one will have long legs, I'm sure of it.

PapaBop45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

FF7R released to how many potential buyers compared to Rebirth? Sales figures be damned, it's still my game of the generation so far. I'd be surprised if it didn't end up being a good seller for Square, if it isn't then their expectations are probably far too high.

Tacoboto46d ago

It's not a flop but Square isn't celebrating its sales one bit, and DD2 launched nearly a month later but outsold it immediately in the US. Who would've predicted that two months ago?

If you're Square, you're panicking, and that's why we got the news yesterday of them changing their approach to development.

Hofstaderman46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Square traditionally has insane sales expectations. How will releasing this on XBOX that has moved so little consoles and historically moves so little Square titles help this game's sales?
There seems to be a deliberate dialogue that is trying to be spread that this game is a conmercial failure. Articles like these prove otherwise.
And by the way the third game will also be Sony console exclusive, this was confirmed already. I will be buying a PS6 for that.

Einhander197246d ago

There is so much misinformation, there was a double pack which in the first month contributed to around 40% of the total sales but that was rarely included or pointed out in charts like this.

The truth is it's sold on par when you consider that this game has released much earlier in the console cycle.

NotoriousWhiz46d ago

Isn't FF7 part 3 supposed to launch in 3 years or so? If it does, I can guarantee they'll release it on the PS5 to take advantage of that install base. They will not want to release on a fresh gen with a low install base.

shinoff218346d ago (Edited 46d ago )

They had been talking about their changes though for awhile. Well before rebirth released


Absolutely but all the naysayers are forgetting this or flat-out leaving that info out because they have a motive.

Tacoboto46d ago

Square announces cuts and cancellations and you all still defend them.

Why waste your energy when even Square won't?

Einhander197245d ago

Tacoboto 5h ago
Square announces cuts and cancellations and you all still defend them.

Why waste your energy when even Square won't?

You are misinformed, yes SquareEnix is making cuts but it's not because of Final Fantasy like everyone keeps trying to say, SquareEnix released a lot of games that failed, if you're determined to blame it on Sony it was Foamstars that really underperformed, but it's not just that, their remasters and remakes and other games have failed to sell well, Final Fantasy actually performed within estimations. I'm sure they hoped it would do better but it performed well within reasonable expectations.

And the thing that I always find stupid about these arguments is that Square Enix especially in Japan is much bigger and has far more exclusives on Switch.

People like you and the western media are always looking to point the finger at Sony and whatever game is tied to them and COMPLETELY ignore the bigger picture, and because gaming journalism is a literal joke, where no one does any research at all. It's all just a bunch of clown hacks who don't know what they are talking about and just say crap that will get clicks, then you repeat it.

Tacoboto45d ago

... I've never once pointed the finger at Sony for Square's decisions. You don't even read what I write.

raWfodog45d ago

“ and DD2 launched nearly a month later but outsold it immediately in the US. Who would've predicted that two months ago?”

Uhh I don’t think anyone is surprised at all that a multiplatform release (PC, PS5, XS) of a highly anticipated sequel outsold an exclusively PS5 game. That’s hardly an even playing field. More like comparing apples to a fruit salad.

Asterphoenix45d ago

Xbox release wouldn't of helped. I think a PC release day one with it would be a better idea and they still got Sony exclusive money to help them cover things so I think it might not do brilliant but ok enough in the long term. FFXVI wasn't appreciated at the time but I see more people appreciating it now.

Square big problems is allocating a lot of their budgets on the right games like Foamstars, Forspoken and Babylons Fall should of never been developed. Square has always had management issues since the early PS years. Least Square Enix is better than the PS3/Xbox 360 generation in which they sucked.

Einhander197245d ago

Tacoboto10h ago
I've never once pointed the finger at Sony for Square's decisions. You don't even read what I write.

I copy pasted exactly what you wrote, and whether you specifically type "Sony" you are promoting the incorrect argument that is being presented by Microsoft and it's supporters to undermine and pressure Square Enix to break their relationship with Sony. That is what is happening whether you realize it or not.

Notice there is not a single word about how Final Fantasy 14 has seen basically zero growth and actually also had a slight decline after being put on game pass (behind a paywall and with extra Microsoft tax currencies).

I guarantee the costs to port a 10 year old MMO to another platform like xbox which is actually two platforms didn't come cheap and now involves extra expenses going forward.

It's always blaming Sony or whatever game is seen as tied to Sony with no actual bigger picture examination of what is actually going on and a direct effort to ignore any problems on the Microsoft or even Nintendo side of the equation.

Let's be real here... Square Enix has a poor financial report and every site under the sun has directly or indirectly tried to place that on Sony/Final Fantasy 16 and now Rebirth when it's obviously a bigger picture in reality.

Tacoboto45d ago

Get it out of your head that I'm blaming Sony. Stop conflating and making things up and going on these weird long tangents based on what you *want* me to say. Weirdo.

PapaBop45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

You mean a game that released as a platform exclusive got outsold by a game released on multiple platforms? If you did the math and compared the sales proportionately to the install base, I think you'd find Rebirth out performed it.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 45d ago
shinoff218346d ago

I've been trying to tell people. Rebirth while a huge game was released in a very busy few months for jrpgs. I seen mad people say they'd get rebirth after granblue relink and others. It'll have legs.

rlow146d ago

Nobody said it was a flop prior to Square coming out and saying it under performed. Even then Square never said it flopped just didn’t perform up to expectations.

After calling sales of Tomb Raider a disappointment I’m not sure what they would consider a success.

Possibly GTA numbers?

shinoff218345d ago


Plenty have. Idk how you've missed it

EternalTitan45d ago

I think what happened here is that VII part 1 did very well but within the pandemic and on PS4.
Rebirth is on PS5 and its not that strong compared to part 1.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 45d ago
Kyizen46d ago

I plan to get Rebirth but my backlog is to big for a 100 hour RPG so didn't buy it yet but I will. I think many others in the same situation.

shadowfax3345d ago

think of it this way...why spend time in lesser quality games when you can be playing GOTY contender? ;)

Barlos45d ago

I do like Rebirth but honestly so far my GOTY is Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

Rebirth has too many small annoyances that start to add up, becoming more tedious than anything else which is a shame because the storytelling, music and sense of place are fantastic.

PapaBop45d ago

GOTY? It's my game of the generation so far, then again I'm a huge FF fan but the game blew me away and far exceeded even my high expectations.

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