
Introducing Johanna Faries as the new President of Blizzard Entertainment

Today, the following email was delivered to all Blizzard employees by Johanna Faries, the new President of Blizzard Entertainment

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Jin_Sakai138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Don’t forget to congrats them on cancelling their survival game that was 6 years in development.

Obscure_Observer138d ago

Yeah, it sucks

I was personally looking forward to that game. But I heard Odyssey were facing technical issues and would be powered by a mobile engine. So *maybe*, not much of a big loss.

Fishy Fingers138d ago

After 6 years, no reveal, no info and cancelled. Must of been a banger.

darthv72138d ago

if you mean the one that was being built using a mobile device engine... good riddance.

thesoftware730138d ago

Yeah, I was interested in learning more about that survival game for sure, it's hard to miss tho, since we know like absolutely nothing about it.

It's kinda how, we should congratulate ND for canceling Factions I guess.many people were looking forward to that game...bummer, shit happens, right?

Michiel1989138d ago

cancelling an mmo that was longer than 6 years in development netted them overwatch though. Also the majority of that time was probably spend by a couple people on it, happens in every company all the time except there is a magnifying glass on blizzard cause of bad press.

138d ago
Jin_Sakai138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

@Fishy Fingers

“After 6 years, no reveal, no info and cancelled. Must of been a banger.”

Seems like the game design was more than what today’s game engines could handle.

“It was prototyped on Unreal but switched to an internal engine called Synapse because Unreal couldn't support the 100 player maps they wanted. Synapse ran into technical problems that stalled development.”

At least the developers working on the game were pretty optimistic.

"I was making incredible creatures and enemies with some of the most talented people I've ever met," Bob Mowzie, who worked as an encounter designer on the project, says on Twitter. "I'm heartbroken, and I'm so sorry I won't get to deliver this amazing game to you all…"

“Former Blizzard developer Johnny Cash writes: "The Blizz survival game was fantastic, the team behind it even more fantastic, and it is our collective loss to never be able to experience it as a finished piece.."

“For Riot software engineer Anna Rosenberg, this was the first AAA game they worked on: "I'm devastated no one else will get to experience it," they write.“

porkChop138d ago

Oh, Jin. Always so ready to flap your gums but never ready to do any research.

There's a good reason it was cancelled. It was prototyped on Unreal and then moved to Synapse, an in-house engine designed for mobile games. Trying to build a AAA 100-person multiplayer survival game in an engine designed for phones brought significant problems. The devs wanted to switch back to Unreal, which would mean the projected 2026 release would get pushed back significantly.

The team had apparently built a lot of cool encounters with interesting creature designs though. Hopefully that gets used in a new project. After Project Titan was cancelled they took a lot of the assets and ideas and created Overwatch. Something similar could happen here as well.

Reaper22_137d ago

Sony's The Last Guardian was delayed an entire generation.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 137d ago
Jin_Sakai137d ago

Blizzard of Duty coming soon. Seriously though, her resume doesn’t really scream president of blizzard.

Crows90137d ago

Well you clearly never cared much for blizzard.

XiNatsuDragnel138d ago

Cool man but unfortunately that most of Blizzard got cut

BeHunted138d ago

Congratulations on becoming a member of the Xbox Family!

Barlos138d ago

That's not something to really be proud of

MrDead137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

An eSports head in charge of Blizzard...

Shame it cost so many jobs and no new games coming to Xbox outside of what was already coming.

So just to make it simple for the simple, no new games, two publishers no longer competing, lots of workers being fired but MS and it's wealthy CEO's get wealthier

ChiefofLoliPolice137d ago

That's nothing to be proud of. At all.

rippermcrip138d ago

Blizzard was dragged down by Activision.

So, they they pick someone who was in charge of COD eSports to run Blizzard.


crazyCoconuts138d ago

Spent 2 years as a general manager for COD, and the rest of her career in the NFL and a few years in eSports. Like the opposite of an industry veteran.

RaidenBlack138d ago

and here I thought, under MS, they'd finally be free from Activision ... Nups.
Will we ever get Warcraft IV or Starcraft III?

138d ago
Asplundh138d ago

She was probably chosen just because her ethnic background, which MS has been scrutinized over in past.
Apparently diversity > the best person for the job.

Umb138d ago

In this woke world that it, until it comes to them specifically. Gaurantee they will get the best quailfied over DEI in a nano second such a surgeon who will operating on them!

-Foxtrot137d ago

Not to mention with the sexual harassment scandal, she's also a woman aswell

Gives them a lot of brownie points.

notachance137d ago

oooff definitely not the kind of person you'd trust to bring back the old blizzard, I can see they're trying to go ham on live service and monetization instead.

jznrpg137d ago

Like they have not done that before? That is about all they do these days.

crazyCoconuts137d ago

But even live service and monetization needs an experienced leader I'd think. I mean - I'd think they'd want to put someone in there that has demonstrated an ability to lead the successful development and release of a game.... any game? Experience be damned i guess...

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Needs 60FPS Update Before GTA 6 Arrives

Bawal from Tech4Gamers writes "Red Dead Redemption 2 is still incredibly popular today, and it's a shame it hasn't received a 60FPS upgrade for consoles yet."

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ocelot079h ago

Kind of wonder why they can't release a patch for 60fps. I don't expect a native ps5 just a patch to allow the original PS4 version run at 60 on ps5. They did it for the red dead redemption remaster.

isarai41m ago

It needs far more than 60fps, better resolution, fix the trash checkerboard rendering that somehow makes 1440p look worse than 1080p, fix the input lag, and fix the wack HDR implementation.

sagapo26m ago

Yeah, the HDR is terrible, made me wonder why the dev’s even bothered.


Canceled Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion Titled 'The Moon' Has Leaked Online

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shinoff218319h ago

Spent so much time having to fix the original game they didn't make it to this.


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