
Why ‘Dragon’s Dogma 2’ Reviews Didn’t Mention The Microtransactions

There is a storm raging online between many potential Dragon’s Dogma 2 players, Capcom and the journalists and YouTubers who reviewed the game.

-Foxtrot84d ago

"Most of these reviewers have played the game from anywhere from 50 to 100 hours to make their full judgement, and even getting a short ways into the game, you can see just how easy it is to ignore the extremely limited quantities of what’s being sold here"

It's not the point, they should have told people, it's their job, to inform the consumer about what to expect within a new game and what to watch out for before they buy.

Fact is nobody wanted to p*** off Capcom and get blacklisted or stop getting super cool press release packages from them.

Prime Example


VenomUK83d ago

Did Capcom mandate that microtransactions should not be mentioned in reviews? Or did the media simply think their audience/readers didn’t need to know? The professional gaming outlets that said nothing should be named and avoided and have their Metacritic review power reduced.

-Foxtrot83d ago

Yeah I agree

I honestly believe exclusive future scoops and super rare press kits are part of the reason they don’t say anything

This is Capcom, they want that Resident Evil 9, Resident Evil 5 Remake, next Monster Hunter, DMC and Street Fighter news for their sites or YouTube profiles

Nitrowolf283d ago (Edited 83d ago )

No, we were not mandated not to talk about it. I'm actually surprised a bulk of reviews didn't mention it at all.

I did, and yes, I gave Dragon's Dogma a high score, but I did mention the existence of MT. It just never impacted my experience and it was something I spotted after the review was written and my time was spent with the game.

I mentioned I didn't like that Capcom was doing this at all, but again, it wasn't something that I felt altered the game in any way, no different than how most RPGs in many areas around loot and such.

MTs become an issue when the core experience is clearly broken by it to push players to them. If Dragon's Dogma for example mde it extremely rare to get Crystals, that from start to finish, you only had a few, rather than the thousands, yeah I'd have a much bigger issue.

I sort of said, look at it like this. If I had zero online, decided to head to GameStop and buy a physical version, boot the game, start it, play it till the end, there would be 0 indications the MTs even exist.
There are a handful of games you can't say that for. Suicide squad always online, and they really make it clear there's MT with the store, and the notifications of being able to get more resources and such.

VenomUK83d ago

@Nitrowolf2 At least you mentioned it in your review, well done. I believe a review should give the reader enough information to decide if a game is right for them.

FinalFantasyFanatic83d ago

I also wonder if they were aware of the microtransaction or if they even looked/available at the time they played? You would have thought so, and that should have triggered them to mention it in their reviews, but then again a lot of the major gaming journalist outlets aren't that good to begin with.

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Silly Mammo84d ago

MTX ≈ Bad
But spending $10 more on the deluxe edition is OK. Even though you're getting items that could be more helpful early on in a game.

I'm not defending MTXs but don't pretend buying the Deluxe version of some games doesn't give you a leg up early on.

Gameseeker_Frampt83d ago

How many times can Capcom sell you that Deluxe Edition?

That's the difference between Deluxe Editions and MTXs. They are not even comparable, especially since MTXs are baked into the gameplay and most games are made worse from them.

NotoriousWhiz83d ago

The MTX in Dragon's Dogma 2 only give you access to what the digital deluxe version gets you. You cannot buy them more than once.

thorstein83d ago

"Deluxe" edition

When we used to buy games we'd get a game with an instruction book and (if it was an RPG) a map. Sometimes a cloth map. Then a deluxe (collector's, special, etc) edition had cool things along with it that used to come free.

Now deluxe means digital content that should have been part of the game.

HyperMoused83d ago

An extra up front cost instead of piece meal, man thats MT's with extra steps

CrimsonWing6984d ago (Edited 84d ago )

Probably because they’re completely optional and all of it can easily be gotten in the game.

I don’t remember Monster Hunter World reviews going all “let’s burn this mother f*cker down,” with basically similar micros like buying a character editor. At least in DD2 it’s available for 500RC’s.

This has gotten blown out of proportion due to misinformation and people just quick to grab torches and pitchforks without doing any research.

How come Helldivers 2 doesn’t get flack for having micros? Such hypocrisy.

AndrewM84d ago

Helldivers 2 cost half as much and is a live service game, apples to oranges much?

CrimsonWing6983d ago (Edited 83d ago )

Microtransactions are microtransactions. You can’t justify them for one game and not the other.

So, what, if DD2 was $20 it’d be a non-issue then? Give me a break. At one point everyone was against micros, now it’s ok if GaaS games have them because, “oh, I paid $40 and it’s a GaaS game so it’s ok,” that’s the hypocrisy I’m talking about.

Suicide Squad was on sale for $40. Guess that’s just fine and dandy to be monetized, too. I mean by your logic $40 and GaaS is A-OK to be monetized.

Skull and Crossbones is on sale. Everyone monetize the hell out of it and smile because it’s GaaS and on sale. Oh but hell nawww to these nothing burger micros in DD2, until I guess it’s $40 then it’s ok!!!

Hypocrisy much?

DustMan82d ago

Not to mention that the MTX in Helldivers 2 is not brutally priced, and the standard Warbond tiers don't lock out of any of the cooler bombardments. Compared to something like COD it's kind of night and day in terms of what you get for what you spend. Unless Helldivers starts adding Snoop Dog, and Kevin Durant skins for $25 don't I don't see any major issue with it's current premium content.

DivineHand12583d ago

I also think it's blown out of proportion. DMC5 also had microtransactions that allow you to buy orbs which is something you start earning in-game as soon as you start playing.

anast83d ago

People made a deal out of DMC5 too.

victorMaje83d ago

To me it’s simple. No mtx in a single player game.

NotoriousWhiz83d ago (Edited 83d ago )

Personally, I'd say mtx are okay for any game which is constantly being updated with additional content post launch (and only if that content isn't also sold as DLC)

Generally speaking, single player games aren't (and should not be) constantly updated with new content and so they should not have MTX.

victorMaje83d ago


Were it up to me I’d have no MTs in any type of game. Afaic they’ve cheapened the Multiplayer scene.
A lot of effort is now put into MTs design & implementation instead of being put in gameplay or other aspects. Effort that could be focused on making games more fun or engaging or immersive.
I don’t want that for single player games.

Crows9083d ago

You don't remember doesn't mean there wasn't.

The collective judgement or lack of doesn't exclude the existence of blow back against whatever it is that is an issue.

The only reason helldivers didn't get as much flack is because of the impact of the mtx.

The impact of the mtx in dragons dogma 2 is huge when compared. That doesn't mean one is good and the other is bad....that's your perception.

They're both bad.

CrimsonWing6983d ago (Edited 83d ago )

Nothing to this degree, like at all. My point is DD2 micros are on the same level as DMC V’s, which is to say you DON’T need to spend any money on them to enjoy and complete the game. It’s highly likely why they weren’t mentioned en masse with reviews.

anast83d ago

"Probably because they’re completely optional and all of it can easily be gotten in the game."

They are supposed to inform the customer about all of the options. It's their job.

anast83d ago

How is a product reviewer not responsible for reviewing a product? This is a genuine question. Or do you agree?

mkis00783d ago

you absolutely can justify them for one game and not another. especially considering one of the games is a purely single player experience...

CrimsonWing6983d ago

We’ll agree to disagree. I don’t think it’s acceptable in one game and unacceptable in another. You can literally play DD2 without buying a single one and enjoy the game. It’s not designed with progression blocking that forces you to buy these. That’s my point. But people have this knee jerk reaction when micros gets name dropped, yet they’re perfectly fine with them in other games… it’s weird af.

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84d ago
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EternalTitan16d ago

Capcom kind of fumbled with this game.
This could have been GOTY 2024 but no.


Dragon's Dogma 2 Has Sold 3 Million Units In 2 Months

Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom's latest JRPG, has reached a new sales milestone, rolling over 3 million copies in a span of two months.

isarai19d ago

Hands fown my game of the generation so far, definitely has some flaws and buggy quests, but damn is it good, and surprisingly flexible in how it allows creativity and different approaches to resolve quests and reacts accordingly.

banger8819d ago

I just picked this up for PS5. I'm going to hold off playing as long as I can though, in case they decide to add a new performance mode. I don't want to play this at 30 fps unless I absolutely have no other choice (PC isn't a choice for me). I have a dozen other games in my backlog so I'm good.

VincentCastle18d ago

I have it on ps5 and pc and it plays as actually pretty well on PS5. The uncapped frame rates works best for the game then the newly added Max 30fps version.
The only town that gets the frame rates down between 25-35 ish is the first big city, but you won't be that much in it to be fair - I spent from 50 hours about 3 in the city and the rest exploring and the second main town which has better fps.

-on pc with my 3080 and 10700k CPU, the fps outside is better for sure as it can do stable 60fps... But it's the same or worst for the main city. I had fps between 20-50ish and the drops were really noticeable. But the same, most time was spent outside.

Nerdmaster19d ago

Really tried to like the first one, started it like 5 times, but it didn't click with me.
I'll try the sequel someday, but I'll wait for a good (like 50%) discount.

Cacabunga19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

It will end up on PS+ extra someday.
It is good devs release the game first and release it months later on PS+ to give it a second life.
If it was on sub service day one it would have sold 300.000 Max

ravens5219d ago

Just curious, does this count as successful?

jznrpg18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

For a sequel to a niche game from the PS3 days I would think 3 million is very good. But I don’t know their sales expectations so I can’t say for sure.

EternalTitan18d ago

I . . .dont know.
AAA companies are weird. It depends on their fiscal stuff.
I would guess its successful because the first game sold way less in the same time frame.

EternalTitan18d ago

Knew the game had long legs. It had some disappointing issues like performance, dumb microtracsanctions at the beginning. There is a DLC coming. Wonder what that will add to the game.