
Xbox Isn't The Only One Rethinking Console Exclusives

With the turmoil in the games industry Xbox, but also PlayStation and Nintendo, are looking beyond the bastion of hardware exclusives to grow their brand.

Christopher59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

***...and it’s becoming clear that there’s seemingly a consensus between both Playstation and Xbox that the entire industry is going through a recalibration. Starting with console “exclusives.”***

What is the consensus? One does day and date release on console and PC and is porting their games to competing platforms. The other does 2-year later PC ports of games to just Steam and has one past-exclusive on Xbox because of licensing demands.

I ask again, what is the consensus?

***The recalibration has been accelerated thanks to a massive wave of layoffs that has roiled the video game industry.***

What nonsense is this? The "recalibration" has been happening since the start of this generation, but now it's because of last year's layoffs?

***PlayStation, Xbox, and EA have drastically reduced their staff making headlines at every major gaming publication.***

Why is PlayStation always first in this statement of layoffs even though it has laid off fewer than the other two? And, again, how has something that has existed since the beginning of this generation being based on layoffs over the last year?

***PlayStation seems to agree as they’ve slashed console sales predictions for 2024, from 25 million to 21 million, and highlighted plans to be more aggressive with PlayStation game releases on PC.***

Which they've already been doing. This isn't new. He's just repeating what Jim Ryan said before him. And he didn't say be more aggressive, he said they would be proactive. That doesn't mean more aggressive.

***Gamers want more access in more places, and both Xbox and Playstation are ready to appease that request to meet their ballooning budgets, albeit in different ways. For Xbox, it’s releasing former console exclusives on rival hardware, while PlayStation is ramping up its PC porting business. That could mean fewer console exclusives as hardware sales forecasts are reduced, but more ways to play the games we love.***

Oh, so it's not a consensus. Thanks IGN.


What a poorly written article. It interjects comments on being risk-adverse with investments because of inflation, budgets, covid, etc. to talking about improving market reach potentials due to hardware not selling as much (but, still obviously selling enough for 2 out of 3 of them). It muddies the whole argument by throwing things together in a disorganized manner just to get kitchen sink quotes from people we've never heard of. Then it tries to sell this as a 'consensus' as if the goals of Xbox and PlayStation are the same. They're not. PlayStation still wants to focus on their hardware and reach further after 2 years on PC. Xbox wants everyone to stop having exclusives and put games everywhere because hardware is their weakest area of the business and they want to get in and stay on top of subscription model gaming.

This is not a consensus.

darthv7259d ago

...that neither are remaining constrained to the confines of their respective consoles. Sony was a real surprise because they were always about their own closed ecosystem. Nobody ever thought the day would come for Sony to have their console games be available on a PC. With MS, it was always a matter of when, not if.

Christopher59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

***...that neither are remaining constrained to the confines of their respective consoles.***

Did you know you can stream PS games to your PC? Did you know Helldivers (the first one) was on PC? Everybody's Gone to the Rapture since 2016? Horizon Zero Dawn since 2020?

Hi, four years ago called, it wants its news back. Sony has been doing this already at this level and hasn't 'increased' it more than they said they would. Why are we reading this article in 2024 if this is the argument?

This article proposes a consensus due to recent factors. Do you have anything to add to that element? None of these arguments are a consensus based on recent layoffs, industry elements or the like. Let alone it's not a consensus since one is same date and release and putting games on competing platforms while the other is not that.

Per the title, what is Sony rethinking here? Seems like they are just doing what they started at the beginning of this generation.

I'm going to be honest, this seems like a poorly written advertorial to put Microsoft and Sony on the same 'level' because that's what Microsoft wants. Microsoft wants people to think Sony isn't concerned with considering their hardware a primary part of their business. Microsoft wants people to move to PC. They can't beat Sony in the market reach on hardware, so they'll try and use the media to get people to think how they want them to think. I don't believe Destin is actively being paid by Microsoft, but I do believe those above him are encouraging him to write about this stuff rather than other things. Because this article is a jumble of nonsense predicated on a title that makes no sense based on the evidence they provide.

VenomUK59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

"IGN cope written by Xbox cheerleader Destin Legarie."

This muppet has Microsoft's hand so far up his backside he even makes shills embarrassed of him. I saw his coverage of the MS finalisation of the ABK deal and his reaction was smug delight as he felt it meant that the Xbox console platform would quickly become market leader. Following the initial leaks this year about (some) Xbox games going third-party he seemed genuinely shook up.

This piece is his way to follow Phil Spencer's lead and now rewrite the narrative that exclusives are bad (because his favourite console will no longer have them) and that multiplatform is the best strategy and that Xbox is not failing if every other console maker does it. But I don't see Nintendo releasing its Zelda and Mario games on Xbox during the Switch 2 cycle.

It's not to say there isn't value in Sony's multiplayer games being multiplatform to give them legs. Helldivers 2 being released on other consoles gives it a chance to establish itself in a way that Halo Infinite has struggled.

But Sony and Nintendo would be wise to keep their single player games exclusive because Microsoft releasing all its games on other platforms sadly means, genuinely sadly, the slow death of the Xbox console platform.

fr0sty59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

PlayStation games appearing on PC something that has happened since the first PlayStation decades ago... with games like Wipeout, for instance. The only real change is they are ported more often now, but still not day and date.

piroh59d ago

The difference:

Xbox putting games on pc day and date - no real reason to buy Xb if you have decent PC so MS rethinking their strategy of bringing first party games to PS, Ninty

PS releasing their games on PC when they stop selling, no real exclusive on XB, Ninty except MLB due to license

darthv7259d ago (Edited 59d ago )

@frosty... dont forget Saturn for that one, as well as destruction derby. Sony was more open to cross platform support in the early years of the PS1. by the times of the PS2, things changed, and they walled off everything going forward. Their decision to be more supportive of the PC in recent times shows they have matured to changing market conditions.

Cacabunga58d ago

Makes no sense .. where would Sony and Nintendo release their games if Xbox has no hardware? If they will keep making hw then they are even more dumb than I thought..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 58d ago
59d ago
Hofstaderman59d ago

IGN... the paid mouthpiece of XBOX.

59d ago
Christopher59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

I think it's more the people above them trying to control topics outside of 'news'.

Read this article -- https://www.ign.com/article... -- and compare it to how they phrase things here, let alone forget to mention that PS5 is still performing ahead of PS4. But, when reporting news, they'll report it, and it makes these opinion pieces seem dumb.

Am I supposed to believe that with them still selling more than the PS4 that they are suddenly rethinking console exclusives? Am I supposed to believe that? How? And if you read this article, nothing in it supports it. Nothing. Everything they mention as evidence were decisions made over 4 years ago. Not within the last year.

CrashMania59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

I don't get this nonsense of trying to lump in Sony and Nintendo with what MS are doing. The whole article is trying to paint MS as some genius because their console business is failing from the biased Destin, and people cling on to the spiderman budget to push their recent agendas for dear life, it's laughable.

Playstation is selling like hotcakes, the 7 year old Switch is outselling the newest MS console. MS completely gutted and neutered their console hardware and software sales by putting everyting on PC and gamepass day 1. Sony and Nintendo have no such issue.

Hofstaderman59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

It's an attempt of "if you tell a lie enough it will eventually become the truth". Sales and all other evidence, however, points to the contrary. The good thing that comes out if this is we can finally see which media outlets has their lips glued to MS ballsack.

fr0sty58d ago

The headline is demonstrably false... clickbait from a fanboy amateur "journalist".

Obscure_Observer59d ago

"What is the consensus? One does day and date release on console and PC and is porting their games to competing platforms. The other does 2-year later PC ports of games to just Steam and has one past-exclusive on Xbox because of licensing demands."


I remember when people used to swear to god that Playstation exclusive games would never come to PC. That they would leave Playstation in case Sony ever port a Playstation exclusive game to PC and here we are.

2 years old games ported to PC will become a thing of the past rather sooner than later. Sony saw how much money they made out Helldivers 2 released day and date on PC in comparison with Horizon Forbiden West for example which is a much more expansive and technically complex to make.

We went too fast from Playstation would never allow any exclusive game on PC (which used to be their main competitor, according to Andrew House) to 2 years old ports and now day and date with Helldivers 2 and more to come.

The notion that Playstation isn´t going multi platform is getting blurrier by the day.

And make no mistake, the moment that Microsoft start to present positive numbers for Xbox on future financial results partially due some succesful first party games released on Playstation, make no mistake, Sony will follow just like they´re doing now with PC.

Christopher59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

*** The notion that Playstation isn´t going multi platform is getting blurrier by the day. ***

This has been said over the last 5 years by people who want Sony to be like Microsoft. So blurry. So fast.

And yet, in that same period of time, Microsoft went same day and date on Steam even though they have their own PC storefront, admitted in court to losing to Sony on hardware and software, spent the most money just to continue competing against Sony (they said it, not me), are moving towards releasing their exclusives on PlayStation and Switch without being forced by license-holders, and are saying that the future is in cloud-based subscription gaming (not the same as their past cloud-based talk). Sony hasn't budged, though. Not a bit.

Who is moving faster and making changes that get blurrier and blurrier every day here? And why are they doing that? Why isn't Sony budging from the 2 year post console release for their first-party games? And, before you bring up Helldivers again, please remember it's developed by an independent studios and is a 2nd-party title that started on PC and PS4. So, let's not try and make that your whole argument, it's a weak one.

CrashMania59d ago

And make no mistake, the moment that 'Microsoft start to present positive numbers for Xbox on future financial results partially due some succesful first party games released on Playstation, make no mistake, Sony will follow just like they´re doing now with PC.'

What's the incentive of Sony or Nintendo releasing games on Xbox consoles where most won't buy them and the majority just wait for gamepass? I could maybe imagine day and date with PC at some point in the future, expecting Sony to release games on a failing console is hopium at best.

notachance58d ago

oh hey the copemaster came out of his cave

Obscure_Observer58d ago

"This has been said over the last 5 years by people who want Sony to be like Microsoft. So blurry. So fast"

Well, Sony has been following MS for quite some time now. We have the new PS Plus and PC ports from Playstation´s former exclusive games. And now, we have day one Playstation exclusives on PC, which used to be a competitor, mind you.

So yeah, blurrier by the day.

Also, keep in mind that the new Playstation Boss is the same man who said that his priority were to find a replacement for Ryan and, guess what? He´d decided that *he* is the best man to take over Ryan´s place, and his vision has more of Playstation as a multi platform brand than any of his predecessors.

"Who is moving faster and making changes that get blurrier and blurrier every day here?"

Doesn´t matter which company is doing changes faster if in the end both will up doing the same thing. That´s pretty simple logic.

"And yet, in that same period of time, Microsoft went same day and date on Steam even though they have their own PC storefront"

Unlike Sony, Microsoft has an *exclusive* contract with STEAM, so you can´t play Xbox games on Epic Store like you can with Playstation games. Plus, I´ve been hearing that Sony is planning to release its own *official* PlayStation PC launcher/storefront, so, if true, you have Sony following Microsoft´s steps yet again.

"are moving towards releasing their exclusives on PlayStation and Switch without being forced by license-holders"

"Forced"? Please. MLB is one of most played games on Xbox since its first release. I´m 100% sure that "forced" is the feeling surrounding Sony right now. Especially at San Diego Studio which *all* of its developers, managed to keep their jobs!

Had Insomniac Games been "forced" into making a licensed game like Spíder-Man 2 multi platform, they probably wouldn´t had to face layoffs at their studio at the top of major budget cuts for their future games after literally carrying the PS5 on their backs for this entire generation so far. That´s the truth.

"And, before you bring up Helldivers again, please remember it's developed by an independent studios and is a 2nd-party title that started on PC and PS4. So, let's not try and make that your whole argument, it's a weak one."

There´s not "weak" argument when comes to money regarding first party development. Especially nowadays!

The undeniable fact is that Helldivers II day and date on PS5 and PC made (and its still making) Sony tons of money on STEAM while their flagship and most expensive games did not!

Forbidden West had an abysmal 40,462 concurrent players peak after Nixxes had spent 2 years of hard work into making an excellent PC port out of that game. Does it sound fair to you? Does it sound fair to the developers? Does it seems financially viable to Sony? Wake up!

The time to please the fanatics and diehard is over! AAA games development costs have grown far beyond any reasonable expectations, console sales will not grow any faster according to Sony´s own latest financial forecast. They´re losing *money*!

PS Plus is now responsible for 50% of Playstation´s entire division revenue, and how do you expect Sony to react? By giving fanboys bragging rights to call games "exclusive", when the majority of PS5 owners won´t give a sh!t about it?

You can live in denial if you want, but like I said and brought you facts to back up my opinion, Playstation is becoming more like Xbox by each passing day.

CrashMania58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

'"Forced"? Please. MLB is one of most played games on Xbox since its first release. I´m 100% sure that "forced" is the feeling surrounding Sony right now. Especially at San Diego Studio which *all* of its developers, managed to keep their jobs!'

Conveniently ignoring it launched on gamepass.

"Had Insomniac Games been "forced" into making a licensed game like Spíder-Man 2 multi platform, they probably wouldn´t had to face layoffs at their studio at the top of major budget cuts for their future games after literally carrying the PS5 on their backs for this entire generation so far. That´s the truth."

And your evidence for this is? Guess if MS didn't cancel in development for PS5 games Bethesda wouldn't have had layoffs either then? Also SM2 last I heard was at like what, 8 million and counting? Interested to hear how you think Insomniac releasing this on Xbox where barely anyone buys games would have somehow prevented the layoffs. Again you give no context or thought and just spew out baseless crap.

"There´s not "weak" argument when comes to money regarding first party development. Especially nowadays!"

It is a weak arguement, Helldivers 2, context. It's a live service game. It's been wildly successful launching on PS5 and PC, how does that translate to future games launching on Xbox consoles? Where games barely sell anymore? PC day and date for everything in future? That's a viable possibility. Sony and Nintendo releasing games on Xbox consoles with no incentive? Keep dreaming lol.

"The time to please the fanatics and diehard is over! "

The irony, coming from probably the biggest fanatic on this site. This whole potential MS going fully multiplatform in future is having a meltdown impact on you and other Xbox fanatics.

Christopher58d ago

Wow. That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing relevant to the conversation.

***PS Plus is now responsible for 50% of Playstation´s entire division revenue, ***

Why do you make up things?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 58d ago
Ironmike59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

Who cares its just a console

Profchaos59d ago

Gamers want more access in more places

That's the line that gets me like no don't tell me what I want I never sat around thinking you know what would be great on switch ratchet and clank.

Just another nonsense article from the internet garbage network telling us how we are meant to feel instead of acknowledging the general consensus of how we actually feel.

They pull this all the time with classic articles talking about gamers don't want single player anymore or gamers want to see more insert social justice topic of the month.

It's always worth remembering that the reviewers are barely gamers the reviewer put on the Spyro reignited trilogy called the first boss of Spyro 2 one of the hardest gaming experiences ever when the reality is I've seen 5 year Olds beat it without taking a hit.


ThlnkTwlce59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

... So ... Why are you and others so emotionnaly engaged on either consoles... Just buy whatever you need and stop pretending these companies are your friends or enemies. This is childish as fuck. I own all of them... who cares about these corps anyway. They don't care about you... you should do the same.

Christopher58d ago

This is about the industry and bad journalism. I don't see where I praised one console over another, just specified how an attempt to make them all appear to have the same goals is wrong and this type of journalism only helps to confuse consumers and goals within the industry.

GhostMirror58d ago

“What is the consensus? One does day and date release on console and PC and is porting their games to competing platforms. The other does 2-year later PC ports of games to just Steam and has one past-exclusive on Xbox because of licensing demands.”

True, except for the part about PlayStation PC ports only being on Steam. They’re also on Epic Games Store, and some of them are even on GOG.

Petebloodyonion58d ago

Let me play devil's advocate here even if I can acknowledge Destin Legarie's bias toward Xbox due to him also having an influential Xbox channel.

Didn't Jim Ryan mention that Destiny 2 and FUTURE Bungie games will continue to be published on other platforms, "including rival consoles"?
Last I checked Marathon is an upcoming Sony-made game that will also be released on Xbox

Didn't Jim Ryan explain that releasing games on other platforms eases the cost of production?

Jim Ryan's view on porting games to other platforms (PC) mirrors what Phil Spencer's been saying about bringing some games on PS5 after a while

Sony's 180 regarding "t we believe in generations" and making most of the PS5 games also Playable on PS4.
in 2024 Sony's studio released 1 game on PS5 and it's also playable on PS4 (MLB the Show).

I can't find the article but like Jim Ryan (or one of the PS guys) "Hey if you told me a couple of years ago we would be making our game available to PC I would have never believed it " so what's to say the same can't happen between console?

CrashMania58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

One of the conditions for the bungie acquisition was they remain acting independent and are allowed to continue to release games on any platforms of their choosing, they aren't technically a part of the playstation studios umbrella. These are also live service games, on the other hand you don't see Helldivers 2 on Xbox.

We'll have to see if that changes with all of their recent blunders.

Christopher58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

I believe what you're missing here is that the article is saying that PlayStation and Xbox have the same goals in mind. But it's just not true.

Microsoft has said they want to get rid of exclusives. Sony has said the exact opposite but leverage PC where it benefits them.

Furthermore, the article says that these decisions are based on recent layoffs. PlayStation hasn't changed directions at all other than to likely work even less on GaaS. Nothing about their plans to be more like MS. Everything Sony is doing began at the start of this generation.

Have both companies changed on various things in the past? Sure. But those aren't what this article is about. It's about where they are putting their games and why. And it's a very poorly argued article.

rippermcrip58d ago

Plus the article title literally says "console exclusives". There is absolutely no reason to believe Song is bring anything to Xbox or Nintendo.

58d ago
+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 58d ago
Abnor_Mal59d ago

I thought the new consensus was it did not matter that PlayStation is not bringing their games to Xbox because if the Steam storefront ends up on Xbox they will get to play all PlayStation games anyway. Especially with MS going PC handheld, they will be able to play every game under the sun directly or through emulation when it comes to Nintendo. That’s the mindset I see everyone been saying for the past few weeks

VersusDMC59d ago

How is the steam storefront going to end up on xbox? Is valve taking the 30% cut of purchases or Xbox? Both are? Seems like a waste of time and money for Valve.

Abnor_Mal59d ago

I couldn’t tell you how it would work out, but from what I’ve been seeing there’s quite a few people trying to claim as much.

Hofstaderman59d ago

Gabe must be laughing his ass off.

fr0sty59d ago

Phil commented that he'd be open to Steam and Epic being on Xbox... because he's desperate and at this point would be open to anything at all to get people to actually buy an Xbox. They're even starting to do fire-sale tactics like bundling other subscription services in with GamePass subs. Complete desperation.

S2Killinit59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

And assuming that this highlt unlikely scenario happens, why do you think that Sony will have no say in where Steam is allowed to sell PlayStation games?

Do you honestly think that Sony will be without a say in all that. Like its out of their control where their games are sold?

Abnor_Mal59d ago

Where did I say Sony will have no say in where Steam is allowed to sell PlayStation games? I also never said I believed this drivel, but only wanted to share what I heard in hopes others might have also heard similar comments.

I’ve just been seeing some people on YouTube and in various comment sections saying this, I’m just repeating what they said asking isn’t that the new consensus since I’ve seen it being said a few times.

I’m not anywhere in the Xbox camp and find it funny that that is now the new thing people are saying. Others have asked the same questions you and others that responded asked.

I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say that they believe that if they already have a steam account and MS makes a PC handheld and they get Steam they would be able to incorporate their PlayStation games on Steam to be playable on the device basically sidestepping Sony.

I’ve seen it discussed on YouTube by PuertoRock77 and someone called XVault, I think that’s the name.

S2Killinit59d ago

Well all Im saying is, its not like steam will get to sell its games elsewhere if that place is not in the original contract. Even assuming they had no limitations set, Sony (or anyone) can easily adjust future deals with steam to specify where a said game could be sold.

I just dont see that MS would be able to get Sony’s library of games because they make a deal with Steam.

Christopher59d ago

***Xbox they will get to play all PlayStation games anyway.***

I mean, first, after 2 years, they'd get most of them, not all. And, second, Valve would take 30% off the top, then Microsoft could take their 30% from below that, and Publishers/Developers would then get shafted with less than they'd make just selling it on PS/Xbox/PC as it is now?

Nonsensical. This would only happen if Xbox stops being called the Xbox, stops being controlled by Microsoft as far as storefronts goes, and allows Valve to put a Steam store on there that Microsoft gets nothing out of. That's a win for Valve, not Microsoft. And that's a massive win for Sony, because now their exclusives matter even more. Steam on whatever new name Xbox will be won't change because publishers will still treat it like an Xbox and not a PC. Microsoft would just lose money.

Petebloodyonion58d ago

I disagree simply because the model exists and is already in application.
How do you think the Physical market works?
How PC digital storefront works when releasing games on other platforms (for example PC games needing UPLAY, B. Net, Rockstar, etc.

It's simple and it's just like any business that has 2 partners in a deal and it's called a split of the profit and negotiation.
Remember Apple and Android are still in business, they still have their app stores despite having their own application on the competing stores, and last I checked there are still 2 competing giants in the smartphone business

Christopher58d ago

Sorry @pete but you're comparing publisher things and Steam is its own storefront. The whole point of Steam is to provide a store for publishers and not for other storefronts. Same thing with Xbox. This isn't Valve games going to Xbox, that already happens, this is about Steam, the store, becoming available on Xbox. Only way that happens is if Microsoft forgoes their cut so that Steam can get it instead.

Abnor_Mal59d ago



Those are two different YouTubers speaking about them seeing the same comments.
Unfortunately I can’t locate more as I don’t archive articles to use in discussions as bait or ammo.

Christopher59d ago

I mean, it's YouTube. People say anything for content there. Let's not try and make them more than just random ramblings for hits.

59d ago
Petebloodyonion58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Is he making opinion pieces as news pieces?
Last I checked Christopher has been active in the forum commenting on articles like the rest of us.
Can't say I always agree with him but he usually brings arguments and points to his argumentation
Regarding his Admin status well like all referees he can't do 100% rights but seeing that he often explains his decisions and something cancels stories that he's been quite active in I do believe that he tries his best.

As far as PlayStation fans go well the majority of the game market belongs to ppl owning a PlayStation console so, logically, it will have a higher fan base, and the why there's never a Meta Quest game article on any gaming website (it's call catering to your audience)

And last but not least no one is forcing anybody to post or visit N4G

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 58d ago
Markusb3359d ago

Just because Xbox has failed they always have to say oh the others are also doing it, no they are not. Great games sell and that hasnt changed, if GP was a huge success XB would not need PS or Nintendo gamers to increase sales.
Subs do not work and when your backed with billions like xb and still cant make good games something is very wrong.
After the gaslighting and lies from IGN over stella blade i would like to see them and kotaku fade away

S2Killinit59d ago

And then they pretend like everything is evens stevens as soon as there is something to even slightly suggest their wishful thinking is correct.

PRIMORDUS59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

I highly doubt Nintendo will ever even consider bringing over Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. to PC. Maybe if they stopped focusing on piracy this or that we would have had some of their games on PC at this point. I have a OLED Switch but Nintendo really should consider the PC to. Sony and MS are doing their part and not worrying about that piracy bullshit. I believe this is what caused Nintendo to loose badly against Sony back in the N64/GC days. While you could have copied PS1 games later on with your PC Sony did not really care. If the N64 was CD based and the GC used real DVDs and played movies, things would have been a lot different. Nintendo could have been much closer to PlayStation or even tie it during those days. But Nintendo again lost that opportunity.

darthv7259d ago

...they did dip their toes into the mobile space with the mario kart tour and run games. so it may not be as far off as you think. Nintendo could be the last holdout but they will make the transition sooner rather than later. And switch 2 could be their gateway to doing so.

jznrpg59d ago

Can’t say ever. I don’t see it happening anytime soon but you can’t say ever. Eventually everything will be a PC. Your watch phone etc. We aren’t there yet but eventually. Even when everything is a PC I would buy a dedicated console that offers physical media.

tehpees358d ago

The day Nintendo put anything on PC themselves is the day you know dedicated hardware is not sustainable anymore. Nintendo sell their systems to make profits so if they do it, it’s a PC future.

QuantumMechanic59d ago

There are two ways to "win" in this world: by outperforming or by undermining. One is respectable; the other is pathetic.

Show all comments (93)

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Combat Director Wants Final Part To Offer Players "Even More Freedom"

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth combat director has expressed that he wants the final part in the trilogy to offer players "even more freedom".

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gold_drake11h ago

i wonder if where gonna be able to jump

-Foxtrot5h ago

I love the game so far but please don’t make the final part a mini game fest

Everytime I get to a new part in Rebirth it’s “mini game time”


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's Scope Was Impacted by Xbox Series S Limitations

Wccf tech writes: "Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's scope was impacted by the Xbox Series S hardware limitations, as developers could only make a game that was 25% bigger than its predecessor."

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-Foxtrot5h ago

This is the issue with things like this

Xbox Series X is apparently to MS the worlds most powerful console

However the Series S is obviously a limitation because it’s underpowered and developers have to go for parity.

So what’s the point of the world’s most powerful console if you are holding third party developers back? They aren’t going to push themselves if they have to think about the weakest console.

The issue wouldn’t be as bad if it was just Xbox but you are also affecting the PS version aswell

I think developers need to start just taking advantage of a console and if one of them can’t do X Y and Z then f*** them…why should the others suffer. What’s MS going to do? The bigger the franchise the least chance MS are going to tell them to f*** off. Baulders Gate 3 seemed to have stood their ground and suddenly their “strict” parity rule didn’t really matter. We suddenly got super optimisation efforts for the Series S that got things sorted.

anast1h ago

I agree, and the sad part is use normal folk saw it the second they announced their plans.

LucasRuinedChildhood5h ago

More info from the author of the article, I think: https://www.reddit.com/r/ki...

"1) I was told this info from the producer of the game Martin Klíma.
2) He specifically said the game will have only one mode.
3) And this mode is 4K 30 on PS5/XSX and 1440p 30 on XSS.
4) He said that the game is already running north of the 30 FPS cap so the performance should be stable on launch, much better than KCD1.
5) The limitation was XSS because of the 10GB memory. He said that's why they wanted to make the game 25% larger.
6) Speculation on my part: the output resolution is probably upscaled and the reason why there won't be a 60 FPS mode is because it'll most likely be very CPU heavy, like Dragon's Dogma 2 for example."

Doesn't seem like they're adding a 40fps mode on PS5/Series X for launch even if they can handle it.

Sgt_Slaughter1h ago

I'd much rather have 1440p/60fps or even 45fps. Having just one, even with the Series S in mind, is disappointing.

franwex12m ago(Edited 9m ago)

Remember when xbots were adamant that the series s won’t hold back the gen?

Microsoft just needs to let go of the mandatory parity. Who cares if your grandma doesn’t understand that a game cannot be played on the S. It’s not like it she can buy you a physical game for it anyway. Before buying the game put up a notice that it only works on series X. If you’re buying for a friend-allow for a refund.

Bam. Everyone is happy. Most series s owners are for casuals that want Game Pass anyway and most likely don’t purchase most games.

If the developers want it to run on S, let them figure it out.

Jin_Sakai3m ago

“During the event, the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 producer also revealed that on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the game will run at 4K resolution and 30 frames per second“

Another “creative decision” right? 🤦‍♂️


Celebrate the Diablo Anniversary with March of the Goblins

Come celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Diablo IV and the 2-year anniversary of Diablo Immortal! There are heaps of rewards to mark these celebrations with a bounty of devilish goods across both games.

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anast6h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

LordoftheCritics5h ago

Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

OtterX5h ago

1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.

Walalon3h ago

We are on the same team brother!

Rynxie52m ago

I uninstalled d4 after they kept screwing over the sorc build and I beat the game. I also uninstalled immortal after reading the end. I actually went back to d2r here and there.