
Switch Listing For Classic Square RPG SaGa Frontier 2 Surfaces Online

Here's Play-Asia's description:

"Saga Frontier 2 introduces a complete renovation of the RPG genre. Traditional computer polygonal fixtures are replaced with lush, hand-drawn watercolor graphics supported by an awe-inspiring musical score. Blending both freedom and linearity, this title utilizes the Multi-Scenario System giving players unparalleled freedom in choosing which scenario they want to play while other scenarios crisscross with one another. Complementing this feature are three innovative battle modes: Duel, Team, and Strategic. Depending upon the model selected, the player can control an individual character, a team, or several units to fight in battles, bringing depth and precision to the combat sequences."

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CrimsonWing69689d ago

This is so fantastic! I really freaking hope Square releases their entire PS1 library with trophies/achievements. This was the generation where Squaresoft was the equivalent of Naughty Dog.

689d ago Replies(3)