
New STALKER 2 screenshots make The Zone look damn good

Environments so gorgeous you'll forget you're in a supernatural hellscape.

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Jin_Sakai497d ago

Looks great. Does this games have a 60fps mode on console?

ModsDoBetter497d ago

Judging by how graphically demanding it looks, I doubt it but we’ll see.

shinoff2183497d ago

I don't think it makes it to 60 either. It won't kill the experience though imo it looks damn good to

ModsDoBetter497d ago

It absolutely should hit 60 on Series X.
If they come out and announce 4k/30 it’ll be hugely disappointing for “the worlds most powerful console”.

Jericho1337497d ago

Great that they’re continuing to release updates in spite their nation’s plight. Fingers crossed for a 2023 release.

497d ago

STALKER 2 Is Delayed to Q1 2024, Says Official Fact Sheet

The official fact sheet of STALKER 2 reveals that the game has been delayed again and will launch in Q1 2024 for PC and Xbox Series S|X.

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shinoff2183283d ago

Makes sense really. Aren't these the Ukrainian devs ?

Alexious283d ago

Yes...But the release date for the game was already set to December 2022 before the war began. It was supposed to be nearly finished.

shinoff2183283d ago

The war isn't exactly over

Tacoboto283d ago

The war began in February 2022 - invasion of Ukraine was February 24th, 22. You're missing an entire year, Alexious.

Lightning77283d ago

The rumor was December but hey talk all the time they need no rush.

Alexious283d ago

It's not like we don't have enough games in the meantime.

got_dam283d ago

Right?! August and September are absolutely stacked. Ill be working through BG3 until Q1 2024 at this rate anyway.

z2g282d ago

All things considered, I think we can give them a free pass here.

282d ago

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl — Come to Me Official Trailer

In memory of fallen heroes.The new trailer of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is here.

RaidenBlack520d ago

One of my most anticipated game ....

Jericho1337520d ago

Same, looks absolutely stunning but glad they’re just the old school inventory. Great to see they’re in track for a 2023 release date - hats off to GSC keeping development going through the war.

lonewolf10520d ago

Same here, the original is still one of my favorite games.

OG_TK_Cole520d ago

Game looks very good, I cant wait to play it.

XxINFERNUSxX520d ago

All I know is on PC the stuttering from Unreal Engine 4 better not be present in this game using UE5, or I will pass on this game. I wouldn't take it for free, if issues like that are present.

repsahj520d ago

Big respect to the devs, this game looks great overall. Still hoping they will improve the graphics because it is still looks current gen.

JCOLE13195519d ago

I would think if it looked “current gen” that’d be a good thing. Or did you mean last gen?

repsahj519d ago

If you think atomic heart graphics is current gen, then yes. It looked last gen.

StarkR3ality519d ago


What are you on about pal, it's one of the best looking games I've ever seen 😂😂

Lightning77519d ago

2023 is surprising actually. The last I heard it got delayed indefinitely.

Hopefully it still makes it out this year.

RaidenBlack519d ago

STALKER 2 unlikely next year ....
and given the state the studio's going through right now, I don't want it next year.
Let them settle and work on it undisturbed and release the much awaited sequel in 2024 or even 2025 without any unnecessary rush.
I just want the game to be good. Not another rushed game to meet a deadline.
This is STALKER we're talking about ...

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STALKER 2 Dev Comments on Sudden Xbox Pre-Order Refunds

Following the news of Xbox refunding STALKER 2 pre-orders and Steam listing the game for December 2023, Wccftech reached out to the developers to clarify things.

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RaidenBlack631d ago

Release when ready. Don't cyberpunk it.
STALKER 1 was infamous for its .... cheekybreekyness ... but today's gamers and game journos will just write it off and move on to the next Fortnite clone, if they get irked by any launch bugs.
Just release when the quality seems acceptable.

HollowIchigo25631d ago

'Acceptable' isn't what I would aim for, if I were making a game.

RaidenBlack631d ago

That's still a higher bar than many game's target state during launch, even after the whole cyberpunk fiasco.
And as I have said in the earlier Stalker 2 article, "Even if the game launches with few few bugs on release, I'll still support it just for the hardworking folks behind this."
I don't want GSC's reputation to get tainted just for few launch bugs. Let them comeback properly.

MinnesotaFatts631d ago

That's comparing apples to oranges. CDPR already had years worth of experience working with RED engine when production for 2077 left the drawing board. GSC's X Ray Engine was brand new and proprietary tech with multiple feature layers working together. Hard enough to code by itself, then the devs went in and made it interact with the ODE physics engine after modifying the code to a nightmarish level to keep from tearing the game's assets apart during render.

RaidenBlack631d ago

I am not comparing it to CP2077. I used cyberpunk as a verb.
My statement was, STALKER 1 was enjoyable for its quirkiness. Something we accepted back then and then enjoyed after wards, circa 2007~2010s on PC.
In today's landscape, (post Cyberpunk era) the (if) launch bugs won't bode well with this gen's new gaming audience. GSC's comeback might not be as fruitful as it should be, hence I said to release when ready.
Heck, people here complaining about Bethesda's bugs from which its pretty evident they never played OG STALKER w/o mods. We PC players were also frustrated during 2007 (heck my PC could barely run it) but 2-3 years later mods improved the experience a lot (as well as the updates).
Hence I state again, No rush. Pass it through QA as many times as possible. And release when the devs deem the product is acceptable. (a nod to CDPR's prior statement)
And there's war going on in their backward as well.

JsonHenry630d ago

I recall the first Stalker game as being pretty solid. I bought it on release day and beat it two days later. Great game. Back when patching wasn't automatic and you had to download the updates from the game maker's website.

sourOG631d ago

Just ask the US government for 13 billion. Our grandchildren would gladly pay you.

Chance_of_Raine631d ago

You read the room and decide this was a good time for a shitty take huh?

sourOG631d ago

It’s always a good time for a shitty take.

sourOG631d ago

😂 what are you mad about exactly? I work hard to pay Ukraine.

crazyCoconuts631d ago

Well, like only a third of it makes it to Ukraine so better make it $40B?

sourOG631d ago

It’s almost like people don’t understand where the government’s generous offerings come from. Printed and borrowed debt. How grateful are they? “Go to hell” lmao.

crazyCoconuts631d ago

Well, I mean, joking aside, the people working for that company must be going through some traumatic moments as they're home country is being ripped apart... Sympathy for their plight might be the reason ppl aren't happy with your comment

sourOG631d ago

Fair enough. Sympathy isn’t my strong suit. It doesn’t make what I said and less true. Ask and they shall receive.

MIDGETonSTILTS17631d ago

Resources to Ukraine have been given on loan, not as a gift, as I understand it.

So the US isn’t so much helping Ukraine as giving them a credit card to them to rack up a huge debt with. Even if they need that credit, it’s hardly a gift.

sourOG631d ago

Lmao not at all like that. Do you really think Ukraine is going to pay back 60-70 billion dollars (so far) with interest? Be honest.

MIDGETonSTILTS17631d ago

Yes, that is literally the nature of the leverage. It’s been done before, it’ll be done again.

sourOG630d ago

You don’t have any leverage when you borrow and print money to give them. We don’t even pay our own debts back, Ukraine is not on the hook. Just like any other numerous countries that receive foreign and military aid.

stanr631d ago

You have a choice. You can choose to live in America or GTFO of my country and go live with Daddy Putin or Uncle Xi!

sourOG631d ago (Edited 631d ago )

Why do you think I have a problem living in America? 😂 so strange… I brought out some weird ass comments with my post. Guarantee I’m more anti-commie than you are

“If you don’t want to dump a trillion into Ukraine then get the hell out of MY country, buddy!” - some redneck

lonewolf10630d ago

Don't worry America makes most of the war toys so you get it back anyway one way or another.

sourOG630d ago (Edited 630d ago )

Like Afghanistan? Lmao. I don’t get shit lol. I get debt to make Raytheon and Lockheed rich.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 628d ago
RickRoland631d ago

This is unfortunate. The odds of this making it for 2023 are slim now.

CaptainHenry916631d ago (Edited 631d ago )

This affects Xbox more than anything. With Starfield and Redfall already delayed, Microsoft doesn't have any AAA exclusive coming out this year that I'm interested in.

RickRoland631d ago

While true, it affects everyone that was looking forward to it beyond Xbox. Stalker 2 was one of my most anticipated 2023 games, and I'm sure it was for many people. It's a big blow.

ClayRules2012631d ago

That’s a bummer. I’m sorry to hear that man!

thesoftware730631d ago

Huh? This game was already slated for 2023, what are you on about? Stop trying so hard.

Oh, another broken record comment by you...we know already, for months now in fact. Anyone that wants to buy an Xbox this year will buy one. I think it's safe for you to stop now.

Jericho1337630d ago (Edited 630d ago )

Not sure they’re suggesting that at all. The game was supposed to have released in April this year remember - they stated it’s standard practice to refund preorders for a game which has been delayed without a new release date.

There were 3 months between production halting and resuming. Obviously it will have slowed as a result of such tragic events, but I wouldn’t be shocked to see it pop up mid 2023.

nb. The article is using an image from the game’s former title. Out of respect they should’ve sourced an image with the updated ‘Chornobyl’ title.

RickRoland630d ago

It went from April to end of year to end of year 2023. We all know what December release dates mean for gaming. It’s a placeholder to say we’re not giving up on 2023 but don’t bet on it.

Jericho1337630d ago

That’s not how placeholders work. It’s standard practice for them to be the end of the year, and the spokesperson suggests it will be released on or before that date.

I could be completely wrong, but I think people are reading way too much into this. Let’s see though.

Elda631d ago

Looks like this won't be released anytime soon.

ClayRules2012631d ago

That’s a real bummer for fans, I know. Sorry guys!

XxINFERNUSxX630d ago (Edited 630d ago )

The war is still going on in Ukraine. I'm in no rush for the game and no one should be as well with what's going on there.