
The Thaumaturge Review: Paternal Affairs I Gameffine

Jay writes: The Thaumaturge is a curious experiment with an unexplored setting and a unique take on the classic turn-based combat. Fool’s Theory has struck gold on the former thanks to an interesting story, rich worldbuilding, and a colorful cast of characters. However, the combat system is severely underutilized and left me wanting more. The same can be said for the investigative part of the gameplay as well. That being said, It’d be a lie if I said I didn’t have fun within the said constraints. As a purveyor of Eurojank, there is a certain allure to the game that I couldn’t resist. That doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the game as much as I did. The Thaumaturge could have easily been one of the best RPGs of the year if it had more to offer in the gameplay department.

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How The Thaumaturge Makers Crafted Its Compelling Salutors [EXCLUSIVE]

GamesHorizon's interview with The Thaumaturge makers sheds light on their creative process of designing the Salutors and the flaw system.

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anast57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

...I hope they get some love


The Thaumaturge (PC) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Paul Broussard: "Overall, The Thaumaturge is an encouraging first start. All the fundamentals for a good story are nailed down, it’s just the presentation of said story that needs work, and ideally finding more meaningful ways to invest the player via the game’s interactive components. As for the final product itself, it’s certainly competent enough, if the prospect of a mystery with some light RPG elements sounds appealing, but don’t expect it to light your world on fire."

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The Thaumaturge Review - Thumb Culture

Do you want to become a manipulator, full of pride and become best friends with demons? Read our review of The Thaumaturge to master it.

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