
Xbox’s Phil Spencer Says Series S Changes to Baldur’s Gate 3 Aren’t About Parity

Changes to Baldur's Gate 3 on the Xbox Series S are disappointing to fans, but Head of Xbox Phil Spencer believes the console is important.

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mandf294d ago

It's important because it sold way more than the x.

Jin_Sakai294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

The only reason Series S exist is to boost Xbox sales so they don’t look so bad. Funny thing is they still look bad.

QuantumMechanic294d ago

The Series S console exists to sell GamePass and to try to move the console market closer to a subscription-only business model.

EvertonFC294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

Agreed, series X would be below 10m in 3 years imo if it wasn't for the series S.
Starfield is their 1st game really in 3 years which is totally embarrassing in itself really.

sagapo293d ago

@Everton: so basicly you’re saying that MS made the right call launching the seriesS as it sells better than SeriesX (according to you)?

Sitdown293d ago

So in your mind, Microsoft ultimately created the Series S so they don't look so bad, and not because of it's ability to bring in profit, and funnel people to their bigger plan of GamePass. The ignorance of N4G never fails. If only you could take your feelings out it, and think along the lines of people running a successful company, not fanboy wars.

Jin_Sakai293d ago (Edited 293d ago )


“If only you could take your feelings out it, and think along the lines of people running a successful company, not fanboy wars.“

If only you knew that developers hate dealing with Series S and have trouble getting their games running on it which are causing delays.

Rynxie293d ago

Oh you mean, so Ms can once again try and push their anti consumer policies? No wonder they're trying to buy up the industry as well.

I honestly wish Ms would leave the industry and another manufacturer can step in.

jznrpg293d ago

If it’s to pad numbers or sell gamepass subs either way it’s not working out so well.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 293d ago
S2Killinit293d ago

They are trying to leave them behind. Its insane!

shadowT294d ago

Xbox Series X owners can block now Series S in online fights, if needed. Bandai Namco just annouced this for the new Naruto game, according IGN report.

FinalFantasyFanatic293d ago

Wow, I'm surprised that's actually a thing, I see the point of doing it, but wow.

Popsicle293d ago

Wow! What a mess Xbox has created for themselves.

fr0sty293d ago

Now they're being forced to "quietly" abandon the parity clause, while denying that they actually are. "We've always had features in X games that weren't in S, like ray tracing!" ... sure, Phil, those were not gameplay features, they were graphical enhancements. There's an ocean of difference between that and something that actually affects the way the game is played, like removing split screen or being able to ban players from the S from interacting with players on X.

S2Killinit293d ago

Its crazy. All these people that bought into their representations…

gold_drake294d ago

gotta give it to Phil, delusions are a powerful thing indeed.

and of course the community is talking about it when a dev team has to cut an entire gamemode to make it work on the S.

InUrFoxHole293d ago

They didn't say it was impossible. They said they needed more time.

gerbintosh293d ago (Edited 293d ago )

Time MS wasn't willing to wait on. IMO I don't think the feature is coming to the Series S in the future. No point since the game would have already been released for a while and Series S customers would be used to not having it

InUrFoxHole292d ago

That's a fair assessment. MS painted themselves into a corner with the S and parity. I think they talked to devs prior to production and expected them to be able to do more with the tool kits. It's MS fault in the end. Make the tools you give devs easy to work with

TheLigX293d ago

He’s a corporate mouthpiece. It’s not delusion, it’s outright dishonesty. Dude is totally aware of his BS.

Destiny1080294d ago

180p split screen, was not feasible, hopefully are s friends wont be two disappointed

S2Killinit293d ago

He is trying to make it seem like the gamers are the ones pushing for it. In reality MS are doing something that they shouldn’t be allowed to do to consumers.

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