
Video Game Rip-Offs That Are Hilariously Bad

Many developers try to copy great games and they often fail miserably. These are some video game rip-offs that are hilariously bad.

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senorfartcushion300d ago

Every battle royale and soulslike. Every cartoony live service game with dancing

banger88300d ago

Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


10 Worst PS3 Games of All Time

Like any console, not every release was going to be a hit, and the PS3 certainly had its fair share of stinkers.

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darthv72134d ago

turning point had a really great story / concept... it just was very generic in its game play.

LucasRuinedChildhood134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

Haze is a bad game but Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty makes it seem like a captivating work of art. haha. Fuck that game

Shellshock 2: Blood Trails isn't on this list but it might be the worst game I've ever played. I got it as a present from my mam and when I saw the box, my life flashed before my eyes thinking of the Metacritic score: https://www.metacritic.com/...

I also received Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty as a present from another family member. Bless their hearts for trying but ... oh Lord. My uncle gave my Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time and MGS2 though. 😎

DarXyde133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

Was it really that bad? I recall trying the demo and not liking it, but that's just me not liking FPS games.

People I know who played it and like FPS games mostly came to the conclusion that it has a lot of room for improvement, but it's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be.

Don't know, my opinion on these games should be taken with a grain of salt.

mastershredder134d ago

Oof! yeah, Ride was a huge fumble they tried to market twice.
Haven Fall of the King was dog-shi7-tastic and should be a runner up to some of those.
I'd even nominate Legend of Kay. Heh Haze... there is no excuse for that one (just pretend Haze did not happen).

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Worst Big Budget Games

GF365: "Among all the well-received and beloved video games, there are some that are horrendous. Here are our picks for the worst big budget games released since 2010."

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banger88508d ago

What a shitty f***** list! Most of the games on it were great fun. Bullshit list.

chantii_mmohaven507d ago

yep this is truly a b*tthurt list :/

MadLad506d ago

I think the only one I agreed on was Anthem, and even that isn't horrendous.

Knushwood Butt508d ago

Anthem; I'd forgotten that game existed. I remember thinking the trailer was BS though; turns out I was right.

Cueil506d ago

the game wasn't bad though

RavenWolfx507d ago

"Worst big budget games" and immediately lists Genshin Impact, a game that has $4 billion in revenue.

blackblades507d ago

$3 billion and counting along with alot of users. I disagree with that being on the list. This list is just a person opinion without merit

monkey602507d ago

I havent played Genshin Impact and Mafia 3 was alright. The rest though I kind of agree with.
I loved the 1st Kane and Lynch and I could not understand how the 2nd game was as bad as it was.

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Phoenix Down 71.0 – Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta

We kick off the Year of the Bad Games with this Uncharted knock-off.